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Jagged Alliance 2: Gameplay Vids

This post is where I dump short vids of interest on my playthroughs of Jagged Alliance 2. I post these vids for self-reference purposes, and memories. Each vid is short and to-the-point.

Using gas cannisters to tactical advantage in Alma:

Note the destructibility: the explosions blew out part of the concrete wall, allowing two combat units outside the building to step in and finish off the remainder.

It's extremely difficult to hit gas cannisters accurately. In addition, that is a very dangerous scenario because the containers near Danny can also be detonated by the enemy. It's a pure fluke, but that's part of the fun of JA2 as well.

Remotely-triggered C4 sets off a chain reaction of explosions in Alma:

These are pretty good explosion VFX for a game that came out in 1999!

Bull's haymakers knock out a redshirt in Omerta. He then crouches down and bludgeons his victim to death, bare-fisted:

Conrad takes out Queen Crepitus solo, with Queen Deidranna's Auto Rocket Rifle (and a light anti-tank weapon, just to mix things up a bit):

He only runs out of ammo because each burst depletes the five rounds. LAWs can only be fired once.

Note that, in sci-fi mode, the game does not end with Deidranna's death if the Queen Crepitus is not yet dead.

Magic - an ambextrous badass with MRK 99 and AGY 99 - takes out Deidranna while dual-wielding the rarist of guns: FN-P90s:

Things of note:

• Magic gets 4 single-shot attacks per turn.
• We can't dual-wield in burst mode.
• Deidranna loses her turn because she is on her last legs.
• Deidranna usually runs to her fireplace which leads down to her underground shelter, but she isn't given the chance.

Redshirt gets his head blown off. Nice toppling sprite animation on the second kill:

Squad mauled by 30 bloodcats on Expert mode. Watching his comrades die one by one, and knowing it was all over, Barry set some TNT at his feet one turn beforehand:

From the safety of Drassen, Flo expresses her dismay.

Dimitri throws grenades. Note the burning man, and how the grenade blows up a corpse:

Jagged Alliance 2 Maps Jagged Alliance 2 Best Traits Jagged Alliance 2 Expert Mode
Jagged Alliance 2 Walkthrough Jagged Alliance 2 Best Attributes Jagged Alliance 2 Crepitus
Jagged Alliance 2 Cheats Jagged Alliance 2 Best Skills Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella
Jagged Alliance 2 Best Weapons Jagged Alliance 2 Best Mercs Jagged Alliance 2 Tactics
Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 X-COM UFO Defense X-COM UFOpaedia

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