Part V of the Swordflight Walkthrough. Continuing from Part IV: Buried Ruins 2. Swordflight (2008-2022) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Buried Ruins 3 Swordflight
To no surprise, the third level of the Buried Ruins challenges us with 100% undead-based combat encounters; the difference being that, down here, their numbers have increased and the packs are more varied. For example, we may encounter skeletal, cadaverous and spectral undead in one pack.
I found the Wand of Lightning to be indispensable against mobs; in this case, tyrantfog zombies:
Note that Expertise / Improved Expertise remains active when casting conventionally, from scrolls, and from wands as well as when quaffing potions and using Healer's Kits.
Key points:
The AC +10 granted by the Improved Expertise feat notably increases our tanking ability. Coupled with the AC bonuses granted by Mage Armor, and the 5/+1 damage reduction and 10% concealment granted by Ghostly Visage, we feel a bit safer.
Unlike the act of quaffing potions, Attacks of Opportunity are not provoked when using Healer's Kits.
There is a trapdoor that leads down to Buried Ruins IV and then through a couple secret rooms (in one of which an "old and battered helmed horror" resides). However, a ladder takes us back up so it's just a momentary delve to the 4th level.
There are two points of particular interest to us: the door leading down to Buried Ruins IV, and the stone staircase leading up to the desert surface. In addition, there is a zombie merchant with whom we can deal wares (we definitely sell off "junk" and restock at this point).
Key point:
Swordflight merchants only have so much gold with which to purchase our wares. Thus, we should sell off unneeded items to both Roigo and the Zombie (the only two merchants available to us, post-inn). Reminder: Don't neglect to stock up on key consumables when dealing with the merchants.
The door leading downward to Buried Ruins IV is impregnable at this point.
Therefore, we can do naught but exit the ruin and seek out Kadath for advice.
Problem is, we find ourselves on the other side of the desert and there is a towering rockface standing between us and Kadath's Camp.
The caves leading through that obstacle are teeming with Asabi, a few of which we dispatched on our approach to the cave entrance.
Wassup, Asabi?
Invisibility status is convenient because it helps us get into a better position before firing the wand.
Inside the Asabi Caves. Combat encounters vs. Asabi are generally easier than those against undead. It is quite a relief to go up against them, actually.
The interesting dialogues and ("good") alignment shifts in the Asabi caves have already been covered by me in Part III of my general Swordflight write-ups [recap, recap].
Approaching the lair of the Asabi Chieftain. Listening at the door we overhear an interesting conversation:
Under cover of stealth, our diminutive illusionist sneaks inside the lair to see what she's up against. The chieftain sits upon his throne flanked by his guards. The robed individual is the Aranea ambassador, Quirixea. She and her kind are amassing an army that won't be dealt with until Chapter Two of Swordflight.
The gnome tanks the Asabi chieftain along with his minions:
Then, she lines up the chieftain and Quirixea (now in spider-form) for electrocution:
Once they're all dead and the lair has been looted, she sits on the chieftain's throne. This provokes a chuckle from Zarala:
Key to the exit gate in hand, we now have the means to escape the Asabi caves. We arrive on the other side of the rockface and make our way back to Kadath's camp.
Note the clarity and concision in the journal writing. Just thought I'd give an example.
Now, there is one very key point to keep in mind as we head into Buried Ruins IV to face off against formidable foes such as mummies: we can respawn after being slain.
Respawning is built into Swordflight. It is integrated into the plot, and is part of its mechanics. When we respawn, we are transported to the Elemental Plane of Air wherein we may rest to heal, rest to replenish spellslots, and buff up before being sent back into the fray (we also receive a "free" AC, ST and HP bonus). Take advantage of all this! At our current level (4th), there is a 100 point experience penalty for respawning (+25 XP per char-level), but that should not dissuade us from respawning every now and again. Also, we will never drop a level as a result of respawning XP penalties.
I make this point because, for a long time, I resisted respawning: Power Word: Reload can be a tough habit to break for Infinity Engine veterans. :P
Take me to Part VI: Buried Ruins 4.
There's a great item on the zombie merchant that, by itself, was pretty much enough to carry me through the Asabi cave: A scroll of Flame Weapon with a CL of 17. I was playing a cleric, so the extra fire damage really turned my guy into a melee monster. Should be useful for anyone, though, since you're not gonna beat the remainder of Chapter 1 without a lot of melee damage.