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Settlers Civilization 1

Settlers Civ1

Settlers is a Civilization 1 Unit in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Civilization 1.

Settlers can found settlements and build roads, railroads, farms and fortresses. They can also clear forests or jungles and clean up pollution.

Sometimes you start with two Settler units, not one. However, terrain RNG is much more important.

  • Cost: 40
  • Movement: 1
  • Attack: 0
  • Defense: 1
  • Prerequisite: None

In ancient times, cities would inevitably grow to a size where the resources were insufficient to adequately insure a decent standard of living for the populace. When this happened, it was time for some of the more adventurous citizens to move on and look for another place to build a city. New Settlers set out, searching for a suitable site, and there establishing their new homes. The new city normally maintained ties and loyalty to the old, and eventually sent out its own Settlers.

Prioritizing Settlers Orders

When irrigating and roading the first few squares of city catchments, be sure to irrigate and road the squares that are being worked followed by those that are soon to be worked. Check which ones those are in the catchment panel of the City Display, and adjust accordingly. By default, Grassland Shield is prioritized.

In addition, unless the square is a River square and you don't yet have Bridge Building, always road the square immediately after irrigating it; otherwise, you waste turns backtracking.

Settlers Cheat Civilization 1

To have Settlers irrigate, road, clear or clean squares or build on squares in a single turn, you can repeatedly "click-cancel" their orders until the square is updated (game-breaking exploit).

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