Bastard of Kosigan Walkthrough
Bastard of Kosigan: Exile of the West is a NWN module for BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Authored by Fabien Cerutti, The Bastard of Kosigan is a mythic Medieval module series consisting of a Prequel and five Episodes, with four Episodes having been translated from French into English by Ginni Swanton. [1]
After the death of his father, Gregor of Kosigan, his bastard son (your character) was forced into exile by his uncle, Count Borogar of Kosigan. Since the bastard is a very resourceful man, he became a seasoned mercenary adventurer, traveling from region to region... His nickname is "The Bastard of Kosigan"... This adventure is set in the beautiful city of Cologne (Köln) in Germany.
The player assumes the role of the series' title: a young man who, upon the death of his father, has chosen exile from the County of Kosigan because his uncle Borogar (the Count) is hostile towards him. The bastard is now a sword-for-hire in the German principalities of the 14th century, seeking fame, fortune, women and wine... Will he emerge triumphant or will he have his ass handed to him and meet an odious end? Read on to find out!
EotW's quests are intricately interwoven and the dialogue is rich, full of swagger and powers along like a page-turning novel.
So, without further ado, let's get on with this!
Bastard of Kosigan Character Creation
See Best Neverwinter Nights Builds, but Male gender is a must. Human race and Fighter or Rogue (or mix) are strongly advised. Paladin stiffs & dumb Barbarians are not recommended by the author (sensible multi-class "dips" are fine). BoK's conversational style consists of much worldliness and swagger; that's why traditional Pallys and Barbs just don't feel right in dialogue.
If you don't already have an appropriate level 8-10 warrior ready to roll then I recommend you begin this adventure as a 10th level Fighter build that is leveled-up and equipped beforehand in Pretty Good Character Creator & Customizer using the Quick Set Level & Gold option. Spend the 49,000 GP assigned to you on standard gear befitting your level at the Equipment Merchant (Basic, Warrior & Temple stores) and avoid going crazy on anything fancy. This is the loadout for my tenth level Fighter:
Bastard Sword (Exotic), Full Plate, Tower Shield, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Resistance +1, Belt of Hill Giant Strength (Str +3), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Str +2), Bag of Holding, Healer's Kit +1 (x30).
Combat is quite a challenge in the early stages, and you cannot rest in dungeons, which is why I loaded up on Healer's Kits and invested solidly in the Heal skill.
Here is my tenth level "sword n board" Fighter, Carradine (of Kosigan), who I intend to transition to Weapon Master at my next level-up opportunity. Carradine wields a Bastard Sword, naturally! Besides that I've always regarded them as a bad-ass medieval weapon - whether they actually were, or not..!
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Character Sheet |
Not all of my skill points have been assigned at this point, just Heal, Discipline and four ranks in Intimidate for Weapon Master. I'm thinking of focusing on Persuade but that depends on how useful it seems to be, as I progress. Update: Persuade is very useful once you reach Cologne.
By the way, there are two custom Prestige Classes offered: Knight Errant and Mercenary Spy. They didn't really appeal to me, though.
Ok, that's enough waffling; maybe we should start the adventure?
Episode One: Exile of the West
The adventure begins in a flowery grove where you will be bumped up to eighth level if you're not already 8-10. There is nothing to do here so head east along the road to the map's transition point.
The Bastard of Kosigan is en route to Cologne.
Wolfswald: The Forest of the Wolves
Upon entry to the Wolfswald you find yourself flanked by a pack of ravenous wolves. Dispatch them and charge up the road to assist three men who are fighting off a second pack. Prince Frederick of Cologne will thank you for the assistance and reward you with 100 GP and Frederick's Seal, a ring that grants +1 Deflection AC.
The Prince requests you meet him at his palace in Cologne (Quest: Rendezvous with Frederick). There is a bastard sword on the ground just here (+1 fire dmg).
A few more wolves lurk about in the forest; dispatch them and loot their hides to sell off later, if you like.
Concealed behind a waterfall is a cave. Inside you may awaken and dispatch an enormous hibernating bear (+173 Exp).
An old hermit (Pietr Schönberg) is found squatting at the end of the tunnel, hiding from the Inquisition after breaking his vow of chastity (he's a Priest). Accept his request to deliver a letter to Heinrich von Ruhe, Bishop of Cologne (Quest: Help the hermit). An Ancient Bible may be looted from a stack of books.
Make your way to a dilapidated old cabin and meet a Pretty woman who's about 30 years old. She will show her hospitality by serving up food and wine as you engage in pleasant small-talk with her.
However, Soldiers of the Inquisition suddenly barge into the cabin and start attacking you both! What the hell, how rude is that?
In the name of the Holy Church, seize that bitch! And kill anyone who resists! - Inquisitor Officer.
Dispatch the two soldiers and officer, the latter of whom may be looted for Mission Orders and a valuable set of armor: Armor of the Inquisition (heavy armor, +1 armor AC, Spell Imm: Charm Person, SR 12). (This armor may be sold for ~2,500 gold pieces). The order contains the names of nine people who are to be arrested and brought back to the Cologne Chapterhouse: Willie Stein, Laura Stein, Yannia Königin, Kurt Wagner, Gertrūd von Baum, Werner Fritzlander, Pietr Schönberg, Vuradush Uskada and Karen Weisshaupt. The order is signed by the Grand Inquisitor (Cardinal de Las Casas).
The woman introduces herself as Yannia Königin, a witch of the Sénacle Lunaire coven, hunted by the Inquisition for various blasphemies. Her name is on the Mission Order. The dialogue is quite lengthy, but fun to read.
We learn that Yannia is married to a Half-orc (the "race of the devil") by the name of Vuradush Uskada, who is currently scouting the area for a witch safe-haven; that they fled the Inquisition in Cologne; that there's a passage to the sewers next to her home in Cologne and that an orilynx dwells down there (Completed Quest: Entrance to the Sewers, +20 Exp). We also learn that her friend (Gertrūd von Baum, another witch) has a familiar named Rūlfy (Completed Quest: The Name of Gertrūd's Familiar, +20 Exp).
Yannia requests that you locate Vuradush in The Dark Grove, the entrance to which is in the southwestern corner of the forest (Quest: Find Vuradush); that you fetch her magic staff from her home in Cologne (Quest: Retrieve Yannia's Magic Staff) and that you help to find several of her girlfriends (Quest: Find the Other Witches).
Yannia hands you the key to her home and gifts you a Clochette, a fairy in a bottle. Activating the clochette lets you "fast travel" to any areas you have previously been to. Assign it to one of your quickslots.
Inform Yannia of the cave behind the waterfall and she teleports straight there (Completed Quest: Find a Safer Hiding Place for the Witches, +250 Exp). She leaves her dog behind but you can bring him with you, if you like.
A barrel here contains a Map of the Region which has a symbol on it: a reversed pentagram with a crescent moon in the middle, just like Yannia's amulet. This is undoubtedly the symbol of the Sénacle Lunaire coven.
Back at the cave, Yannia and Pietr seem to be getting along ok. You may probe Pietr for info about the Inquisition.
We learn that twelve years ago sorcerers and witches of the Vermillion Cult attempted to assassinate the Pope, in Rome; that His Holiness subsequently recruited fanatics to form the Company of the Very Holy Inquisition whose purpose is to hunt down witches and drive out non-conformists. According to Pietr, the Grand Inquisitor (Cardinal de Las Casas) is an unsavory character whom Pietr observed practicing a demonic ritual. (Quest: The Inquisition is Hiding Some Things, +380 convo Exp).
A Mysterious Man may be spied standing in the forest; I have no idea what his caper is - perhaps he has none, other than being mysterious.. Update: This guy is IRRELEVANT.
Along the road stands the merchant, Derich Werter, stranded in the forest after his wagon broke an axle. He requests that you inform a blacksmith in Cologne (Stannis Göwald) of his dilemma. I manage to convince him to fork over 200 GP for the trouble.
There is random treasure found on a corpse, under a tree, en route to The Dark Grove: I received a Tower Shield +2.
The Dark Grove
Ok, the Half-orc was EZ to track down... Vuradush (Yannia's husband) is spotted taking on a dozen wolves at the entrance to the grove. Help him slay them (+100 Exp). The blunt instrument will then request your assistance in saving a witch from a patrol of Inquisitors.
Note: Pluck a Pink Moonflower from the Pink Moonflower Plant just here. This can be sold to Morian Ster in the Palace for 500 GP (+150 Exp).
Follow Vuradush down the slope to the circle of statues. You will find that you're too late! The Inquisitors have impaled the witch's body with a halberd and a mighty minotaur guardian has slain the fanatics in turn. Take down the horned beast and loots its corpse for the Minotaur Guardian's Axe (greataxe, Attack Bonus +2, Cold +1d6).
Disappointed, Vuradush now heads back to the waterfall cave to be with Yannia (Completed Quest: Find Vuradush, +200 Exp). Loot Karen Weisshaupt's corpse for a Wand of Lightning (10) and Unfinished Letter to Yannia:
I read in the entrails of a pig that a man from the West may be a great help to us.
Butcher the crag cats at the back of the grove where stands a menhir (French for standing stone), sculpted by human hands. Behind it you will discover a secret passageway leading into Ancient Ruins; however the gate inside is locked and unbashable, so you cannot progress. I briefly reported back to Yannia to tell her about Karen (+100 Exp) and check that Vuradush returned safely (+100 Exp). I was surprised that I couldn't tell Yannia about the ruins or show her Karen's letter.
En route to The Road to Cologne you will encounter another Inquisitor patrol. After a lil' "diplomacy" I decided to pick a fight with the impudent louts. I just think they're in need of a killin' and the officer's armor can be sold for a pretty penny, but however you decide to deal with them, you are now free to exit the Wolfswald!
Update: There is another map that you should visit at this point, accessible in the north, just behind Yannia's dilapidated cabin: The Northern Forest of the Wolves. Slay the wolves, bears and kobold-devils in here (the old savage bear may pose a challenge); then locate the werewolf in the stone ruins and briefly engage it in battle - but do not kill it!
Instead, return to Yannia in the waterfall cave and ask about an antidote for its lycanthopy. She will refer you to a druid merchant in the Marketplace at Cologne. When you reach Cologne, the merchant will sell you Meat laced with Wolfbane for 500 GP (+150 Exp). Return to the werewolf and let it beat up on you until it eats the mixture and reverts to its human form. It turns out to be Gustavo, a distant cousin of yours, who will join you as a Henchman (Completed Quest: A Werewolf in the Forest, +200 Exp, +200 convo Exp). The chest here is holding the Talon of the Werewolf (dagger, on-hit DC-14 Disease: Blinding Sickness).
(Pluck a Pink Moonflower from the Pink Moonflower Plant in the north. This can be sold to Morian Ster in the Palace for 500 GP (+150 Exp). The corpse in the south can be looted for a Dagger +2.
Part II: The Road to Cologne: The Road to Cologne:
The Road to Cologne
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The white line is the main road, the red lines are barricades |
You will be assailed by several kobold-devils when you arrive here. Just to the north is an abandoned cabin in which it is safe to rest.
There is an ambush and two blockades of burning wagons set up on the main road. You can avoid it by taking the high ground in the south and slaying the devils and ogre near the mining well, then circling around to flank the blockade. If you bumble into the ambush then your escape will be cut off by falling boulders forcing you to contend with ranged spawns above and around you. The only way out is to bash the burning wagons, thereby taking fire damage. However, loot is found in the ambush area (Two-Handed Sword +1 and Leather Armor +2).
Left: The lil' red blemishes are the ambushing kobold-devils.
Right: I desperately crash through one of the burning wagon barricades in order to escape.
About twenty devil heads may be looted from the battle and cashed in at the Inquisitor patrol guarding the pass to The Bridge of Saint Würz. You will receive +5 Exp and 25-30 gold pieces per head. Something stupid: You have to cash them in one at a time..! I mean, really? In addition to hunting the devils the Inquisitor will also request you find out where they're coming from and who's leading them (Quest: Hunt the Kobold-Devils).
There is a hollow tree on the northern highground but you can't use it at this stage.
The Bridge of Saint Würz
The bridge has been destroyed by the kobold-devils! How will we get to Cologne now?
Here you will encounter another devil pack and ogre, these ones battling another Inquisitor patrol. There is a second pack hiding under the trees in the southwest. Before ferrying you across the river, the caped Officer of the Inquisition will request you to locate Rodrigo de Las Casas (the Cardinal's nephew), who has been kidnapped by the devils (Quest: Free the Inquisitor) (+120 convo Exp). The reward is 5,000 GP.
Kobold-Devil Cave
(These are small, EZ dungeons, so I won't be taking pics of the maps.)
A dozen devils will mob you when you drop down the rope. Cleave and Great Cleave are your friends.
Two more devils are camped in an alcove to the west. Loot the two crates for random treasure.
Cut a swathe north and then east through the devil mobs, prioritizing the shaman. Kill everything and loot everything.
Descend to the next level of the cave.
Kobold-Devil Cave, Second Level
A metal door will have to be bashed down as you're being being fired upon by archers on the other side. Use Power Attack.
There is a trapped tunnel to the north guarded by a shaman. Loot the box of herbs and potions for just that, the chest for a Potion of Absorption and an old, finely-wrought trunk for gems, gold, a Treasure Map and a Spirit Bottle (Summon Creature VI [11] single use). The treasure map will be useful later.
In the northeast is a devil pack and ogre guarding a chest containing treasures and Fairy Dust (Invisibility [3] 1 charge/use). There is an exit to the surface here and a locked cell in which the Cardinal's nephew is being held. The cell cannot be opened at this point.
Two tunnels make up the southwest portion of the map, with only the one leading south being of interest. At the tunnel's end is a pile of stones lethally trapped with DC-15 fire: disable it or absorb the 100 fire damage and then heal yourself. Now, bash the stones and then the large cracked boulder behind them, releasing a noxious pocket of gas that will inflict no-save 30 magical damage. Nasty! Behind the boulder is a pile of sparkling stones (holding a diamond), a pile of stones (holding a crappy quartz crystal), and a narrow passage leading into...
The Ancient Halls
The path to the urn is trapped, but you won't be able to detect it. Slay the ancient specter that spawns, disable the trap on the urn (DC-15), and loot it for Ancient Bracers of Fire Resistance (Armor Bonus +1, Fire Resistance 25/-). Keep the objects prefixed with "Ancient"; they are quest items for later (though not plot-critical).
An inanimate golem lies on the floor of the next chamber. Loot the floor for 1231 GP, two malachites, another diamond and the Belt of the Snake (Darkvision, Imm: Poison, Poison [5] 3 charges/use).
Put the bracers on, enter the trapped and locked door (DC-28/28) to the burning chamber, and extinguish the fire elemental within. Loot the trapped and locked chest (DC-15/25) for the Boots of Stone (Dex -1, AC Dodge +1, Barkskin [3] 3 charges/use) and Kukri of Silence (Attack Bonus +2, on-hit DC-14 Silence). Now, exit the chamber with speed.
Step over the golem and take the burning bridge north, across the molten lake. Look carefully on the opposite platform for the Ancient Gold Piece and the Ancient Object (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance [5] single use).
The golem didn't reanimate for me as expected, so recross the bridge and exit the halls back to the kobold-devil caves.
Kobold-Devil Cave, Second Level
In the northwest is a shaman and two kobold-devil giants guarding the entrance to an Ancient Passage. Kill them, loot them, and descend into the passage. A total of 50 devil heads should now be "gracing" your inventory.
Left: Bashing down the metal door.
Right: Dueling kobold-devil giants.
Ancient Passage
During a cutscene you will overhear a conversation between Willie Stein (a witch) and the Chief of the kobold-devils, Grokar. It seems they destroyed the Bridge of Saint Würz to buy themselves time against the Inquisitors.
Willie then walks out to the hall and bumps into you.
The dialogue is revealing. Willie is a member of the Sénacle Lunaire coven, one of the witches Yannia sent you to find. Inform her of Yannia's location and learn that it was Willie who conjured the kobold-devils, to have them explore and excavate ancient ruins that contain priceless artifacts and long-lost lore.
The coven originally had five members but Gertrūd Baum has been arrested and we found Karen Weisshaupt dead in the Dark Grove. (Quest: The Witches). We know Yannia and Willie now, so there is one witch that hasn't been mentioned in dialogue: it must be Laura Stein (Willie's sister?), the only female name left on the Mission Order. Willie confirms that she's holding an Inquisitor prisoner but won't release him to me until she's consulted Yannia (Quest: Free the Inquisitor).
We also find out that Cardinal de Las Casas is the brother of King Castille. It goes without saying he's a formidable adversary.
Willie now teleports to join Yannia in the waterfall cave. (Quest: Find the other Witches, +250 Exp, +210 convo Exp).
With her absent, trick the gullible Grokar into leaving the chamber. While he's down the hall, loot his chest for 665 gold, Ironwood, Magic Box (Weight -80%), Tiger Skin (Charm Person or Animal [3] single use), Collection of Maps of the Area, The Ghost of Conyberry (book), Skeleton's Knuckle and Ancient Statue (Heal [11] 1/day).
In addition, loot the bookcase for a Copy of a Treasure Map and the desk for Gloves of the Thief (Dex +1, Disable Traps +3, Open Locks +3, Pick Pocket +2, Set Trap +2).
If Grokar discovers your theft then a fight will ensue. GROOO KAAAAR! RAAAAH! CHEST OF MINE! YOU BIG THIEF! Grokar hits like a truck (28 Strength) and emanates an Aura of Fire. Slay him for +173 Exp and loot his corpse for a Morningstar +2; then take your leave of the passage.
You can now activate your Clochette and fast travel to locations that you have already been to. I decided to return to the Inquisitor patrol on The Road to Cologne to cash-in 50 heads, also deciding to play both sides (Coven vs. Inquisition) by giving the officer non-specific info about the witches (Completed Quest: Hunt for the Kobold-devils, +650 Exp, 1,300 GP). Then, I took the patrol out.
Ok, it's time to report back to Yannia and Willie in the waterfall cave.
Cave Behind the Waterfall
Here you will find Yannia, Willie, Vuradush and Pietr standing around in the cozy cave.
Yannia will inform you of a secret passage under a hollow tree on The Road to Cologne, excavated by the kobold-devils. It leads under the river and thus is an alternative to being ferried across by the Inquisition.
Inform the witches that the prisoner is actually the nephew of Cardinal de Las Casas (+500 Exp), Rodrigo de Las Casas. Hatch a plan to set Rodrigo free in order to befriend him and gain info, and Willie will hand over the kobold-devil jail key to release him (+150 Exp).
Ask Willie about Laura Stein, the fifth witch and her sister with whom she shares a psychic bond. It seems Laura is somewhere in downtown Cologne.
You may also request a reward from the witches, any one of following:
- 1000 GP
- Magician's Cloak (Bonus Spell Slot L1 & L3, all saves +1, Ray of Frost [1] Unlimited, Wiz/Sorc/Bard only)
- Fighter's Cloak (Deflection AC +1, Str +1, Spell Immunity: Magic Missile)
- Cloak of the Thief (Dex +1, Disable Trap, Hide, Open Lock +3, Pick Pocket, Tumble +2, Rogue & Bard only).
There is another option but I'll let the males guess what that is.
Sell off your loot to Derich in the forest (Pietr & Yannia won't buy a lot of your stuff). Inform him of the destroyed bridge, that you found another way "across" the river (i.e, the kobold-devil passage), but that it's risky. He will fork over another 100 GP (+50 Exp).
Kobold-Devil Cave, Second Level
Return to Rodrigo's cell and use the key Willie gave you to open the door.
Inform Rodrigo that you're here to free him. He will reveal that Gertrūd (the witch that was arrested) is being held in the cellar of the Bishop's Chapterhouse in Cologne and that she will be burnt at the stake in five days; that the Stein sisters (Willie and Laura) are famous for their attack on the Pope in Rome a decade ago; that his uncle (Cardinal de Las Casas) wasn't aware of the connection between the sisters and the attempt on the Pope, didn't know they were of the Sénacle Lunaire coven until their arrival, and that he initially used the coven as an excuse for coming to Cologne.
Rodrigo doesn't know the real reason the Inquisition came to Cologne (it wasn't about witch-hunting); just that his uncle had begun acting oddly after studying an ancient tome in the Vatican Archive (Quest: The Inquisition has been Hiding Some Things, +1,000 Exp). Rodrigo now heads back to Cologne, a free man.
The Bridge of Saint Würz
Return to the officer at the bridge and inform him of your success in freeing the prisoner, Rodrigo (Completed Quest: Free the Inquisitor, +700 Exp).
On the north side of the river, lying outside a burning house, is an arrow-filled corpse you can loot for the Love Letter to Tanya. Hold onto it.
The road north leads to the Southern Suburbs of Cologne but first return to the hollow tree and climb down its roots.
Passage Under the River
Three ancient earth elementals lurk down here, raging at your presence and firing bolt attacks to knock you down. If you look carefully you will find an amethyst on the ground (whoop de doo).
The exit leads to the Southern Suburbs of Cologne but first return to the waterfall cave and inform Yannia of what Rodrigo told you (+350 convo Exp).
Bastard of Kosigan Part III:
Southern Suburbs of Cologne
A Fisherman in the southeast is missing his fishing pole and requests you find it for him (Quest: Find the Missing Fishing Pole). Just to the west is a Little girl reading a book. Listen to her about the Bible and then ask her to translate your conversation with the Little boy skipping a stone. The boy will kick you in the shin and run off to the barn in the north. Follow him and persuade him to reveal the fishing pole's location: under the hay in one of the cow stalls.
Bash down the closest stall gate to you and the cow will briefly attack. Let it come out of the stall and calm down, then loot the Ancient Fishing Pole (quarterstaff, +2, on-hit DC-14 Daze, SR 12) from the hay and return it to the fisherman, or not - it's up to you, but I would hang onto it and give it to Yannia later in the campaign! (Completed Quest: Find the Missing Fishing Pole, +300 Exp).
In the northwestern corner of the map is a trap door leading to a cave near the suburbs. In this cave is a hidden wall door (use Detect Mode) that leads to the north-central section of the Foul Smelling Sewers under Cologne. The other door leads to the north-western section of the sewers, along the path guarded by the mighty orilynx Yannia warned you about. However, after treasure hunting (see below) I shall be entering Cologne through the front gates; thereby leaving exploration of the sewers for another time.
Ok, when you first arrive on the map you will recognize your first landmark from the Treasure Map you looted in the kobold-devil caves; it is that of a hollow tree.
As per the map's directions, head west into mountains.
The Green Mountains
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The white line is the general path to follow |
Here you will immediately discover the second landmark, a forked tree. Slay the duo of ettins who assail you and then raid the ettin cave nearby, slaying a second duo and looting the cave for a pure crystal (it is of no significance), a tiger skin and a thousand gold pieces. You may safely rest in here.
Make your way west and descend into the Valley of Cascades; then head north along the length of the valley.
To your east is a hostile... Adult Green Dragon. At tenth level this acid-breather will take some killin'!
Quaff a Potion of Clarity (bought from Yannia) to ward off its DC-24 fear aura and slay it for +525 Exp, 3876 GP, Amulet of the Long Death +1 (Imm: Level/Ability Drain, SR 14, Evil only), Belt of Hill Giant Strength (Str +3), Dragon's Blood and Longsword +1.
To the west of the valley is an elf druid guarding a circle where three menhirs stand.
The druid circle will turn hostile if you enter their sanctuary, so speak to the nameless elf first (it miffed me that this elf had no name). He will tell you the treasure map was made by Kougor Beershaft, a Mage-Knight of the Order of the Trident, who wanted to cast out the elves and rule over the Green Mountains with an iron fist. Before he passed away Kougor built an extra-dimensional mausoleum and left clues and maps to lure treasure-seeking adventurers into finding it, hoping they would desecrate the druid's menhirs in the process. How devious!
To receive the next clue, persuade the elf to take the map to the nearby menhirs.
"Go in the direction of Rome until you reach the crystal rainbow..." (+500 Exp)
Head south of the druids and slay the bugbear pack standing outside a cave flitting with vampire bats. You can rest safely in the cave when it's been cleansed.
There is another bugbear pack and a formidable Rakshasa duo close by, a male and a female (+302 Exp, +111 Exp). The male sports damage reduction and concealment, making him a stubborn opponent. Loot their corpses for the Tunic of Polymorph (Polymorph [7]) and the An 'Atmeline katana (+2, +1d6 dmg vs. Neutral, Barkskin [3] 1/day).
Head to the southwest of the map to find a large crystal jutting up out of the ground. There you will receive your next clue.
Ascend the central hill, climb the rope and interact with the carved rock at the summit. The presented options for assuming the position of a priest at the time of his ordination are incorrect: choose one at your peril! You will need to consult with the Priest (Pietr) back at the waterfall cave.
Pietr will happily inform you of the correct position. Return to the carved rock and choose the fourth option (+400 Exp). You will receive your final clue!
Return to the Valley of Cascades, approach the third cascade of water and enter the mausoleum by means of the swarm of butterflies.
Kougor Beershaft's Mausoleum
Ok, it's time for some undead hunting; prepare yourself, this place is no cakewalk.
You begin in a central chamber with four locked cells branching off it and a door to the north that you should leave until last.
Loot the bone piles on the eastern wall and a skeleton warrior and two skeleton chieftains will spawn for you to slay. You can find a Ring of Thieves +1 (Dex +1, Disable Trap & Open Lock +5) just resting on the floor here.
Bash down (or unlock) the northeastern cell door and slay the undead inside, a warrior from beyond the tomb. Loot its chest for random treasures.
Next, open the northwestern cell door and slay the mummy lurking within. Beware the fear aura. Loot its chest for random treasure: I received Full Plate +2.
Next, open the southwestern cell door and slay a second warrior from beyond the tomb. Loots its chest for random treasure and be sure to bash the sarcophagus to pieces, otherwise the vampires we're slaying in the final cell will simply respawn from it, over and over.
Finally, open the southeastern door and slay the vampire and formidable vampire mage (+481 Exp).
Beware of the latter's domination gaze and elemental invocations. If you still have the Potion of Energy Absorption from the kobold-devil caves, now is the time to use it.
You will spy the merc camp on the other side of the cliff. Several named mercs are standing guard, but don't take them out just yet!
Drop down the trapdoor.
The witches defeated, the Cardinal takes his turn to perform the ritual: he and his Black Monks move to the flaming pentacle and begin their chanting, just as the witches did.
Final words to the Cardinal and the Bishop:
Ok, we're ready to take the final door in the north. As you cross the bridge over a chasm you will be flanked by a skeleton chieftain, ghoul lord and shadow fiend. When you turn to face them you will be flanked by two undead knights from the other direction. Slay them and loot the knights' corpses for a Black Helmet (Deflection AC +1, Discipline +4, Search +2), Black Half Plate Armor (heavy armor, Bonus Cleric Spell: L1) and Greatsword of the Undead Knights (+1 attack & dmg, +1d6 acid vs. Chaotic). Continue over the chasm and a curst ranger, shadow fiend and skeleton chieftain will assail you. Slay them.
Note: the spawns are actually randomised, but always non-trivial undead.
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Left: the first spawn; Right: reverse angle, the flank |
At the end of the elevated path you will arrive in the final chamber containing the glowing tomb of Kougor Beershaft himself. Attempt to loot the sarcophagus and Kougor will spawn, hostile. Slay the undead sorcerer (+173 Exp) and loot the Black and Silver Sorcerer's Robe from his corpse (DR 5/+1, Bonus Sorcerer Spell: L3).
He will not respawn, but destroy the sarcophagus anyway and loot it for 11,435 GP, Ring of Natan-Lanten (Regen +1, SR 12), Amulet of the Cold Lord (Bonus Feat: Extra Turning, Imm: Level/Ability drain) and Amulet of the Elves (Dex +1, Bonus Feat: Point Blank Shot, Darkvision).
Loot the lesser chests behind the obelisk for random treasures, then leave by means of the swarm of undead butterflies.
To your dismay you will emerge inside the druid circle, desecrating the menhirs! Kougor will taunt you from beyond the grave as five elven druids attack you! Slay them and their dire tiger.
Loot the corpse of the "main" elf druid for the Elven Ring of Life (Regen +1, Cure Moderate Wounds 3, 2/day) and Leaves of Olianor (armor, Bonus Druid Spells: L2, 3, 4).
So, it seems our treasure hunt has been a success! Return to Derich to identify the stuff and sell off what you don't need, in preparation for our journey to Cologne.
Bastard of Kosigan Part IV:
Prinzen Stadt, Köln: The City of Cologne, Part I
All facets of the campaign step up a gear once you reach Cologne. The interwoven questing is non-linear and exploration is fairly open. There are lots of people to talk to and loads of entertaining dialogue to sift through. The order I take is just what I chose; it isn't the only way to go about things.
Big "M" = Merchant
Small "M" = Derich appears here when you complete his quest.
Ok so, lets meet up with our ol' pal Frederick (this quest has been in my journal since the start of the campaign.)
From your starting position at the southern gate, head north to the Palace of the Prince of Cologne and show the Captain of the Guard Frederick's Seal to gain admittance.
Head north and the chamberlain will direct you. In the throne room Prince Frederick will greet you and ask you to speak with his father, Prince Karl von Köln, about some issues they're having (Completed Quest: Rendezvous with Frederick, +30 Exp).
Prince Karl will thank you for helping Frederick in the forest and offer a purse full of gold as a reward; I declined (+500 Exp). He will then request three things of you:
- Investigate the disappearance of children from the lower districts of Cologne (Quest: The Disappearances of the Children)
- Investigate the missing armament-industry caravans north of Cologne (Quest: The Missing Caravans)
- Rid Cologne of the Inquisition. This last quest is not given in the journal at this point (oversight) but it pops up as Convincing the Inquisition to Leave when you speak to the Bishop, later.
Note: There is a Bard standing here, Kert the Minstrel. You can give him 500 GP - or not. You can also pick pocket him for Hummer (harp, Light [1] unlimited/day, Magic Missile [3] unlimited/day, Bard only). This can be sold to Meredoc Sorn in the Low Quarter for about 1,200 GP.
Most of this post is given over to The Missing Caravans quest, but first I want to get Yannia's staff for her.
Just south of the Palace you will see Yannia's House. Use the key she gave you to enter and you will disrupt a raid on the premises by soldiers of the Inquisition, who will attack you on-sight. Slay them and head upstairs (one of the Inquisitors has kindly "disabled" the trap for you; thank his corpse as you step over it).
A pentagram is inscribed on the floor, trapped with paralyzing acid. Slay the three guardian specters hovering about.
Loot the armoire and remains on the floor for trivial treasures. The bookshelf contains a Healer's Hit +6, Cloth Dye - Pink, Feathers, Giant Bee Venom - Mild, Magic Bottle (x10) and Blue Light Gem. Whoop de doo... The old chest holds scrolls of Horrid Wilting and Inferno. The rest is random.
Under Yannia's bed is a trapped trapdoor holding what you're looking for: Yannia's Staff and Yannia's Provisions (plus a bag of rubies and 123 GP).
(Outside Yannia's house is an old ruined wagon behind stacks of crates. If you destroy the wagon a manhole will be revealed that leads down to the sewers. I'm leaving the sewers until later).
Return to the waterfall cave and give Yannia her staff and provisions (Completed Quest: Retrieve Yannia's Staff, +500 Exp).
You will notice that Willie is gone. Persuade Yannia to reveal her location as being Cologne (+400 Exp). Willie has gone to Cologne to recruit a member to replace Karen for their ritual of power (which requires five members to perform). The ritual involves ancient magic that will give the witches the power of Ancient Gods for one lunar revolution, long enough to eliminate the Inquisition. The Stein sisters learned of the ritual from ancient writings they stole a few years ago from the Vatican: The Forbidden Works. In addition to five witches the ritual requires dark energy (so must be performed in an ancient ruin) and catalytic objects (artifacts from the ancient ruins noted for their resonating properties) (Quest: Information About the Ritual, +150 Exp), (Quest: The Quest for the Catalytic Objects, +200 Exp).
You already have four catalytic objects that can be found: Ancient Bracers of Fire Resistance (+1,000 Exp, 5,000 GP), Ancient Object (+1,000 Exp, 2,000 GP), Ancient Statue (+200 Exp) and Ancient Fishing Pole (+1,000 Exp, 6,000 GP) You may like to keep the bracers, as fire resistance is extremely useful. I don't know the location of the others; it seems Yannia does not want the Ancient Gold Piece... I'm assuming the Cardinal's library chest may hold at least one of them, but I can't access it.
Yannia also reveals that Cardinal de Las Casas is a powerful sorcerer also in possession of The Forbidden Works and that he, too, seeks to carry out the ritual with the help of Black Monk acolytes created through the Dark Arts (Completed Quest: Information about Cardinal de Las Casas, +1000 Exp).
So, then! It's a race between the witches and the Cardinal to see who will perform the ritual first. It seems at this point it could go either way, with the player tipping the balance.
Ok, it's time to investigate The Missing Caravans for Prince Karl. Remember, he told us to inquire at the blacksmith, first.
Return to Cologne and make your way to the blacksmith in the southwest, Stannis Göwald. He fears the worst, that the missing caravans are no accident. His brother was also party to one of the convoys. Stannis has no solid leads for you to follow, but read on to see how this quest develops!
Inform him of Derich's broken axle and Stannis will leave to fix it when you agree to cover for his absence by meeting Armand du Prince on his behalf at Frantz's Place (Quest: Help Stannis).
Note: Trade with Stannis before he leaves to help Derich because a bug will prevent you trading with him for the rest of the adventure!
The inn is not marked on the map, grr; it is located just west of The Cathedral of Cologne, vines growing on its facade.
Franzt's Place
In the common room you will overhear an exchange between a Man in Black and a Half-orc wearing armor. When the hulk leaves - note how he reacts to seeing you - speak with Armand. Armand is disagreeable even if you pass the Charisma check (+150 Exp). Flanking him is Diane Keneheim, his bodyguard. She remains silent.
Hang around for a bit until Armand orders his Page to pick up provisions from the marketplace. Follow the Page there.
Before leaving you will see an Old Knight drinking beer, Knight Manfred of High-Königsbourg. You may recruit him as a Henchman, if you like. He has 12s in almost every stat; a typical beer-drinker.
Catch up with the Page at Gotterdam Platz: Marketplace and question him about his master, Armand. You will learn that Armand leads a band of twenty mercs who attack caravans transporting mithril and adamantine. He is building a forge to make weapons (that's why he wants Stannis). The merc campsite is located on the Duke of Würtenberg's land, the Duke "unofficially" supporting the mercs in an effort to weaken Cologne. You will also learn the name of the Half-orc: Mordred, a representative of the King of France (+510 convo Exp).
Ok, it's time to meet Stannis in Wolfswald, to tell him what we know.
Pass a Herculean Strength check to fix the wagon (+100 Exp) and tell Stannis that Armand heads up a band of mercs, mercs that attacked a convoy his brother was in (Completed Quest: Help Stannis, +300 Exp, 300 GP). Stannis will be majorly pissed and head back to Cologne to confront Armand (the confrontation never occurs due to a bug).
Then, Derich will thank you and also leave for Cologne; you can find him again at the marketplace with his inventory refreshed (Completed Quest: Help Derich, +0 Exp, 200 GP).
Return to the Palace and inform Prince Karl of what you have learned about the situation (+200 Exp, 2,000 GP). He will request you deal with the mercs however you see fit, and give you a Letter of Authorization to leave Cologne via the northern gate.
Take the northern gate to The Northern Road and continue heading - you guessed it - north!
Farther Along the Northern Road
You will arrive to see the aftermath of a caravan attack. A dwarf calls out for help; he is fighting veteran mercs all by himself. Two mercs are perched up on a ledge, firing down arrows and fireballs at you. It's on! The sharpshooter is Diane Keneheim, the girl from the inn.
Help Drolin Duruin slay them, and fight Diane until she surrenders. When she does, question her (+350 Exp).
Much of what she says is already known to you, but note the Placeholder for Storyline 1 item you receive during the convo: it seems the Half-orc intermediary (Mordred) - or who and what he represents - may be significant to you, personally, in future episodes.
Let Diane go for +300 Exp and then loot the corpses of the fallen mercs.
- Dreppi Schrent: Ring of Elemental Resistance (Resist Acid, Cold, Fire, Elect 5/-).
- Tommy Tam: Armor of Lightning (Elect resist 10/-, Hide +5).
- The Veteran Mercenary and Man Eater orc have no loot.
If you choose to kill Diane: +385 Exp, Tunic of Agility (Cat's Grace [3] 1/day, SR 10), Composite Longbow +2 (Attack +2, Mighty 2, Massive Criticals 2), Acid Arrows (x20, +1d6 Acid, on-hit DC-16 Blindness).
Persuade Drolin to temporarily join you in taking on Armand and the merc camp (+50 Exp). Drolin is from Enibelungen, the dwarven city to the north that mines the mithril and adamantine. He's pretty useful as a Cleric (7) / Rogue (7), but watch out for his party-unfriendly spells on D&D Hardcore rules. (Drolin may also be killed off for +385 Exp.)
Note: There is a moss-covered Old Forgotten Chest in the southeast holding a Brooch of Protection (Stoneskin [7] single use) and a bottle of wine: Golden Gerwuzstraminer made in 1352.
There is also a Pink Moonflower Plant in the northeast from which you may pluck a Pink Moonflower (Globe of Invulnerability [11], single use).
Merc Camp
You will spy the merc camp on the other side of the cliff. Several named mercs are standing guard, but don't take them out just yet!
Instead, enter the large tent and persuade Nelor S'Valian Zao-Chan to let you into the forge to meet Armand (+250 Exp).
Drop down the trapdoor.
Underground Forge
Surprisingly, Armand du Prince will accuse you of being a spy for Duke Phillipe of Burgundy. It seems a fight is inevitable, but persuade him to tell you why he feels he must kill you. He will respond that it's a family matter (something about Kosigan) and that you're in over your head and it's time for you to die (Placeholder for Storyline 2, +300 Exp).
Goodbye Mister Bond! Err... I mean Lord Carradine!
Slay the jerk and his five mercs, prioritizing the dwarven sorcerer who fires fear from his wand.
Relieve their corpses of loot.
- Armand du Prince (+273 Exp): key, Dagger of Deceit (Attack Bonus +2, +1 Acid, on-hit DC-14 Blindness, Daze & Stun, Chaotic only), Multidagger (Attack Bonus +2, Acid, Bludgeoning, Electrical +1d4).
- Rulinus Strinfeud: Wand of Terror (Fear, Scare charges).
- Lothar ibn Ashrek: Wind of the Desert +1 (Scimitar +1, +1d6 damage).
- Frander Nakshaft: Electric Double-Bladed Sword (Attack Bonus +2, +1d6 Elect).
Use the key to open the (trapped!) steel cabinet for the Account Book, unsigned Letter and 3113 GP.
Loot the rest of the forge for Armor of Red Light (heavy armor, Armor Bonus +2, Imm: Daze, Str +1), Mithril Shield (tower shield, AC Shield Modifier +2, -60% weight), Mithril Armor (x2, Armor Bonus +2, -40% weight), Mithril Helm (Deflection AC +2, -80% weight), and three units of pure Adamantine.
Let the Gnome Blacksmith go; he is irrelevant (+50 Exp). Save the Page and let him tag along for now (+20 Exp, Good +2).
Head back up to the tent and you can choose to let the mercs go, take them out, or a bit of both. Experience yield is far greater if you let them go (+1,400 Exp) but you will miss out on their loot. It's up to you. Note that Derek can be intimidated into giving you info about Kosigan for +350 Exp; then you can slay him for an additional 385.
For your convenience, here is what the mercs drop:
- Nelor S'Valian Zao-Chan: Zao-Chan Do (katana, Attack Bonus +2, +1d6 Cold, Keen, Lawful only).
- Derek Strand: Armor of Endurance (heavy armor, Armor Bonus +2, Con +1).
- Vortiger: Dire Mace +1, Arrows of the Vampire (x18, Vamp regen +2).
- Tren Arelson: Singing Rapier (Attack Bonus +1, +1d6 Sonic), Bard's Tunic (Cha +2), Cloak of Protection (Deflection AC +1, SR 12).
- Elemaïne Djalin: Elven Armor (medium armor, Armor Bonus +3, Entropic Shield [5], 5 charges/use, -40% weight).
- Earaldor Djalin and Tommy Tom have no loot.
When all is said and done Drolin - if he's not dead - will head back to Enibelungen, grateful for your assistance.
Pro-tip: Return to Cologne via the Northern Road and you will bump into Diane Keneheim again, whom you may now recruit as a companion for 1,000 GP (Fighter [7] / Rogue [3]).
The Palace of the Prince of Cologne
Return to the Palace and report your success to Prince Karl, who will richly reward you (Completed Quest: The Missing Caravans: +2,000 Exp, 2,500 GP). He will also look after the Page (+100 Exp). You can tell Prince Frederick a little about yourself, too, but it's just for flavor.
Bastard of Kosigan Part V: Prinzen Stadt, Köln: The City of Cologne, Part II:
Prinzen Stadt, Köln: The City of Cologne, Part II
Chapter House
The Inquisition has taken over and based itself in the Bishop's Chapter House in the northeast of the city. Head over there and persuade the Elite Officer of the Inquisition to grant you audience with Cardinal de Las Casas, also known as The Grand Inquisitor (+200 Exp).
In the northernmost chamber, the library, you will find the Cardinal together with his inner circle of four Black Monks and Laetitia Gabrielli, Paladin of the Holy Guard of the Night. They will presumably constitute the five who will assist the Cardinal in his ritual.
I'm attempting to play both sides regarding the Cardinal-Witches rivalry, and I'm tempering what I say because my intention is to break the double game and side with the witches when push comes to shove. Therefore, I inform the Cardinal of the witches' location but I counsel him to hold off arresting them until they are all together, for the ritual (remember, I still haven't located Laura Stein, Gertrūd von Baum or Karen's replacement). Impressed with the info, the Cardinal requests that I keep him informed about the witches' ongoing activities (Quest: Working for Cardinal de Las Casas, +1,000 Exp, 5,000 GP). In addition, the Cardinal offers a kingly sum of 50,000 GP if I reveal to him where the witches will conduct their ritual.
I return to Yannia and inform her of my double game. She warns of the danger but also sees merit in the idea (+350 Exp).
Yannia reveals the location in which the ritual will take place: the Ancient Ruins beneath the Dark Grove (+500 Exp). This is the ruin we briefly explored after finding Karen's corpse.
I inform the Cardinal of the ritual's location and request a magical item in addition to the 50,000 GP promised. He hands over Cardinal de Las Casas' Amulet (Int +1, Improved Evasion, Negative Energy Ray [1], unlimited, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard only).
The Cardinal will now await news of the witches being assembled together for the ritual. He won't move against them until then.
Notes on the Chapter House:
- The Cardinal can be pick-pocketed for Clé de Las Casas (DC-20), but it doesn't open the chest in the library.. the hell?
- The armoire in the southeastern chamber contains the Robe of Cardinal de Las Casas (Armor Bonus +2, SR 16). The chamber and armoire are both trapped (DC-31/15).
- A locked bookshelf in the central-west chamber holds the Nicean Bible (DC-34), a quest item for Meredoc Sorn in the Low Quarter. The door to the chamber itself is locked and unbashable (DC-28). There are three traps on the floor (DC-22/22/36).
- A trapped and locked door in the northwest opens to a small circular chamber guarded by the Cardinal's pet Basilisk. Beware its game-ending DC-13 petrification gaze. The three finely-wrought chests hold random treasures.
- The eastern corridor can only be accessed when you return from the cellars (see next post).
Gotterdam Platz: Marketplace
You can trade with two merchants in the marketplace - actually, three now that Derich has returned to Cologne. One of the merchants sells the Boots of Speed, an item I never pass up on.
But what's this? In the center of the market square a degraded crowd has gathered around an Executioner and a Condemned Prisoner, Kurt Wagner.
You may remember Kurt was listed as "wanted" on the Inquisitor's Mission Orders. Well, it seems they found their man - and he is about to be beheaded! Show the Executioner Frederick's Seal and he will allow you to speak with Kurt, who you will learn has been falsely accused and is resigned to his fate. Snap him out of it and buy some time with the Executioner (+50 Exp).
March over to the Palace and implore Prince Karl to pardon "the demon with blur fur". The judicious Prince will agree to pardon Kurt if you can find three witnesses to support your claim that he is innocent.
March back over to the market and question the members of the crowd surrounding Kurt. Most of them are as thick as bricks, but you will find three witnesses amidst the rabble who can be reasoned with: A Man, A Woman and A Peasant. Shame them for keeping silent and order them to give testimony to the chamberlain in the Palace immediately (+300 Exp).
Return to the Palace once again and Prince Karl will have exonerated Kurt and hand you an envelope containing Kurt Wagner's Pardon, as promised (+200 Exp).
Give the Pardon to the Executioner and you will have saved Kurt's life. He will now leave Cologne, a free man.
Passage to the Low Quarter
Just southeast of Franzt's Place is a door leading to the Arcade Passage. There is nothing of interest here, just two merchants. Head through the southern door to arrive in the Low Quarters. There is an entrance to the sewers here and a roguish merchant who's set up shop in an alcove, Meredoc Sorn. He will buy stolen goods, like Kert's harp. I couldn't get the Nicean Bible quest from him, though (see Chapter House notes, above).
Ok, enter the Cozy Kitten and "conduct your business" with the voluptuous Hilda (-200 GP). Before you depart Frau Claudia will request you find one of her workers who has gone missing, Nina Mūguel (Quest: Find Nina Mūguel).
The girl in green is Tanya. Remember the Love Letter you found on the corpse at The Bridge of Saint Würz? Give it to Tanya (+150 Exp).
Take your leave of the Cozy Kitten and make your way back to Cologne-proper.
The Cathedral of Cologne
Head to the Cathedral and present Pietr's Letter to the Bishop of Cologne, Monsignor Heinrich von Ruhe (+500 Exp). Engage in a lengthy and informative discussion with him.
The Bishop holds a distaste for the Cardinal but, by order of the Pope, was forced to allow the Inquisition to operate from his Chapter House in Cologne. The Bishop also suspects the hunt for the witches in Cologne is a cover for what the Cardinal is really up to, but he doesn't know what (i.e, the ritual). Support the Bishop's suspicion by telling him what you learned from Rodrigo (+100 Exp). You will need at least 14 Int to recall the French Bishop's name (Monsignor de Castelnau, +100 Exp).
Next, ask the Bishop about Pietr. You will learn he's wanted by the Inquisition for stealing a book of black magic from the Cardinal (+150 Exp). Pietr brought the book to the Bishop but it wasn't solid proof the Cardinal was conducting demonic rituals (+100 Exp, Quest: Convincing the Inquisition to Leave). Ok, ask the Bishop about the accusation against Pietr, that he broke his vow of chastity. You will learn that he was denounced by Mathilda Sturmvein, his housekeeper; and that she's probably with the Cardinal (+100 Exp).
Next, ask about the Cardinal himself: he is violent and ambitious, has been accused of abuse, and there have been recent incidents reported concerning his dealings with children. If you ask Prince Karl about this you will learn that only one child went missing before the Cardinal's arrival in Cologne and ten more have gone missing since his arrival.
Now, remember that Rodrigo told you of Gertrūd's imprisonment in the Chapter House cellar. Request that the Bishop grant you unobtrusive access to the cellar. He will need "time" to think about it, but we can continue immediately as we've already completed The Missing Caravans quest. The Bishop will refer you to Maximilian Hunger, an architect who knows about a secret passageway leading from outside the Chapter House into its cellar (+300 Exp).
Ok, we've got ourselves three leads here but first lets continue the Help the Hermit quest and get that book!
As per the Bishop's referral, return to the Chapter House and you will find Mathilda housekeeping in the entrance chamber.
It seems she was was hung up on Pietr (+200 Exp) and he was subsequently bewitched by none other than Laura Stein, Willie's sister (+350 Exp). Take a gamble and ask her about the Cardinal (+200 Exp).
Return to the waterfall cave, tell Pietr you gave his letter to the Bishop, and pass on the Bishop's loose change to him (+500 Exp).
Persuade Pietr to reveal the location of the Cardinal's book: on the ground behind where you slew the bear. It is the Book of Demonic Rituals (Summon Creature VI [11], 5 charges/use Evil & Neutral only).
Probe him about Laura Stein; tell him she's a witch and open his eyes to the fact he was used by Laura in her attempt to have the Cardinal arrested (+200 Exp); then boost his morale for 250 more.
We must now find a new hiding place for Pietr!
Fast travel to the Abandoned Cabin and a message will pop up confirming this as a suitable place for Pietr to hide (+150 Exp). Return to pick up Pietr and bring him back to the cabin (Completed Quest: Help the Hermit, +1,500 Exp). At this point you may persuade Pietr to reveal that he is in fact the son of the Bishop (+350 Exp).
Return to the Bishop and inform him that Pietr has been safely relocated (+500 Exp). The Bishop will gift you "a magnificently-worked egg" (+200 Exp), the Placeholder for Storyline 4 (Spell Resistance [9], 1/day), and tell you if you're ever in Rome to seek out Cardinal Del Marco. It seems we may be going there in a future episode: All roads lead to Rome, as they say..
Architect, Maximilian Hunger
As per the Bishop's referral, skip across the road to the architect's home and lead Maximilian on by pretending you are in the market for a property. You will learn that Max last sold a house over a month ago, around the time the Inquisition arrived in Cologne. Mmm..
Persuade him to reveal more about the purchase and he will give you the buyer's name, the address of the property and what it sold for:
Luigi Bella Nova / Number 3 on the Street of the Black Horses / 250,000 GP, paid in cash (+100 Exp).
Haggle with Max to purchase the dilapidated forest cabin for 15,000 GP and he will give you the Property Deed (+100 Exp). Use strategy, base flattery and shameless sucking up to draw info from Max about the work he did on the Chapter House; then cap off your masterful performance by persuading him to reveal the exact location of the entrance to the passage leading into the cellar of the Chapter House:
Behind the old mill in the Eastern Suburbs of Cologne (Completed Quest: Miscellaneous Information about the Inquisition, Key to the Old Secret Passage, +600 Exp).
Note that in taking this tact, thanks to a broken dialogue thread, we were unable to learn about Max's daughter held in the cellar; however, we can still save her and be rewarded as normal (see next post).
Bastard of Kosigan Part VI: Prinzen Stadt, Köln: The City of Cologne, Part III:
Prinzen Stadt, Köln: The City of Cologne, Part III
Palace of the Prince of Cologne
Swing by the Palace, make your way to the corridor in the west wing and ascend the stairs to the private palatial chambers. In the hall you will overhear voices coming from one of the rooms; step inside to find Willie Stein talking with Eowen von Köln, the daughter of Prince Karl.
Willie reveals that the witches intend not only to defeat the Inquisition, but also bring down the Catholic Church itself! She laments the Old World of magic diminishing as a result of the Church and Inquisition (+300 Exp). When Willie takes her leave, speak with Eowen.
Eowen is a student of Willie and Karen's replacement. She requests that you steal a dagger hidden in her father's office, but to do so undetected you must first retrieve a cloak from Willie's house, guarded by soldiers of the Inquisition. Eowen will hand you Willie Stein's House Key and send you off to do her dirty work (Quest: Cloak & Dagger).
Take your leave of the Palace and exit the gate to the Eastern Suburbs of Cologne. Willie's house is the first on your left. Use the key to enter and slay the Inquisitors inside, looting the Bastard Sword of Fire from the Officer's mangled corpse. Finally, a decent weapon for me to wield! (Attack Bonus +2, Fire +1d6.)
Loot the invisible chest for the Ancient Elven Cloak of Invisibility (Improved Invisiblity [7] 5 charges/use, Hide +6, Move Silently +5) and return to Eowyn who will have procured Prince Karl's Office Key in the meantime (+500 Exp).
Head downstairs, make your way to the door at the eastern end of the throne room, then have Diane disable the DC-20 trap on it. Don the cloak, cast Improved Invisibility on yourself, open the door with the key Eowen gave you, and then sneak past the patrolling knight into Prince Karl's office. The knight will attack you on-sight if he spots you. He is a difficult duel, but slaying him yields a set of Enibelungen Armor (heavy mithril armor, Armor Bonus +2, DR 5/+1).
Once in the office, have Diane disable the DC-15 floor trap and then slay the Guardian that spawns (+347 Exp). Next, have her unlock the DC-34 wall-mounted painting and loot the Ancient Sacrificial Dagger from the secret stash behind it (on-hit DC-14 Slay alignment Lawful Good, on-hit DC-14 Wounding, evil only). The desk holds a bar of mithril and the cabinet and chest of drawers hold a selection of healing items.
Note: Yannia neither accepts the dagger nor the cloak as catalytic objects. Bug? See Unsolved Mysteries section.
Return to Eowen and present the dagger to her (+800 Exp).
Also upstairs, Master Morian Ster may be found in a chamber in the south. He will request you bring him Pink Moonflowers, one each of which is found on these maps: Northern Forest of the Wolves, The Dark Grove, and Farther Along the Northern Road. There may also be others. (Quest: Searching for Pink Moonflowers, +150 Exp ea, 500 GP ea).
Ok, it's time to raid the cellar of the Chapter House in search of Gertrūd von Baum. As per Maximilian's instructions, head to the Eastern Suburbs of Cologne and make your way to the old mill in the southeast. Use Detect Mode to reveal a hidden door leading underground...
You will find yourself in a dimly lit tunnel. Slay the plague of rats and the mob of mummies en route to the tunnel's end, where you will spot another secret door leading into the cellar.
Chapter House Cellar
The cellar consists of eight prison cells branching off a central torture chamber. Make a butcher's shop out of the Inquisition soldiers and loot the Lieutenant's corpse for the Prison Key that opens the cells.
Lurking in the central cell of the northern wall is a Paladin of the Holy Guard of the Night posing as the witch we're looking for, Gertrūd. Give her a good thrashing for the Helmet of the Holy Guard of the Night (Darkvision, Deflection AC +1, Discipline +4, Spot +4).
Imprisoned in the northern cell of the eastern wall is Greta Hunger, Max's daughter. Have her follow along (+600 Exp). The southern cell of the same wall holds Nina Mūguel, the worker from the Cozy Kitten that Frau Claudia sent you to find. She will be used to testify against the Cardinal (+200 Exp).
A Mad Mage will talk a whole lot of nonsense to you from within the southern cell of the northern wall. Put him out of his misery.
Francesco is a Half-orc imprisoned in the western cell of the western wall. Let the blockhead tag along.
The real Gertrūd is imprisoned down a short corridor in an isolated cell, guarded by two Inquisitors. Slay them and save the witch's ass (Quest: Find the Other Witches, +1,200 Exp).
.The Clochette won't work down here, so take the southern door up to a sealed-off corridor in the Chapter House itself, and fast travel out from there.
Ok, tell Francesco to stop following you or he will become really annoying (+100 Exp).
Return Greta to her father, the gnome architect: +500 Exp and either 5,000 GP or the Wand of Angulf Aar (Hammer of the Gods [7], 5 charges/use).
Return Nina to Claudia (Completed Quest: Find Nina Mūguel, +500 Exp, 1,000 GP).
Return Gertrūd to the waterfall cave and ask for a reward: Black Silk Gloves (Bonus Sorcerer Spell: L3, Darkness [3] 1/day, Finger of Death [13], single use, Bard/Sorc/Wiz only).
Next, it's time to find and free the kidnapped children!
The Street of the Black Horses
Slay the private guard guarding the front door to House No. 3, then loot his corpse for the house key and Double Bladed Ark of Goreth (double-bladed sword, Attack Bonus +2, 1d6 cold vs. human, Keen).
Inside is empty, or so it seems...
Diane will disable the traps on the floor and unlock the black chest holding the Grey Key, 1098 GP and random treasure. Rummage through the armoire and you will discover a secret door and trapped stairs leading down to the cellar.
Note: I have no idea what the Grey Key is for. It isn't needed in House No. 3. I thought it might open the chest in the Cardinal's library, but no. See Unsolved Mysteries section.
Slay the three enormous hell hounds guarding the cellar and take their hides. You will find ten children being held in the cells. Free them for +100 exp each.
Head back upstairs and you will find Luigi Bella Nova has returned home. Tell him you killed the door guard and released the children and Luigi will suddenly stab you in the guts. Slap him around until he surrenders (+100 Exp); then demand his testimony against the Cardinal (+200 Exp). Luigi will be automatically taken to the Palace and put under lock and key by Prince Karl. You will find a note on the floor in the house that makes it clear one of the children was to be used as a sacrifice in the Cardinal's ritual.
Return to the Palace and inform Prince Karl of your success in freeing the kidnapped children (Completed Quest: The Missing Children, +0 Exp, +3,000 GP). The Prince will refer you to Bishop Heinrich von Ruhe, explaining that the Bishop is in charge of the ecclesiastical courts and justice will be carried out in the name of the Church.
Report your success to the Bishop and inform him that you have people willing to testify against the Cardinal (+200 Exp). The Bishop will explain that the testimonies are welcome "but only supportive" in a suit against a Grand Inquisitor. We will need to advance the plot in order to bring the Convincing the Inquisition to Leave quest to a conclusion.
That means finding our last witch, Laura Stein!
Foul Smelling Sewers
Remember the old ruined wagon outside Yannia's house, behind the crate stacks? Destroy it to reveal a manhole that leads down to the sewers (you can also access the sewers from the manhole in the Low District or from the cave accessible from the trap door in the Southern Suburbs).
Head north from the starting point, slaying rats, bats and spiders. Lumbering around in the northwest is the orilynx that Yannia warned you about: a custom Grey Render with True Seeing and a few other tricks up its sleeve. You know what to do.
Laura Stein is wandering about in the central north (+300 Exp). With the orilynx dead she is able to use her powers to join Yannia in the waterfall cave (Quest: Find the Other Witches, +500 Exp). We'll join the witches there after we're done clearing out the sewers.
Slay lots of spiders, break their webs and loot and smash their cocoons en route to the southeasternmost chamber. Use Detect Mode to reveal the secret door on the southern wall.
Foul Smelling Sewers: Second Level
Bandits lurk down here. Slay them en route to their lair in the south, guarded by Heckel & Jeckel - an ettin. Knock the two-headed beast on its heads and enter the lair, where it seems Gunthar von Heiligheit, Kirsten Nahelbraun and Toth are just standing around like idiots waiting for someone to come kill them and take their stuff. So kill them and then take their stuff.
The Bandit Chief's Key is found on Gunthar's corpse. Use it to bypass the barrier and gain access to the bandit's ill-gotten treasury. Beware the traps, especially the tube that gives off an intense cold: within its proximity it will inflict 100+ cold damage and paralyze you. You can destroy the tube from range with bow or spell, but that doesn't quell the cold aura. You will have to pass a very difficult DC-30 Fort. save vs. cold check to loot the tube for Glide (Attack Bonus +3, +2d8 cold, Keen), a very cool short sword.
The central chest fires magic at you each time you bash it (the Fighter's Cloak bestows immunity to Magic Missile). In addition to the Tei Kuigi (katana, Attack Bonus +1, +1d6 elect), it's holding an assortment of precious gems and jewels: a gold necklace, a diamond, an emerald, five sapphires, ten garnets, ten Gems of Angel Blood (that sell for a small fortune) and a Lesser Ioun Stone: Scarlet & Blue (Int +2).
Lastly, swipe the wicked scythe lodged in the weapon rack: The Reaper (scythe, Attack Bonus +3, +1d6 slashing, Keen, Mass crits +2d6).
The central chest fires magic at you each time you bash it (the Fighter's Cloak bestows immunity to Magic Missile). In addition to the Tei Kuigi (katana, Attack Bonus +1, +1d6 elect), it's holding an assortment of precious gems and jewels: a gold necklace, a diamond, an emerald, five sapphires, ten garnets, ten Gems of Angel Blood (that sell for a small fortune) and a Lesser Ioun Stone: Scarlet & Blue (Int +2).
Lastly, swipe the wicked scythe lodged in the weapon rack: The Reaper (scythe, Attack Bonus +3, +1d6 slashing, Keen, Mass crits +2d6).
Ok, all witches of the Sénacle Lunaire coven have been found! Lets head back to the waterfall cave and prepare ourselves for the Finale!
Ok, all witches of the Sénacle Lunaire coven have been found! Lets head back to the waterfall cave and prepare ourselves for the Finale!
Bastard of Kosigan Part VII: The Grande Finale:
Bastard of Kosigan Grande Finale
The Cave Behind the Waterfall
Note: Carradine of Kosigan is fourteenth level for the Finale, having started the campaign at tenth (Fighter [10] / Weapon Master [4]).
Report back to Yannia for the last time, having located all witches of coven Sénacle Lunaire (Completed Quest: Find the Other Witches, +4,000 Exp). Yannia will reiterate the master plan that Willie revealed earlier to us: that the witches intend to destroy the Catholic Church and restore the Old World - "Our World".
Remember, up until this point I have been playing both sides with regard to the Coven/Inquisition rivalry, with the caveat that when push comes to shove I would ultimately support the witches, but now a third option presents itself which I think is more palatable: that of reporting them to the authorities, Prince Karl & Bishop Heinrich von Ruhe, who, you will remember, share a dislike for the coven (and the Inquisition's fanaticism and destructive presence in their city).
Therefore, while I agree to meet the witches in the ancient ruins beneath the Dark Grove, my intention is to disrupt the ritual and have the authorities intervene, rather than support them.
To that end I return to Prince Karl and inform him of the escalating situation: that the witches are on the verge of conducting their ritual which will give them powers to destroy the Church (+100 Exp). I inform the Prince of the Cardinal's sorcery, to which he responds that I should inform the Cardinal of the Coven's impending ritual, that the authorities may intercept and arrest him.
Over at the Chapter House the Cardinal believes his hour of glory is upon him. He will arrange for a messenger to meet me at the Dark Grove.
I return to the Prince and inform him that the Cardinal has left for the Dark Grove (+1,100 Exp). The Prince promises to be there. In the meantime, the Bishop is building a legal case against the Cardinal.
The Dark Grove
The Prince's elven messenger meets me at the grove, Lomylith An Jill. He confirms that the witches are inside the ruins, along with a Half-orc, Vuradush, and a dozen kobold-devils. My orders are to meet the Cardinal's messenger, do exactly as they tell me, and wait for Prince Karl and his Knights to intervene. The Bishop will also be in attendance in order to witness the demonic ritual and testify against the Cardinal as someone whose word counts. Lomylith gifts me One of Arundelle's Eyes, a magical device that will let the authorities know when to step in (use Clairaudience/Claivoyance [5]) (Quest: The Finale).
A Messenger for the Inquisition also meets me in the grove, just behind the menhir. My orders are to make my way down to the ruins, head to the exact location of the ritual, and wait for the Inquisition to intervene.
![]() |
Left: Lomylith Right: Messenger of the Inquisition |
I descend into the ruins...
Ancient Ruins
Willie meets me at the bottom of the staircase, flanked by several kobold-devils. She senses my betrayal and teleports away, leaving Gustavo, Diane and I to slay her minions.
An enormous ancient gate separates us from the ritual chamber. Gustavo disables the traps and we furiously bash down the gate as time runs out for the sacrifice! (+600 Exp)
I enter the ritual chamber and duel the fearsome Vuradush Uskada - to the death!
The approach to the ritual is laced with four DC-22 pentagram traps. The place resonates with dark energy. A pentacle of fire is encircled by the five witches, who are now our enemies: Willie & Laura Stein, Yannia Königin, Gertrūd von Baum and Eowen von Köln.
Sénacle Lunaire Ritual
Ignoring our presence, the witches begin their ohmmmmminous ritual!
The invocation is almost complete... but then, suddenly, all hell breaks loose! As per the plan, the Cardinal intervenes, wielding a skull-headed staff with on-hit fireball. He is supported by Black Monks and the Holy Guard of the Night. A massive battle ensues between the two rivals!
Willie unleashes Time Stop, showering the chamber with her arcane repertoire that brings the fallen paladins to their knees. But it isn't enough. With her coven slain, Willie faces the Cardinal in a bitter duel that she cannot hope to win. She retreats before her imminent death, unleashing Meteor Swarm and Wail of the Banshee as she does so (+500 Exp).
Inquisition Ritual
The witches defeated, the Cardinal takes his turn to perform the ritual: he and his Black Monks move to the flaming pentacle and begin their chanting, just as the witches did.
The Lord of Chaos
The ritual succeeds, or does it? It seems The Lord of Chaos has been inadvertently summoned! The demon stands in the pentacle's center, laughing mockingly at the Cardinal and Black Monks, whom he has frozen in time. But I am immune to the effects..
I approach the demon and engage it in conversation.
Seigneur du Chaos reveals himself as Mandorallen Ilbarimen of the High House of Ilbarimen. He also reveals that I belong to an ancient race, a descendent of the same stock as he (Placeholder for Storyline 5 item given).
It was he who wrote the ancient prophecies -- The Book of the End of Time -- that duped the witches and the Cardinal into summoning him (+1,400 dialogue Exp).
How strong does the Blood of Chaos run in my veins? It seems he wants to find out. The thirtieth level demon wields a +4 bastard sword with on-hit wounding and on-hit Melf's Acid Arrow. It's a tough duel. At Near Death the demon retreats (+2,800 Exp), and the authorities intervene in a timely manner.
Prince Karl and his Knights step in and arrest the Cardinal. Then, the distraught Prince kneels beside the body of his slain daughter, Eowen.
Final words to the Cardinal and the Bishop:
The grateful Prince rewards me with Vulcan, a flaming bastard sword (Attack Bonus +3, +1d6 fire). What? Not even Keen, you cheap-ass?
(Completed Quests: The Witches, Convincing the Inquisition to Leave, The Finale)
Carradine, Bastard of Kosigan, has purged Cologne of the Sénacle Lunaire and the Inquisition!
The campaign time-lapses you to Kosigan.
Grey Hair Inn, Kosigan
Speak to Régis and the other patrons to get up to speed on current events in Kosigan; then have Kert the Minstrel export your character for use in Episode Two: Bastard of Kosigan!
And this concludes Episode One: Exile of the West! Thanks to Fabien Cerutti for giving me a few hints along the way!
Laetitia Gabrielli is likely to fall in battle, leaving behind her bad-ass gear:
The Black Monks drop nothing, and the Cardinal cannot be killed.
Gertrūd and Laura drop:
Yannia and Eowen drop nothing, and Willie cannot be killed.
How events play out depends on who you side with.
If you side with the witches the Finale is fairly easy. You just meet up with Willie in the ruins (+3,000 Exp) and watch the witches conduct the ritual that ends up summoning the Lord of Chaos. You fight off the Lord of Chaos and Willie leaves, flabbergasted for being duped by the demon. No messengers, no kobold-devils, no duel with Vuradush, no traps, no authorities, and no Cardinal - which means he isn't charged and arrested for his crimes.
If you side with the Cardinal you will meet his messenger in the Dark Grove. Events play out exactly as per my recounting until the Lord of Chaos has been fought off. He will leave a flock of imps for you to fight. Unfortunately, the Cardinal is bugged to go hostile at this point, and you have no hope of defeating him in battle - none. In other words, the campaign hangs right at the end. Grr!
Clearly, siding with the authorities results in the most satisfying conclusion.
And this concludes Episode One: Exile of the West! Thanks to Fabien Cerutti for giving me a few hints along the way!
Notes on the Finale
- Armor of the Holy Guard of the Night (heavy armor, Armor Bonus +1, DR: 5/+1, Darkness (3) 1/day)
- Sword of the Holy Guard of the Night (greatsword, Attack Bonus +1, Bludgeoning +1d4, Holy Avenger)
- Helmet of the Holy Guard of the Night (Deflection AC +1, Darkvision, Discipline +4, Spot +4)
The Black Monks drop nothing, and the Cardinal cannot be killed.
Gertrūd and Laura drop:
- Protectrice (belt, piercing resistance 5/-, Elemental Shield [7] 1/day)
- Amulet of Piercing (Bonus Feat: Spell Penetration, Spell Breach [7] 1/day, Bard/sorc/wiz only)
Yannia and Eowen drop nothing, and Willie cannot be killed.
It can be difficult to survive the battle. Weaker builds should probably just hang back and conserve their resources, only taking part against Willie and the Lord of Chaos. You should have at least three Potions of Heal to keep you up and running. In addition, assuming you found them and still have them, buffing from various magical items will bestow the effects of Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, Barkskin, Entropic Shield and Spell Resistance.
Other Endings
How events play out depends on who you side with.
If you side with the witches the Finale is fairly easy. You just meet up with Willie in the ruins (+3,000 Exp) and watch the witches conduct the ritual that ends up summoning the Lord of Chaos. You fight off the Lord of Chaos and Willie leaves, flabbergasted for being duped by the demon. No messengers, no kobold-devils, no duel with Vuradush, no traps, no authorities, and no Cardinal - which means he isn't charged and arrested for his crimes.
If you side with the Cardinal you will meet his messenger in the Dark Grove. Events play out exactly as per my recounting until the Lord of Chaos has been fought off. He will leave a flock of imps for you to fight. Unfortunately, the Cardinal is bugged to go hostile at this point, and you have no hope of defeating him in battle - none. In other words, the campaign hangs right at the end. Grr!
Clearly, siding with the authorities results in the most satisfying conclusion.
Bastard of Kosigan Hints / Tips
Never, ever, under any circumstances "Escape-key out of dialogue" (this was my habit for the OC). It will cause bugs. The dialogue "powers along" and is a pleasure to read, anyway.
Questing is non-linear but you may break things if you go too far. Be sensible and don't try to push the boundaries unless you can accept reloading an earlier save when the campaign grinds to a halt.
Sometimes a dialogue session won't cover all available threads until you speak to them again. Also, save your game before talking to someone, as you may get locked out of certain paths that you can never return to (luckily, none of these are plot-critical).
Unlike most modules I've played, the journal entries are brief and sometimes won't tell you exactly what to do. You will need to pay attention to the dialogue and scripted events to advance. Otherwise it may not seem like anything is wrong but then slowly you will reach a dead end, and facepalm.
Be sure to explore the edges of maps for transition triggers, as they're not always map-marked! This is annoying because I hate waving my cursor around, pixel hunting. I missed a whole map, a quest and a Henchman because of this... (the quest wasn't doable later because the dialogue "had moved on"). Also pay attention to the feedback panel for hints about secret transition points.
Bastard of Kosigan Build & Itemization
I have been consistently succeeding in Persuade checks up to the point of Cologne with -1 ranks in the skill (which is absurd), but when you reach Cologne and the meat of the campaign kicks in the checks will become harder so don't skimp out on Persuade! There are also Intimidate, Bluff and Ability Score checks. You will notice a difference in dialogue between 13 and 14 Intelligence. You will need to be charismatic if you want to flirt/seduce (makes sense!)
Alignment checks and shifts are extremely rare but you have lots of choices in dialogue and how to solve quests. Update: I encountered one dialogue-based alignment shift in the whole adventure...
Don't take Appraise because early merchants don't do the check at stores and, from my experience, the later ones that do are easy to get a favorable reaction with.
Even with no Rogue levels you might like to invest a hard point in cross-class skills such as Open Lock, Search and Disable Trap because they are useful to have and you will find items - early on, and usable by non-Rogues - that buff them to reasonable ranks. Pick Pocket can be useful, though most players will have to remove their Full Plate and Tower Shield to avoid significant penalties.
Don't forget about Thieves' Tools.
Note that some doors can only be unlocked conventionally, they cannot be bashed. There are two companions with Rogue levels to help you out (Diane and Gustavo).
Two levels of Paladin can be very helpful for Divine Grace & Aura of Courage. Fear is an annoying and common negative status effect. You can quaff a Potion of Clarity to ward it off, but they're rare.
A Fighter/Rogue build with UMD is entirely feasible: you can find scrolls and wands (though in limited supply). Sneaks Attacks can devastate if you have a companion to attract the aggro.
Potions are sold in limited quantities. You can buy one Potion of Clarity (abjures Fear) and three Heal potions pre-Cologne. There are one or two Freedom and Remove Disease potions in stock. Merchant are stocked up on Healer's Kits +1, so bag 'em up!
Bugs and stupid things:
Experience exploits: one of the veteran mercenaries at the merc camp can be freed twice. Also, you can repeatedly gain 1,500 Exp when you bring Pietr to the Abandoned Cavern. Don't abuse this because if you over-level yourself it can cause bugs.
Something stupid: You have to cash in the fifty kobold-devil heads one at a time..! I mean, really?
Dialogue oversight: When you first meet Prince Karl he will give you two quests. If you speak to him again immediately you can tell him you heard he was investigating the coven. From whom did we hear this; we have spoken to no one? I hope this doesn't break a future quest... Update: it doesn't.
I have encountered a bug with Stannis Göwald, the blacksmith in Cologne (this has nothing to do with Escape-keying out of dialogue). When he returns to Cologne to confront Armand, you will find him at Frantz's Place just standing there in the common room and Armand won't be around. Moreover, Stannis will say nothing of Armand and when you ask to see his vendor inventory it will not pop-up! Dah fuq? He will not even return to the Blacksmith shop after you have dealt with Armand and completed the Missing Caravan quest; instead just standing there in the common room like an idiot, forever. Really annoying! Therefore, if you want to buy some of his stuff do so before he leaves to help Derich.
I wasn't able to open the Nicean Bible quest with Meredoc Sorn, whether I had the bible or not.
The journal will say you kept the sacrificial dagger even if you gave it to Eowen (Cloak & Dagger quest).
When Armand accuses you of lying you can repeat a response that has already been given ("I won't deny...")
Rodrigo's placement in the Chapter House is odd: stuck in the corner near the entrance, facing the wall? He also has nothing meaningful to say, so I just gutted him there and looted his corpse for the (untranslated) Armure d'officier de L'Inquisition. Then, the Cardinal rewarded me 1,000 GP for saving him from the witches, unwitting of the murder that occurred just down the hall!
You will lose Exp if you slay Gustavo in werewolf form! (I have never seen this before.)
What's with all the magical katanas, in a mythic European setting?
Why is there an adult green dragon so close to Cologne, with neither rhyme nor reason?
The kobold-devils use the goblin model and can be looted for orc heads. Where are my Deekins?
Laetitia Gabrielli and her Holy Guard of the Night are imposing/prominent, and yet there is no mention of her or her order. It would have been nice to have some dialogue with her.
Spoilers. You will receive a "fast travel" object that will allow you to visit any location you have previously been to: the Clochette, a fairy in a bottle. You can use it to escape most areas, but not all.
You can recruit your first Henchman when you reach Cologne (the Old Knight at Franzt's Place Inn). You can also recruit Gustavo in the Northern Forest of the Wolves after he has been cured of lycanthropy. Another may be recruited on the Northern Road after you have dealt with the mercs (Diane). There is also a temporary Henchman near the merc camp (Drolin the dwarf). Note that you will receive fewer experience points for kills if you adventure with companions, summons or familiars, as per party size penalty rules. Quest and dialogue experience points are unaffected, so I wasn't too bothered by this. There doesn't seem to be any extra role-playing options with companions, but they may remark on the location you're in, to add some flavor. You can only take a max of two companions at any given time.
Important! Be on the lookout for four Placeholder for Storyline items given to you during key conversations. It seems they are useful in future Episodes.
Also be on the lookout for catalytic objects:
You can recruit your first Henchman when you reach Cologne (the Old Knight at Franzt's Place Inn). You can also recruit Gustavo in the Northern Forest of the Wolves after he has been cured of lycanthropy. Another may be recruited on the Northern Road after you have dealt with the mercs (Diane). There is also a temporary Henchman near the merc camp (Drolin the dwarf). Note that you will receive fewer experience points for kills if you adventure with companions, summons or familiars, as per party size penalty rules. Quest and dialogue experience points are unaffected, so I wasn't too bothered by this. There doesn't seem to be any extra role-playing options with companions, but they may remark on the location you're in, to add some flavor. You can only take a max of two companions at any given time.
Important! Be on the lookout for four Placeholder for Storyline items given to you during key conversations. It seems they are useful in future Episodes.
- Placeholder for Storyline 1: Diane Keneheim - when she surrenders in the forest.
- Placeholder for Storyline 2: Armand du Prince - when you confront him in the Underground Forge.
- Placeholder for Storyline 3: This item exists in the module (token3), but in checking the scripts and conversations I found no instance of it. Update: Fabien told me it isn't used, so forget about it.
- Placeholder for Storyline 4: Bishop Heinrich von Ruhe - when you inform him of Pietr's safe relocation.
- Placeholder for Storyline 5: Lord of Chaos - the Finale.
Also be on the lookout for catalytic objects:
Ancient Bracers of Fire Resistance and Ancient Object: Found in the Ancient Halls. (Yannia does not seem to want the Ancient Gold Piece.)
Ancient Statue: Found in the Ancient Passage (where you first meet Willie).
Both of the above areas are accessed from the Kobold-Devil Caves, Second Level.
Ancient Fishing Pole: Found as part of the Find the Missing Fishing Pole quest, in the Southern Suburbs of Cologne.
Ancient Sacrificial Dagger & Ancient Elven Cloak: found as part of Eowen's Cloak & Dagger quest, but neither are accepted by Yannia as catalytic objects.
I found three other items in the toolset, but not in-game: I'm assuming the Ancient Demonic Mask and second Ancient Statuette are found in the Cardinal's library chest. I have no idea where the Antique Metallic Grenade is found (the dialogue to give it to Yannia is screwed up). For testing purposes I consoled these in, gave them to Yannia, and it still didn't complete the quest. I suspect Yannia's dialogue is bugged to not recognize the coin, dagger and cloak. See Unsolved Mysteries, below.
Bastard of Kosigan Major Bugs
The witches may not begin their ritual if you side with them. I hate this bug! Reload, and try again.
The Cardinal is bugged to go hostile if you side with him.
Bastard of Kosigan Unsolved Mysteries
How do you open the chest in the Cardinal's library? It can't be bashed or unlocked by a Rogue: it needs a key. I pick-pocketed the Cardinal for a key (Clé de Las Casas), but it doesn't open the chest.. the hell?!
Where are the other catalytic objects? I assume the Cardinal's library chest may hold two? of them, but see above.
How do you complete the Cloak & Dagger quest? This quest is bugged out, but maybe it's possible..
How do you begin the Nicean Bible quest? Whether I have the bible or not, I cannot speak to Meredoc Sorn about it.
Where is Werner Friztlander, the only person on the Inquisition's Mission Order that I didn't encounter?
Is there a use for the Grey Key found in the black chest of House No. 3?
I have found three Pink Moonflowers. One each in the Northern Forest of the Wolves, The Dark Grove and Farther Along the Northern Road. Where are the others?
Does anyone know of a workaround for the frequent crashes that occur in Episode Two: The Bastard of Kosigan, mainly when just trying to load a save game? It is unplayable in this state.
- Exile of the West
- The Bastard of Kosigan
- Revelations
- Blood & Tears
- By the Word & the Blade
Bastard of Kosigan Installation Instructions
Ok, so you want to play Fabien Cerutti's Bastard of Kosigan series but where do you download it from and how do you install it? Well, this post should help newbies who have never installed a NWN module before.
First things first, make sure your game is patched to 1.69. Even if it's the GoG version I would run this to be sure, as some people have had problems getting community content to work, which the patch seemed to fix each time. So, patch your game!
In addition I suggest you completely back up your pristine Neverwinter Nights install to somewhere safe before you starting messing around with it, just in case you stuff something up. You will also need 7-Zip to extract the zip and rars, so grab it here if you don't already have it. Done that? Ok...
The Bastard of Kosigan series is a French module series consisting of a Prequel and five Episodes with only four Episodes having (so far) been translated into English by Ginni Swanton (Exile of the West, The Bastard of Kosigan, Revelations & Blood & Tears).
Download the translated file from, which I've linked to directly for your convenience:
Download this compiled archive (
Downloaded it? Ok, use 7-zip to extract the contents somewhere temporary (ie, NOT in your NWN installation folder); the process may take a lil' while because of all the content. When that's done open the bastardofkosigan folder and use Z-Zip to extract the 12 rar files (again, it may take a while).
Done that? Ok, lets install Episode One: Exile of the West.
First, open the Exile_of_the_West_26june07_Ginni_Fabien folder and copy the Exile of the West_26june07_Ginni_Fabien.mod to your NWN modules folder (normally located in C:\Program Files (x86)\NeverwinterNights\NWN).
Second, open the HakExil17juin folder and copy the hak and music folder to your NWN folder, merging them.
Third, open the kos_prestige folder and copy the classes.2da file to your NWN override folder, the kosigan_classes.hak file to your NWN hak folder and the kosigan_english.tlk file to your NWN tlk folder. If you don't have a tlk folder, create one. Exile of the West is now installed!
Ok, lets install the three other translated episodes now: The Bastard of Kosigan, Revelations and Blood & Tears.
First, open The_Bastard_of_Kosigan_June_10_2008_521pm folder and copy The Bastard of Kosigan June 10, 2008 521pm.mod to your NWN modules folder.
Second, open the Bastardhak folder and copy the bastard_hak.hak file to your NWN hak folder. The Bastard of Kosigan is now installed.
Third, open the REVELATIONS_INTRODUCTION_Ginni_2008_2009_5 and Revelations_may_8 folders and copy both the REVELATIONS INTRODUCTION Ginni 2008_2009_5.mod and Revelations.mod to your NWN modules folder.
Fourth, open the BoK_Haks_and_Music folder, rename the haks folder to hak and copy the hak and music folder to your NWN folder, merging them (and replacing/skipping the music files). Revelations is now installed.
Fifth, open the Blood_and_Tears_Ginni_March_9_2009_tlkengl2 folder and copy the Blood and Tears Ginni March 9 2009_tlkengl2.mod to your NWN modules folder.
Sixth, open the dg_ridehorses folder and copy the dg_ridehorses.hak file to your NWN hak folder. (You should now have 20 BoK haks in there.) Blood & Tears is now installed.
Seventh and last, open the Portraits_of_the_Bastard_of_Kosigan folder and copy the 20 tga files to your NWN portraits folder. If you don't have one, create it.
The 4_Musics_you_have_to_put_in_the_music_file_of_NWN folder contains no music we don't already have; ignore it.
Ok, what's been translated of the Bastard of Kosigan series is now fully installed.
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