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AVENGER, Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

The Avenger is a BG2 class in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2. The Avenger is the best Druid kit due to having access to some decent Mage spells BG2, as listed and linked to below.

A member of a special sect within the Druidic order, a druid of this type is dedicated to fighting those who would defile nature. Avengers have powers the average druid does not; additional abilities that have been earned through extensive rituals, a process that is very physically draining.

Avenger Shapechange

Avengers can shapechange into normal forms, as well as those of sword spider, baby wyvern and fire salamander

Avenger Spells

Avenger arcane spells are not going to blow anyone's hair back, but having access to them is better than being stuck with just Druid spells.

Avenger Disadvantages

  • May not wear better than leather armor.
  • On character creation he receives a -2 to strength and constitution.

Best Classes BG2 Druid BG2 Avenger BG2 Totemic Druid BG2 Shapeshifter BG2

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