Developed by Grognards From Hell, Temple+ v1.0.64 is a mod for Troika's cult classic cRPG based on D&D 3rd Edition, Temple of Elemental Evil (2003).
Readers who have not heard of ToEE are kindly referred to my ToEE Review.
Ever wanted to adventure as a party of giants? Well, thanks to the latest version of Temple+, now you can!
And yes, the ground shakes as this monstrous party lumbers about. You will need to check "Tolerant Townsfolk" when in towns such as Hommlet and Nulb.
• Hill Giant ToEE: Reckless brutes of incredible strength but little wit, hill giant characters are never truly accepted into society. Yet they do well on its edges and frontiers, forging a strong and profitable existence. Despite their rugged appearance and great size, their basically humanoid shape makes it easy for them to relate with more civilized folk.
◦ Stat bonuses/penalties: +14 Str (32 at 1st level), -2 Dex, +8 Con (22 at first level), -4 Int, -4 Cha, +9 natural armor, Level Adjustment +4.
◦ First Level Feats: Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Simple & Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, Cleave. Should also get Improved Bull Rush and Improved Sunder.
◦ Available Classes: Favored is Barbarian. Can be any class.
• Troll: Trolls have no fear of death. They launch themselves into combat without hesitation, flailing wildly at the closest opponent. Even when confronted with fire, they try to get around the flames and attack.
◦ Stat bonuses/penalties: +12 Str, +4 Dex, +12 Con, -4 Int, -2 Wis, -4 Cha, +5 Natural Armor, Regen 5, Level Adjustment +5.
◦ First Level Feats: Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shield Proficiency, Simple & Martial Weapon Proficiency, Alertness, Iron Will, Track.
◦ Available Classes: Favored is Fighter. Can be any class.
◦ I wonder if these things could be killed by the AI: they take non-lethal damage to all forms of damage except for fire and acid, and must be finished off by fire, acid or coup de grâce. Thus, the name "troll" is doubly apt.
Yep, ridiculously OP. Pathing can also become an issue due to the hitbox size of the giants. Use common sense. But it just goes to show how far Grognards From Hell have been able to push Troika's engine.
Temple+ v1.0.64 has also added Aasimar, Drow and Duergar as playable races along with 9 new classes, 32 new feats and a ridiculous amount of new features and bugfixes.
Temple+ DM Mode
There is also a DM mode; once activated, it displays a draggable and resizeable window, crowned by a wand-waving DarkUnderlord, that allows you to spawn hostile monsters, fudge rolls, teleport to any area, and otherwise toy around and experiment.
I discovered a bug 5 mins in: Chaotic Evil party makes their way to Rannos and attempts to fast travel to the Moathouse, but instead ends up in Emridy Meadows (or whatever that map is with the Hill Giant). Easy work around: instead of fast-travelling by means of dialogue, simply exit the store and fast travel via World Map.
But to finish on a positive note: the engine itself is rock solid. Loadtimes have been reduced, framerates have been increased (GPU-intensive soft shadows seemed fine on my craptop), pathing routine has been optimized, notorious node lag has been eliminated, viewpoint scrolling is very smooth and UI unresponsiveness has been addressed. Congrats to Sitra Achara and Pugmeister for continuing to give ToEE the attention it deserves.
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