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POISONMANCER Build, Diablo 2 Resurrected

Poisonmancer D2

Poisonmancer is a Diablo 2 Build in Blizzard North's cRPG of 2000, Diablo 2. The Poisonmancer is a is capable of farming certain killzones with great efficiency, including the Pit. While not as good at summoning as proper summon necros, it can certainly get its own legion going in addition to its poison novas.

Poisonmancer Damage

Poison dmg. We have -66% to enemy poison resistance and +64% to poison skill dmg

Synergized with poison dagger and poison explosion skills, we're looking at 10k Poison Nova dmg over 2 secs at 36th skill level. Anything not immune to poison is going to fall to the nova like leaves in autumn, and anything immune to poison gets amplified and then ripped apart by the merc and skeletons. 

Poisonmancer Skeletons

Skeleton Summons. After maxing out poison skills, we still have plently left over to spend on summons, curses and golem. We can summon 13 skeletons that are perma-buffed with:

Poisonmancer FCR

Faster Cast Rate. FCR is not important to Poison Nova castings because its dmg is applied over 2 secs. However, we still want to reach the 10th casting frame breakpoint for 75 FCR in order to facilitate mobility through Enigma's Teleport.

Poisonmancer Weapon: Death's Web unearthed wand unique, socketed with perfect 5/5 PSN Rainbow Facet unique jewel

If we don't have this item, we don't have a build.

Poisonmancer Shield: Homunculus hierophant trophy unique, socketed with perfect 5/5 PSN Rainbow Facet unique jewel

Poisonmancer Armor: Enigma rune word in Archon Plate:

Also, Bramble rune word in 15% ED Superior Archon: Perfect Thorns roll and only 1% shy of perfect roll on the +PSN dmg.

Bramble can never replace the Teleport-capable Enigma in general play, but it is useful for concerted farming due to its +PSN dmg as well as for conferring Thorns on summons.

Poisonmancer Helm: Harlequin Crest shako unique, socketed with perfect 5/5 PSN Rainbow Facet unique jewel

That will have to do unless we can find a 2os circlet with +20% FCR. Or simply go with:

Poisonmancer Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws heavy bracers setpiece:

Poisonmancer Belt: Arachnid Mesh spiderweb sash unique:

Poisonmancer Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope amulet unique:

Poisonmancer Rings. What we really want a godly rare rings with +10 FCR. But rolling them is difficult.

We can opt for +skill rings, too.

Poisonmancer On-switch Weapon: Call to Arms rune word in crystal sword:

Poisonmancer On-switch Shield: Spirit rune word in monarch:

Hellfire torch large charm:

Annihilus small charm:

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