Part XI of the Swordflight Walkthrough. Continuing from Part X: Goblinoid Army: Forest of Mir. Swordflight (2008-2022) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
The Siege of Fort Akhaz is one of two quests constituting the Humanoid Armies mega-quest [cf. Goblins of the Forest of Mir].
This quest is one of the best mid-level quests I've ever played through in a cRPG; to my mind, its combination of questing, exploration and combat encounters are perfectly balanced.
Another rough map may best convey the size and scope of the Marching Mountains as represented in Chapter II of Swordflight:
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Right-click → open in new tab to enlarge |
Basically, a full frontal assault on the Fort Akhaz would be suicide, so first, we have to circle around the tiered terrain surrounding the besieged Fort, either in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction; the choice is ours. During that time, we are weakening the invading orc force by slaying its heroes and sabotaging its supplies and siege equipment (the latter is optional but the slaying of five key figures is critical to progression). We then must acquire a critical key in one of two caves and use it to enter either the orc or ogre cave. In these multi-leveled subterranean zones (which lead into one another and also high into the mountains above), we must slay more heroes and key figures, culminating in the ogre mage, Orkaz, whose defensive position is secured behind a puzzle which we must solve.
Once the five key figures have been slain, the orc forces will have been sufficiently weakened, and in disarray. Thus, we use that opportunity to storm the Fort itself and take out Chieftain Shabgarz. In the Chieftain's tent, we uncover a map that reveals the location of the Spider Swamp, wherein the Aranea leaders are based. The quest is complete at this point.
Once the five key figures have been slain, the orc forces will have been sufficiently weakened, and in disarray. Thus, we use that opportunity to storm the Fort itself and take out Chieftain Shabgarz. In the Chieftain's tent, we uncover a map that reveals the location of the Spider Swamp, wherein the Aranea leaders are based. The quest is complete at this point.
As in the Forest of Mir, the terrain of the Marching Mountains is undulating but also tiered to give a good sense of height/elevation. I'm on the record as being big fan of such area design [cf. DoD, Harp]. There are cliffs and sandbars to nagivate as well as treacherous bridges arching over gorges carved out by a river that runs through most of the region. It's nothing we haven't seen before but the design of the region is perfectly logical. At least, I can't think of a better implementation of this stock tileset.
Atop a bridge, overlooking the river system:
Below on a sandbar-facilitated pathway, outside a key cave:
A large, tiered zone north of the Fort:
Fort Akhaz itself:
Close-up [cf. Goblin Fortress]:
I think this is the point at which Swordflight begins to feel epic without actually being epic. This is mid-level adventuring but it's the dialogue, area design and combat encounter design that come together to generate interest, excitement and immersion. Well-selected battle tracks that play in the background heighten this, too.
Combat encounters can be very difficult not only against the heroes but also against the ogre mages, berserkers and other custom toughies that are positioned in key spots. The battles are similar to the goblinoid ones in design: orcs and ogres of all kinds, along with a selection of custom aranea, elementals and undead. The ogre mages and Blazing Axe orc-heroes are formidable opponents; the latter, just like the goblinoid Chieftains in the Forest of Mir, drop custom, valuable and sought-after gear. And what they drop is reflective of their customization, too. For example, the ogre hunter and archer (very cool), both of whom are confronted high in the mountains, drop what they should drop as hunters and archers.
Everyone knows clerics kick ass in 3.x Well, Snajagh is no different. Here, here immobilizes two hard-hitting ogres with Hammer of the Gods:
And straight after that, he unleashes the devastating Harm:
As a result, we made short work of that mob. I noticed at this point that whoever is under the effects of Improved Invisibility will not attack. This general NWN bug annoys me so damn much, and I can't remember how to get around it.
Taking out Orkaz the ogre mage with penetrating evocations. [cf. Project Q Orkaz]
Orkaz was the last of "the five" slain. We then slay Chieftain Shabgarz in the Fort, enter his tent, and find a map to the Spider Swamp (our next port of call in regard to the Aranea):
Quest done:
Companion-assisted skill checks.
Here, either Snajagh or Kelem can help us close an elemental portal that is summoning deadly water elementals:
Here, Snajagh the gnoll (no doubt a naturally gifted tracker) helps us access a zone west of the Fort:
Companion interjections:
First, an interjection during the conversation with the Messenger:
Then, in regard to an orc child we encounter in a cave:
If we have Chelys and Barazh in the party [cf. Chelys & Zagash]:
These are well-written interjections and banters. They are clear, concise and yet still flavorsome enough. I dislike long-winded companions dialogues, so this suits me to a tee.
Humanoid Armies quests completed:
We return to the Noble & Wealthy Estates to report our success to Hamad:
Next up: Cult of the Dragon!
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