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RPG Game Meaning

RPG Game is a lowly and thoughtless mainstream term that refers to any role-playing computer or video game, whereas the term cRPG refers strictly to computer role-playing games that appear on PCs or equivalent microcomputers.

RPG Game stands for "role-playing game game". Let me demonstate more clearly:

RPG Game = Role-Playing Game Game

We can just say "RPG" or "role-playing game" because the word "game" is already contained in the acronym. Appending "game" to the acronym is superfluous.

RPG = Role-Playing Game

Anyway, there are many kinds of RPGs. There are action RPGs, tactical RPGs, strategy RPGs, and so on. Some RPGs are combat-centric, others are story-driven and yet others still are driven by exploration. Some RPGs are casual, others hardcore.

Examples of cRPGs include Fallout 1Baldur's Gate 1 and Neverwinter Nights 1. These are games in which we play the role of a character or combat unit. In some cRPGs, we play the roles of multiple characters in a party. For example, Icewind Dale 1, ToEE and Jagged Alliance 2.

The essence of cRPGs is found in wargames such as Chainmail: "Dungeons & Dragons Rules For Fantastic Medieval Wargames Campaigns Playable With Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures." - Gygax & Arneson, 1974.

Rocket-Propelled Grenade RPG Games for Playing

Have you ever played this kind of game:

Rocket-Propelled Grenade Game

The most notable RPG games that let us fire RPGs are:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day.

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