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Bracers of Icelandic Pearl, Icewind Dale 2

Bracers of Icelandic Pearl IWD2

Bracers of Icelandic Pearl is an Icewind Dale 2 item found in Ice Temple IWD2 as the Battle Square Master reward. Bracers of Icelandic Pearl are notable for their 4-point armor class bonus.

Bracers of Icelandic Pearl Stats

  • Armor Bonus: +4
  • Dexterity: -2
  • Can cast Lesser Planar Binding: Water Elemental 1/day
  • Can cast Cone of Cold 1/day
  • Can cast Horrid Wilting 1/day
  • Weight: 3 lb.
  • Bracers of Icelandic Pearl Item Code: 00BRAC11

It is said that these magnificent bracers were constructed in the Spine of the World Mountains, and not so long ago. On the coastline of the Sea of Moving Ice, there dwelled Prashnak, an abjurer -- and a stubborn one at that. Apparently Prashnak was having a great deal of difficulty fending off a relentless scourge of trolls, who no doubt were interested in nothing more than his dug out, well stationed bower. Prashnak used storms of acid to keep the trolls at bay. However the young mage was tiring of the constant attacks, and the trolls were becoming bolder.

After several months of studying the various effects of wilting magic, elemental summoning, and magical methods of frosting, Prashnak was finally ready to try his experiment. After summoning a water elemental, Prashnak evaporated choice bodily components and then froze the hapless creature. This lead to the creation of truly horrific sculptures of ice. The trolls, as simple as they are, took extreme offense to these totems and reportedly fled the area. The experiment a gleaming success, the exultant Prashnak continues his woeful studies to this day. What manner of thief took hold of the bracers is unknown, but they have been missing for several years.

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