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30 60 9 9 jewel, Diablo 2 Resurrected

The 30 60 9 9 rare jewel is one of the most coveted items in Diablo 2 due to its max of 30 60 9 9 on four useful martial mods, as well as its middling level requirement. Its Strength and Dexterity rolls being perfect (Virility + Daring), this particular jewel is only 2% shy of max ED (Realgar) and 8 points shy of max AR (Silver).

This one, on the other hand, is perfect. That is to say, it is godly:

Perfect 30 60 9 9 jewels confer +30% to enhanced damage, +60 to attack rating, +9 to Strength and +9 to Dexterity. The level requirement is 42.

Diablo 2 30 18 9 Jewel Crimson Jewel of Carnage
Best Items Diablo 2 Ruby Jewel of Fervor Rusty Jewel of Wrath
Best Jewels Diablo 2 Ruby Jewel of Carnage Jewel of Envy
30 60 9 9 Jewel Vermilion Jewel of Fervor Rainbow Facet Jewel Cold
7 9 9 10 Jewel Vermilion Jewel of Carnage Rainbow Facet Jewel Fire
18 min 18 max Jewel Carmine Jewel of Carnage Rainbow Facet Jewel Lightning
30 10 18 Jewel Rusty Jewel of Carnage Rainbow Facet Jewel Poison

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