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Oblivion With Guns: Worst RPG Game

Oblivion With Guns Worst RPG Game

When someone mentions Oblivion With Guns, no one installs it.

In cRPG History, the worst cRPG is Oblivion With Guns, aka Fallout 3. 

Oblivion With Guns is the biggest pile of garbage that has ever been inflicted upon a fanbase of an all-time great game (Fallout 1), which was followed by a great sequel (Fallout 2). 

Never before has a cRPG franchise dropped so abyssally low from the loftiest of heights. Moreover, it is impossible to outdo such an epic nose-dive in the future. Most cRPGs were a mistake, but Oblivion With Guns was a travesty.

Imagine the best pure cRPG of the time (Fallout 1) and the worst RPG Game of the time (Oblivion). Now, have the developer of the latter make a sequel for the former, 10 years later. What do you get? 

Oblivion With Guns.

In the end, Bethesda succeeded. Indeed, they aced it. Oblivion With Guns, whether old Fallout fans liked it or not, was commercially successful AND critically acclaimed. The only question is, does the reader agree with the critics?

To explain a bit more, Fallout and Oblivion were worlds apart; they were nothing alike in terms of cRPG Design.

Fallout was 2D, isometric and turn-based, with emphasis on reactivity and cRPG Builds whereas Oblivion was a 3D action game in which, thanks to its level scaling, nothing we did mattered.

In addition, Fallout was known for its writing and atmosphere whereas Oblivion was a step down from even Morrowind in that respect. Furthermore, Fallout was made for PC gamers of the point and click tradition whereas Oblivion's design, in keeping with Morrowind -- but taking it to the next level --  catered to consoles and giga-casuals.

The reason Fallout 3 is called Oblivion With Guns is because that's exactly what it is: Oblivion with a post-apocalyptic shader, and magic spells replaced with guns and Rock-It Launchers.

Oblivion With Guns, the most toxic and pernicious RPG Game in history along with Oblivion, is released to both commercial and critical acclaim. Pure poison to the genre, it drives veteran Fallout fans into a perpetual state of unbridled buttmadness. It wasn't enough for Bethesda to take a dump on their own franchise with Oblivion, you see: for chump change, they had to acquire the Fallout franchise from a bankrupt Interplay and soil that as well.
"I want my Van Buren! Fallout would be better DEAD than resurrected by Bethesda!" fans wailed from the hilltops.
But it was all in vain because their protests fell on deaf ears. And, just like Oblivion, Bethesda guarantee Fallout 3's success with an aggressive marketing campaign that drowned out the criticism.
In fact, Fallout 3 becomes so successful that newbies start referring to Fallout 3 simply as "Fallout"; in doing so, they ignore the original game by Interplay like it never existed.

cf. King-tier Computer Game Criticism:

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