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Prophecy of Alaundo, Baldur's Gate

Chanters of Candlekeep melodically reciting the Prophecy of Alaundo that underpins the Baldur's Gate campaign:

Prophecies of Alaundo, Seer & Sage

The prophecies of Alaundo are as follows:

  • In the year of the turrets, a great host will come from the east like a plague of locusts. So sayeth the wise Alaundo.
  • When shadows descend upon the lands, our divine lords will walk alongside us as equals. So sayeth the great Alaundo.
  • The Wyrm shall wander the earth and such a pestilence will follow in his wake that all who know of his passing shall be struck down by the plague. So sayeth the wise Alaundo.
  • When conflict sweeps across the Dales the great lizards of the north shall descend with fire and fury. So sayeth the great Alaundo.
  • The Lord of Murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos will be sewn from their passage. So sayeth the wise Alaundo.

Prophecy of Alaundo, Bhaalspawn

The spawn of the Lord of Murder are fated to come into their inheritance through bloodshed and misery.  It is the hope of their father that only one shall remain alive to inherit his legacy. I foresee that the children of Bhaal shall kill each other in a bloody massacre.

During the days of the Avatars, the Lord of Murder will spawn a score of mortal progeny. These offspring will be aligned good and evil, but chaos will flow through them all. When the Beast's bastard children come of age, they will bring havoc to the lands of the Sword Coast. One of these children must rise above the rest and claim their father's legacy. This inheritor will shape the history of the Sword Coast for centuries to come.

The above plays out in Throne of Bhaal.

Time of Troubles

The events of Baldur's Gate take place on the Sword Coast in 1370 DR (Dale Reckoning), 12 years subsequent to the Time of Troubles, when the gods walked Faerûn. Forseen by Mystra, the Time of Troubles was brought on when Bane and Myrkul stole the Tablets of Fate from Ao, the Overgod. As punishment, Ao hurled the gods down from the heavens, forcing them into mortal shells.

One of those gods was Bhaal, the Lord of Murder and God of Assassins. Bhaal foresaw his demise at the hands of Cyric. Thus, in mortal form, Bhaal spread his divine seed, his essence, far and wide, in order to give rise to the Bhaalspawn, whose bloody battles, he predicted, would ultimately result in his reemergence.

It is revealed in Baldur's Gate that the antagonist, a Deathbringer named Sarevok Anchev, and the protagonist, referred to by players as CHARNAME, are Bhaalspawn: off-spring of Bhaal, and siblings.

In BG1, Dynaheir was apparently searching for the spawn of Bhaal.

Gorion's Note

If you are reading this, it means I have met an untimely death. I would tell you not to grieve for me, but I feel much better thinking that you would. There are things I must tell you in this letter that I might have told you before. However, if my death came too soon then I would have never been given the chance. First off, I am not your biological father, for that distinction lies with an entity known as Bhaal. The Bhaal that I speak of is the one you know of as a divinity.  

In the crisis known as the Time of Troubles, when the Gods walked Faerun, Bhaal was also forced into a mortal shell. He was somehow forewarned of the death that awaited him during this time. For reasons unknown to me, he sought out women of every race and forced himself upon them. Your mother was one of those women, and as you know, she died in childbirth. I had been her friend and on occasion, lover.  I felt obligated to raise you as my own. I have always thought of you as my child and I hope you still think of me as your father. You are a special child. The blood of the Gods runs through your veins. 

If you make use of our extensive library you will find that our founder, Alaundo, has many prophecies concerning the coming of the spawn of Bhaal. There are many who will want to use you for their own purposes. One, a man who calls himself Sarevok, is the worst danger. He has studied here at Candlekeep and thus knows a great deal about your history and who you are.

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CHARNAME Baldur's Gate Canon Party Baldur's Gate Chateau Irenicus Baldur's Gate

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