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Best Infinity Engine Axes

Best Infinity Engine Axes

The hand axe or throwing axe is also known as a hatchet. The axe blade has a sharp steel tip, counterbalanced by a pointed fluke. The short handle has a point of the bottom and the head may have a spike on the top.

The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end.  Battle axes are also called broad axes. Magical battle axes are normally crafted by dwarves to help defend their warriors against their harsher neighbors.

The greataxe is a mighty weapon consisting of a haft several feet long, topped with a heavy blade. The weapon may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft, or it may only have a single blade.  It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it.

Me axe be bloody ready! -- Korgan BG2.

Axes are for Dwarves, TNO and Vhailor. Elves wielding axes? Please, that's just wrong. :P

As an Infinity Engine weapon grouping, Axes don't offer as much as long swords (to be covered next), but heavy investment in the former is certainly viable, and you won't be disappointed in the selection of battle axes, hand axes/throwing axes and two-handed axes/greataxes.

Barred from wielding missile weapons, it is worth pointing out that Cavalier BG2 may nonetheless erroneously wield throwing axes (confirmed). Confirmed in-game by me as well, Cavaliers may also erroneously wield throwing knives but not darts whereas Kensai BG2 may erroneously wield throwing axes, knives, darts and hammers (for ranged crushing damage) providing they are Dwarven and find the Dwarven Thrower.

Charged Battle Axe (U1HAX2A, axe, IWD): THAC0 +2, 1d8 +2 slashing, on-hit 50% 1d3 electrical, on-hit 15% Stun.

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen emanating from the runes.

◦ Easily fishable random drop. Can also be fished from two random item pools (earliest is Temple of the Forgotten God). Two-Handed Sword +1: Hammering is better (20% Stun), but it's not an axe, and you can't equip a shield on the off-hand.

Battleaxe +2 Defender (U1HAX3B, axe, IWD): THAC0 +2, 1d8 +2 slashing, AC +2, +10% missile damage resistance.
Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen emanating from the runes.

◦ Lazily, it has the same description as CBA. Defender is a guaranteed early find in the second dungeon of Dragon's Eye. Its AC +2 is very solid at that point.

Bala's Axe: Wizard Slayer (AX1H07, BG: TotSC): THAC0 +0, 1d8 slashing, on-hit 80% Miscast Magic save vs. spell -2, Dispel Magic 1/day.
Bala was a foul-tempered prince of a gully dwarf clan, which was enslaved by a cruel elven mage in Thesk. Though Bala managed to escape the more cowardly traits of his race he was even more filthy and obnoxious than the average gully dwarf. Sickened of his enslavement, Bala crept into the mage's lair and cracked the elf's skull open. Although rumor has it that it was the dwarf's stench that overcame the mage, it was, in fact, his enchanted axe that dispelled the elf's magical defenses. It is obvious from the poor workmanship that Bala himself crafted the axe. The mystery lies in where its power originates. After a lengthy career of mage-slaying, Bala died, never having revealed his secret to those who were willing to risk a lice infestation by approaching him. Some say that the axe was powered by Bala's intense hatred of wizards. The axe gives the owner the ability to dispel magic once a day.

◦ Rated highly due to its interesting and unique on-hit effect, and the amusing description. You will need to delve to the third labyrinth of Durlag's Tower in order to get it, though.

Rifthome (AX1H09, axe, throwing axe, BG2: SoA): THAC0 +3, 1d6 +3 slashing (melee) or missile/piercing (thrown, returns to thrower), adds Strength modifier to damage.
This Axe of Hurling is one of the most heavily enchanted weapons of its type. Its markings are vaguely dwarven, but no dwarf yet encountered on Faerun has claimed a kinship with the maker. This causes some to speculate that it may not be the product of a terrestrial dwarven hand, rather some extra-planar variant. Dwarves laugh this off, of course, claiming the maker likely has no time for nosey scholars.

◦ You will have to join Bodhi in the Guild War of Chapter 3 in order to get this beast.

Battle Axe +3: Fatigue (U1HAX4A, axe, IWD): THAC0 +3, 1d8 +3 slashing, on-hit 20% Slow.

◦ Random drop in Krilag's cave of Dorn's Deep. On-hit Slow reminiscent of the Flail of Ages.


Battle Axe of Mauletar (AX1H03, axe, BG): THAC0 +2, 1d8 +2 slashing.
During the Tethyr civil war, the Battleaxe of Mauletar was in the possession of the house of Ossyind. This noble family was betrayed while trying to flee the country, and Mauletar, lead guard and personal friend, took up the axe and sacrificed himself to buy enough time for his companions to flee. His battle cry was favored by the gods, and was echoed across the lands as a symbol of devoted friendship and loyalty. Thus, the magical axe was used to uphold these virtues, to be used against those who lacked honor and courage.

◦ A late-game procurement (BG City, Gretek) that doesn't even sport on-hit elemental damage like Ashideena and Varscona? Disgusting! I mean, at least give it a few points of on-hit bleeding and a movement reduction or something!

Throwing Axe +2 (AX1H05, throwing axe, BG): THAC0 +2, 1d6 +3 missile/piercing (thrown, returns to thrower), adds Strength modifier to damage.
This throwing axe has not only been finely balanced for use as a missile weapon but has also been the subject of significant magical enhancement. As a result, it is both more damaging and more accurate than any non-magical weapon of a similar style.

◦ Again, late-game acquisition (caverns of Candlekeep). Again, 1 point of elemental or something goes a long way...

Black Isle's PS:T, IWD and IWD2: As you can see in the list below, the IWD series and PS:T itemize a lot of axes. It's a great grouping to get Grandmastery/Focus in. But the following either come too late or are just not impressive enough to make the cut.

Axe of Caged Souls (ZZU6CS, axe, IWD): THAC0 +3 (+5 vs. Cadaverous Undead), 1d8 +3 slashing (+5 vs. Cadaverous Undead).
Like many prominent dwarven weapons, this axe was enchanted by the prayers and devotion of dwarven priests. The Axe of Caged Souls was created as a defense against the resuscitated corpses of their foes and allies that dark elven sorcerers and priestesses would continually drive at dwarven defenses. It was used in combat by Jamoth Stonetree at the Battle of the Dead, where a group of twenty veteran dwarven warriors held off ten drow mages and their army of zombies, ghouls, and wights.

Nonetheless, this will likely be wielded by someone in the party upon its procurement.

The Celebrant's Blade (CELEBRA, axe, IWD): THAC0 +4, 1d8 +4 slashing. Hall of Heroes, Dorn's Deep.
This beautiful axe was carefully made by Briath Silverhand, a master craftsman and devoted worshipper of Moradin. Briath created the weapon to celebrate the completion of a glorious monument to his god, the father of the dwarven race. He placed it in the monument should a hero need it to liberate Dorn's Deep at some future date.

Gets points for style. Not every axe has to be forged for killin', though this does the job.

Joril's Axe (J2HAXE, two-handed axe, IWD): 1d12 +3 slashing, Con +1. Frost Giant cave, Wyrm's Tooth.
This mighty weapon consists of a five to six-foot haft with a heavy blade. The axe is double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Joril Frostbeard, the frost giant leader, wielded this axe. The weapon has been enchanted with several beneficial magics.

1d12 is nice but you're forgoing a shield. Not that you can't make it work.

Lonesome Road (AX1H05, two-handed axe, IWD): 1d10 +3 slashing, Con +1.
This was the weapon of a cursed soul, doomed to wander the length and breadth of Faerun for his crimes against the elves of Myth Drannor. Denell Harband was a human involved with the creation of the "Halfaxe Trail." Under the orders of his commander, Halvan the Dark, he forged ahead through elven forests despite protests and repeated attacks. When he was finally captured by the elves, he stated emphatically that he was free of guilt because he was just following his orders. The elven council deemed that Denell be placed under a High Geas to carry his axe from the Sword Coast of Faerun to its borders in the east, and from the Great Glacier to Lurien. It took Denell thirty years to complete his task. When he finished, he was an accomplished warrior, weathered and beaten by years on foreign roads. On his way back to his home, he passed by Harrowdale and saw a wooden statue of Halvan the Dark raised proudly in a small town square. With a single-handed blow, he lodged his huge axe into Halvan's forehead. Never breaking stride, he returned to his hut where he lived out the rest of his days as a reclusive farmer.

Prohibitively expensive (Conlan), no notable perk, and sacrifices the shield slot. Love the name, though. :)

Axe of the Minotaur Lord (AXEMINO, IWD: ToLM): THAC0 +4, 1d12 +4 slashing, on-hit 25% 1d4 round Stun. Fourth dungeon of ToLM (Minotaur Lair).
This fine weapon once belonged to the Minotaur Lord in the Luremaster's catacombs. The axe sports a double blade mounted on a solid oak shaft. It is finely balanced and may be used one-handed. The axe is enchanted, giving the user a +4 to both hit and damage. A successful hit also has a 25% chance of stunning an opponent for 1D4 rounds.

This is a late-game upgrade due to its on-hit Stun.

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