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Jagged Alliance 2 Maps: Sector Guide

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Jagged Alliance 2 Maps

Welcome to my sector map guide for Jagged Alliance 2, a cRPG developed by Sir-Tech (1999).

This starter guide eases newbies into the campaign. In a logical and immersive order, it covers early progression as well as the basics of tactics and strategy.

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Jagged Alliance 2 Sector Guide

The following sector guide is posted for reference purposes.

Jagged Alliance 2 Locations Random

Skyrider Location

Skyrider is found in sectors B15, C16, D12 or E14.

Weapons Depot Location

The weapons depot is found in sectors E11, H5, H10, J12 or M9. The weapons held by the depot are drawn randomly but from a preset pool. Among other top-tier Jagged Alliance 2 weapons, it is possible to find FN-P90s and H&K G11s at the weapons depot.

Madlab's Robot Location

Madlab's Robot is found in sectors E4, H7, H16 and I11.

Humvee Location

The humvee is found at sector H10, west of Balime.

Ice-cream Truck Location

The Ice-cream truck is found at D3, D6, G6, C9, D9, E12 or F12.

Omerta: A9: Town (Dropzone) 

  • Clear the sector of hostiles and make contact with Fatima.
  • Check the building on the right for wire cutters and crowbar (random).
  • Give Fatima the note and then follow her east to the next sector.

Omerta: A10: Rebel Hideout

  • Follow Fatima to the rebel hideout and make contact with Dimitri.
  • Follow Dimitri into the basement and make contact with Carlos & Miguel.
  • The rebels request food supplies from Father Walker in Drassen.
  • Recruit Ira and exit east to the next sector. Ira is the first character that can be recruited in-game.
  • Since most players return to recruit Dimitri post-Drassen, you can leave a merc stationed in Omerta for that purpose (or you can head back from Drassen or rely on a new AIM merc to recruit Dimitri later).

Drassen: B13: Airport 

  • Clear the sector of hostiles and speak with Waldo in the hangar and Pablo at the shipments shelter. Waldo hints at Skyrider's location.
  • Find the pilot, Skyrider, at B15, C16, D12 or E14 in order to unlock the helicopter as transportation (best done after the liberation of Drassen, while training militia).
  • M.E.R.C and Bobby Ray's stores come online. Click "Links" in "AIM" to access those stores. After that, they should become shortcuts under "Web".
  • Be sure to "grease Pablo's palms" (give him some "coffee money", aka $20 cash) or your Bobby Ray's shipments may go missing. If Pablo is killed, he is replaced by Sal. Your shipments are stored in the crate located in the hangar.

Drassen: C13: Warehouses

  • Slay Doreen Harrows in the clothing factory.
  • Look for Father Walker in the tavern. Speak to him with Ira. Send food supplies back to the rebels in Omerta.

Drassen: D13: Town

  • Look for Father Walker in the church. Speak to him with Ira. Send food supplies back to the rebels in Omerta.
  • Open the mines by speaking to the head miner, Fred. Train militia in all three Drassen sectors.
  • While that's happening, go and look for Skyrider in B15, C16, D12 or E14 (Dr. Q is good for this).
  • Head back to Omerta and recruit Dimitri.
  • Loot the silver mines of items and silver nuggets.

SAM site: D15

  • Clear the sector and then train militia.
  • Learn about other SAM sites from Skyrider.

Alma: H13: Command 

  • Get the location of Orta from the General, then take him out.
  • Take out or free Sergeant Krott. If you free him, you get an early Rocket Rifle.
  • Take out or recruit Conrad.
  • Buns is one of the mercs that has the stats to free Krott and recruit Conrad.
  • You want someone like Barry to unlock the chests and whatnot.

Alma: H14: Weapons Plant

  • Straightforward liberation.

Alma: I13: Prison 

  • Straightforward liberation.

Alma: I14: Town & Mine

  • Talk to Auntie to learn about the Bloodcat Lair. Take out the lair two sectors east of the town sector. Bloodcat parts can be sold to Mickey whose location is a random tavern in Arulco.

Tixa J9: Prison 

  • The warden is found in her prison office or at her home between the hours of 5.00 and 6.00 p.m. We can also get the prison key from Brewster.
  • Free and recruit Dynamo.
  • Raid the basement and caves [pic]. In the basement, recruit Shank.
  • Exterminate crepitus in caves.

SAM Site: I8 [Central SAM, Cambria SAM]

  • Liberate the sector of hostiles.
  • At this point, it's possible that crepitus may invade a mine.

Crepitus Cave Maps

Estoni: I6: Junkyard

  • Jake the junk dealer sells us gas if we get Shank to talk to him. We can also relocate the helipad to this central position.
  • Recruit Maddog to get the CAWS.
  • Get the Orta keycard from Skipper. Orta is located at K4.

Woods L10: Gas Station (Hummer Location)

  • Purchase the Hummer from Dave for $10k.

Cambria: F8: Hospital

There are three NPCs of note in the hospital: nurse Jenny and doctors Vincent Beaumont and Steve Willis. 

If our Loyalty in Cambria is high enough, and if we haven't stolen medical supplies from their storage facility (note that we cannot so much as peek inside the crates), we can recruit Vince and employ the hospital for healing purposes. I recruited Vince with Buns at 79% loyalty, without having done any quests.

Cambria: F9: University

The concrete walls surrounding the university provide excellent cover for a crouched snipers. Notably, there was only one land mine that needed to be flagged by Barry.

Cambria: G8: Residential

Find Joey for Martha. Joey is found in San Mona.

Cambria: G9: Market

Hicks: F10: Farmland

A nasty inbred family dwells on farmland to the east of Cambria. Led by Daryl Hicks and his son Darrel Hicks, they have been terrorizing Cambrian citizens, as well as cows [funny].

There is not much that can done with Daryl and Darrel. We can trade off a female squad member to be wed to Daryl in exchange for free access to their arms and armor, but we can't get her back in the squad even after we've killed off their 20-strong crew. Thus, it's best to just blow them away from the outset. This results in a mere +4 to Loyalty in Cambria, but we gain some decent gear out of the massacre.

Progress [pic].

San Mona: C5

  • San Mona is not controlled by enemy forces. Instead, it is controlled by organized crime (Kingpin). As with Queen Crepitus, Kingpin (D5) can be thought of as a boss to kill. Don't kill Kingpin if you want to do some quests.
  • We can't train militia in San Mona or earn cash from its mine.
  • Recruit Iggy. We can only recruit Iggy after we've slain Mike and liberated five towns. Note that Iggy only appears in Franks Bar during the day.
  • Recruit explosives merchant, Devin. He is also found in the bar randomly.
  • Rescue Maria from the brothel for Angel.
  • Tony is the weapons dealer.

San Mona: C6

Watering Hole: Alberto de Santos, Joe (random terrorist).

San Mona: D5: Kingpin

  • Participate in a pit fight run by Darren. "Direct" to Spike to gain access. For the fights, employ Bull or Dr. Q. Take an energy booster before the fight. Bet 5k each time. Kingpin shows up and invites us to his mansion (long house in the south).
  • Damon blocks the front door to the mansion. Go in via backdoor. Sometimes, a guard may simply open it. Otherwise, we need a key.
  • Kingpin requests that we steal a golden chalice from the museum in Balime (L12). The reward is $20k.
  • Note that GC can also be given to Yanni in Chitzena ruins (A2). It is optimal to give the chalice (obtained in Balime L12) to Kingpin, slay him and loot the chalice from his corpse, and then deliver the chalice to Yanni for 100% Chitzena loyalty and +10 global loyalty, which boosts loyalty in Balime enough that militia may be trained in Balime.

San Mona: D4: Mine

Steal 30k from Kingpin's mine. Note that he sends bounty hunters after the squad if we do that.

Grumm: G1 Residential

Even early on, LAWs, Mortars and Mortar Shells can be found in H2 and G2 Grumm sectors. We can also find Grenade Launchers, 40mm grenades, Steel Tubes, Springs and Aluminum Rods. It's possible to find LAW x2 in H2 and 1x Mortar in G2 along with Mortar Shells x4 and Talon Underslung Grenade Launcher x2. The Mortars and LAWs are useful vs. tanks in Meduna so I wouldn't waste them unless you intend to order shipments from Bobby Ray's or visit N7: Prison later in the game.

Grumm: G2 Warehouses

Grumm: H1 Market

Fredo can erase fingerprint IDs on Rocket Rifles. Fredo can repair electrical items and Arnold can repair non-electrics.

Grumm: H2 Storage

Grumm: H3: Mine

SAM Site: D2

Chitzena: A2: Ancient Ruins

Yanni requests that we recover the Golden Chalice from the museum in Balime (L12). It is optimal to give the chalice to Kingpin in San Mona (D5) for $20k, slay him and loot the chalice from his corpse, and then deliver the chalice to Yanni for 100% Chitzena loyalty and +10 global loyalty.

Also, escort John and Mary to Drassen Airport to later receive a shipment of Automag x2 as reward.

By day, Mary and John as well as Yanni are found in the ruins of A2: Chitzena.

Chitzena: B2: Town & Mine

Balime:  L11: Mansions

Even once all Balime sectors have been liberated, Balime town loyalty is not high enough to begin training militia in Balime (18%). We need to get loyalty boosts by taking more sectors elsewhere and training more militia elsewhere (which affects global loyalty). Otherwise, stealing the golden chalice from the Balime mueseum and giving it to Yanni in Chitzena (D2) works as well.

Balime: L12: Museum & Town

Steal the golden chalice of chance from the museum in the evening. You may like to deliver the chalice to Kingpin before giving it to Yanni.

You are also going to want to visit Franz's electronics shop for Madlab's Robot.

Orta Research Facility: K4

  • Orta is one of the coolest zones in the game. There are two zones: approach and dungeon. 
  • I encountered Mike on the perimeter fenceline. From his corpse, I looted a H&K G11.
  • If you didn't get the key from Skipper in Estoni (I6), you can pay Walter 20k to get Orta basement access.

Orta Basement: K4-B1

To get the six Rocket Rifles in the basement, it's easiest just to threaten Ernest until he unlocks the door to the storage room.

Meduna: N7: Prison

This is where we end up if we surrender. Mercs can also end up in Alma and Tixa prisons if they are not under player-control.

We can find a dozen LAWs itemized here, which can be employed vs. tanks in the Meduna sectors.


Unless you're going full stealth, before coming here you should make sure your mercs are loaded up with anti-tank weapons (LAWs, mortars, M79 grenade launchers, talon underslung grenade launchers). See Grumm section, N7: Prison (above) and JA2 weapons.

Meduna: N3: Airport

Meduna: N4: SAM Site

Meduna: O3: Garden Maze

See the three statues lined up in the pic? There is a secret entrance under the broken, middle statue that leads down into Deidranna's bunker under the Palace (P3). The bunker is called P3-B1: Meduna - Shelter. In order to open the access point we need to find the remote control in a locked cupboard in the house to the south. Then, we need to activate the remote control to reveal an entrace to the bunker through the broken, middle statue.


O3-B1 is the dungeon we find ourselves in after we enter the access point in the broken statue located in the garden maze.

P3-B1: Meduna - Shelter

Kill anything that moves, find keys, disarm traps and pick the place clean of loot.

The Auto Rocket Rifle is found in a locker in Deidranna's sanctum.

Meduna: O4

Meduna: P3: Palace

The object is to kill Deidranna. There she is standing in the far-left. Note that the game continues if you haven't yet killed the Queen Crepitus (sci-fi mode only).

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