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Mazar's Golems, Fighter class-specific quest, Part XIV

Part XIV of the Swordflight Walkthrough. Continuing from Part XIII: Spider Swamp. Swordflight (2008-2022) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).

I'm taking a break from my Rogue / Illusionist playthrough to cover the class-specific quest for Fighters offered in Chapter II of Swordflight. Here I am and here are my items:

Yep, it's just basic gear found in Chapter I or bought in the market at the beginning of Chapter II. Nothing special, but I'm certainly not weak. (The Dwarven Defender build is being charted in Part I; it's beneath the Gnome Illusionist build.)

This quest, which I'm undertaking at just 6th level, is kicked off by speaking to Mazar the Magnificent, who is found standing outside his wizard tower in the Scholar's District of Calimport.

Upon entry to his tower, two golems close in on us immediately. 

Yes, golems sport many immunities. And these ones sport True Sight and Dispel Magic in addition. Raw, physical-based damage dealing is what's in order, which is why Mazar chose our Fighter for the job. I know what you're thinking - "What does he say to fellow Wizards?" Answer:

Such is Swordflight's reactivity.

As can be seen, the golems will attempt to dispel our buffs as well. They usually succeed in that, but not always:

Here, on the ground floor, I down one golem and then manage to land Cleave on the other:

The upper floor being off-limits, we decend to the lower one: 

Down in the basement, there are five golems lumbering about. 

However, I found one pair on one side of the room and another three on the other side. With careful positioning, one does not have to take on more than two at a time (though the golems do roam about).

Another nice Cleave; it's a great feat to take at the low levels:

At any rate, it's possible to tank all five at once. We can draw out their dispels, then buff, and then  wreck house.

Also, since usage of Healer's Kits does not provoke an attack of opportunity, we can heal ourselves mid-battle without too much trouble. There was no need for that, though: we tanked the five with an AC of 33. This meant the golems could only hit us on a crit or 5% of the time.

Unbuffed and buffed:

That's right: the golems knocked off about 20% of our HPs.

Post-battle, it's amusing that we find nothing of particular value to us in the basement. Looking for something, anything, that would make destroying several golems worthwhile:

Hilarious! That's what we get for being a dumb Fighter. 

Also, stealing any of the knick-knacks shifts our alignment towards Chaotic and Evil. A big no-no for a build that intends to go Dwarven Defender.

We return to Mazar for our reward. However:

"Wait, what? You are purportedly a "magnificent" Calishite Wizard dwelling in your own tower in an opulent district of Calimport, and yet you can't cough up a single magical item for me? Not even, say, a crummy Sash of Shimmering or something?"

Anyway, we head on over to Korad's fencing school in order to receive our promised training. 

Korad, a weapons master, readies himself to assess our skills in a duel:

Yes, he's sure.

En garde! 

He puts us flat on our ass:

However, we learned a lot about how to stick the pointy end of our sword into the squishy parts of an enemy:

So concludes the class-specific quest for Fighters.

Well, this quest was quite a bit easier - and shorter - than Zataroth and Rajar equivalents. And we yielded no cool items such as pic, pic and pic. But then, there are other ways in which Fighter-types may acquire arms & armor upgrades, and I may cover those in another post.

Take me to Part XV: Mithral & Adamantine.

Neverwinter Nights Swordflight Chapter 3 Buried Ruins 2 Thieves' Guild Mazar's Golems
Swordflight Swordflight Alignment Buried Ruins 3 Goblinoid Army Precious Metals
Rogueknight Interview Swordflight Walkthrough Buried Ruins 4 Orc Army Hammer & Anvil
Swordflight Chapter 1 Shifting Sands Inn Calimport Dragon Cult Bloody Blades
Swordflight Chapter 2 Buried Ruins 1 Zataroth Aranea Base Zagash the Terrible


  1. This quest really should have been a bit longer and more rewarding, to compare properly to the other class-specific quests. I got a little lazy here, in part, as you suggest, because I thought Fighters did not really need as much help as some other classes at this stage of the game, and partly because, given my own power-building instincts, I was thinking that most players who knew what they were doing would not be playing single-classed Fighters anyway. The latter is probably pretty questionable as far as more normal players are concerned.

    1. I think Smithy Materials, Amateur Smithing and build-based itemization makes up for the item side of things, so I'll try to cover them in the future.

      Speaking of which, in regard to Scimitars, I have found Dragon Slasher and Desert Wind +1/+2/+3, as well as the Shimmering Blade twice, along with generic +1/+2s, but I have not yet found Laughing Blade and Savage Scimitar both of which I found in my first playthrough back in 2015.

      I realize tailored Weapon Focus drops are static (non-random, not level-scaled), but where may those two scimitars be found?

    2. The Laughing Blade is carried by the Bard on the 2nd floor of the inn in the Village of Tebnas. Normally one would only kill him and loot it when playing an evil character, so that is presumably why you did not come across it on this playthrough.

      The Savage Scimitar is carried by the Lizardfolk High Shaman on the lower level of the Aranea base, so you should have found it. Apparently you either did not loot the corpses there thoroughly enough or it failed to drop for some reason (EE bug?) in this case.

    3. Thanks for the info. Yeah, I incur a six-point alignment shift towards Evil for slaying the Bard.

      I went back to DE after completing the Goblin Fortress. I found that EE savegames cannot be transferred to DE, so I just fast-tracked back to where I was (characters can be transferred from EE to DE).

      This Dwarven Defender playthrough I'm conducting in parallel with the Gnome Illusionist, so I haven't yet reached the Spider Swamp.

    4. Rogueknight: Are the Lawgiver and Soulstealer scimitars itemized in Chapter II? If so, where?

      Also, I found two (or even three instances) of Shimmering Blade. I know one was found in Zagash's Lair, but where would I have found the other one (or two)?

      Sorry to trouble you with such specific queries. I'm just trying to work things out for a write-up on weapon itemization.

    5. The Lawgiver scimitar is for sale in the Temple of Tyr, and the Soulstealer Scimitar is for sale in the Temple of Shar.

      In addition to the one in Zagash's Lair, one can purchase a Shimmering Blade from the merchant in Rajar's Thieves' Guild. I cannot recall any place other than those where one might be found, but it is possible I have forgotten some third place where one was stashed.

    6. Thank you. That's most helpful as I probably would not have looked for scimitars in temples. Generic +1s and +2s aside, that means there are no fewer than nine magical scimitars itemized. And I suppose most, if not all weapon-types have their own magical pools. "A" for effort, Rogueknight.

  2. Scimitars are the most popular type of weapon in Calimshan, so there are a lot of magical examples in Ch. 2 because it fit the setting.


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