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Founding Fathers Sid Meier's Colonization

Founding Fathers Colonization

There are 25 Founding Fathers in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1994, Sid Meier's Colonization. Founding Fathers are ideas or powers whose effects are akin to Wonders of the World in Civilization 1.

The best Founding Fathers in Sid Meier's Colonization are Jefferson and Bolivar because they transcend playstyle and campaign progression; that is, they are important regardless of mode of play, and are always abundantly useful.

Founding Fathers join a colony's Continental Congress via Liberty Bells, which are generated by assigning units to the Town Hall building on the Colony Display. The more Liberty Bells that ring at the Town Hall, the faster Founding Fathers join up. Thus, Liberty Bells are to Colonization what Science Output, Research rate or Knowledge Production are to other Civ games.

Liberty Bells impact Rebel Sentiment, Sons of Liberty membership, Colonist productivity and Founding Father discovery rate. Therefore, Liberty Bells are not just about attaining independence from the motherland: they remain an important mechanic even after declaring independence.

Ideally, one would assign three Elder Statesmen to the Town Hall and have Thomas Jefferson, Simon Bolivar and Thomas Paine join Congress. It is also best to build Printing Presses and Newspapers in colonies.

Economics & Trade

  • Adam Smith: Allows factory level buildings to be built in the colonies. Factories allow the production of 1½ units of manufactured goods for each unit of raw materials.
  • Jakob Fugger: All boycotts currently in effect are forgiven, without back taxes. Trade in these goods may be resumed at no cost.
  • Peter Minuit: Indians no longer demand payment for their land.
  • Peter Stuyvesant: Allows construction of the Custom House in your colonies which can streamline trade with Europe and allows European trade during the Revolution.
  • Jan de Witt: Trade with foreign colonies is allowed. In addition, your Foreign Affairs report becomes more revealing.


  • Ferdinand Magellan: The movement allowance of all naval vessels is increased by one, and the time to sail from the west map edge to Europe is shortened considerably. [Magellan's Expedition]
  • Francisco de Coronado: All existing colonies and the area around them become visible on the map.
  • Hernando de Soto: The results of exploring Lost City Rumors are always positive, and all units have an extended sighting radius.
  • Henry Hudson: Hudson increases the output of all Fur trappers by 100%.
  • Sieur de La Salle: La Salle gives all existing and future colonies a stockade when the population of the colony reaches 3. [Great Wall]


  • Hernan Cortes: Conquered native settlements always yield treasure, in greater abundance, and the king's galleons transport the treasure free of charge.
  • George Washington: Every non-veteran soldier or dragoon who wins a combat is automatically upgraded. [Sun Tzu's War Academy]
  • Paul Revere: When a colony with no standing soldiers is attacked, a colonist automatically takes up any stockpiled muskets in defense of the colony.
  • Francis Drake: The combat strengths of all your privateers are increased by 50%.
  • John Paul Jones: A Frigate is added to your colonial navy, without cost.


  • Thomas Jefferson: Increases Liberty Bell production of statesmen by 50%.
  • Pocahontas: All tension levels between you and the natives are reduced to content, and all Indian alarm is generated half as fast.
  • Thomas Paine: Liberty Bell production in all colonies is increased by value of the current tax rate.
  • Simon Bolivar: Sons of Liberty membership in all your colonies is increased by 20%.
  • Benjamin Franklin: The King's European Wars have no further effect on the relations between the powers in the New World, and Europeans in the New World always offer peace in negotiations.


  • William Brewster: No more criminals or servants appear on the docks, and  you select which immigrant in the Recruitment Pool will move to the docks.
  • William Penn: Cross production in all colonies is increased by 50%.
  • Father Jean de Brebeuf: All missionaries function as experts.
  • Juan de Sepulveda: Increases the chance that subjugated Indians will "convert" and join a colony.
  • Bartolome de las Casas: All currently existing Indian converts are assimilated into the colonies as free colonists.

Founding Father Weightings

Each Founding Father has a type and a weighting for each century.

The Founding Father weighting governs the likelihood of selectability: the higher the weighting, the more likely the Founding Father is to appear in the list of choices. In addition, Founding Father types of higher level do not appear until at least one of lower level and of the same type has joined the Continental Congress.

Founding Father 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1850 Type
Adam Smith 2 8 6 Economic/Trade
Jakob Fugger 0 5 8 Economic/Trade
Peter Minuit 9 1 0 Economic/Trade
Peter Stuyvesant 2 4 8 Economic/Trade
Jan de Witt 2 6 10 Economic/Trade
Ferdinand Magellan 2 10 10 Exploration
Francisco Coronado 3 5 7 Exploration
Hernando de Soto 5 10 5 Exploration
Henry Hudson 10 1 0 Exploration
Sieur De La Salle 7 5 3 Exploration
Hernan Cortes 6 5 1 Military
George Washington 0 4 10 Military
Paul Revere 10 2 1 Military
Francis Drake 4 8 6 Military
John Paul Jones 0 6 7 Military
Thomas Jefferson 4 5 6 Political
Pocahontas 7 5 3 Political
Thomas Paine 1 2 8 Political
Simon Bolivar 0 4 6 Political
Benjamin Franklin 5 5 5 Political
William Brewster 7 4 1 Religious
William Penn 8 5 2 Religious
Jean de Brebeuf 6 6 1 Religious
Juan de Sepulveda 3 8 3 Religious
Bartolme de las Casas 0 5 10 Religious
Founding Father 1500-1600 1600-1700 1700-1850 Type

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