Teque ported Namco's Pac-Mania coinop of 1987 to the Amiga in October of 1988. Pac-Mania is a scrolling maze-game based on Namco's fixed-screen Pac-Man of 1980.
The main difference between Pac-Mania and Pac-Man is that Pac-Mania employs oblique perspective and scrolls multi-directionally. In addition, in Pac-Mania Pac-Man can bounce-jump and green ghosts can jump as well. Pac-Mania feature 22 stages and 4 power-up pills to collect as well as Hi-score table, good audio, animated intros and drop-shadowed sprites.
Pac-Mania controls and audiovisuals are practically of coin-op quality. Pac-Mania's playfield is full-screen and its scrolling and sprite-shifting are silky-smooth. Pac-Mania displays 64-color extra half-brite mode (EHB) at 320x256 resolution.
While not as impressive as Arkanoid or Super Hang-On Pac-Mania was nevertheless one of the best 1988 arcade-game conversions on the Amiga.
Pac-Mania was programmed by Pete Harrap and Shaun Hollingworth, drawn by Jason Wilson and composed by Ben Daglish.
Pac-Mania was distributed by Grandslam on 1x 3.5" 880kB DD diskette.
Pac-Mania Stages
- Block Town
- Pac-Man's Park
- Sandbox Land
- Jungly Steps
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