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Siege of Dragonspear Item Codes List, Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition

Siege of Dragonspear Item Codes List

Welcome to the item code list for Beamdog's cRPG of 2016, Siege of Dragonspear.

First, you need to activate the console. To do that, navigate to your installation folder, open baldur.lua and add this line:

SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1').

Ctrl+Space calls up console mode in-game, into which field you may type (or copy-paste) the following commands:

  • C:AddGold("100000") Gives the party 100,000 gold pieces.
  • C:CreateItem("BOOT01", 6) Gives the selected party member six pairs of Boots of Speed (enough for a full party).

  • I have so far found nine +3 weapons itemized. You will need a +3 weapon (or ammo) to hit the boss.
  • It's possible to get 8% DR, regen 3 HPs per round, perma-Bless, perma-Chant and perma-Luck from items.
  • It's possible to get perma-immunity to poison, disease, fear, immobilization and backstab from items.
  • If you can't find the item or item code, check the Miscellaneous section.


Silver Holy Symbol of Selûne aka Lon's Amulet (Wis +1 for Shapeshifters, perma-Bless), Necklace of Missiles: The One Gift Lost (6d6 save vs. spells for half), Silver Circlet (+1 saves), Birthright Amulet (+1 spell slot per circle, Edwin only), Greenstone Amulet (5 charges, Immunity: Charm, Sleep, Hold, Confusion, Feeblemind, Panic, 1 turn), Locket of Embracing (Caster Level +1 [Cleric & Paladin], +2 first circle divine spell slots), Circlet of Lost Souls (Caster level +1, perma-Bless for summoned spirits, Shaman only), Archer's Eyes (Critical Hit: ranged +5%, Dex +2 [Archer PrC], Dex +1 [others]), Kendra's Chain (Slashing resistance +5%), Necklace of Form Stability (Polymorph saves +2), Medal of Valor (THAC0 +2), Amulet of Whispers (perma-Vocalize, Silence 15' radius 1/day), Heart of the Mountain (AC +2, summoned spirits gain +10 HPs, Shaman only), Clasp of Helm (Necromancy saves +3, Wisdom +1 for Priest of Helm only, Detect Illusion 1/day), Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning (acid resistance +15%, summon ankheg x2 for two turns, 5 charges).

Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning (BDAMUL03), Amulet of Protection +1 (BDAMUL24), Amulet of Protection +2 (BDAMUL25), Amulet of Whispers (BDAMUL01), Amulet of the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain (BDAMUL09), Archer's Eyes (BDAMUL02), Arkion's Bloodstone Amulet (OHAMUL13), Clasp of Helm (BDAMUL06), Colquetle's Family Amulet (AMUL13CO), Ghost Locket (BDAMUL05), Heart of the Mountain (BDAMUL26), Kendra's Chain (BDAMUL10), Locket of Embracing (BDAMUL07), Lon's Amulet (BDAMUL11), Medal of Valor (BDMISC32), Mizhena's Amulet (BDMISC68), Modron Heart (BDAMUL08), Seal of Bhaal (BDAMUL04), Stone Dowser (BDEYE), The Gift (BDAMUL12), The One Gift Lost (BDAMUL21).


Bloody Bone Plate +2 BDPLAT03, Changeling's Vest BDLEAT04, Cleric's Vestments BDROBE04, Commander's Chain Mail +3 BDCHAN04, Cornugon's Revenge +2 BDLEAT01, Corwin's Armor +2 BDCHAN05, Crusader Uniform BDCHAN03, Daeros's Full Plate +1 BDPLAT01, Dragonscale Armor BDLEAT05, Elven Chain Mail BDCHANEL, Goblin Hide Armor +2 BDLEAT02, Goblin Leathers +1 BDLEAT06, Hide Armor +1 BDLEAT08, Jegg's Leathers +2 BDCHAN01, Knave's Robe BDCLCKGH, Kruntur's Armor +3 BDCHAN02, Mail of the Hallowed Hero +3 BDCHANCA, Raconteur's Regalia +2 BDLEAT03, Rhino Beetle Plate BDPLAT04, Robe of Arcane Aptitude BDROBE01, Robe of Netheril BDROBE02, Robe of Red Flames BDROBE05, Splint Mail +1 BDCHANGH, Stalwart Scales +2 BDCHAN06, The Ghostdreamers' Robe BDROBE03, The Night's Embrace +3 BDLEAT07.


Void-tipped Arrow +3 (x80, THAC0 +3, +3 magic, Strength -1, on-hit -1 Str for 5 rounds, save vs. spell negates, undead are immune).

Arrow +3 BDAROW04, Arrow of Antimagic +1 BDAROW01, Flaming Arrow BDAROW03, Void-tipped Arrow +3 BDAROW02.


Grubdoubler's Axe +1 (throwing axe, on-hit 20% Confusion for 3 rounds, save vs. spells negates, M'Khiin only), Chill Axe +2 (Strength +1, THAC0 +2, dmg +2, cold +1, 2% chance per hit Berserk 2 rounds [wielder]), Axe of Kruntur +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +3, ApR +1, 33% on-hit 1 point Poison dmg per round for 2 rounds, save vs. Death negates, Melee [slashing], Thrown [Missile], Returns to wielder, M'Khiin only).

Axe of Kruntur +2 BDAX1H02, Chill Axe +2 BDAX1H03, Grubdoubler's Axe +1 BDAX1H05, Throwing Axe +1 BDAX1H04.

Bastard Swords

Severance +2 (BDSW1H22, THAC0 +2, dmg +2, HPs +5, on-hit 15% drain 1d4 and transfer to wielder).


Belt of the Cunning Rogue (Open Locks +15, Find Traps +15), Belt of the Skillful Blade (Slashing dmg +10%, THAC0 +2 off-hand for Blades & Swashbucklers), Clover Leaf (perma-Luck).

Belt Belt of the Cunning Rogue BDBELT03, Belt Belt of the Skillful Blade BDBELT02, Belt Cloverleaf BDBELT01, Belt Girdle of Bluntness BDBELT13, Belt Girdle of Piercing BDBELT14, Belt Golden Girdle BDBELT12, Belt The Protector of the Unworthy BDBELT04.


Bolt +3 BDBOLT03, Bolt of Fire +1 BDBOLT01, Bolt of Ice +1 BDBOLT02, Drow Bolt +1 DWBOLT03, Drow Bolt of Sleep +1 DWBOLT01, Drow Bolt of Stunning +1 DWBOLT02.


Ostentatious Boots (Cha +1), Sidestep Slippers (Dex +1, AC +1, saves vs. Invocation +2), Star Strewn Boots (MR 5%, 15% Wizslayer), Boots of Stealth: Warm Whispers (Move Silently +20%, Hide in Shadows +15%), Boots of Speed doubles movement rate, Soft Feet (boots, Move Silently +25%, Imm: Grease, Entangle, Web), Lucky Boots (saving throws for dwarves +3).

Boot and a Half of Speed BDBOOT04, Lucky Boots BDMISC36, Ordinary Boots BDMISC35, Ostentatious Boots BDBOOT02, Sidestep Slippers BDBOOT12, Soft Feet BDBOOT01, Star-Strewn Boots BDBOOT03, The Paws of the Cheetah BDBOOT11.


Blightbringer +1 BDBOW01, Bow of the Banshee +2 BDBOW04, Corinth's Bow +2 BDBOW02, Corwin's Bow +1 BDBOW06, Fleshripper +2 BDBOW03, Savage Shortbow +2 BDBOW05.


Buckler of the Fist (BDSHLD01, AC +3, Immunity: Hold Person), M'Khiin's Buckler +2 (HPs +10, AC +3, M'Khiin only), Steadfast +2 (BDSHLD06, AC +3, HPs +10 [dwarves], +5 [other]), Buckler +2 OHSHLD50, M'Khiin's Buckler +2 BDSHLD07.


Bullet of Darkness +3 (x80, THAC0 +3, +4 magic, Strength -1, on-hit -1 Str for 5 rounds, save vs. spell negates, undead are immune).

Bullet +3 BDBULL03, Bullet of Darkness +3 BDBULL02, Bullet Cursed Enchanted Seed BDMISCX6.


Cloak of Minor Arcana (Caster Level +1, Lore +10, create random third circle arcane scroll, 10 charges), Crommus's Capelet (on-hit Blur 5%, save vs. enchantment +2), Cloak of the Beluir Watch (AC +2 vs. giant humanoids, +5 HPs for halflings only), Cloak of Non-Detection: Whispers of Silence (Stealth won't break under True Sight, f.e), Sable Cloak (Cold Resistance +40%, Immunity: Slow), The Ghostdreamers' Robes (AC 5, Casting speed reduced by 1, Vocalize, M'Khiin only), Cloak of the Gargoyle (Physical damage resistance +5%, Protects against crits, Stone Form 1/day: AC 0, Saving Throws +3, Dex -3, for 5 turns), Cloak of the Strange Beast (AC +1, Cha -1), Robe of Netheril (MR +50%, disables spellcasting, cursed).

Cloak of Minor Arcana BDCLCK06, Cloak of the Beluir Watch BDCLCK04, Cloak of the Gargoyle BDCLCK05, Cloak of the Strange Beast BDLOINCL, Crommus's Capelet BDCLCK03, Drow Piwafwi Cloak DWCLCK01, Sable Cloak BDCLCK02.


Astral Crossbow +2 BDXBOW01, Drow Crossbow of Speed +3 DWXBOW01, Crossbow Harold +2 BDXBOW02.


Bracers of Defense AC 5, Bracers of Perseverance (HPs +10, Aid on Critical Miss, Monk only), Stalker Gauntlets (Dex +1, Hide in Shadows +15 [30 for Stalkers], Backstab Multiplier +1 [Stalkers only]), Bracers of the Shuttered Lid (THAC0 +2 unarmed, Immunity: Blindness, on critical hit target is blinded for 2 rounds, no save), Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (THAC0 +1, dmg +2), Bracers of Binding (THAC0 -5, dmg -5, Spell Failure 75%, may be removed with Remove Curse spell), Nimblefinger Gloves (Dex +2 [+1 for other shorties], Pick Pockets +25, Set Traps +25, gnome only), Gloves of Gripping (no description).

Bracers of Defense AC 5 BDBRAC14, Bracers of Defense AC 6 BDBRAC13, Bracers of Perseverance BDBRAC15, Bracers of the Shuttered Lid BDBRAC01, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise BDBRAC10, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill BDBRAC09, Gloves of Gripping BDBRAC04, Jester's Bracers BDBRAC02, Nimblefinger Gloves BDBRAC03, Stalker Gauntlets BDBRAC05.


Gem Bag, Scroll Case, Ammo Belt, Potion Case, Bag of Holding (all containers are available from Belegarm at the end of Chapter Seven).


Corwin's Armor +1 (AC 3 [1 vs. slashing, 5 vs. crushing], Movement Speed +1, Magic Resistance +10%, Corwin only), Elven Chainmail (minor thief skill penalties, does not disable spellcasting), Commander's Chain Mail +3 (Charisma +1, wearer and allies are immune to Fear & Morale failure within the wearer's visual radius), Drow Elven Chain +3 (MR +5%, Casting time reduced by 1, spellcasting not disabled, penalties to thief skills), Elven Chain +1 (AC 4, spellcasting not disabled, minor thief skill penalties).

See Armor section for codes.


Mosela's Cudgel +2 (Save vs. alteration +2, THAC0 +2, +3 vs. constructs, dmg 1d6+2, +3 vs. constructs), Backwhacker +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, backstab renders target unconscious for two rounds, save vs. death for none).

Backwhacker +2 BDBLUN07, Ettin Club +1 BDBONE02, Mosela's Cudgel +2 BDBLUN01.


Gem Blade +1 (on-hit 20% random create gem, 30 charges), Pritchard's Family Stiletto +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, +4 vs. giants), Elements' Fury +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, randomly deals +1 fire, cold, acid, electrical, deals +1d4 of opposing elemental dmg to elementals), Acid-Etched Dagger +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, acid +1, 15% on-hit 1 acid per round for 3 rounds).

Acid-Etched Dagger +2 BDDAGG05, Dagger +2 BDDAGG06, Dagger of Troll-fighting +1 BDDAGG02, Elements' Fury +2 BDDAGG01, Gemblade +1 BDDAGG03, Gemblade +2 BDDAGG3A, Pritchard's Family Stiletto +2 BDSW1H07, Throwing Dagger +1 BDDAGG07, Throwing Dagger +1 BDDAGG04.


Biter +2 (THAC0 +2, 1d3 +2, acid +1, on-hit 10% penalize AC by 1 for 1 turn, save vs. Breath negates), Asp's Nest +1 (x40, THAC0 +1, dmg +1, Poison +1 per 3 secs for 2 turns), Drow Dart of Sleep +1 (x8, THAC0 +1, dmg +1, on-hit Sleep for 4 rounds, save vs. Poison negates).

Biter +2 BDDART01, Drow Dart of Sleep +1 DWDART01.


The Hydra +2 (BDBLUN05, THAC0 +2, dmg +3, 33% chance of inflicting +1d4, +2d4 or +3d4 piercing dmg).


Cold Fury +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, 1d2 cold, on-hit Slow fire creatures for 3 rounds, save vs. Spell negates), Halberd +2, Storm Pike +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, electrical +1, 15% on-hit Stun for 1 round, save vs. Spell negates, on crit miss wielder incurs 1d4 electrical).

Cold Fury +2 BDHALB03, Storm Pike +2 BDHALB01.


Helm of Unwavering Purpose (AC +1, Immunity: Confusion), Peacock Cap (Cha+2 for Bards, Cha +1 for others), Spectacles of the Spectacle (Detect Illusion +25%, save vs. Illusion +3, Summon Extra-Planar creature, 3 charges), Battle Tankard (Immunity: Fatigue, Critical Hits), Bard Hat (Immunity: Silence & Deafness, 2 round lingering bard song), Tangled Strings (Dispels confusion effects, single target, 2/day), Helmet of Dumathoin (Physical damage resistance +3%, Constitution +2 dwarves, +1 others), Trollblood Ioun Stone (THAC0 +3 vs. trolls, regenerate 1 HP per round), Voghiln's Helmet (MR +5%, on-hit stun 15% vs. humanoid for 1 round, save vs. Wand negates, Voghiln only), Kiel's Helmet (Immunity to Panic & boosts morale), Blood Red Ioun Stone (Dex +1, Weapon Speed Factor +2), Helmet of Charm Protection, Headband of Focus (THAC0 +2 for unarmed, critical chance +5% unarmed, DUHM 1/day), Wizzard's Hat (casting speed +1, movement speed +2), Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (AC +1), Pearly White Ioun Stone (regen 1 HP per 5 rounds), Purification Stone (Immunity: Poison & Disease, Neutralize Poison 1/day), Crown of Lies (+2 third, +1 fourth and +1 fifth circle spell slots, lore -30), The Guardian Devil (+15% resistance to Slashing, Piercing and Missile, Not usable by Chaotic Good, Neutral Good & Lawful Good), Circlet of Cynosure (Immunity: Fear, Charm, Paralysis, Protection from Critical Hits, for Caelar only).

Bard Hat BDHELM11, Blood Red Ioun Stone BDIOUN02, Peacock Cap BDHELM06, Spectacles of Spectacle BDMISC01, Trollblood Ioun Stone BDIOUN01, Wizzard Hat BDHELM12, Battle Tankard BDHELM05, Circlet of Lost Souls BDHELM16, Circlet of the Cynosure BDHELMCA, Crown of Lies BDHELM01, Headband of Focus BDHELM15, Helm of Equus BDHELM07, Helm of Unwavering Purpose BDHELM10, Helmet of Dumathoin BDHELM09, Quality Helmet BDHELM02, Helmet The Guardian Devil BDHELM04, Helmet Voghiln's Helmet BDHELM17.


Flute of Immaculate Breeze (Zone of Sweet Air 2/day), Screaming Bagpipes (instrument, Sound Burst 2/day, 4d8 sonic dmg Jester, 2d8 others, Save vs. Breath halves, Deafens for 3 rounds, Save vs. Breath negates, 30 ft. radius).


Crimson Dawn +2 (BDSW1H01, THAC0 +2, dmg +2, Critical hit +5%, on-kill 50% Haste for 3 rounds), Katana BDOGRE03.


Ancient Key BDKEY14, Cabinet Key BDKEY06, Cell Key BDKEY03, Chest Key BDKEY13, Dragonspear Vault Key BDKEY02, Drawbridge Key BDKEY07, Jail Key BDKEY11, Korlasz's Key BDSHKEY, Ritual Room Key BDKEY12, Rusty Key BDKEY09, Skull Key BDKEY04, Supply Chest Key BDKEY08, Tomb Key BDKEY05, Treasure Key BDKEY10, Treasury Key TTKEY01, Troll Pen Key BDKEY01, Container Key Ring BDKEYR.

Leather Armor

Goblin Leather's +1 (Immunity: Entangle, M'Khiin only), Goblin Hide Armor +2 (Con +1, minor Thief skill penalties, Slow Poison on wearer if poisoned, M'Khiin only), Jegg's Leathers +2 (AC 5, Cold & Fire resistance +20%, M'Khiin only), The Night's Embrace +3 (AC5, Hide in Shadows +20, wearers rendered helpless become invisible for one turn), Shadow Armor +3 (Hide in Shadows +15), Kruntur's Armor +3 (AC 3, Wis -1, Open Locks, Find Traps, Pick Pockets -10%, Move Silently -20%, Immunity: Stun, M'Khiin only), Cornugon's Revenge +2 (AC 4, Regenerate 2 HPs per round, Con -2, wearer cannot be protected from evil, various thief skill penalties).


Corwin's Bow +1 (BDBOW06, THAC0 +2, damage +3, Dex +1, 10% on-hit Entangle for 3 rounds, save vs. breath negates, Corwin only), Bow of the Banshee +2 (BDBOW04, THAC0 +3, dmg +2), Corinth's Bow +2 (BDBOW02, THAC0 +3, dmg +4, AC +1, on critical hit wielder is buffed by Luck).


Longsword +2, Spell Breaker +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, save vs. Spell +4 [Wizslayers & Inquisitors], +2 [others], on-hit critical: Dispel Magic on target), Voidsword +3 (THAC0 +3, +3 magic, Strength -1, on-hit -1 Str for 5 rounds, save vs. spell negates, undead are immune, to-hit and dmg Str bonus does not apply to this weapon), Drow Longsword +3 (THAC0 +3, dmg +3), Tongue of Acid +3 (THAC0 +3, dmg +3, 1d3 acid, 10% on-hit Slow for 3 rounds, save vs. Spell negates), Aster's Edge (THAC0 +3, dmg +3, dmg +2 vs. Fiends, MR +30%, for Caelar only).

Aster's Edge +3 BDSW1HCA, Drow Long Sword +3 DWSW1H02, Drow Scimitar +3 DWSW1H01, Gift of the Demon +1 BDSW1HX5, Gift of the Demon +5 BDSW1H05, Long Sword BDSW1H26, Long Sword BDSKGR05, Long Sword +1 BDSW1HEL, Scimitar +2 BDSW1H23, Spell Breaker +2 BDSW1H25, Tongue of Acid +3 BDSW1H02, Voidsword +3 BDSW1H06.


Cudgel of Montgomer +1 (BDBLUN02, THAC0 +1, dmg +2, 10% on-hit Cure Light Wounds [wielder]), Glimmer of Hope +2 (BDBLUN08, THAC0 +2, dmg 1d6+3, Wis +1, on-hit Bless 10%).

Morning Stars

Martyr's Morningstar +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, HPs -10, on critical hit target loses 15% of their max HPs).

Morning Star Blazing Glory +3 BDBLUN09, Morning Star Martyr's Morningstar +2 BDBLUN04, Morning Star Morning Star BDGOGH01.


Giant Spider Leg BDSPIDER, Herdrin's Body BDBODY02, Kendra's Body BDBODY03, Lexa's Body BDBODY01, Spider Silk BDSILK01, Ymori's Body BDBODY04, A Historical Treatise of Dragonspear Castle BDBOOK11, A Philosophical Treatise on the Nature of Lichdom BDMISC54, Akanna's Journal BDMISC49, Barrel of Bwoosh! BDBWOOSH, Barrel of Ruby Wine BDMISC12, Barrel of Wine BDMISC11, Basilisk Claw BDMISC33, Battle Standard BDMISC26, Belladonna BDBELLAD, Bhaal Research BDSHBHR, Blackthorn Bark Cure BDMISC31, Burned-Out Torch BDTORCB, Bwoosh! Powder BDPOWDER, Charred Journal BDBOOK12, Chorster's Head BDMISC15, Club +1 BDBLUNGH, Cobalt Moss BDMISC13, Coldhearth Phylactery BDMISC60, Coroniir BDMISC22, Dragon Scales BDSCALEG, Dusty Chicken BDCHICKN, Efreeti Bottle BOTSMITH, Empty Bottle Case BDBCASE, Enchanted Seed BDMISC06, Faces of Evil: Volume XIII BDBOOK13, Failed Phylactery BDMISC62, Fine Bearskin BDMISC34, First Stone Fragment BDMISC18, Flute of the Immaculate Breeze BDBRD02, Gold Bust BDMISC57, Golden Goblet BDMISC58, Half-Digested Sword BDSW1HDA, Invisible BDSPECTQ, Jamven's Head BDMISC14, Journal of Gurn Coldhearth BDMISC44, Journal of Ithtaerus BDBOOKNJ, Kanaglym: The Abandoned City BDBOOK02, Korlasz's Journal BDSHKORJ, Lit Torch (purple) BDTORCP, Lit Torch (red) BDTORCR, Lit Torch (yellow) BDTORCY, Magical Entrapments BDBOOK01, Mortal to Lich Notes BDMISC46, Myconid Bloom-Sac BDMISC08, Ornate Headpiece BDSHSTF2, Planetar Feather BDFEATH, Portrait BDMISC67, Remains BDBONE01, Rhino Beetle Shell BDMISC66, Sack of Grain BDMISC40, Sanctified Shards BDMISC20, Screaming Bagpipes BDBRD04, Seal of Caelar BDMISC04, Second Stone Fragment BDMISC19, Silver Scepter BDMISC55, Spear BDSALF01, Spider Egg BDEGG01, Statue of Selûne BDMISC03, Stone Ally BDPETSG, Supplies BDSUPPLY, Tangled Strings BDBRD03, Teera's Earnings BDTEERA, The Forest Queen's Benediction BDBRD01, The Fountain of Nepenthe BDBOOK09, The Fugue Plane BDBOOK03, The Journal of Kelef Rhon, Knight of the Everwatch, serving guardian of Bridgefort, per the command of Guardian Harkin BDBOOK08, The Nine Hells BDBOOK04, The Nine Hells: Avernus BDBOOK05, The Nine Hells: Dis BDBOOK06, The Nine Hells: Minauros BDBOOK07, The Troll-Tender's Journal BDMISC64, Tinderbox BDTINDER, Token of Faith BDMISC25, Tome of Ancient Knowledge BDMISC53, Tristian's Holy Symbol BDMISC23, Troll Shackles BDSHACKL, Ulcaster's Dusty History Book ULBOOK54, Vial of Devil Blood BDBLOOD, Voidstone Shards BDMISC16, Volume MCXII of the History of the Netherese Empire BDMISC45, Wardstone BDMISC51, Wooden Stake BDSTAKE, Ymori's Head BDYMORI, Ziatar's Journal BDMISC48, Junk BDMISC37, Rubbish BDMISC39, Trash BDMISC38, Purification Stone BDMISC05, Agathor's Near-Universal Solvent BDMISC02, Full Wineskin BDMISC30, Slime Sickness Curative BDPOTN06, Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salve BAPOTION, Viper's Venom BDPOTN02, Note Arcane Scroll of Impactful Doom BDSCRL02, House Catanzaro Insignia BDINSIGC, House Ryrrl Insignia BDINSIGR, Bottle of Wine BDLIQUOR, Empty Wineskin BDMISC29, Essence of Clarity BDMISC59, Tepid Mug of Ale BDPOTN07, Wilhelmina's Miracle Turnip Juice BDJUICE, Telescope Gentrus's Hand Mirror BDMIRR01, Wand Ankheg Whistle BDMISC07, Wand The Secret Revealed BDMISX47, Wand The Secret Revealed BDMISC47, Reed of Echoes BDMISC10, Alveus Note 01 BDALNT01, Alveus Note 02 BDALNT02, Alveus Note 03 BDALNT03, Alveus Note 04 BDALNT04, Alveus Note 05 BDALNT05, Alveus Note 06 BDALNT06, Alveus Note 07 BDALNT07, Annotated Map BDMISC24, Black Pits Flyer BDBFLYER, Black Pits Flyer BDBFLYE2, Bloodsoaked Minutes BDMISC65, Crusader Pamphlet BDSHPAM2, Crusader Pamphlet BDSHPAM1, Crusader Tract BDMISC63, Damp Note BDMISC41, Dancing Lights BDSCRL1A, Dark Moon Note RSNOTE1, Darkness, 15' Radius BDSCRL2A, Hephernaan's Ritual Notes BDMISC21, Letter BDURE3A, Letter BDURE2A, Morning Report BDMISC28, Note BDMISC42, Note from Krancor BPNOTE1, Notes on a Failed Experiment BDMISC61, Orders from Korlasz BDSHKORO, Page from Sarevok's Notes BDSHSARE, Parchment BDMISC56, Parchment BDMISC50, Parchment BDMISC43, Scroll BDSCRL3B, Scroll BDSCRL3A, Seditious Letter BDSCRL01, Traitor's Letter BDSCRL03, Treasury Note BDSCRL04, Tsolak's Scroll BDSCRL1, Voghiln's Love Letter BDMISC27.


Potion of Persuasiveness (POTN60, non-cumulative Cha +4, 3 hours).

Plate Mail Armor

Full Plate Armor (AC 1), Dragonscale Armor (AC 4, Immunity: Poison), Rhino Beetle Plate (AC 1, Missile Damage Resistance +25%), Stalwart Scale +2 (AC 2, slashing resistance +10%), Raconteur's Regalia (plate armor, AC 5, Pick Pockets +10, spellcasting not disabled), Bloody Bone Plate Mail +2 (AC 1, Immunity: Backstab, Cha -1), Mail of the Hallowed Hero (AC 2, perma-Protection From Evil, Immunity: Poison & Disease, for Caelar only).


Ring of Lock Picks (Open Lock +25), Barrityl's Burden (+3 first, second and third circle spell slots, THAC0 -5 vs. genies, dmg -5 vs. genies, Create random gem or damage wearer 1/day, Baeloth only), The Guard's Ring +2 aka Ring of Protection +2 (AC +2, all saves +2), Ring of Fire Resistance (FR +40%), Ring of Danger Sense (Find Traps +25), Ring of Free Action (Immunity to movement-hindering spells), Ring of Purity (AC +2 vs. evil, HPs +10, perma-Chant), Ring of the Crusade (AC and saves +1, +3 vs. demons and devils).

Barrityl's Burden BARING, Dreon's Signet Ring BDRING04, Ring of Fire Resistance BDRING12, Ring of Free Action BDRING09, Ring of Protection +1 BDRING06, Ring of Protection +2 BDRING07, Ring of Purity BDRING10, Ring of Regeneration BDWOLFD1, Ring of Wizardry BDRING08, Ring of the Crusade BDRING03, Ring of the Tiny Fiend BDRING01.


Eadro's Blade +1 (BDSW1H03, THAC0 & dmg +2 vs. elementals & mephits), Dervish Crescent +2 (BDSW1H08, THAC0 +2, dmg +2, Fire +1, movement speed +1, 10% on-hit Fire Shield [Red] on wielder), Bartleby's Wakizashi +1 BDSW1H04.


Shield of Egons +2 (AC +3, Turn Undead Level +2 for Priests of Lathander and Undead Hunters; +1 for everyone else), Reed of Echoes (+2 first level spell slots, +1 second circle, +1 third circle, Bard only), Shield of Barnassus: The Suncatcher (AC +3, 15% chance attacker takes 1d4 fire and is blinded for 2 rounds, Sunfire 1/day), Dragonscale Shield +3 (AC +4, Save vs. Death +3), Rhino Beetle Shield (AC 3, +2 bonus vs. missile attacks, Missile Damage Resistance +15%), The Bloodied Guardian +2 (AC +3, Fire resistance +25%, when wielders HPs drop below 50% -> Strength +1 for 5 rounds), Solar Aegis +3 (AC +4, Con +1, FR +40%, for Caelar only).

Dragonscale Shield +3 BDSHLD05, Drow Shield +3 DWSHLD01, Rhino Beetle Shield +2 BDSHLD04, Shield of Egons +2 BDSHLD03, Solar Aegis +3 BDSHLDCA, The Bloodied Guardian +2 BDSHLD08, The Suncatcher +2 BDSHLD02.


Savage Shortbow +2 (BDBOW05, Con +1 for elves & half-elves, THAC0 +2, dmg +2, dmg +5 vs. orcs, half-orcs & ogres), Fleshripper +2 (BDBOW03, THAC0 +2, dmg +2, Movement Speed +2, on-hit 5% Haste wielder for 4 rounds), Blightbringer +1 BDBOW01.

Short Swords

Fractal Blade +3 (THAC0 +3, dmg +3, on-hit 10% 3-image Mirror Image [on wielder], on-hit 50% Dispel Illusion [on enemy]), Herdrin's Short Sword +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, crit hit chance +10%), Vexation +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, 2 points of bleeding dmg per hit [1 point per round], 2 point on-hit backstab Strength drain, transferred non-cumulatively to wielder for 5 rounds), Ophyllis's Short Sword +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, Immunity to Command, Greater Command & Power Word: Any, 20% on-hit Deafness).

Fractal Blade +3 BDSW1H14, Herdrin's Short Sword +2 BDSW1H09, Ophyllis's Short Sword +2 BDSW1H20, Short Sword BDSW1H19, Short Sword +1 BDSW1HGH, Short Sword +2 BDSW1H24, Short Sword +2 BDSW1H13, Vexation +2 BDSW1H21.


Firefly +2 (BDSLNG01, Saves +2 [Halfling], THAC0 +2, dmg +2, +1 fire dmg).


Festering Spear +1 (THAC0 +1, 1d6 +1 dmg, inflicts 2 points bleeding dmg per hit [1 point per round], on critical hit target is diseased, incurring non-cumulative 2 point Str and Dex penalty for 1 turn), Shadowed Spear +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2, AC +2, 20% on-hit chance to teleport to random enemy and +4 THAC0 for 1 round, 5% on-hit chance to teleport to random enemy and Ethereal for 1 round. Etherealness: Wearer is immune to normal weapons. Spells may be cast and weapons may be used, 1 round).

Festering Spear +1 BDHALB02, Shadowed Spear +2 BDSPER01, Spear +1 BDSEMAHL.

Two-Handed Swords

Sword of Ruin +2 (BDSW2H03, Critical hit chance +5%, +2d4 slashing on crit), Sword of Troll Decapitation +1 (BDSW2H02, Strength +1 for 1 turn on critical hit of troll), Dragon Blade +3 (BDSW2H01, THAC0 +3, dmg +3, cold +1, Berserker/Barb Rage crit hit +10%, on crit hit deals +2d4 cold and Slows target for 1 round, no save).


Brevin's Quarterstaff +1 BDSTAF01, Echo of the Fiend +3 BDSTAF03, Narbucchad's Demise PSTAFM2, Narbucchad's Demise +1 PSTAFM0E, Narbucchad's Demise +1 PSTAFM0D, Narbucchad's Demise +2 PSTAFM0C, Narbucchad's Demise +3 PSTAFM0B, Narbucchad's Demise +4 PSTAFM0, Narbucchad's Demise +5 PSTAFM1, Neera's Staff +1 STAFN1, Quarterstaff +3 ENSTAFF, Staff Mace +2 STAF06, Staff Spear +2 STAF07, Staff of Striking +3 STAF05, The Ossifier STAF25, The Soulherder's Staff +2 BDSTAF02, The Uncursed Staff +1 BDBLUN06, Wooden Staff BDSHSTF1.

Brevin's Quarterstaff (THAC0 +1, dmg +1, Lore +10, Friends 1/day), The Uncursed Staff (THACO -2, sets Strength to 18), Staff Spear +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +3), The Soulherder's Staff +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2 [magic], MR +15%, Summoned spirits gain +1 Strength, M'Khiin only), Staff Mace +2 (THAC0 +2, dmg +2), Echo of the Fiend +3 (THAC0 +3, dmg +3, 5% on-hit Sunfire centered on the wielder).


Wand of Water Elemental Summoning (BDWAND01, Summon Lesser Water Elemental for 1 turn, 5 charges).


Dreadhammer +2 (THAC0 +2, on critical miss wielder takes 1d4 cold, wielder inflicts +2d4 cold vs. good-aligned Clerics), Voidhammer +3 (THAC0 +3, +4 magic, Strength -1, on-hit -1 Str for 5 rounds, save vs. spell negates, undead are immune, to-hit and dmg Str bonus does not apply to this weapon), Sundermaul +3 (warhammer, THAC0 +3, dmg +4, 15% on-hit 1 point penalty to AC [save vs. spells negates], 20% on-hit Earthquake centered on wielder).

Dread Hammer +2 BDHAMM06, Sundermaul +3 BDHAMM01, Throwing Hammer BDHAMM03, Throwing Hammer +1 BDHAMM04, Voidhammer +3 BDHAMM02.

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