Snow Hunt NWN
You may already know of Rogueknight333's ongoing Swordflight Series. I hold Swordflight in high esteem: it's one of the rare cRPGs I've played that is internally consistent with all bases covered by logic and robust reasoning. Swordflight is so well thought out -- from its combat encounters and "meatgrinder" dungeons, to its quests and reactivity -- that I'm hard-pressed to find a fault with it.
However, you may not know of Snow Hunt, a bounty hunter adventure module put together by Rogueknight333 for the February 2013 Adventure Building Challenge. That means it was made in just one month, which is quite a feat considering its polish!
In Snow Hunt, the player assumes the role of a bounty hunter who is picking up the trail of Nam Eslaf, an elusive murderer and robber with 15,000 gold pieces on his head. The quarry has sought refuge in the inhospitable north, but that hasn't stopped the bounty hunter pursuing him there.
In Snow Hunt, the player assumes the role of a bounty hunter who is picking up the trail of Nam Eslaf, an elusive murderer and robber with 15,000 gold pieces on his head. The quarry has sought refuge in the inhospitable north, but that hasn't stopped the bounty hunter pursuing him there.
Snow Hunt is explorative, intriguing, atmospheric and brief. It's easier to get into and play than Swordflight. For those who haven't played either, it might be a good idea to try Snow Hunt, first, in order to get a gentler introduction to the author's traditional and highly refined dungeon mastering philosophy; then progress to Swordflight Chapter One, a far superior module that raises the expectations of the player, significantly.
Just like in the Swordflight Series, the atmosphere of Snow Hunt is enhanced by the author's inclusion of quality community custom content.
Utility Zone
I wish more modules would include an area like this: I started with a clean-slate, first level character and talked to the Level Up Utility, a hovering blue orb that stripped me of my scrubby starter gear, bumped me up to twelfth level, gave me gold and offered me items to purchase, all in accordance with what the DM feels to be reasonable for the adventure they made. In other words, no uhming and ahhing about "what level should I be, how much gold should I have, what gear is ok, am I OP or about to have my ass handed to me?" And no need for PGC3: just build your character, splurge on some stuff, and play!
The vendor offers a large and thoughtful assortment of gear for you to choose from; I suggest you spend some time browsing the wares and equipping yourself suitably: while it's not a "meatgrinder" like Swordflight Chapter One, it could be said that Snow Hunt has its moments, at least for new, inattentive or rusty players.
The readme suggests buying and equipping an item that confers cold resistance; the selection is as follows:
- Winter Cloak (all saves +2, Cold Resist 10/-)
- Winter Boots (Con +2, AC Bonus +1, Cold Resist 5/-)
- Lesser Amulet of Cold Resistance (Cold Resist 15/-)
- Robe of Cold Resistance (Cold Resist 15/-)
Splash out on one (or all) of these items. Their effects won't stack but this gives you mix n match options.
Very important custom items (pictured below):
- Rune of Resurrection: allows you to respawn when you die, for a small experience point penalty (-60 Exp).
- Rune of Reinvigoration: "provides the benefits of resting". I.e, heals you and refreshes your spells - again, for a small experience point penalty (-15 to -22 Exp). That's a small price to pay for a spellcaster to have all their spells back! For game balance reasons I recommend just five. Besides, the module offers two safe places to rest: lodge and campfire.
- Undead Ward (Negative Energy Protection [5] Single Use, Restoration [7] Single Use). This item was indispensable in Swordflight Chapter One, an undead-heavy module. It is vital you buy at least four for Snow Hunt; otherwise wights and spectres will own you.
Other good stuff to snap up:
- A Shock-based weapon, or ranged equivalent. Fire ammo is the most useful, as many foes are vulnerable to that element.
- Scabbard of Enhancement (Flame Weapon [10] 2 Charges/Use, Greater Magic Weapon [10] 3 Charges/Use, Keen Edge [10] 3 Charges/Use, Magic Weapon [2] 1 Charge/Use). Splash out on couple, as Flame Weapon works wonders against fire-vulnerable foes. This is great for meleers and can buff your Henchman's melee weapon as well as summons and familiars. It doesn't work on ranged weapons or their projectiles, though (and the elemental ammo pales in comparison).
- Stock up on fire-based ammo and an array of utility potions, especially Potions of Speed (Enhanced). Avoid buying the dozen Potions of Heal offered; they are OP. Try to limit yourself to those found in the adventure itself.
- Potions of Invisibility will enable you to scout ahead and find a good vantage point from which to mount an attack. There is nothing worse than bumbling into a stampede of mounted orcs, unprepared!
- Bag up Healer's Kits like there's no tomorrow: they are cheap, fast to repeatedly use, don't provoke AoOs, and keep you on your feet and fighting.
Chargen & Loadout
- cRPG Builds. Snow Hunt supports all characters and builds. You start off at twelfth level and will likely gain one level during the adventure.
- cRPG Reactivity: Dialogue is reactive to gender, race, class, ability scores and skills. Therefore, you won't be able to access every aspect of the module in a single run.
- cRPG Itemization is tailored to weapon focus feats in three specific instances. These also include exotic weapons. So yeah, don't be afraid to choose an unusual weapon.
- Trap-crafting is supported (it's a bounty hunter module).
- Rangers should probably take orc as their favored enemy.
- Very helpful utility skills: Search, Open Lock, Disable Trap, Heal, UMD, Lore.
- Specific skills that come in handy: Spellcraft, Persuade, Animal Empathy.
I've decided to roll with Fighter (4) / Rogue (8), a ranged sneak attacker wielding a longbow.
Ok, let's get on with the adventure!
The Bounty Hunting Begins
Hunting Lodge by the lake:
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These are custom winter loadscreens |
The main quest will appear in your journal upon entering this frozen wilderness (Quest: Bounty Hunt).
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Note the "wild winter" custom tileset. |
Note the message that pops up: It is bitterly cold; well, the periodic cold damage is mitigated by the cold resistance granted by the item you bought, earlier. You did buy one, right?
You will see the Hunting Lodge just to the north. Outside the Lodge are some footprints in the snow. Don't worry if you lack "tracking skills"; there is a Henchman who can help you out with that, just inside.
And here he is, all warm and cozy: Durthan Deftmace: Ranger (10) / Dwarven Defender (2).
Notice the message XP Scale Adjusted for Added Henchman? This means you don't have to be concerned with your companion leaching your experience points, as per NWN's party size penalty.
You may like to keep Durthan dual-wielding, but I'm going to rearrange his equipment for tanking because that way I can hang back for ranged sneak attacks while he draws the aggro and keeps it at bay - at least, that's the plan!
Make sure Durthan is always buffed with Flame Weapon and Haste. If you're a Wizard, damage reduction and concealment are his best friends (Stoneskin and Improved Invisibility). Tuck yourself away and unleash the odd spell on the mob he's tanking.
Question the hunter in the kitchen about your bounty. Search the garbage barrel for a minor potion (+34 Exp).
Upstairs, Loric Lyonson will give you a solid lead. While up here, you may also like to refine and expand your loadouts with the trader, Vikan Ashbur.
Take your leave of the Lodge and ask Durthan about the tracks outside.
You will receive +8 Exp if Durthan examines the tracks and +23 Exp if you examine them yourself.
Just to the north you will find the cave Durthan was talking about.
Just to the north you will find the cave Durthan was talking about.
The Icy Cave
Wind your way through the icy tunnel, anyway, dispatching the six mephits and two elementals as you go. Beware the former's magic missile barrage. I was able to land some juicy critical hit sneak attacks on them, but the latter are immune to both forms of burst damage and sport solid soak (11/+2). Durthan dispersed them with his +3 mace.
(ice mephit +19 Exp ea, snow fury +134 Exp ea.)
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Snow furies are custom enemies |
At the end of the tunnel is the portal chamber guarded by a second set of mephits and elementals. Slay them.
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Note the glistening custom tileset, with ceilings. |
It seems our quarry may have somehow arrived at this portal, but he's not here now.. so, head back out of the cave. If you need to, rest in the Lodge. When you're ready, head north.
The Snowy Forest - Central
Wolves howl in the distance. Rustling is heard from the undergrowth. Branches crack and break under the weight of the snow, which falls lightly around us.
More tracks are spied a few paces north; they are those of wild animals...
The Snowy Forest branches off to three other areas: the western and eastern forests, and the barren wilderness in the north. Slay stealthy crag cats and packs of winter wolves as you map the place out (+30 Exp ea). If you like, you can skin them and cash in their hides back at the Lodge, for a pretty penny.
Snow Hunt is non-linear, but I am following the optimal path that includes optional content. If you head west, first, and enter the Icy Cave from the west, your passage will be blocked to caves in the far east, and you will have to backtrack. That's why we're heading east, first.
Snowy Forest: East
You will find tracks here, those of wolf, orc and ogre...
No less than eight winter wolves will mob you in the west, conjuring a veritable blizzard. Lesser Amulet of Cold Resistance, ftw.
Seven mounted orc warriors patrol the north. You must slay both the orcs and their winter wolf mounts (+30, +19 Exp ea). I suggest you buff up before battle, at least with Haste and Flame Weapon.
In the south is a cave.
Icy Cave - East
Here you will meet Oberagh the Ogre Mage along with his ice mephit familiar and two ice golem bodyguards. The ogre will give you a sidequest, one perfect for a bounty hunter such as yourself (Quest: Rival Ogre Mages).
Head west through the door and you will find yourself back in the Icy Cave, though this time on the northern side of the underground river, opposite the portal chamber. This place is a cave system, branching out beneath the Snowy Forest.
Make your way west, slaying orcs. Beware the marksman's called shots to your arms and legs, and the shaman's insta-death spell. Loot their corpses for a potion pack, pouches of gold and unspent ammo. Durthan can ID the ammo if you lack Lore.
(elite orc warrior +134 Exp, orc shaman +61 Exp, orc warrior & orc marksman +40 Exp ea).
Exit to the west.
Icy Cave - West
You will encounter four more marksmen and a trio of warriors patrolling the tunnel. Durthan was a huge help here, tanking the hail of fiery projectiles like a boss.
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Ranged sneak attacks - so satisfying! |
Waiting for you just around the corner is Oberagh's hostile rival, Obzul the Ogre Mage. I suggest you ignore the golem and orcs until the giant mage has been slain, as his arcane repertoire isn't trivial.
(Obzul: +125/+235 Exp, ice golem: +188 Exp).
Behead Obzul for his ugly-ass head and loot his corpse for two magical items: Ogre Mage's Bracers (Int +1, AC Bonus +2, Cone of Cold [15] 1 Use/Day, Cold Resist 10/-) and Staff of Ice (+1, Ice Storm [9] 3 Charges/Use).
Behind the monolith is a door with a treasure chest on either side, but all three are magically warded (i.e, they cannot be bashed or unlocked by conventional means). Spellcraft is required to decipher the wards and specific cantrips are required to break them (+50 Exp ea, +80 Exp ea).
• Cast Flare on the right chest and loot it for 321 GP and Rod of Thunder & Lightning (Chain Lightning [15] 4 Charges/Use, Great Thunderclap [13] 5 Charges/Use, Horizikaul's Boom [2] 1 Charge/Use, Lightning Bolt [10] 3 Charges/Use, Sound Burst [3] 2 Charges/Use).
• Cast Resistance on the left chest and loot it for 312 GP and Wand of Fear (Fear [5], 3 Charges/Use).
• Cast Ray of Frost on the door in the center and loot the ogre's treasury for 1,700 GP, assorted gems/jewelry, and Wand of Fire (Fireball [5], 5 Charges/Use).
This is a nice nod to those who chose to be an arcane practitioner.
Not being one, I was only able to partially decipher the wards. Besides, I wouldn't have been able to use UMD to cast the spells from scrolls, as there aren't any in the module (AFAIK). So yeah, the above section I just added in for completionist sake.
Loot the bookshelf and alchemist apparatus for minor treasures, like scrolls and potions.
Just to the west is a makeshift barracks guarded by a shaman, marksman and three each of polar bear mount and warrior. Durthan tanked them as I filled them full of holes, from long range.
Loot the receptacles for various healing items and random knick-knacks. The trapped and locked chest is holding about 1,000 GP and assorted gems and jewelry (DT DC-27, OL DC-33, +14/16 Exp). The weapon rack is holding a random +1 weapon. If you need to, rest at the campfire. Then, shovel away the snow blocking the door in the west, and continue west through another door.
Note: As mentioned before, if you went West first and tried to reach this point, your entrance to this chamber would have been blocked by the snow, pictured below.
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The snow heap is a custom placeable |
Icy Cave - Northwest
Six marksman and a warrior guard the entrance to a passage that leads downward. Take 'em out.
Disable the proximity trap (DC-33, +16 Exp) en route to a patrol of four marksmen, one of which is an elite orc warrior (+134 Exp).
A Captive Orc is standing behind bars.. unlock or bash down the cell door to speak with him (DC-30, +15 Exp). I decided to let him go (Good +1).
Loot the receptacles for odds and ends. Again, the weapon racks hold random +1 weapons.
Take the passage upward and slay the four polar bear mounts, two marksmen and elite warrior. Loot the crate for a few potions and disable the paralysis trap en route to the cave's exit (DC-33, +16 Exp).
Snowy Forest - West
You will emerge in the southeast and be assailed by four warriors, this time mounted on their polar bears. They are tough!
In the northeast, try not to take on all seven mounted warriors at once. I bit off more than I could chew and was forced to flee after healing Durthan in the nick of time, who was being pulverized.
The two tracks in this area (northwest and northeast) tell us what we already know.
Hike back eastward through the forest and deliver Obzul's Head to Oberagh (Quest Complete: Rival Ogre Mages, +500 Exp). The ogre mage will conjure a strange chest from which you may choose one item that bestows perma-Haste (see below). Persuade him to give you 1,000 GP, if you can (+50 Exp).
Ah, yes - Haste: my fave status effect!
- Boots of the Shifting Sands (perma-Haste, Dex -1, Earthquake [20] 1/day).
- Chainmail of Speed (medium armor, perma-Haste, Armor Bonus +3, Con -2).
- Armor of Fleetness (light armor, perma-Haste, Armor Bonus +3, -Con -2).
- Bracers of Blinding Strike (perma-Haste, Con -2, Dex +2).
- Helm of Haste (perma-Haste, Con -2, Reflex +1, Conc +1).
- Half-breed's Rune of Speed ("confers perma-Haste on equipable item", one use only, Half-orc & Half-elf only).
Players who attack Oberagh will find that he's got a contingency plan in place to escape. Slaying the trio of minions who remain in the cave results in an alignment shift towards evil (2 points per minion).
(ice mephit +61 Exp, ice golem +188 Exp ea.)
Exit the cave and head north to the transition point.
Snowy Wilderness
We have arrived in a bleak, barren land, where Loric of the Lodge saw what looked like a man, in the distance, heading off to the northwest. Durthan also mentioned this area was "frost giant country", so we'll keep our eyes peeled for them, as well. Head west to the south-central part of the map to pick up what could be the trail of your quarry, Nam Eslaf. A lone, non-hostile polar bear roams the region, presumably a candidate for animal empathy. Not having the skill I left it alone, but cruel characters may slay it outright (+30 Exp, Chaotic +1).
The hilly terrain and barrows here remind me of the Burial Isle in the Icewind Dale expansion, Heart of Winter.
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The terrain here is gently undulating |
Three southern exits will take you back to the central, eastern and western portions of the Snowy Forest, but I'm pushing on northward to the triangle of barrows, where I have Durthan examine the tracks of our quarry.
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The triangle of barrows |
Ok, we have three tombs to explore, so let's delve 'em.
Old Tomb (Southernmost)
Lurking in this tomb is a mob of undead, a mixture of skeletal and cadaverous. Destroy them and pick through their remains for the Sling of Force (Attack Bonus +3, Str +2, Mighty +3) and Bracers of Armor +2.
The skeleton warrior wields (and drops) a melee weapon tailored to the one you have focus in (including Exotic), but only of the tiny and small weapon size. If you don't have focus in such a weapon, then the module seems to default to a random weapon from those size pools; for example, I received the Light Frost Axe (handaxe, Attack Bonus +3, +1d6 cold, Keen).
As far as I can tell, these tailored weapons are of +3 enhancement and "frost-based" (+1d6 cold). In addition, axes are keen, bladed are massive critical (scaled to their size) and blunts benefit from on-hit Freeze (Slow Attacker; Fort Save, DC 10 + Casterlevel Level 5). Refer to the Frost Giant section, below, for tailored weapons of the medium and large size.
(skeleton warrrior +146 Exp ea, skeleton archer +67 Exp ea, wight +204 Exp ea).
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Here, I am under the effect of invisibility |
Level-up! I reached thirteenth level here, taking my ninth in Rogue for +5d6 sneak attack. Durthan doesn't seem to level-up along with you, remaining at Ranger (10) Dwarven Defender (2).
Disable the central proximity trap en route to the burial chamber (DC-33, +16 Exp). To our dismay the chests and sarcophagi have previously been picked clean by our quarry!
However, activating detect mode should reveal a secret door on the tomb's northern wall, leading to a small treasure chamber. Hah, it seems our quarry overlooked this place! Loot the trapped and locked chest for a thousand gold pieces and an assortment of precious gems and jewelry (DC-22/23, +15 Exp). Scoop up the piles of gold on the ground (~1,200 GP).
Now, head to the second tomb.
Old Tomb (Westernmost)
Hovering about in this tomb are spectral undead, normal and sneak attacking rogue variants led by a sorcerer. Beware, they will rapidly drain your levels unless you buff beforehand with the undead wards. In addition, the fear aura and IGMS castings can wreak havoc.
(Spectre +40 Exp ea, spectral rogue +44 ea, spectral sorcerer +204 Exp).
Again, detect mode should reveal a secret door on the western wall, leading to another treasure chamber overlooked by our quarry. Loot the trapped and locked chest for the Ironwood Small Shield (arcane spell failure -5%, Weight -40%), Wand of Negative Energy (Negative Energy Ray [1] 2 Charges/Use) and two random scrolls. Each of the two trapped weapon racks hold a random +1 weapon. (DT DC-27/26/25, OL DC-32, +51 Exp).
Ok, head to the third tomb...
Old Tomb (Easternmost)
Here you will meet a non-hostile Revenant and receive your second sidequest of the adventure; this one linked to your search for Nam Eslaf (Quest: Ring of Ghavash).
Exit the cave, and make your way to the northwest as per Loric's lead. Make a butcher's shop out of the seven mounted warriors patrolling the area; then enter the cave of the giants.
Frost Giant Cave
Inside are four hulking frost giants: two fighters, a priestess and an archer. They aren't in a talkative mood, and it seems that our quarry was wise enough not to step in here (+50 Exp). You can simply flee if you like, but where's the fun in that?
Beware the knockdown. Try to manipulate Durthan's positioning so that he prioritizes the priestess. Having downed her, he simply tanked the three giants as I landed sneak attack after sneak attack to drop them. Sweet.
(giants: +204 Exp ea)
As per the skeleton warrior, one of the frost giants wields (and drops) a melee weapon tailored to the one you have focus in (including Exotic); this time of the medium and large weapon size. If you don't have focus in such a weapon, then the module seems to default to a random weapon from those size pools; for example, I received the Frost Hammer +3 (Enhancement Bonus +3, cold +1d6, on-hit Freeze). Again, the weapons are of +3 enhancement and "frost-based" (+1d6 cold). In addition, axes and whips are keen, bladed are massive critical (scaled to their size) and blunts benefit from on-hit Freeze (Slow Attacker; Fort Save, DC 10 + Casterlevel Level 5).
Likewise, the archer giant wields (and drops) a ranged weapon tailored to the one you have focus in (medium size). Having focus in longbow, I received the Composite Longbow +3 (Attack Bonus +3, Mighty +5), and her unspent ammo: Ice Arrows (quiver, cold +1d6). Ranged weapons are also of +3 enhancement, but not frost-based (you have access to elemental ammo). Bows are mighty and crossbows are a combo of mighty/mass crit.
Thanks to Rogueknight 333 for info on this itemization.
The priestess will drop untailored treasure: the Scarab of Protection +2 (all saves +2), and potion pack. The fourth giant drops a heavy pouch of gold.
Now, to loot the giants' treasury!
The three chests are trapped and locked (DT DC-30/30/29, OL DC-33/32/32, +84 Exp). They are holding the following: Bag of Holding (-100% weight), Gloves of the Longdeath (Attack Bonus +3, +2 cold), Horn of the North (Cone of Cold [15] 3/day), Ring of Cyan, Deadly Frost Trap Kit, Thieves' Tools +10, Elixir of Regeneration (Regenerate [13] 5 Charges/Use), Healer's Kit +10 (x2), Potion of Heal (x2), Greater Restoration and Resurrection scrolls, ~1,000 GP, and assorted gems/jewelry.
Scoop up the gold and loot the other receptacles for scrolls, potions and random knick-knacks; then, take your leave of the cave.
At this point you may like to return to the Lodge to ID your gear and prepare for the final stretch.
Slay the dozen or so mounted warriors en route to the northwestern cave; then, shovel away the snow and descend into the portal cave!
Portal Cave
This place is teeming with ice mephits and snow furies; slay them en route to the portal chamber itself.
At the foot of the monolith, buried under a small mound of snow, is a Frozen Book. Loot it and activate its special power. You will need Spellcraft or UMD to unfreeze it (+50 Exp). Now, Lore will enable you to read the ancient text and receive a solid experience point bonus for the knowledge gained (361). Thanks to Rogueknight 333 for pointing this out!
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This part was added during my subsequent Wizard play-through |
On the other side of the monolith you will discover the body of the real Loric Lyonson - and have a revelation! (Highly intelligent or wise characters will benefit from an "insight" check.)
Step through the portal without delay!
Make your way towards the cave's exit (remember, we've already vanquished the foes that dwelt here).
Return to the Hunting Lodge by the lake, where our adventure began.
This is it! Buff yourself and Durthan to the heavens; then step into the Lodge for the showdown against the cunning illusionist, now unmasked!
Hunting Lodge
No longer disguised as the late Loric, Nam Eslaf (written backwards: False Man) will attack you on-sight, concealing himself, webbing the floor, and wielding his dual-blades with deftness. You know what to do!
(Nam Eslaf: Rogue [3] Wizard [7] Assassin [10] , +347 Exp, +250 qExp).
Behead your quarry (+250 Exp) and loot his corpse for the head as well as:
Ring of Ghavash (+125 Exp) (Cast Spell: Unique Power Self Only Unlimited Uses/Day, Spellcraft +5, evil only), Green Dagger +3 (Enhancement Bonus +3, Acid +1d6, on-hit: poison DC=16 1d2 Con dmg, assassin/blackguard only), Ichthia's Neck-Knife (Enhancement Bonus +3, Neg-en +1d4, vamp regen +1, evil only), Belt of Strength & Stamina (Str +2, Con +2) and three pouches of gold.
Look at those lighting arrows sticking out of his back - ouch, that's gotta hurt!
It seems Nam slew the occupants of the Lodge; their bodies litter the floor.
As you leave the Lodge Durthan will depart to bury his friends and get ready to assemble a new team of hunters. Farewell, friend.
As you leave the Lodge Durthan will depart to bury his friends and get ready to assemble a new team of hunters. Farewell, friend.
You now have the choice of returning the Ring of Ghavash to the Revenant, or keeping it for yourself. For this recounting I will be keeping it.
The Evil Ending
Exit the Lodge and head south to the transition point.
On the Road South
Upon arrival here your alignment will shift five point towards evil and you will receive +500 Exp. In the distance you will spy the Revenant, now hostile! By duty it will be forced to charge and attack you, on-sight, unleashing paralysis gaze and flame strike before whaling away on you righteously with its Holy Avenger. It's also highly proficient at range, able to duel you from afar with its sonic throwing axes.
Vanquish the undead noble and your alignment will shift six further points towards evil (Completed Quest: Ring of Ghavash, +125 Exp).
(Revenant: Fighter [6] Paladin [12], +347 Exp).
Once again, head south to the transition point.
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A lethal encounter: paralysis gaze |
Return to Civilization
Deliver Nam Eslaf's head to the city magistrate to receive your well-earned reward (Quest Complete: Bounty Hunt, +1,000 Exp, 15,000 GP). ID your gear and sell off unwanted stuff at the nearby vendor; then, export your character to end the module.
The Ring of Ghavash
You need to be of evil alignment to equip the ring and activate its special ability. You may choose three powerful enhancements to bestow upon the ring, from a pool of eight. Very, very cool.
The Good Ending
If you return the Ring of Ghavash to the Revenant you will receive +500 Exp and the Amulet of Toughness +3 (Natural AC +3, Fort. save +3), but there is no alignment shift towards good. You will then be time-lapsed to civilization (skipping the south road) where you may collect the bounty as normal.
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Returning the Ring of Ghavash to the Revenant (my Wizard play-through) |
And this concludes our bounty hunter adventure, Snow Hunt!
Final Words
Snow Hunt is a great five hour adventure that includes an intriguing main quest, custom itemization, two solid sidequests, custom mob/boss encounters, alignment shifts, XP scale adjustment for the Henchman, well-written dialogue with lots of checks based on the character, a level-up utility, a tracking mechanic, Henchman interjections, secret doors, traps n locks, implementation of community-made tilesets/placeables, an ending that plays out in two different ways, and solid replayability - all in a month's work?
Congratulations to Rogueknight333!
Snow Hunt combat scenario - Finesse dual-wielding Rogue vs. False Man. This is a tough duel, which I took solo. Left the dwarf companion outside. It's really touch and go, but I got fairly lucky here (he didn't conceal himself). You DON'T wanna get disarmed either. If that happens, you spend time picking your weapon up off the floor and re-equipping it, which often means you will be dead. Also, Freedom of Movement is mandatory.
Snow Hunt Item Code List
Lesser Robes of Wizardry [wizrobe001]
Martial Artist's Garb +2 [monkgarb002]
Robes of Sorcery +2 [sorcrobe002]
Vagabond Rags [undies001]
Cleric's Robe +2 [clericrobe002]
Dark Warrior's Armor +2 [evilarmor002]
Holy Warrior's Armor +2 [holyarmor002]
Masterwork Full Plate +2 [masterplate002]
Helm of Haste [hastehelm001]
Lesser Watchman's Helm [guardhelm001]
Masterwork Helm +2 [masterhelm001]
Armor of Fleetness [fleetarmor001]
Bard's Armor +2 [bardarmor002]
Lesser Shadow Armor [shadowarmor001]
Masterwork Leather Armor +2 [masterleather002]
Masterwork Leather Armor +3 [masterleather003]
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor +2 [masterleather102]
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor +3 [masterleather103]
Ranger's Armor +2 [rngarmor002]
Winter Wolf Hide Armor [wwhidearmor001]
Barbaric Armor +2 [brbicarmor002]
Chainmail of Speed [speedchain001]
Druid's Armor [drdarmor001]
Masterwork Chainmail +2 [masterchain002]
Masterwork Scale Mail +2 [masterscale002]
NPC Clothing
Large Shields
Shield of Strength +2 [strongshield002]
Small Shields
Lesser Shield of Stealth [stealthshield001]
Tower Shields
Mithral Tower Shield +2 [mithtower002]
Creature Items
Winter Wolf Bite [wwbite001]
Snow Fury Claw [snowfuryclaw001]
Wight's Claw [wightclaw001]
Melee Weapons
Ice Greatsword [iceswordg002]
Frost Hide Properties [frosthide001]
Ice Golem Properties [icegolhide001]
Revenant Properties [revhide001]
Skeleton Properties [skelhide001]
Snow Fury Properties [snowfuryhide001]
Undead Properties [undeadhide001]
Wraith Properties [wraithhide001]
Book of Cantrips [cantripbook001]
Book of Minor Blessings [cantripbook002]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +2 [toughbelt002]
Boots of the Shifting Sands [ssboot001]
Elven Boots +2 [elfboot002]
Hardiness of the Wild +2 [hardyboot002]
Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +2 [sunsoulboot002]
Premonitory Boots +2 [premboots002]
Winter Boots [furboot001]
Bracers of Blinding Strike [speedbracer002]
Bracers of Brain Power +2 [brainbracers002]
Ogre Mage's Bracers [ogrebracer001]
Elven Cloak +2 [elfcloak002]
Mantle of Wisdom +2 [wisemantle002]
Gloves of the Dexterous Bard +2 [bardgloves002]
Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +2 [roguegloves002]
Greater Gauntlets of Combat Skill [gauntcombat002]
Greater Gloves of Magic Handling [magicgloves002]
Greater Gloves of Spellcasting [spellgloves002]
Crafting/Tradeskill Material
Amulet of Toughness +2 [toughamulet002]
Amulet of Toughness +3 [toughamulet003]
Lesser Amulet of Cold Resistance [coldneck001]
Ring of the Royal Will +2 [royalwillring002]
Blasting Trumpet [blasthorn001]
Dove's Harp [doveharp001]
Elixir of Regeneration [regenpot001]
Flame Berries [flameberry001]
Gem of True Sight [trueseegem001]
Horn of the North [coldhorn001]
Ice Berries [iceberry001]
Scabbard of Enhancement [weapboost001]
Undead Ward [undeadward001]
Potion of Death Ward [dthwardpot001]
Potion of Freedom [freedompot001]
Potion of Lesser Mind Blank [lmndblnkpot001]
Potion of Speed (Enhanced) [hastepot001]
Plot Item
Nam Eslaf's Head [eslafhead001]
Obzul's Head [ogrehead001]
Custom 1
Crag Cat Hide [cathide001]
Frozen Book [xplorebook001]
Halfbreed's Rune of Speed [halfrune001]
Heavy Pouch of Gold [goldpouch003]
Holy Symbol +2 [holysymbol002]
Holy Symbol +3 [holysymbol003]
Light Pouch of Gold [goldpouch001]
Medium Pouch of Gold [goldpouch002]
Potion Pack [potionpack]
Ring of Ghavash [ghavring001]
Rune of Reinvigoration [vigrune001]
Rune of Resurrection [resrune001]
Winter Wolf Hide [wolfhide001]
Custom 5
Durthan's Armor [durtharm001]
Durthan's Mace [durthmace001]
Durthan's Ring [durthring001]
Nam Eslaf's Armor [eslafarmor001]
Shockmace +3 [shockmace003]
Vampiric Arrow [vmprarrow001]
Acid Bolt [acidbolt001]
Bolt of the Vampire [vmprbolt001]
Ice Bullet [wammbu007]
Heavy Frostaxe +3 [frostaxeh003]
Heavy Shockaxe +2 [shockaxeh002]
Dwarven Frostaxe +3 [frostaxed003]
Dwarven Shockaxe +2 [shockaxed002]
Ice Reaver +2 [waxmhn010]
Light Frostaxe +3 [frostaxel003]
Light Shockaxe +2 [shockaxel002]
Frostaxe +3 [frostaxe003]
Shockaxe +2 [shockaxe002]
Bastard Swords
Bastard Frostsword +3 [frostswordb003]
Bastard Shocksword +2 [shockswordb002]
Frost Dagger +3 [frostdagger003]
Green Dagger +3 [grreendagger001]
Shock Dagger +2 [shockdagger002]
Great Swords
Great Frostsword +3 [frostswordg003]
Great Shocksword +2 [shockswordg002]
Frostsword +3 [frostsword003]
Shocksword +2 [shocksword002]
Frost Katana +3 [frostkatana003]
Frost Rapier +3 [frostrapier003]
Frost Scimitar +3 [frostscim003]
Shock Katana +2 [shockatana002]
Shock Rapier +2 [shockrapier002]
Shock Scimitar +2 [shockscim002]
Short Swords
Ichthia's Neck-Knife [icthiass001]
Short Frostsword +3 [frostswords003]
Short Shocksword +2 [shockswords002]
Frost Club +3 [frostclub003]
Shock Club +2 [shockclub002]
Frostflail +3 [frostflail003]
Heavy Frostflail +3 [frostflailh003]
Heavy Shockflail +2 [shockflailh002]
Shockflail +2 [shockflail002]
Frosthammer +3 [frosthamr003]
Light Frosthammer +3 [frosthamrl003]
Light Shockhammer +2 [shockhamrl002]
Shockhammer +2 [shockhamr002]
Frostmace +3 [frostmace003]
Shockmace +2 [shockmace002]
Froststar +3 [froststar003]
Shockstar +2 [shockstar002]
Dire Frostmace +3 [frostmaced003]
Dire Shockmace +2 [shockmaced002]
Double Frostaxe +3 [frostaxedbl003]
Double Shockaxe +2 [shockaxedbl002]
Froststaff +3 [froststaff003]
Shockstaff +2 [shockstaff002]
Twirling Flame [twirlflame001]
Two-Bladed Frostsword +3 [frostswordtb003]
Two-Bladed Shocksword +2 [shockswordtb002]
Frost Kama +3 [frostkama003]
Frost Kukri +3 [frostkukri003]
Frost Sickle +3 [frostsickle003]
Frostwhip +3 [frostwhip003]
Lesser Renewal [renewsickle001]
Shock Kama +2 [shockama002]
Shock Kukri +2 [shockukri002]
Shock Sickle +2 [shocksickle002]
Shockwhip +2 [shkwhip002]
Rod of the Wilderness [wildwprod002]
Rod of Thievery [thiefrod001]
Rod of Thunder and Lightning [thunderrod001]
Stormcaller's Rod [stormrod001]
Staff of Ice [icestaff001]
Greater Wand of the Heavens [divstrikewand001]
Grim Wand of Battletide [divstrikewand002]
Wand of the Fist [fistwand001]
Frost Halberd +3 [frosthalberd003]
Frost Scythe +3 [frostscythe003]
Frost Spear +3 [frostspear003]
Frost Trident +3 [frosttrident003]
Hunter's Spear [huntspear002]
Shock Halberd +2 [shockhalberd002]
Shock Scythe +2 [shockscythe002]
Shock Spear +2 [shockspear002]
Shock Trident +2 [shocktrident002]
Ranged Weapons
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow +3 [mstrxbow003]
Masterwork Light Crossbow +3 [mstrxbowl003]
Acid Dart +2 [aciddart002]
Fire Axe +2 [firethrowaxe001]
Flaming Star +2 [flamestar002]
Ice Dart +2 [icedart002]
Thanks for another review of one of my modules. As indicated, this is just a short module made quickly, so I did not have ambitions to make it one of the greatest epics on the vault, but I hoped it would be a reasonably entertaining little adventure for someone with limited playing time.
ReplyDeleteEquipment-wise, you would probably have done better to mostly use Fire rather than Lightning arrows. Note that though Flame Weapon cannot buff projectiles you can use it on Durthan to make one of his weapons more damaging. Also though it may not be a bad idea to use the Cold Resistance Amulet, it is best to use it in conjunction with Barkskin potions to make up for the lack of an AC-boosting amulet.
Are you sure there is a duplicate Half-breed rune in the Utility Zone? If so, it is by mistake - you are only supposed to be able to get it by completing the quest.
So you did it! I liked a lot this module despite being so short.
ReplyDeletedifficulty was balanced well and I had a hard time in some areas...
Still, yes, a longer version would be good but probably it would need a more developed plot! :)
Hi Marco, yes I finally got around to it - and I'm glad I did!
DeleteI'm surprised that after a year of playing NWN, almost to the exclusion of all else, that I'm not burned out on it!
Must be because of the quality of this user-made content.
I agree
Deletesome modules (including this) are really great both for story and combat balancing, and some are quite long.
unfortunately I found some excellent rpgs made with Rpgmaker and I paused my Nwn adventures for now.
But I'll resume them later, unfortunately last ones I played are good but still not interesting as Swordflight, the Prophet and Aielund saga: for example Demon is good but.. despite it adds a lot of features (like a sort of card game) and continues a good saga, I did not like it as Dreamcatcher so far...
The replayability of some of these modules is also surprising.. Aielund, Swordflight etc.
DeleteI've played Snow Hunt through three times, now... EZ to get into, can try different builds very quickly (lvlup utility), and just burn a few spare hours.
There's something to be said for that.
True! It's a shame no having time for that! This is the only reason why I complete these mods just once.
DeleteWell I played Snow Hunt two times so far but because it's short and has two endings...
Unfortunately I love using rogues so that's my favourite class and playstyle! :D
Your walkthrough looks pretty complete and accurate at this point (as best I remember myself at any rate). One thing I might demur on is your recommendation of buying multiple Elixirs of Regeneration. While the ability to automatically heal in a fight without stopping to quaff a potion has its advantages, this is actually a very overpriced item (since by default the toolset assigns absurdly high values to most items with an ability to cast spells). There are much more cost-effective healing options available.
ReplyDeleteRemoved the elixir of regen recommendation.
DeleteAdded a few lil' comments here and there pointing out the custom content, which rarely receive credit from players. I really appreciate the work they put in, and your inclusion of it, and am looking forward to seeing more custom content in your future Swordflight installments.