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Colossus Civilization 2

Colossus Civ2

Colossus is one of 28 Wonders of the World in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2.

The city where the Colossus is built generates an extra unit of Trade in each square that is already producing Trade.

The effects of Colossus expire with the discovery of Flight.

The Colossus of Rhodes was a bronze statue of Helios, the Greek God of the Sun, erected near the mouth of the city harbor. It stood over 100 feet high, about two-thirds the height of the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, it was toppled by an earthquake only 56 years after its construction. Taking the counsel of an oracle, the city elected to leave the statue where it lay. For over 900 years, people from all over the ancient world came to Rhodes to see the Colossus. It remained where it was until 654 AD when the Muslims who plundered the city sold the statue for scrap.

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