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Deliverance Amiga 1992 21st Century Entertainment Devinart

Deliverance Amiga 1992

21st Century Entertainment and Devinart released Deliverance for Amiga and Atari ST in 1992. Deliverance is a hack n slash platform game that includes a shoot 'em up level.

The 16-bit Deliverance is NOT a remake of 8-bit Deliverance: Stormlord II of 1990, which is the sequel to Raffaele Cecco's Stormlord of 1989 on the ZX Spectrum: 16-bit Deliverance does not look like, sound like nor play like 8-bit Stormlord or Stormlord II.

The Amiga version of Deliverance was programmed by Peter Verswyvelen. Deliverance graphics were drawn and animated by Kim Goossens, and its audio composed by Bent Nielsen of Barricade.

In assuming the role of Stormlord the object of Deliverance is to free imprisoned fairy-folk from the Devil's Palace and save The Realm.
The Stormlord wields a battle axe in melee and from range. The throwing range of the axe is halved when crouching. The Stormlord can move left and right, jump upwards and diagonally upwards, climb ladders and crouch. The Stormlord can also face "into" the screen in order to enter doorways, open cabinets and pick up keys that unlock doors.

Deliverance may evoke Gods of 1991 by The Bitmap Brothers. For example, you can loot keys, climb up and down ladders and throw your axe to the left and right while standing on ladders, but Deliverance has no complex puzzles, no inventory, no merchant and not much in the way of weapon upgrades or collectables.

However, Deliverance's controls are more arcade-like in terms of speed and responsiveness. In addition, the enemies are more mobile. Thus, Deliverance is more of arcade-action platformer than puzzle platformer.

That said, there are some limitations of control that present themselves. For example, the walk-speed is too slow, you need to jump to start climbing a ladder, you cannot "weight" your jumps, and you cannot grip ledges from beneath them and vault upwards onto them. Such controls were pretty common in 1992.

In addition, Deliverance is quite a short game. There are only three platforming levels and one shoot 'em up level. The largest platforming level is 3264x1600 pixels in size (the palace); the other two are much smaller (pits and forest). The shooter level backdrop is small and repeats, but does feature parallax scrolling.

Deliverance displays in 32-color 320x200 on the Amiga and 16-color 320x200 on the Atari ST.
Deliverance was distributed on 1x 3.5" 720kB/880kB DD diskette on ST/Amiga.

cf. Other games like this one:


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