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Buried Ruins 2, Swordflight (Part IV)

Part IV of the Swordflight Walkthrough. Continuing from Part III: Buried Ruins 1. Swordflight (2008-2022) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).

Buried Ruins 2 Swordflight

Just a reminder that we are stuck in the ruins for the time being; access to the west wing of Buried Ruins I is sealed off. That means no access to Kadath's camp for resting/supplies. Therefore, we are forced to push on and delve deeper into the ruins, hoping to find loot that can carry us through, hoping to find opportunities to rest along the way, and, above all, hoping to find another way out. If we die and respawn in the elemental plane of air, we can rest. This penalizes our XP, though.

Note: Buried Ruins II traps max out at DC 30; locks at DC 29.

Descending to Buried Ruins Level 2, the party consists of Rogue (1) / Illusionist (2), Bard (2) and Panther Familar (3). 

Left shows our Panther's unbuffed, base stats; right its buffed stats:

The +2d6 divine dmg buff from Bless Weapon does not show for Familiars, but it is active and does work.

AC of 23 is pretty decent. The Panther gets hit by the average skeleton attack about 10% of the time. The problem is its pathetic Constitution score and consequent shallow HP pool; it can't soak more than a few blows. It's best to stand behind it with Healer's Kits. Good timing is sometimes required.

Along with a deeper HP pool, the PC is able to reach AC 27 with Improved Expertise. This means the initial skellies and Curst Bard only hit on a crit (5% chance).

IE's AB penalty is offset by True Strike. Again, unbuffed and buffed:

Actually, I forgot about Barkskin potions. So add AC +3. Roigo doesn't offer them in Kadath's camp, but Salud does in the Shifting Sands. Note to self: Next time, buy up on Barkskin potions before going on the caravan.

Curst Bard sings for his undead minions:

Hit me! Hit me! See if you can hit me!

Taking on mobs as per the above is not recommended; it's just an experiment. While they can only hit on crits their numbers make up for that (collective attacks). Also, I notice here that reactivating ExpertiseImproved Expertise cancels True Strike's AB bonus.

Why am I playing around in melee as a Wizard? Because I've barely got any spellslots: 2x Mage Armor, 1x Magic Weapon and 1x True Strike.

I do have wands and scrolls, though, and I hope to find more in this dungeon.

A Wand of Lightning is offered by Roigo in Kadath's Camp. As can be seen, its 5th level, DC 16 bolt is potentially quite damaging:

The wand only has 10 charges, though. There is another found in the golem puzzle room with 8 charges. Thus, this wand becomes our ace-card here, in Buried Ruins III, and probably into the Asabi caves as well.

Buried Ruins II introduces a powerful custom consumable item, too: Undead Wards.

It is best to find one before attempting to destroy the first of three necromantic orbs on this level, as it will protect us from the orbs' damaging negative-energy discharge.

The reward chests from each of these encounters hold an Undead Ward as well.

Once the three necromantic orbs have been vanquished, there is a rather nice selection of magical, undead-bane weapons offered by the Spectral Apparition:

Just like in Snow Hunt, though, we may only choose one of the above. In the past, I have spent lots of time trying to decide which weapon is "the best" for the build, but the choice was made easier for my Gnome Illusionist, as she was only able to wield two of them: either the club or the handaxe.

There is also some good timing here in that we break into second circle spell slots just as we're granted "a free rest" by the apparition, and are about to face off against higher-tier undead.

I chose Flame Weapon and Ghostly Visage because they improve dmg + tanking ability.

Under concealment, sneak-attacking level-draining spectral guardians assail us in a heavily trapped corridor (DC 29):

They sport Evasion as well. So? Well, it means they're dodging Lightning Bolt... sigh.

Stats shown on character sheet and weapon description, along with dmg feedback against the spectral guardians:

So-buffed, we can destroy them in one hit. It's not easy to actually hit them, though, because of their concealment.

Duel with Wraith Spider (counts as undead):

Duel with dual-wielding Curst Rogue:

Starting to feel a little stronger now...

Take me to Part V: Buried Ruins 3.

Neverwinter Nights Swordflight Chapter 3 Buried Ruins 2 Thieves' Guild Mazar's Golems
Swordflight Swordflight Alignment Buried Ruins 3 Goblinoid Army Precious Metals
Rogueknight Interview Swordflight Walkthrough Buried Ruins 4 Orc Army Hammer & Anvil
Swordflight Chapter 1 Shifting Sands Inn Calimport Dragon Cult Bloody Blades
Swordflight Chapter 2 Buried Ruins 1 Zataroth Aranea Base Zagash the Terrible

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