Wonders of the World Civ2
There are 28 Wonders of the World in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Sid Meier's Civilization 2.
Each Wonder of the World belongs to an Epoch, and each has a cost in Shields as well as an Advances prerequisite.
The best Wonders in Civ2 are Michelangelo's Chapel, Adam Smith's Trading Co., Leonardo's Workshop and Hoover Dam.
In order to build Wonders quickly you need strong Shield Production. To help cities build Wonders you should also send Caravans.
Ancient Wonders of the World
The best ancient wonder is Pyramids. On Deity difficulty level, Great Wall is much more important due to Barbarian raiding party spawn strength and frequency. Lighthouse is more useful on archipelago maps.
Renaissance Wonders of the World
King Richard's Crusade can be useful in heavy Shield Production cities whereas Magellan's Expedition is useful on archipelago maps. Michelangelo's Chapel is the best Renaissance Wonder, but Sun Tzu's War Academy can be strong on Deity difficulty level.
Industrial Wonders of the World
Adam Smith's Trading Co. and Leonardo's Worshop are the King-tier Industrial Wonders.
Modern Wonders of the World
Hoover Dam, SETI Program and Cure for Cancer are the best Modern Wonders.
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