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Jet 2.0 IBM PC 1987 subLOGIC Charles Guy & Hugo Feugen

Jet 2.0 IBM PC 1987 subLOGIC

Jet is a flight simulator developed by subLOGIC. Charles Guy and Hugo Feugen coded v2.xx of Jet in 1987.

Coded for IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2 and compats, v.2.xx's 100 kbytes executable displays in EGA 640x350 and requires 128K free RAM.

Jet's display is notable because its real-time 3D renders in a 16-color 608x345 drawspace... in 1987.

Jet 2.xx Features

  • Flat-shaded real-time 3D graphics
  • 16-color EGA 608x345 render-field
  • Overall speed improvements
  • Flight characteristics improved
  • Higher precision calculations
  • Dogfight - Target Strike - Avoiding Missiles
  • Coordinate System Access

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