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FN Minimi, Jagged Alliance 2

FN Minimi light machine gun

In Jagged Alliance 2, the FN Minimi 5.56mm light machine gun is found in Orta and post-Orta. It's also purchaseable from Bobby Ray's once five towns have been liberated. Note the range and the six-round burst. Burns through ammo like nothing else. Overkill.

FN Minimi Description

This light machine gun, also known as the C-9 and M-249, has been known to moonlight as a beefed-up assault rifle.

FN Minimi Stats

  • Damage: 28, Range: 50
  • AP single shot: 7, AP Burst fire: 11
  • Per burst: 6
  • Ammo: 5.56mm
  • Clip size: 30
  • Weight: 7.3
  • Mods: Sniper ScopeLaser ScopeRod & SpringGun Barrel ExtenderUnderslung Grenade Launcher
  • Price: 3100
  • Coolness: 10
  • Reliability: -1
  • Repair Ease: -2
  • Rate of Fire: 750
  • Ready Time: 3
  • Shots Per 4 Turns: 13
  • Shots Per Burst: 6
  • Burst Penalty: 5
  • Bullet Speed: 20
  • Impact: 28
  • Deadliness: 48
  • Range: 500
  • Attack Volume: 82
  • Hit Volume: 8

Jagged Alliance 2 Weapons Automag JA2 H&K G41 JA2 H&K CAWS JA2
Auto Rocket Rifle JA2 C-7 JA2 M24 JA2 Colt Commando JA2
FN-P90 JA2 FN-FAL JA2 M-14 JA2 Grenade Launcher JA2
H&K G11 JA2 MAC-10 JA2 FN Minimi JA2 Ruger Mini-14 JA2   

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