Republic Civ1
Republic is one of 67 Civilization 1 Advances in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Sid Meier's Civilization 1.
Republic allows:
- Banking (with Trade)
- Conscription (with Explosives)
Republic prerequisites:
The concept of The Republic first appeared in ancient Rome, where the local provinces sent representatives to the Senate to govern the nation. The head of state in a Republic was an elected representative, not a Monarch. The concept was revived in the Constitution of the United States, and many nations of significant size and diverse make-ups have adopted something similar. The Republic allowed unprecedented freedom, at least to a significant portion of the citizens, and this in turn often fostered strong economic growth.
Republic Effects
- Each square which ordinarily produces at least one unit of trade produces an extra unit.
- Each unit costs one shield per turn. Settlers eat two food per turn.
- Each military unit after the first which is not in a friendly city (or a fortress within 3 spaces of a friendly city) causes one citizen in its home city to become unhappy.
- The Republic has a low rate of corruption and waste. The level of corruption in a particular city is based on its distance from your capital.
- Senate accepts Peace offers even if player wants War.
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