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Adam Smith's Trading and Co. Civilization 2

Adam Smith's Trading & Co. Civ2

Adam Smith's Trading and Co. is one of 28 Wonders of the World in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2.

Adam Smith's Trading and Co. pays the maintenance for all City Improvements which ordinarily have a cost of one coin per turn. City Improvements costing more than one coin per turn are unaffected.

  • Adam Smith's Trading and Co. Cost: 400
  • Adam Smith's Trading and Co. Prerequisite: Economics

City Improvements With Upkeep of 1 per Turn

The upkeeps of the following eight City Improvements are free with Adam Smith's Trading and Co.

Truly a Wonder among Wonders.

Adam Smith is generally regarded as the father of modern economics. In his book "The Wealth of Nations", he analyzed the economic processes of supply and demand, and discussed how free trade and individual ambition would lead to both economic and social growth. Smith favored a political environment where the government would only become involved in business and trade to preserve justice and order. Smith's ideas of economics and the lack of government involvement form the basis of modern economic liberalism.

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