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Monkey Grip Neverwinter Nights 2

Monkey Grip Neverwinter Nights 2

Hyborian Man-Ape in Conan Chronicles NWN2.

Monkey Grip is a martial feat in Obsidian's cRPG of 2006, Neverwinter Nights 2. Monkey Grip is notable for allowing martial builds to wield two-handed weapons in one hand. Thus, it is possible for medium-sized characters to wield greatswords in one hand, wield a greatsword in the on-hand and a shield in the off-hand or even dual-wield greatswords.

  • Monkey Grip Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
  • Monkey Grip Specifics: Monkey Grip grants the ability to wield weapons that are normally two-handed for your race with only one hand at a -2 penalty to hit. For example: a human could wield a greatsword and a shield using this feat, while a halfling could wield a longsword in each hand. Medium sized characters (humans, half-orcs, elves, dwarves, etc) with this feat can use giant weapons (with -2 to hit). Note that this ability only applies to melee weapons and does not affect the use of crossbows, bows, etc.
  • Monkey Grip Use: Automatic.


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