Crimson Tides of Tethyr NWN
Crimson Tides of Tethyr is a NWN module for BioWare's cRPG of 2002, Neverwinter Nights 1. Crimson Tides of Tethyr is the second of three Forgotten Realms modules by alazander, though only loosely connected to his preceding module, Siege of Shadowdale. Crimson Tides of Tethyr was followed up by Tyrants of the Moonsea. Crimson Tides of Tethyr Enhanced Edition was released in July of 2023.
Crimson Tides of Tethyr Introduction
After many years of war, Tethyr is finally enjoying a period of relative peace. Despite this, problems still continue to plague the realm. Beasts roam the countryside, pillaging and slaying at random. The Knights of the Black Gauntlet, an order led by the priest Teldorn Darkhope and dedicated to the evil deity Bane continue to plague Tethyr's eastern border. However, the greatest threat of all has arisen recently in the form of the huge monstrous coalition known as the Sythillisian Empire. - DM Alazander.
"Old friend, I fear that Tethyr's future is once again in the balance. The Sythillisian Empire has turned its gaze towards us for reasons I cannot fathom. How can this recently healed nation hope to defend itself from the untold thousands of goblins, orcs, ogres and giants that lurk on its northern border?" - Excerpt from a letter by Royal Court Sage Gamalon Idogyr to Elminster of Shadowdale, 1372 DR.
Crimson Tides of Tethyr Overview
Crimson Tides of Tethyr is a large-scale module for seventh level characters. The module is inspired by the Baldur's Gate series in that players actually visit BG2 locales and there are references to its characters and itemization.
- As with summons, animal companions and familiars, NWN Henchmen leech your XP.
- Resting is restricted to once every four hours or eight minutes real-time. You must find an inn and pay for a lodging.
- Mobs are level-scaled according to NWN's native scaling of spawns.
- Much of the loot from receptacles is randomized as is common in NWN and its modules. As in NWN modules dating back to the OC, there is also powerful static itemization.
- Remember to talk to your companions after each lvlup for XP; it adds up.
- Pump Persuade; it's useful at key moments.
- Scimitar NWN and Katana NWN are the best weapon choices in CToT.
- Class checks are basic. Dialogue only checks the first class you took. So you will be referred to as a Rogue even if you're a Rogue (1) Fighter (15).
- Lore is a useful skill. You don't always have Neremul or vendors around. So what happens is, you go through the final segments of the game and can't ID all the magical loot you are finding. That means you won't be able to wear stuff like the Amulet of Natural Armor +5 and great weapons, armors and shields. Ergo, ending is harder than it should be. For example, 20 ranks in Lore is still not enough to ID the end-game Divine Fury katana or the Scimitar of Speed (quaff a Lore potion on top of that).
- UMD is also useful. Try to get 10 ranks in it.
- Sword n board > two-handed/dual-wielding because AC is very important. Look for Tower Shields; they go up to +3 I think. Always wear biggest baddest armor possible.
- Perma-Haste sources (v. important!): Boots of Haste (x2), Bracers of Blinding Strike, Scimitar of Speed, Short Sword of Quickness, Robes of the Dark Moon.
- Look for Gargoyle Boots and Dragon Slippers if you are a melee char (vendors in Suldanessellar).
- Alignment. It's easy to fall into Chaos and almost impossible to reinforce Lawfulness. There is even a point at which the PC can give a solemn vow, and yet no Lawful points are awarded. Paladins and Dwarven Defenders beware.
There are too many forced cutscenes, dialogue segments and scripted events for my liking. Making the player wait through unskippable cutscenes is obnoxious. Note that NWN cutscenes even disable the Esc key which brings up the main menu.
Audio-wise, CToT includes 17 of its own custom tracks ranging from serene pieces to militaristic stuff. No SP module outdoes CToT's custom OST.
Cutscene 1: Prelude: The Liberation of Trademeet
A lone Champion of Torm stands over the corpses of freshly slain orcs. A guard approaches him.
Sir, the men are ready to move in. Just give the word. Ah... you were attacked? - Crimson Guard Warrior.
A brief skirmish. These orcs were poorly trained, in keeping with what we've seen of these Sythillisians. - Levantes Coronel.
Sir, I can't help thinking... why are we doing this? Naught is left of Trademeet but ruins. We've lost good men already.
is what Daramus would have us do, Jered. These monsters have caused
enough destruction. In Torm's name, they shall be stopped!
Pardon my saying so, sir, but Daramus never did anything for the love of Torm. Why would he-
Wait, lad, did you hear that?
Usta ela Solcano!
Levantes unleashes a blinding beam of divine energy, owning the evil humanoids.
Gather the men, Jered. We move now! Jered runs off to do just that.
*Fade to black*
A second cutscene now plays, but this one can be shown in one pic as it's just a talk-fest.
Cutscene 2: Faerntarn Palace, Darromar - one month later...
A royal herald enters the throne room and announces the arrival of the Crimson Guards to King Haedrak III and Queen Zaranda Star, rulers of Tethyr. The sage Gamalon Idogyr expresses concerns at hiring a mercenary group, but they're gently played down by the royal couple.
*Fade to Black*
City of Darromar
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Royal, Caravan, Temple & Black Quarters of Darromar |
Darromar is divided into quarters featuring 30 areas including Faerntarn Palace (not accessible until end-game; it consists of 8 areas), a four-storey Mage Guild tower, a Thieves' Guild (with hideout beneath), a Chandlers, a Grand Barracks, a noble's mansion, two inns, two shops, two sewer zones (descending to a separate psionic lair), and three temples.
There are about a dozen quests to be picked up in Darromar, a few of which are resolved later in the campaign. All but three are quite short and simple, though. The custom music is what makes this hub memorable.
Darromar - The Sea Lion's Pride - Second Floor
The adventure begins in the Sea Lion's Pride Inn, Darromar. I awaken in my room, feeling refreshed. I'm given the opportunity to Level to 7, which I take (CToT is apparently balanced for 6-8, and two Henchmen).
The starting gear is standard fare, apart from the Rod of Revival (Raise Dead [9] Unlimited/day).
- Starting gear: 4050 GP, Short Sword, Torch, Studded Leather Armor, Woodsman Outfit, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3). There is no item strip, but I recommend not importing a character as it ruins game-balance.
I'm an adventurer who has traveled a long way to finally reach Darromar (capital of Tethyr), probably seeking more adventure; the nation has known civil war for the past ten years ("the Interregnum"); the new leaders have restored some hope, but problems persist: roaming beasts pillage and slay, a Banite order plagues the eastern border; and now, a newly-arisen '"monstrous coalition" known as the Sythillisian Empire' are apparently the greatest threat. Tethyr needs heroes, and I'm gonna be one. I'll start off as a merc, work my way up. My skills will be in demand in Darromar. Time to seek my destiny...
The rain lashes down outside, battering the roof of the inn. You can vaguely hear a group of men talking downstairs. - DM.
I decide to take a peek in the other rooms (which for warriors means bashing down the doors with Power Attack). Inside one of them I almost trip over a passed-out drunkard! I swipe his wine and guzzle it down (-2 INT), resisting the urge to coup de grĂ¢ce his sorry ass on the way out.
Bashing down the door to another room, I find myself face-to-face with a foul-tempered dwarf smelling like a brewery, Merkul Stonegrin, with whom I couldn't resist picking a fight. Alcohol-fueled violence ensued, lasting for several rounds.
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Center: Elf versus Dwarf, it could go either way! Right: ... But Elf wins! |
- Corpse of Merkul: Masterwork Warhammer (Attack bonus +1), Splint Mail, Large Shield, Boots of Expeditious Retreat (Expeditious Retreat [5] 3/day).
- Other loot: 95 GP, Masterwork Dagger, Wine. I also find a Note on the floor, on which is penned: "Red Nazala says it's almost ready. Where have I heard that before? Still, they say three is my lucky number..." (part of a quest)
Theft is monitored: for each item stolen expect a shift towards Chaotic. It's possible to murder three lodgers in cold blood (the drunkard and a naked couple), but it results in an obvious shift towards evil.
Having finished up here, I now head downstairs.
Darromar - The Sea Lion's Pride - Common Room
Several crimson-cloaked men dominate the center of the inn. An officer appears to be examining a large map of the region. - DM.
I attempt to coerce the bartender into giving me compensation for my damp lodgings, but not a dime is forthcoming. He informs me that the the guys in red are the Crimson Guard, a mercenary group, who recently crushed the Sythillisian force in Trademeet. The "Syths" - for short - are led by an ogre mage warlord (Sythillis) and his partner, the warrioress Cyrvisnea. For now, the Crimson Guard have settled in the Black Quarter of Darromar, one thousand strong in number (an army). But why are they here? They're waiting for war, as the Syth are about to orchestrate a full-scale invasion. The Syth comprise of orcs, goblinkind, kobolds, ogres and giants marching under one banner - hence the term monstrous coalition.
Officer Loric
The tone of conversation with Officer Loric is amusing. Bursting with Crimson Guard pride, he recounts the battle at Trademeet. The CGs took Trademeet, but Sythillis escaped. The horde then marched on them in great number from the Empire's stronghold, Murann, forcing the CG to retreat south to Darromar, where we all are now. The reasons for the Syth leaving Murann vulnerable to Amn in the north and now targeting Tethyr are unknown (it isn't because they lost Trademeet). Anyway, amazed by my responses and informed of my intention to join the mercs, Loric refers me to the recruiting officer at the Grand Barracks.
There are several references to the Baldur's Gate series in Loric's dialogue, from the nostalgic Candlekeep (where BioWare's cRPGs began) to the country of Amn (in which Baldur's Gate 2 is set), to Tuigan (BG2 Best Bow).
Alazander's modules will probably feel richer for those knowledgeable on Realmslore, and, in the case of CToT, experience with the BG series also helps (but is not a requirement).
En route to enlist my services, I bump into an extremely butthurt Wizard blocking the front door to the inn, his staff dripping with acidic residue. It seems Neremul has been cast out of the Mages' Guild here in Darromar. I ask him to join with me; having little else to do, he agrees. Neremul has a decent repertoire of spells: Invisibility, Stoneskin and Summon Creature IV (dire spider). I'll talk more about his combat spells later. Anyway, CToT doesn't let you access Henchman inventories, but I assume Neremul has decent gear, too (his staff, for e.g).
The newly-formed duo step out of the cozy inn and onto the rain-soaked streets of Darromar.
Darromar Royal Quarter
rain continues to poor down, and aside from the market traders and a
few unfortunate citizens the streets appear to be empty. - DM.
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Rain - Darromar Royal Quarter - Faerntarn Palace in the background |
At this point you're permitted to explore the four quarters of Darromar (Royal, Black, Caravan, Temple), but I make a bee-line for the barracks, stopping only at a general merchant on the way, to upgrade my gear.
Masterwork Warhammer Katana Large Shield Tower Shield Splint Mail Half Plate, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Insight (Lore +5). (-4000 GP)
The barracks is only a hop, skip and jump away from the inn. The duo head inside.
Grand Barracks
I need a swig of some strong, dwarven ale! - Dwarf Merc (famous BG quote).
I push in front of the rowdy dwarf to be first in line to see recruiting officer Alandra Kayne.
Exasperated by my bad attitude, Alandra nevertheless signs me up as a merc under the Tethyrian army. Scout reports have not yet come in, so I'm free to explore and quest in the city before we're all summoned for a war-briefing.
But first, Vard offers a flavorsome convo about the Syth and the war strategy. Like Loric earlier, he dismisses as "horseshit" the theory that the Syth invasion of Tethyr is rooted in the Crimson Guards retaking Trademeet, citing that Sythillis isn't so stupid as to march a horde into an unknown region, the farms of which could not supply the food to support it.
Besides, spies have reported that the ogre warlord is now marching the horde directly south into the Forest of Tethir to take the elven city of Suldanessellar - which could support an army, for a time. Vard spits out facts and figures pertaining to army size and composition, mentioning a few other notable "personalities" of the Syth force: Ogrim, an ogre mage necromancer raising an undead legion; Maresh, a Gruumsh-worshiping orc; and an unnamed bloodthirsty goblin worg rider with an undying hatred for kobolds.
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Alandra & Vard |
Arrk the Troll
Ok, well I'm sure they'll all receive a lethal poke from my sword in due course, but for now I recruit Arrk as my second Henchman for 500 GP despite not really needing him. Not only are his physical stats quite impressive, his hide bestows Regen +5 and his Greatsword +1 inflicts on-hit DC-14 wounding - hence the dripping blood.
Ok, so I've formed a trio of adventurers, signed up as a merc and equipped myself ready for exploration of Darromar.
Companion Banter
I'll cap this post off with pics of the first banters for each Henchman, continuing the adventure in the next post. For those who don't know, banters occur when you take time out to specifically engage in dialogue with a Henchman. Companion banter had its seminal employment in Baldur's Gate 1, but were overdone in Baldur's Gate 2. After that, cRPGs lost their way and turned into relationship sims.
CToT also features companion "interjections", also popularized by the BG series. Interjections are when companions interrupt your adventuring or conversation with someone else, to add their own two cents that isn't worth listening to.
Part II of Crimson Tides of Tethyr. Crimson Tides of Tethyr (2005) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
The Tethyrian capital city of Darromar: Black Quarter
The motley trio of elven fighter, butthurt wizard and giant troll put the Royal Quarter on hold for now, deciding to head over to the Black Quarter instead. This is where the various mercs hang out, the tough side of town.
Twohammers smithy will supply most of my equipment needs while in Darromar, though at this stage his wares are a little expensive for my taste, even with the favorable reaction (that will soon change). The thieves guild is located here, but I don't yet know the password needed to enter the Slum Building (we'll find out a bit later). For now, the Anvil's Ring tavern is where the action is - at least if the noise coming from its direction is anything to go by - so the trio stroll over and step inside, ready to rub shoulders with villainy and the scum of society.
The Anvil's Ring
This grubby tavern is frequently the site of brawls and rowdy behavior judging by the broken furniture piled up around the common room. - DM.
A band of four loud, drunken mercs encircle a table. I approach the rowdiest merc of the lot, the brutish leader. He wastes no time insulting and threatening Arrk, who isn't one to back down. I failed my persuasion check, so a comical bar-room brawl ensued in which many a mug of ale was spilled.
A band of four loud, drunken mercs encircle a table. I approach the rowdiest merc of the lot, the brutish leader. He wastes no time insulting and threatening Arrk, who isn't one to back down. I failed my persuasion check, so a comical bar-room brawl ensued in which many a mug of ale was spilled.
Rowdy Mercenary Leader: Amulet of Vitality +2 (Con +2), Double Axe +1, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
There's a guy in here - with issues - who we'll probably be catching up with later.
Dusting ourselves off, we stroll south to the Carvavan Quarter.
Dusting ourselves off, we stroll south to the Carvavan Quarter.
Darromar - Caravan Quarter
Gah! So many paleskins. Arrk longs to be away from the city, back in the wilds where he belongs. - Arrk.
This area hosts two quests, one optional and one critical path (ie, mandatory/main quest, prefixed with an asterisk, below). I'll be doing the latter first because I feel like a dungeon crawl.
Note that if I don't seem to be describing the Quarters in all that much detail, it's simply because there isn't all that much to describe. On the plus side, the simple layout and basic window-dressing makes the actual content stand out like a beacon, making it easy to progress in the adventure. Just speak to the conspicuously positioned, named actors, and things will roll along pretty smoothly from there.
Beneath the Surface
Anyway, we spot a guard standing watch at the entrance to the Darromar sewer system. He informs us that people - mostly sewer maintenance workers - have gone missing in the sewers, only to be found later with their brains... removed. Another adventuring party already went down there to investigate, but have not yet returned. There is also the matter of a psychotic fellow called "Creep" who has taken up residence in the sewers after a nasty mishap. Intrigued, we decide to investigate both these leads for ourselves. [* Beneath the surface]
Darromar - Upper Sewers
The foul stench of the sewers hits you, a bitter aroma of decay and human waste. - DM.
The trio step into the sewers and take a few steps down a tunnel towards a hostile, mind-dominated man - one of the missing sewer maintenance workers.
This wretch has been stripped of whatever meager intelligence he once had, look at his eyes - they are dead. - Neremul.
We are forced to slay the poor wretch. From his corpse we loot a Light Crossbow, Small Shield, Handaxe, Tanglefoot Bag, Mild Poison Bolt (10).
Several more, just like that guy, lurk on this level.
Several more, just like that guy, lurk on this level.
The tunnels and chambers are occasionally clogged up with gelatinous cubes, packs of dire rats and an assortment of beetles. Since they pose almost no threat to three seventh level characters, I can safely call them trashmobs. The more interesting encounters are against the mind-dominated members of the ill-fated adventuring party, positioned strategically around the area.
The first of these occurs at the central point of the level. The object is to cross a bridge while being fired upon by ranged attackers who are out of reach and cannot be attacked (except by return fire or Neremul ILMS). The far side of the bridge is also blocked by a large, locked gate which must be bashed down while still being fired upon (and possibly Entangled by Jordwyn - a ranger). Once the door is bashed down, you may have to fight two dogs who have left Jordwyn's side and circled around to the door, probably delaying you further. Having overcome them, you can then circle around yourself to confront Jordwyn and the sewer workers, who are much less dangerous face-to-face.
Jordwyn (Human Ranger [6]): Jordwyn's Key, Longbow +1, Masterwork Scimitar, Arrow (99), Fire Arrow (89), Ring of Animal Friendship, Leather Armor +3, Letter.
At this point I briefly head back to Twohammers Smithy to sell off a load of junk and purchase the Sword Saint Legacy +1 katana (+1d6 vs Evil) (-6500 GP). In retrospect this wasn't necessary, but there are some early enemies which require enchanted weapons to hit.
Back down to the bridge, an irrelevant dire spider, ettercap and spitting fire beetle are slain en route to the northwesternmost chamber, wherein the second ex-adventurer is confronted - the initially invisible Wizard, Emilee, who conjured a dire wolf but then foolishly took herself out with Fireball.
Emilee (Elven Wizard [7]): Emilie's Key, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Ring of Clear Thought +1, Tagget's Talon dagger +1 (Keen).
There is a treasure room here, the door to which is unlocked with Jordwyn's key. Neremul unlocked the chests inside with Knock, though they can also be bashed. Chest: Flaming Gloves +2 (+2 fire, Flame Lash 1/day, Monk only).
Emilee's key unlocks a second large gate leading east across another bridge, on the far side of which awaits the third ex-adventurer, Grom. A straightforward duel ensues, after which we descend deeper into the sewer system.
Grom (Half-orc Barbarian [7]): Double Axe +1, Padded Armor +2, Potion of Speed.
Darromar - Lower Sewers
Gah! Smell here reminds Arrk of home. Not good memories. - Arrk.
The infamous Creep made the mistake of ambushing the trio in the northwestern section, and was hacked to pieces by the giant troll, Arrk.
Creep (Halfling Rogue [8] / Assassin [2]) - Whip +1, Vampiric Dagger +2 (Regen +1), Minor Ring of Regeneration (Regen +2), Portrait (uses a statue icon?)
The damage inflicted by the floor traps down here is a total joke, but the paralysis traps are effective. A dozen more sewer maintenance workers were slain as we explored the area, along with a single Stag Beetle and Gelatinous Cube. The rat-infested eastern chamber is overseen by a wererat.
Things step up a gear in the northernmost chamber, where the noble leader of the ill-fated adventuring party is located. Having lost his mind - quite literally - Malthus is compelled to attack us.
Must stop threat... to master... Tyr forgive me... - Malthus.
Wielding a Greatsword +2 buffed with Defeaning Clang, the once-proud Paladin of Tyr is capable of ruining anyone's day if he rolls a crit or two.
Malthus de Tigana (Human Paladin [9]): Greatsword +2, Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Str +1), Ring of Cyan, Malthus' Key, Full Plate +1.
Strange Lair
This place is a product of an alien mind, one of an intellect perhaps even rivalling my own. - the ever-humble Neremul.
An Intellect Devourer lurks in the entry chamber, invoking bad memories of the NWN original campaign. At least this one has no hosts to repeatedly "co-opt"...
We exit north into a short hall lined on the north with three prison cells, one of which is involuntarily occupied by an old man - Gilbert.
Gah! Prison doors look strong. Arrk not strong enough to break them. We have to find key. - Arrk.
We leave the old man for now, round a bend that leads south down the hall, and there take out an Umber Hulk.
In the final southeastern chamber we find ourselves pit against a Mindflayer backed up by a second Umber Hulk - the "boss fight". Without protection from mind-affecting, the trio are susceptible to psionic mind blast and confusion gaze followed up by the gross tentacle attack (extract brain). My brain was munched on twice during the fight - the third time would have ended me.
The Illithid cell key is looted from the Mindflayer's corpse; then used to free Gilbert for +500 Exp.
No time-lapse is offered, the design now forcing the player to backtrack aaalll the way through the sewer system to reach the surface again...
The Illithid cell key is looted from the Mindflayer's corpse; then used to free Gilbert for +500 Exp.
No time-lapse is offered, the design now forcing the player to backtrack aaalll the way through the sewer system to reach the surface again...
Caravan Quarter
Safely back on the city streets, we inform the guard of our success to cap off the first mandatory quest in Darromar (+150 Exp). [/* Beneath the surface]
Heading north, we found the bridge that connects the Caravan Quarter with the Black Quarter could not be crossed due to "maintenance" work? Forced then to head towards the Temple Quarter, we were waylaid in an alleyway by Shadow Thieves.
Darromar - Dark Alleyway
This one looks like rich pickings! Get 'em lads! - Garret.
Gah! Cowardly paleskins! Arrk will tear them into little pieces! - Arrk.
The four generic thieves are dealt with, first.
Shadow Thieves (4): Masterwork Light Crossbow (4), Mild Poison Bolt (40), Masterwork Shortsword (4).
We now catch up with Garret, who had scampered off in the meantime and taken refuge around a corner. Even though alone, he lacked no bravado.
Garret (Human Rogue [6] / Fighter [2]): Scimitar +2, Message.
The message contains the password ("Malefactor"), which now grants us entry to the Slum Building - hideout of the Shadow Thieves. [* Shadow Thieves]
Black Quarter - Shadow Thieves' Hideout
The base of operations is minimalist, occupied by only a few thieves and Arkanis Gath, an infamous Shadow Thief from Baldur's Gate II.
My witty replies to Kaz annoys the hot-headed thug to the point of violence, but Darklun steps in to cool things down.
The short of it: Darklun Kade (Human Rogue [7] / Assassin [3]), leader of the fledgling Shadow Thieves guild here in Darromar, has asked us to assassinate a corrupt, slave-trading noble who is attempting to chase them out of town. The mark is Lord Asander, holed up in a heavily guarded mansion in the Royal Quarter.
We lay this critical path quest to the side for the time being (to be recounted in Part III).
Caravan Quarter
Now for the optional quest offered back in the Caravan Quarter: standing in the Wheel Market is Tomar, a merchant complaining about the Black Talon merc band's protection racket. We offer to solve the problem for him. [Opt Black Talon]
The grotesque, all-evil crew are found yapping with each other by the fountain southeast of the market. Charisma being my fave dumpstat, I failed my intimidate check, meaning our little to-do escalated quickly into a free-for-all in which they came off second best. We loot their blood-soaked corpses; then leave them as a dish fit for crows.
Morien Nightblade (Human Fighter [7]): Nightblade longsword +1 (+2 vs. Good, use by Evil only), Chainmail +1, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Speed.
The awestruck Toman is informed of our success, hurriedly rewarding us with +500 Exp and +1000 GP, and wishing us all the best. [/Opt Black Talon]
Part III of Crimson Tides of Tethyr. Continuing from Part II: Darromar. Crimson Tides of Tethyr (2005) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Darromar - Royal Quarter
We return to the Royal Quarter of Darromar to assassinate a noble for the Shadow Thieves, but first we decide to visit the Mages' Guild in the northwest.
Mages' Guild - Level One
I return. Save your protests, magelings. I won't be here for long. - Neremul.
This is the guild from which Neremul was expelled (on the grounds of theft) - hence his snide announcement upon our entry.
Cassana Blaze is the calm authority of the guild, standing at her desk in the central chamber. She requests that we vanquish a demon (a vrock) which has gated to a summoning circle on the tower's top floor. A guild of mages who can't deal with a thief or a mere vrock? Hilarious! We kindly agree to her terms. [Opt Magical Mishaps]
(Standing dumbly in a sidechamber is Malfred, who sells magical wares that I don't particularly need).
We head upstairs using the Guild Key handed to us by Cassana.
Mages' Guild - Level Two
This level consists of six unbelievably weak dretches, two quasits and - wait for it! - a bloody rat. That's it!
Rolling our eyes, we head upstairs again.
Mages' Guild - Level Three
These are the sleeping quarters. The summoning chamber is on the level above. Take care; I sense great evil here. - Neremul.
It isn't the five more wretched dretches, is it?
For an instant you think you can see a shadowy, winged figure lurking high up near the ceiling - then it is gone. - DM.
Mmm.. Something worth swinging a sword at, perhaps?
There are two receptacles in a sideroom, one of which is trapped with DC-20 poison; the other of which is trapped with DC-19 electrical, and when looted - for the Purefire +1 short sword (+2 vs. Evil) - triggers an encounter with a Succubus (which summons a second). I recommend wielding Purefire to bypass the demons' DR.
(Chest: Bolt of Lightning [30], Potion of Speed, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Wand of Missiles).
Mages' Guild - Level Four
Sprawled on the corridor floor is the vrock-clawed corpse of an unnamed wizard from whom I loot an ornate spoon (give it to the merchant downstairs for 100 XP) and a Scribbled Note - revealing him as the real thief (ie, not Neremul).
The true thief is unmasked. I wonder what that whore Cassana will say to this? At least he met with the fate he deserved. - Neremul.
The vrock is found standing on the summoning circle, poised to attack. I duel it wielding the Purefire short sword looted on the previous level. After taking a beating the vrock teleports downstairs, delaying his demise by only a few seconds.
The demon vanquished, we head back downstairs to be generously rewarded by Cassana: +250 Exp, +500 Exp, +2000 GP, Ring of Protection +2. She and Neremul share an unpleasant exchange; after which we take our leave. [/Opt Magical Mishaps]
Standing outside next to a dragon statue is Norick. He requests that we find his sons, Erin and Derry. We'll keep an eye out for them! [Opt Norick's Boys]
We're ready to do the Shadow Thieves' dirty work now.
Darromar - Royal Quarter - Noble's House
I use the key given to me by Darklun to enter Lord Asander's mansion from the northern end (top of map).
We're heading in a clockwise direction around the mansion, starting off in the eastern corridor which is patrolled by three mansion guards.
Mansion Guard (Human Fighter [5]): Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Bolt +1 (99), Large Shield.
You might be tempted to loot all the "masterwork" items that drop in this dungeon; don't do it. They'll weigh you down in no time and they sell for relatively little. I recommend only looting the "+1 and greater" gear.
This Asander's wealth must be great for him to be able to afford such well-trained guards. These are not the slack-jawed goons one would expect. - Neremul.
He's right; heavily armed and armored, these guys aren't trashmobs - nor is this dungeon a cakewalk, except perhaps for veteran players.
The southeastern chamber is littered with corpses.
These corpses appear to be the bodies of the kidnapped Shadow Thieves. Although horribly mutilated as a result of the torture they endured, one of the corpses has a strong enough likeness to Darklun to indicate it's Darklun's brother, Felix. - DM.
At the end of the corridor is the Slave Master whom I slice n dice before he can cast any annoying spells.
Slave Master (Human Cleric [8]): Slave Master's Key, Potion of Fox's Cunning, Masterwork Mace.
We fight along the southern corridor, taking on three more mansion guards including an elite variant.
Mansion Guard Elite (Human Fighter [7]): Longsword +1, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Bolt +1 (99), Large Shield.
The looted key is used to open the southwesternmost chamber, occupied by slaves whom we set free after milking them for info (+250 Exp).
Another door along this corridor is trapped and locked - "extremely strong, warded by magic". Behind the door is no doubt where the cowardly noble is holed up. We head off to search for the key.
Things heat up along the western corridor as four patrolling guards - including two more elites - seek to impress their Lord by slaying a trio of trespassers.
Slaver Mage: Slaver Robe (Slashing resist 5/-), Dagger +1, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Antidote.
Trapped Chest: Potion of Haste, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, Lesser Spell Breach scroll.
Odd noises echo in the darkness, muffled sounds from the streets far above. - DM.
We learn from the market jeweller that the bard bought the amulet to gift to his girlfriend; also that he was due to play at the Anvil's Ring tavern.
At the tavern, we learn from Red Nazala that this girlfriend's father is a Chandler, who runs a shop in the northwest Black Quarter.
We arrive at the chandler's shop to find the chandler inside, dead on the floor.
I just wanted to chat, but Andrea projectile-vomits blood all over me, possessed as she is by an evil spirit (which had lain dormant in the amulet) and in dire need of an exorcism, which I gladly perform on her now - and free of charge!
I return to the jeweler, but he's no longer at the Wheel Market. What a pity, I so wanted to wring his neck.
We march over to and enter the Talonite Temple, "The Gathering Storm". Surprisingly, I manage to convince the imposing Garguth and Kazu to call off the feud - "for now" (100 Exp).
Garguth Stormbringer (Human Cleric [10]): Lightning's Edge + 1 spear (+1d6 electrical), Banded Mail +2.
Priest of Talos (Human Cleric [5]) (x5): Masterwork Morningstar.
Cynthia now rewards us: +500 Exp , Lesser Ioun Stone: Blue (Wis +2, 1/day) [/Opt: Matters of Faith]
Coming full circle now, halfway along the northern corridor is a door leading into the interior of the mansion, wherein the Guard Captain awaits (attempts Knockdown) along with another slaver mage and guard.
Mansion Guard Captain (Human Fighter [9]): Longsword +2, Banded Mail +1, Large Shield +1, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds, Guard Captain's Key, Arrow of the Vampire (26).
Having slain them, I now use the key to unlock the warded door back in the southern corridor.
Lord Asander
Sure enough, waiting inside is Lord Asander, our noble mark. The despicable man is flanked by a brutish bodyguard and two slaver mages.
Asander immediately casts invisibility (or rather, the DM whisks him away), retreating to his bedchamber - no doubt hoping his capable henchmen will finish us off in the living room.
Gah! Arrk hates mages and their cowardly ways! Real warriors fight with steel and claw! - Arrk.
The angry Arrk now tears the mages new assholes as I duel the bodyguard, a parrying fighter not to be underestimated (also has Improved Critical). Neremul had already expended his spells, so he just waded into melee with his acid-coated staff. I then catch up with Asander in his bedchamber, and not for a romantic interlude.
Asander's Bodyguard (Human Fighter [8]): One of Many +1 morningstar (+1 electrical, +3 Discipline), Full Plate +1, Tower Shield +1, Helmet, Bolt (23).
Lord Asander (Human Fighter [5] / Wizard [5]): Rapier of Dancing +1 rapier (Haste [5] 1/day), Asander's Tunic (Fire resist 10/-, Slashing resist 5/-, Spell Immunity: Magic Missile), Bracers of Dexterity +2, Accounting Ledger.
The ledger backs up the slave's info: that Asander was involved in narcotics smuggling and the slave trade. It seems his most valuable customer was Teldorn Darkhope, the Priest of Bane whose forces were earlier mentioned as plaguing the eastern border of Tethyr.
Armoire: Cloak of Resistance +2, Trapped Chest: +1670 GP, Horn of Blasting (Sound Burst [3] 1/day), Bolt of Frostbite (14), Diamond, Ruby.
A chaotic evil noble has been slain, slaves have been freed, the corpse of a lost brother has been found and ID'd. Our work is done; we return now to inform Darklun of the good and the bad.
Black Quarter - Shadow Thieves' Hideout
Surprise, surprise. Now "we know too much"... (+500 Exp). My intimidate fails again (no surprise there, either - Cha was dumped; I only have the skill for WM pre-reqs).
So yeah, blood bath time!
Be wary of Darklun's (and Arkanis') Death Attack: if they paralyze you they will slice your rigid body to shreds and you won't even be able to scream.
Shadow Thief (x5) (Human Rogue [6]): Masterwork Light Crossbow, Masterwork Short Sword, Mild Poison Bolt (10).
Kaz (Human Rogue [6]): Short Sword +1, Leather Armor +1.
Darklun Kade (Human Rogue [7] / Assassin [3]): Breath of the Maiden +1 short sword (on-hit DC-14 poison, Shadow Legion Armor +4 (Hide +5), Darklun's Key, Short Sword +2, Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (2).
Arkanis Gath (Human Fighter [2] / Rogue [6] / Assassin [2]): Death Longsword +2 longsword (+1d6 slashing), Chain Shirt +2.
Sweet, done n dusted these guys. Darklun's key opens a door leading to a chamber with a trapdoor in the center. We climb down the ladder to find ourselves in a dungeon beneath the hideout.
Beneath Shadow Thieves' Hideout
Odd noises echo in the darkness, muffled sounds from the streets far above. - DM.
En route to Darklun's storage facility we encounter a basilisk along with its petrified victim, a thief who presumably tried to cross Darklun and was turned to stone by the cute lil devil. Or perhaps a drunken guild member just dropped down here to take a piss?
Storage House
This is obviously where the paranoid Darklun stores the most valuable of the Shadow Thieves' plunder. Something tells you that it isn't likely to be unprotected. - DM.
In other words, traps.
Trapped Chest: +2100 GP, Boots of Reflexes +3, Lesser Ioun Stone: Deep Red (Dex +2). Trapped Chest: +1270, Fire Opal (3), Lesser Restoration scroll, Diamond, Stone to Flesh scroll (presumably to use on the petrified thief if you can use it - I can't, and Neremul can't be asked to, either). [/* Shadow Thieves]
Depetrifying the thief is impossible. Tried casting spell conventionally and from a scroll with UMD (DC-31). Retarded.
Depetrifying the thief is impossible. Tried casting spell conventionally and from a scroll with UMD (DC-31). Retarded.
Darromar - Black Quarter
The motley trio backtrack to the hideout and onto the Black Quarter streets, at which point "the city bells toll three times, hard and sharp", summoning us to the Grand Barracks in the Royal Quarter. However, the journal makes it clear that you can tie up loose ends beforehand, if you like (which is unrealistic but very convenient).
I now level to Fighter (8): Str +1, Improved Critical: Katana, Tumble +5 (+1 AC). Note that neither Arrk nor Neremul level up with me, even if I disband and recruit them again. Not to worry, Arrk leaves the party before Part II begins, anyway (he doesn't like merc crowds), and Neremul is ninth level when Part II begins.
We have lots of loot to sell off now, the haul from both the mansion and hideout (+50,000 GP). I then purchase from Twohammers smithy the following: Boots of Striding +2 (Con +2), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Str +2), Mirror Shield (AB +3, SR 12). (-39,000 GP)
Current equipment: Sword Saint Legacy +1 katana (+1d6 vs Evil), Full Plate +1,Tower Shield +1 Mirror Shield (AB +3, SR 12), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Str +2), Cloak of Resistance +2 (Saves +2), Amulet of Vitality +2 (Con +2), Ring of Protection +2, Minor Ring of Regeneration (Regen +2), Swordsman's Belt (Resist slashing 5/-), Boots of Striding +2 (Con +2).
Current equipment: Sword Saint Legacy +1 katana (+1d6 vs Evil), Full Plate +1,
Part IV of Crimson Tides of Tethyr. Continuing from Part III: Lord Asander. Crimson Tides of Tethyr (2005) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Darromar - Temple Quarter
Temples dedicated to Oghma, Chauntea and Talos dominate this quarter, the first of which hosts a library containing four books on Tethyrian history and geography. A beautiful but emotional melody plays in the background - a little too repetitively for my liking, but whatevs. Roaming around the square are clerics from different faiths: Mystra, Lathander, Oghma, Talos, Chauntea - you can have flavor convos with them if you like. Anyway, the Temple Quarter offers two optional quests which I'll be doing now for the sake of thoroughness. So let's dive into them, shall we?
An unnamed bard stands before the statue of a dragon, clearly grieving and too distressed to even speak. A receipt for an amulet falls from his person onto the ground. Having read it, we decide to seek out the jeweler who issued it. [Opt: A Bard's Tale]
Caravan Quarter - The Wheel Market
We learn from the market jeweller that the bard bought the amulet to gift to his girlfriend; also that he was due to play at the Anvil's Ring tavern.
Black Quarter - The Anvil's Ring
At the tavern, we learn from Red Nazala that this girlfriend's father is a Chandler, who runs a shop in the northwest Black Quarter.
Black Quarter - Chandler
We arrive at the chandler's shop to find the chandler inside, dead on the floor.
The chandler seems to have met a grisly end. I wonder who is responsible? - Neremul.
The body of the chandler. One half of his face has simply been torn off. - DM.
Black Quarter - Chandler's - Upstairs
A scene of absolute horror greets you as you enter the room. In the corner of the room, facing away from the carnage, sits a woman. - DM.
The bard's girlfriend, Andrea, is found crying in the corner, hiding her face. The head of her mother is impaled on a pike sticking up out of the bed. Moar bruthal murther!
The bard's girlfriend, Andrea, is found crying in the corner, hiding her face. The head of her mother is impaled on a pike sticking up out of the bed. Moar bruthal murther!
I just wanted to chat, but Andrea projectile-vomits blood all over me, possessed as she is by an evil spirit (which had lain dormant in the amulet) and in dire need of an exorcism, which I gladly perform on her now - and free of charge!
Sigh. The poor dear.
Andrea (Undead [8]): Amulet of Souls (+2 AC nat, Spell Immunity: Sunbeam).
Andrea (Undead [8]): Amulet of Souls (+2 AC nat, Spell Immunity: Sunbeam).
Carvavan Quarter
I return to the jeweler, but he's no longer at the Wheel Market. What a pity, I so wanted to wring his neck.
The mysterious jeweller has disappeared completely. Whoever or whatever he was, you won't be finding answers anytime soon.
Heads held low, we stroll back to the Bard to break the tragic news.
Informed of Andrea's death, the devastated Bard now takes his own life.
Heads held low, we stroll back to the Bard to break the tragic news.
Temple Quarter
Informed of Andrea's death, the devastated Bard now takes his own life.
The Bard (Human Bard [8]): Rapier +1, Lesser Greenleaf +3 light armor (Hide +5), Instrument of the Winds (Summon Air Elemental 1/day).
So ends this quest, which can hardly be called uplifting. [/Opt: A Bard's Tale]
Anyway, we're not gonna let a bruthal murther dampen our spirits! Exploring the quarter further, we spot two priests having a little to-do.
An intense argument is ensuing between two priests of different faiths, which you guess to be Talos and Chauntea judging from the robes they are wearing. - DM.
So ends this quest, which can hardly be called uplifting. [/Opt: A Bard's Tale]
Anyway, we're not gonna let a bruthal murther dampen our spirits! Exploring the quarter further, we spot two priests having a little to-do.
An intense argument is ensuing between two priests of different faiths, which you guess to be Talos and Chauntea judging from the robes they are wearing. - DM.
The Priestess takes refuge in the nearby Temple of Chauntea; the Talonite threatens us and then runs off, too. We follow the Priestess into "the Rose in Bloom".
Gah! Paleskins and their gods... Arrk has faith only in his sword. - Arrk.
The blessings of the Grain Goddess upon you, my child. - Priestess of Chauntea.
Cynthia Bloomfield has issues with the Talonites; we agree to speak to them on her behalf in an attempt to calm things down before there's some sort of Holy War in Darromar. [Opt: Matters of Faith]
We march over to and enter the Talonite Temple, "The Gathering Storm". Surprisingly, I manage to convince the imposing Garguth and Kazu to call off the feud - "for now" (100 Exp).
We return to the Chaunteans to tell them the good news, but our high-fiving is cut short when the treacherous Talonites barge in to catch us off-guard. The threatening dialogue quickly escalates into violence in which the motley trio are glad to take part - on the side of the Chaunteans, of course!
Karuz the Illuminator (Half-Orc Sorcerer [8]): Staff of Power (Fireball, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement charges), Ring of the Tyrant (Dominate Person [7] single use), Mage's Battle Robe (SR 10, Spellcraft/Concentration +2), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds.
Priest of Talos (Human Cleric [5]) (x5): Masterwork Morningstar.
Cynthia now rewards us: +500 Exp , Lesser Ioun Stone: Blue (Wis +2, 1/day) [/Opt: Matters of Faith]
The motley trio now feel they have milked Darromar for all its worth, so they head back to the Grand Barracks in the Royal Quarter to answer the summons (you'll remember the bells have already tolled).
Scouts have confirmed that the Sythillisian force is marching south to the elven city of Suldanessellar. Tethyr's 20,000 strong army - composed of soldiers, conscripts, mercs & knightly orders - is ready to march north to the same, hopefully to arrive before the ogre warlord's monstrous horde! (+3000 Exp)
Royal Quarter - Grand Barracks
Scouts have confirmed that the Sythillisian force is marching south to the elven city of Suldanessellar. Tethyr's 20,000 strong army - composed of soldiers, conscripts, mercs & knightly orders - is ready to march north to the same, hopefully to arrive before the ogre warlord's monstrous horde! (+3000 Exp)
Continuing Walkthrough: 25-Jul-2017
The rest of this walkthrough covers the remainder of the main quest to the Finale.
Part II: The March North
Outside Darromar's Walls
(The next morning)
Speak with Neremul to have him rejoin.
Speak with Captain Vard in the north, overlooking the field. Quest: Late Arrivals: Track down a Crimson Guard officer and the Five merc leaders.
Head across the bridge and east down the road. Speak to Officer Loric who is taking a nap. This will trigger the arrival of Daramus, Seeta, Salidar, Levantes and Cyrus. Speak with them (250 XP) and then return to Vard and tell him you're ready to move on.
Hilly Region
(3 days later)
Slay the bulette in the northwest. Save the scout (Quest: Norick's Boys) for 500 XP.
Return to Vard.
Slay the spawning bulettes while awaiting the arrival of the war wizards (1,500 XP)
(Later that night)
Ogson the Trader: Quest: Ogson's Problem. Note that Ogson sells Bag of Holding, Laughing Scimitar and Robes of the Dark Moon (perma-Haste). I wore these robes with UMD 10.
Talk to Eleana (250 XP)
Rest on bedroll
River Sulduskoon
Head east, slaying all slavers.
Slay Slagar on the other side of the river and then talk to Vard (1,500 XP)
Starspire Mountains
Ok, the mountain pass is blocked by a storm of ice. We need to find out why.
Slay everything in the cave (trolls, wolves) and make your way to the exit in the southwest.
Higher Up the Mountains
(Two exits here.)
Narrow Ledge
Blizzardfang dragon - drop it for Deep Red Ioun Stone and 3,000 GP.
Near the Peaks
Approach the granite fortress and slay the guardian golem for decent XP (I got 400 XP). Enter fortress.
Urugal's Prison
Kill four greater gargoyles in chamber to the west and east and loot ancient coin from each. You should have eight coins now.
Loot the chests for two keys in the next chamber, slaying the beholder and mindflayer guardians.
You will come to a room with colored shafts. Loot the Rainbow Blade longsword in the center of the shafts. The sword inflicts 6 points of elemental along with on-hit Daze.
Speak with the Solar in the unlocked room to receive the Golden Key to Urugal.
Destroy the obelisks that bind the Frost Giant (750 XP). He opens the pass.
Return to Vard in the northernmost section of the Starspire to cap off the Frozen Pass quest (1,500 XP). Take the exit north.
You will come to a room with colored shafts. Loot the Rainbow Blade longsword in the center of the shafts. The sword inflicts 6 points of elemental along with on-hit Daze.
Speak with the Solar in the unlocked room to receive the Golden Key to Urugal.
Destroy the obelisks that bind the Frost Giant (750 XP). He opens the pass.
Return to Vard in the northernmost section of the Starspire to cap off the Frozen Pass quest (1,500 XP). Take the exit north.
Outskirts of the Forest of Tethir
You can trade again with Ogson. Follow Vard and the scout north to the dead elves. Quest: Kazdag the Beast. You need to hunt down the goblins responsible for the slaughter.
Forest of Tethir (nice music in this area)
Help the Crimson Guard slay the goblins in this area.
Forest of Tethir - Northwards
Head north to find the remains of Galanthas. Loot his corpse for some good stuff.
Forest of Tethir - Westwards
Slay goblin chieftain.
Forest of Tethir - Eastwards
Head eastward to the Glade, slaying goblins along the way.
Forest of Tethir - Glade
Slay worg-mounted Kadzag and loot his corpse for Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Armor, Inferno Bastard Sword, Golden Circlet (Imm: mind-affecting). The chests are holding all kinds of stuff. I got full plate +2, Robe of Blending.
Take your leave of the Glade and Vance Swift will approach you and order you to report to the Warlord.
Return to the outskirts and speak with Royal Warlord Vajra. Quest Complete: March North. 3,000 XP.
Part III: Suldanessellar
(Beautiful tilesets and music; Ellesime, Demin and Elhan are characters in Baldur's Gate 2. Here is a pic of BG2 Suldanessellar).
You can loot a pair of Elvenkind boots from a noble's chest here. There is a Nymph's Cloak +3 upstairs in one of the suites.
Note: Priestess Demin of the Temple of Rillifane sells the coveted Boots of Haste and Greater Amulet of Health. Pathfinding can be bad here. NPCs can also block walkways. Enter DebugMode=1 and hit NumPad + key to teleport past them if it gets frustrating.
Head outside to tree-top elven city. Recruit Eleana right here.
(We will not catch up with Neremul until we reach Irenicus Tower, so put him out of your mind until then.)
Quest: Garfindel's Forge. Explore city for merchants and get this quest from Garfindel the smithy, who gives you a list of components to find. If you find components he can craft powerful items from them.
Descend to Underland.
Underland (Lith My'athar music)
Elhan wants you to take out the Hill Giants threatening Suldanessellar (Quest: Against the Giants).
Note: Druid merchant
Head north and exit main gates.
Deep in the Forest
(massive wilderness area)
Ettin cave just to the south of your starting position.
Speak with Grimlock, leader of Ettins. Looks like you can Persuade him to leave the cave and attack the elven city (250 XP, +5 Evil), but I just slew him for Briarspike spear.
Bellurdan hill giant leader found in far southwest. There is also dialogue here. Slay and loot for Mountain Crusher (club +3, Knockdown bonus feat, Keen).
There is a dragon's lair in the center of the map that I don't remember finding back in the day (2005). Explore cave, slaying all garbage inside including Xanthia yuan-ti, who wears Robe of Scintillating Colors. Kill Green Dragon in northwest. Loot for blood (Garfindel's Forge). Loot treasure trove for Dragonslayer bastard sword, 6,000 GP etc.
Return to Elhan for 2,000 XP and Spell Component. I leveled to 12 here.
Goto High Mage Talimar's Tower in northcentral of tree-top. Fight off elven assassins en route. Loot note from K.
Give assassin note to Talimar (250 XP). Give Spell Component to Talimar (250 XP).
If you don't already have them, buy a silver ring and silver necklace from the elven market jeweler. Then, goto Garfindel's forge and have him make:
Cloak of the Wolfborn (cloak, DR 2, soak 5, Regen 2). 250 XP
Pendant of Dragonkind (amulet, AC +3 Natural, Immunity: Fear, Fort-Reflex-Will +2, Battletide 9, 1/day). 250 XP.
Note that the options won't appear unless you have the cash. You should have 200-300,000 GP so this crafting won't break the bank.
Report to Ellesime in palace (500 XP).
Head up to the suites. You will bump into Levantes, the guy in the opening cutscene.
Note that the resting is scripted. You can't just rest where Daramus, Seeta, Salidar and Cyrus are hanging out: you need to go into your suite for the resting to trigger.
A ranger will knock on your door in the morning. The Syth are attacking the city. Head to Underland and the Battleground Outside the Gates.
Take out mobs of gnolls, hobgoblins and ogres. Once you've held the force off you will be loaded back to Underland. Talk with Elhan. He congratulates you for slaying the minotaur, Furgore, but you may not have explicitly done that. Go back out to battleground and you should see its corpse. Loot it for the minotaur horn (Garfindel's forge).
Head back to mage Talamar to continue the quest. Apparently kobolds are trying to get the Orb of Nekrodemus, some kind of artifact that will give the Syth the upper-hand. He gives you a pass to the Broken Realm, accessible from Underland.
With the minotaur horn, you can buy a dagger +3 from Garfindel and have him forge:
Dagger of Tauran (dagger +3, slashing dmg +3, improved saves mind-affecting +2) 250 XP
The Warden in the east of Underland will grant you access.
The Broken Realm
There is a Nightwalker in the northeast. Loot it's corpse for ashes (Garfindel's Forge).
There is a mohrg in the southwest.
Irenicus Tower (southeast of forest)
(For those who don't know, Irenicus BG2 was the antagonist in Baldur's Gate 2.)
The tower is pretty straight forward. Just climb tower, slaying and looting as you go. You'll find Neremul on 4th floor, seated. He casts Time Stop and walks out on you. Funny.
There is an old master kobold monk in the tower that drops the Fists of Balance (monk gauntlets +5, 1d6 cold, 1d6 fire etc.)
You will catch up with kobold S'Reek on the 5th floor. Quick duel and then Lich Nekrodemus appears. Take him out, loot corpses, return to Talamar.
Buy another silver ring from the market and a longsword +3 from Garfindel. Now, have him make you the two final artifacts, since you now have the Lich Dust and Nightwalker ashes:
Ring of the Lich (ring, Bonus Spell Slot 0-5, Immunity Poison). 250 XP
Blade of the Nightwalker (longsword +4, Immunity: Disease & Level Drain, Vampiric Regen 2). 250 XP.
Ok, we have now got all the crafted items.
Tell Talamar orb has been destroyed (3,000 XP). He refers you to Elhan. Quest: Temple of Gruumsh.
Just noticed I had Staff of Valmaxian, Short Sword of Quickness (bestows Haste), and Grey Robe of the Archmagi. I'm pretty sure they were all looted from Irenicus Tower. Hit 13th lvl here.
Ok, time to catch up with the Warlord in Underland. Jump through the portal.
First you need to get the Temple Key in the north (it's on the desk) in order to open the reinforced barrier in the east. Once past the barrier you must confront High Priest Maresh, who will then flee south to report to Ogrim's Sending. Ignore the orcs that pour in from the north and pursue Maresh. Smack him down and loot his corpse for Silverbone Armor +2, Mace +3, Planar Mace.
Use the Recall Scroll to return to the Warlord (3,000 XP).
The Syth will now attempt to invade the elven city again. Head back into tree-top, do whatever vendoring you need to do, and then head to the palace.
On the way to the palace you will encounter Vard, who will now join the party. Human Neutral Good Fighter (10).
A palace guard will rush out, announce that the palace is under attack, and then drop dead.
Slay the assassins in the palace and find the note from Ellesime in the Throne Room. There is no point going upstairs.
Ventinari Estate
It's in the south. Persuade or Intimidate the patrolling guard out of the estate key. Try not to kill him because the elven populous might go hostile.
Ignore Kevendred's Sending and treat this place like any other dungeon, slaying everyone and everything without a second thought.
Ellesime is being held upstairs in the north. Take out Kevendred Ventinari and free her. (3,000 XP)
Make your way directly to Underland, tell Warlord you're ready, and head to the northern gates.
Fight off ogre Berserkers and then slay Orgrim when he teleports in.
Talk with Tethyrian officer. I don't think it matters what dialogue option you choose. A cutscene fires showing the Ogre Emperor shifting into a dragon and vowing vengeance.
Dragon-Emperor Sythillis
Suldanesselar Under Attack
Return to tree-top and take out the trash. The Dragon-Emperor Sythillis will land in the Central Plaza. A long, plot-thickening dialogue will follow, but in the end a fight is inevitable.
Part IV - The Aftermath
Faerntarn Palace
Head down to the Grand Hall and speak with Levantes and his wife (250 XP). Then, talk with King & Queen.
Another scripted cutscene will fire in which the Crimson Guard stage a coup against the royals. You will awaken in a holding cell and will be promptly freed by Officer Loric and Eleana, both of whom will join the party.
You will have to fight your way out. Note that Officer Grieger can be looted for Boots of Speed and Bag of Holding - very useful items. You could have Bag of Holding x4 by now.
Vard will die in one of the holding cells. Make your way back up to the Grand Hall, being sure to loot all named corpses for valuable items.
Wind your way through the Servant's Tunnels and out into the Queen's Gardens. Here, there will be more bloodshed. Slay Reddy for the Library Key and some good items.
You will bump into Seeta when you return to the tunnels. When she departs, head to the Grand Library, accessible from tunnels map. Slay half-fiends, a bebelith and finally Seeta (Haste: scimitar of speed), who is actually a marilith demon that has poisoned Levantes' wife, Ilyana, in the adjacent room. Nothing you can do for her now.
Daramus Blayne
The door to the Throne Room is now unsealed! Head to it via the tunnels and face off against Daramus Blayne, who is no push-over.
Wields Dagger of Chaos greatsword and wears Full Plate of Gorgos. Guy is a badass.
Wields Dagger of Chaos greatsword and wears Full Plate of Gorgos. Guy is a badass.
In facing off against Blayne you want Haste, solid AC and buffs out the ass. Cast Stoneskin from the Gargoyle Boots and Battletide from the Pendant of Dragonkind, too.
Eleana may betray you if you can't pass a Persuasion check, making the fight even harder since you only have Officer Loric, who is a bit of a wimp. In defeat and just before death, Daramus will give Levantes an antidote for Ilyana (a nice touch).
That music.
Head upstairs to the Upper Chambers, speak to the King & Queen, and enjoy the ending!
Hey Lilura, tried to send you an e-mail but I could not find e-mail address. I am looking for some good NWN module like Aileund Saga. I noticed your recounting of "Crimson Tides of Tethyr". Is it comparable in scope, length and writing? Btw. does this blog make it possible for me to receive e-mail updates every time you publish something about NWN?
ReplyDeleteCToT is comparable, yeah, but it feels richer if you understand FR lore and have played Baldur's Gate.
DeleteYou could just "Follow Me" to know when I post something new.
So I'm trying to play as a Vampire for this module series and have two questions.
ReplyDelete1. Does this game's setting allow for me to play as a vampire without breaking immersion too much?
2. How compatible is this module with other haks? I tried Ercan's vampire subrace system but the items that give vampire properties keeps getting deleted when I try to start the game. Are there any other good haks that let you play as a vampire subrace(D&D 3e rules) that can work with this?
Thanks! Also you have a great blog!
Hi Gigacat. Sounds like a cool idea, though I have never tried out the hak you have linked to.
DeleteYour best bet is to register on and post your question on this forum.
The only vamp module I know of that actually lets you build a vamp char (and other undead chars) is akkei's The Breach.