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SPHERE OF CHAOS: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Spherer of Chaos is a Baldur's Gate spell in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2.

  • Sphere of Chaos (Alteration) [SCRL8M]
  • Level: 7
  • Range: Visual sight of caster 
  • Duration: 1 turn
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: 30' radius
  • Saving Throw: Special

All enemies within the area of effect must make a save vs. spells every round that they remain in the sphere, and if the save is failed one of the following random effects occurs:  polymorphed into a squirrel, confused, burst into flames, paralyzed, disintegrated, healed 20 hit points, randomly teleported, rendered unconcious or hasted.

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