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Shadow Fighter Amiga NAPS Team 1994

Shadow Fighter AGA

N.A.P.S. Team and Gremlin Graphics released Shadow Fighter for Amiga AGA and OCS/ECS in 1994. Shadow Fighter is an Amiga-exclusive Versus Fighter and the Amiga's answer to Capcom's Street Fighter 2 of 1991 and Midway's Mortal Kombat of 1992.

In terms of replayability and longevity, Shadow Fighter is superior to the Amiga versions of Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat. However, IK+ of 1988 remains my fave versus fighter on ST/Amiga. 
Shadow Fighter was programmed by Domenico Barba, drawn by Fabio Capone and composed by Fabio Cicciarello.

Shadow Fighter features single-player mode against a series of computer-controlled opponents and two-player versus mode against one human opponent. Depending on the difficulty setting chosen players choose one warrior from a pool of 6-15 to compete in 10-17 stages of battle in the Best of Three Bouts format; that is, the first warrior to win two of the three bouts is declared the victor of that battle.

Combat in Shadow Fighter is one-on-one, hand-to-hand and melee and ranged. The bouts are timed and range from 20-60 seconds in duration. The object of each bout is to defeat the opponent by depleting their strength meter or by having the most strength remaining when the time expires.

Each of the warriors has an assortment of basic moves, non-basic moves and 3-6 special moves. Warriors can move forward and backwards, jump, foward-flip, back-flip, crouch, block and hold, throw or inside-punch when in close proximity.

Bonus points are awarded based on time remaining and strength remaining.

The characters in Shadow Fighter are Cody, Electra, Fakir, Khrome, Kuri, Lee Chen, Manx, Okura, Pupazz, Salvadore, Shadow Fighter, Slamdunk, Soria, Tony, Top-Knot, Toshio, Yarado and Yurgen.

Shadow Fighter Features

  • 316x236 active drawspace
  • 4x modes of play: Championship, Training, Single Battle & Versus Battle
  • Hard mode Championship: 17x matches
  • 3x Difficulty levels: Easy, Normal & Hard
  • 3x Time Limits: 30, 60 or 90 seconds
  • 3x Audio: Music, Background Sounds & Battle Sounds
  • Toggleable Stun & Blood
  • Parallax-scrolling playfields & Drop-shadowed sprites
  • Motion-trailing on some sprite animations

Shadow Fighter Manual: 92 pages.
Shadow Fighter Copy Protection: Manual reference.

Shadow Fighter was distributed on 4x 3.5" 880kB DD diskette. It was not installable to hard disk drive.


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