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Arcanum: MECHANIZED ARACHNID: schematic, stats

In Arcanum, the Mechanized Arachnid is a Doctorate-level degree of the Mechanical technological discipline. Assemblage requires a minimum of 85 Expertise in Mechanical.

A formidable technological companion! And folds into a compact package for ease of transportation!

Mechanized Arachnid Components

• Small Steam Engine location: Randomly and very rarely spawns in inventor vendor inventories, such as Geoffrey's Gears & Gadgetry in Tarant, and the inventor of the Wheel Clan. The SSE has a 10% chance of spawning in inventor vendor inventories (I once found two in one GG&G inventory), and a 5% chance to spawn in dwarven chests, such as those in the Dredge.

• Large Gears location: Randomly and commonly spawns at junk shops (e.g, Ristezze in Shrouded Hills). 70% spawn rate for junk dealers, 100% for multi-junk dealers.

MAs are deployed as per grenades: thrown from the quickslot. Dropping them on the ground does not deploy them. MAs can be re-added to the inventory by simply clicking on them.

They have 60 HPs and 86 Fatigue at 20th level, but can reach 50th level (120 HPs, 146 fatigue). 

To heal MAs, they must be deployed when we rest at inns. They do not heal if only in the inventory.

Note that Automatons are far superior in combat.
Arcanum Arcanum Weapons Arcanum Armor

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