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Railroad Sid Meier's Civilization 1

Railroad Civ1

Railroad is one of 67 Civilization 1 Advances in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Sid Meier's Civilization 1.

Built by Settlers only, and only in squares that already contain a road. Press the Railroad key (R key). 

Units moving from one railroad square to another railroad square use no movement points regardless of terrain. Railroads increase food and resource production in a map square by 1/2 (rounded down).

Railroads increase trade by the same amount, but before the effects of Republic or Democracy governments.

Railroad allows:

Railroad prerequisites:

The Railroad resulted from the successful marriage of a promising new technology, the Steam Engine, and a growing need: fast, safe, and inexpensive transportation. Railroads applied the unprecedented power of the locomotive to the pulling of trains of loaded wagons over rails. This resulted in a dramatic increase in the amount of cargo that a few men could move quickly and over great distances. Railroads were a critical contributor to Industrialization. They not only made it easier to obtain raw materials and reach markets, but the search for better equipment spurred innovation that benefited many other industries.

Railroads revolutionized transportation by providing a relatively cheap and fast method of moving people, raw materials, finished goods, and military units. Railroads were essential to the Industrial Revolution. Not only did they support and encourage industrial growth by dramatically reducing transport costs, but they spurred technological research on their own. Advances in locomotive technology and engineering spun off into other industries and applications. Railroads were the first great industrial corporations.

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