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Units Sid Meier's Civilization 1

Units Civ1

There are 28 Units in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Sid Meier's Civilization. Units are divided into Epoch and type. Thus, Phalanx is an ancient ground unit and Fighter is a modern air unit.

Civ1 Units are constituted by three stats which govern their effectiveness in moving, attacking and defending. Units also have a Cost and an Advances prerequisite.

Units can be upgraded to Veterans via Barracks, not battle.

The effectiveness of units is not only dependent upon their stats, but also what terrain they occupy, what enemy units they are battling and how they work in conjunction with other allied units.

In terms of the impact they have on games, the best Civilization 1 units are Settlers, Caravan, Knights, Phalanx and Trireme.

Ground Units Civilization 1

Civ1 ground units include infantry, cavalry, artillery and mechanized units. Some ground units are offensive in nature, some defensive. There are 16 ground unit aka land unit types in Civ1.

The best Civilization 1 ground units are Caravan, Chariot, Knights, Phalanx and Settlers.

Naval Units Civilization 1

There are nine naval unit aka sea unit types in Civ1. Naval units, sea units or seafaring units offer early-game troop-transport and exploration potential. Late-game, they offer firepower as well.

In the early game Triremes can transport two troops and caravans around archipelagos (island hopping) as well as between two larger landmasses (if the body of water separating them is not vast).

Triremes move much faster than any other ancient unit, though of course only at sea. Since they cannot mount any form of attack, their purpose is to transport troops and explore coastlines.

Air Units Civilization 1

There are three air units in Civ1. Air units offer the highest movement rates and firepower, but come late-game.

Veteran Units Civ1

Veteran units have their attack and defense values increased by 50%. Units may become veterans by winning a battle or if built in a city with a Barracks.

During the American Civil War, green units that had never been in battle were said to have "seen the elephant" after being under fire for the first time. They were now veterans, having been witness to, and part of, something that could never be completely conveyed to those without the experience. The historical evidence shows that trained, veteran soldiers were dramatically more likely to survive and perform their combat mission than inexperienced troops. For American replacements in World War II, the first two weeks in combat were the most dangerous. After that period they had become veterans and wily in the ways of battlefield survival.

Back to: Civ1 Guide.

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