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Citizens SMAC Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Citizens SMAC

Citizens are the people that constitute colony populations in Firaxis' TBS Game of 1999, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (SMAC). Representing 1,000 people per icon displayed, Citizens can be workers, talents, specialists or drones.

Workers SMAC

Workers are citizens that physically work the squares of colony catchments, yielding Nutrients, Energy and MineralsAs colonies grow in population units, more workers can work more squares of colony catchments.

Talents SMAC

Talents are prosperous, highly educated citizens, your intellectual elite. Talents are created as the result of favorable social conditions and the diversion of energy to Psych. As long as a base has at least as many Talents as Drones, no Drone Riot will occur.

Workers are converted to Talents (talented workers) by certain base facilities, Secret Projects and specialists. In addition, one Talent is generated by every two energy units that are allocated to Psych.

Specialists SMAC

Specialists do not work colony catchments, but rather each specialist allotted replaces a worker of a catchment square and functions independently to generate economy, psych or labs. That is, specialists take away from catchment production in order to calm populations or increase cash-flow or technological advancement.

A base of any size can have doctor or empath specialists, but a base must have grown to five population units before it can create other types.

SMAC Guide Units SMAC Modules SMAC
Factions SMAC Chassis SMAC Reactors SMAC
Base Facilities SMAC Weapons SMAC Unit Special Abilities SMAC
Technology Tree SMAC Armor SMAC Secret Projects SMAC
Social Engineering SMAC Terraforming SMAC Drones SMAC

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