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Mask of the Betrayer ESSENCE ITEM CODE LIST

In most cases, Mask of the Betrayer features solid cRPG itemization. Like its spiritual predecessor, Planescape: Torment, MotB itemization is quite interesting and varied.

This article contains a list of essence item codes for Mask of the Betrayer (NX1: MotB).

Reminder: debugmode 1, giveitem [item code], debugmode 0.

If the item you wish to craft is equipped on the character, it must first be transferred to the inventory before it can be transferred to the Enchanter's Satchel: you can't place an equipped item directly into the satchel. It's just a limitation of Electron's UI.

Pristine Essences

  • Pristine Air Essence: nx1_cft_ess_air03
  • Pristine Earth Essence: nx1_cft_ess_earth03
  • Pristine Fire Essence: nx1_cft_ess_fire03
  • Pristine Power Essence: nx1_cft_ess_power03
  • Pristine Spirit Essence: nx1_cft_ess_spirit03
  • Pristine Water Essence: nx1_cft_ess_water03
  • (Malleate Spirit feat, givefeat 1986)

Brilliant Essences

  • Brilliant Air Essence: nx1_cft_ess_air02
  • Brilliant Earth Essence: nx1_cft_ess_earth02
  • Brilliant Fire Essence: nx1_cft_ess_fire02
  • Brilliant Power Essence: nx1_cft_ess_power02
  • Brilliant Spirit Essence: nx1_cft_ess_spirit02
  • Brilliant Water Essence: nx1_cft_ess_water02
  • (Mold Spirit feat, givefeat 2050)

Volatile Essences

  • Volatile Air Essence: nx1_cft_ess_air01
  • Volatile Earth Essence: nx1_cft_ess_earth01
  • Volatile Fire Essence: nx1_cft_ess_fire01
  • Volatile Power Essence: nx1_cft_ess_power01
  • Volatile Spirit Essence: nx1_cft_ess_spirit01
  • Volatile Water Essence: nx1_cft_ess_water01
  • (Mold Spirit feat)

Shaper's Alembic


Cast Spell: Divide Essence, Convert Essence, Combine Essences [- Unlimited Uses]

This powerful alembic allows you to convert, combine, and divide essences. Essences are used to enchant items. They are automatically distilled from the remains of many creatures, such as elementals and most beasts. Typically, only volatile essences are found and the alembic must be used to convert them into brilliant essences for enchanting purposes. Items are enchanted by placing them in the Enchanter's Satchel along with one or more essences, and then casting the appropriate spell. Many standard recipes are explained in the item description for any brilliant essence.

The abilities of the Shaper's Alembic include:

  • Combine Essences. Using this ability on a stack of lesser essences converts them into a more powerful one. No value is lost.
  • Divide Essence. Using this ability on a powerful essence converts it into an equivalent number of lesser essences. No value is lost.
  • Convert Essence. When used on a stack of elemental essences (fire, air, earth, water), two are converted into a single power essence of the same quality. When used on a power essence, several lesser essences are created of each elemental type.

Enchanter's Satchel


This small bag can be used to enchant items and functions like a portable workbench. To enchant an item, simply place it in this satchel along with one or more brilliant essences, then cast the appropriate spell as indicated in the essence's description. For example, to create a frost weapon, place one brilliant water essence and any weapon into the Enchanter's Satchel, then cast ice storm on the satchel. Essences are automatically distilled from the remains of many creatures, such as elementals and most beasts. Such essences are typically only of volatile quality and then must be combined using a Shaper's Alembic to create a brilliant variety. Rarer recipes and essences might be discovered throughout your adventures.

Epic Essences

Epic essences are combined with items and then Molded or Malleated (plot-based Spirit-eater feats) to create epic munchkin items. When crafting with epic essences, sometimes we need to put the essence into the Enchanter's Satchel before putting in the item. We don't need the Shaper's Alembic when crafting epic essences.

Each companion essence can be combined with an item type to gain +10 on a stat (e.g, Strength).

• Gann's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_gann

This essence was obtained from Gann, a hagspawn spirit shaman.

Cloak, Charisma.

• Kaelyn's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_dove

This essence was obtained from Dove, an aasimar cleric.

Amulet, Wisdom.

• Okku's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_okku

This essence was obtained from Okku, a powerful spirit bear.

Belt, Strength.

• One of Many's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_oneofmany

This essence was obtained from the undead One of Many.

Belt, Strength.

• Safiya's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_safiya

This essence was obtained from Safiya, a Red Wizard of Thay.

Helm, Intelligence.

Combining Safiya, Gann, Kaelyn and Okku (or One of Many) essences results in:

• Amulet of Betrayal Personified: nx1_amulet02

This amulet is infused with the tormented spirits of once powerful entities. It shrieks with the voices of the betrayed. While bestowing great power to its owner, the amulet is cursed with great misfortune, as if fate itself seeks revenge for the horrible deeds of this amulet's creator.

Ability Bonus: Strength [+12], Ability Bonus: Dexterity [+12], Ability Bonus: Constitution [+12], Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+12], Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+12], Ability Bonus: Charisma [+12], Bonus Hitpoints [+50], Immunity: Miscellaneous: Level/Ability Drain, Immunity: Damage Type: Negative Energy [100% Immunity Bonus], Decreased Saving Throws: Universal [-15], Damage Vulnerability: Divine [100% Damage Weakness], Damage Vulnerability: Positive Energy [100% Damage Weakness]

• Araman's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_araman

This essence was obtained from Araman, brother of Akachi. You think you can mold it into a ring.

+ Ring (of almost any kind)


Intelligence +10 mod added to the ring.

• Founder's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_founder

This essence is from the Founder of the Academy of Shapers and Binders. You sense that it might be more powerful, but the spirit within has been fragmented and damaged through countless years of strain. In life, the Founder sought to cure Akachi, who had rescued her from the Wall of the Faithless, of his curse. This essence appears as a small, clear orb with many splinters of red running through it. These splinters give the essence a shattered look. You ascertain that it would be perfect as the setting for a ring.

+ Broken Ring: nx1_e_broken_ring


2x Pristine Earth Essence +
2x Pristine Fire Essence
nx1_cft_ess_earth03, nx1_cft_ess_fire03


• Ring of the Founder: nx1_ring02

Melding Nefris' essence with the broken ring has relieved its anemic appearance. Not only has the ring perfectly mended, but it seems that all of the gems have been restored and empowered. Strangely, even though the ring radiates power, it appears to be absorbing nearby energy.

Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+ 8], Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+ 8], Regeneration [+ 2], Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Wizard [Level 7], Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Wizard [Level 8], Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Wizard [Level 9]

In the above recipe, replacing the Founder's Essence with a Pristine Power Essence (nx1_cft_ess_power03)


• Ring of the Red Wizards: nx1_ring03

This band was once a broken ring, found in Nefris' chambers, that must have once been an artifact of incredible strength. After absorbing your most powerful essences like a rag soaking up water, it seems to have completely mended itself in a matter of seconds and looks like it was made to fit your finger. Even now, the ring seems to be absorbing nearby energy.

Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+ 7], Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+ 7], Regeneration [+ 1], Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Wizard [Level 7], Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Wizard [Level 8]

Note that the broken ring does not actually exist in the campaign; it must be consoled in.

• Gnarlthorn's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_gnarlthorn

This essence contains the spirit of the once powerful treant Gnarlthorn. Pulsing, writhing green vines appear to entwine the entire essence guarding its interior from sight. Just looking at this entangled bundle of vines gives you a sense of the immenseness of nature. Laying your hands on the essence gives you a vision of a magnificent bow created from the vines of the essence. You think that by tearing some rags into strips of fabric you might be able to tie the vines into place which would give structure to the bow.


• Rags: nw_it_msmlmisc21


• Gnarlthorn Bow: nx1_longbow01

This powerful bow has been infused with the essence of the ancient treant, Gnarlthorn. It is strongly bound to the natural world of the Prime Material Plane, making it a mighty weapon against those from other planes.

Attack Bonus [+ 4], Bonus Feat: Improved Critical (Longbow), Unlimited Ammunition: Arrow [Ammo: Nature's Rage]

• Gulk'aush's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_gulkaush

This essence was extracted from the hag Gulk'aush. Her blasphemous love of a human led the Slumbering Coven to curse her with the inability to sleep. The essence throbs with power, and with each pulse you feel a brief wave of sadness. The essence appears to have a large recession in the middle that has the shape of a gem. Combining this essence with a gem of great power and will would likely produce an amulet with a power that would rival an artifact's strength.


• Orglash Crystal or Gem of Brightness or Gem of Seeing or Hulmarra's Emerald:
orglash_crystal, x0_it_msmlmisc03, x0_it_msmlmisc04, nx1_crft_hulmarra_emerald


• Amulet of Pure Love: nx1_amulet01

This amulet appears plain and unordinary. When you hold it in your hand, you think you feel a faint echo - an echo of happiness, of complete fulfillment. But as soon as you release the amulet, the feeling is gone and you're unsure whether it was real or imagined.

Immunity: Miscellaneous: Level/Ability Drain, Immunity: Miscellaneous: Fear, Regeneration [+ 2], Cast Spell: Greater Restoration (13) [1 Use/Day]

• Myrkul's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_myrkul

This essence contains the spirit of the deceased God of the Dead, Myrkul. Intense hatred and malice emanates from within. Even though the essence appears very solid, it has red, scintillating effect around it that creates a look of spurting blood. It might be possible to infuse a weapon that had previously received Myrul's blessing with his essence to create an artifact of great power. The only thing that would surpass the weapon's potential would be the weapon's abhorrence of you.


• Broken Scythe Blade: nx1_crft_broken_scythe

Even though the wooden shaft of the scythe rotted away many years ago, most of this scythe's blade is still intact and retains its wicked curve. After resting in the dead god's vault for so long it is certain to have absorbed some of his unholy power.


• Myrkul's Wrath: nx1_scythe01

This scythe appears to be made of black stone. It is infused with the spirit of the dead God of the Dead, Myrkul. You sense that it wants you to die the most horrible death imaginable.

Enhancement Bonus [+10], Damage Bonus: Negative Energy [5d6], Massive Criticals [2d12], Keen, Decreased AC: Armor [-12], Immunity: Miscellaneous: Death Magic, On Hit: Slay Alignment Group [DC=26] [Alignment Group: Good], On Hit: Wounding [DC=24] [Type: Slashing], Cast Spell: Gate (17) [1 Use/Day]

Note that the broken scythe blade does not actually exist in the campaign; it must be consoled in.

• Shadow of the Void's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_shadowvoid [Can be farmed in Death God's Vault]

This essence, obtained from a Shadow of the Void, swirls and glows with an intense blue light. You think you could mold it to any weapon or armor.

+ weapon: on-hit 6d6 cold damage, damage vulnerability: fire 25% weakness
+ armor: cold 100% immunity bonus, damage vulnerability: fire 25% damage weakness

• Shape of Fire Essence: nx1_cft_ess_shapeoffire

This essence swirls and glows with an intense red light. It appears to be an extremely powerful fire essence. You think you could mold it to any weapon or armor.

+ weapon: on-hit 6d6 fire damage, damage vulnerability: cold 25% weakness
+ armor: damage immunity: fire 100% immunity bonus, damage vulnerability: cold 25% damage weakness

• Slumbering Coven Essence: nx1_cft_ess_coven (Sunken City)

This essence undulates with an indigo light. It is the remains of the powerful spirit of one of the slumbering coven hags. It can be used to enchant weapons and armor. The Mold Spirit feat allows up to two of these essences to be used, but more might be possible with greater knowledge.

You need either x5 or x2 SCEs to make a coven mask (headgear).


• Eyes of the Coven: nx1_helm02

This mask was formed from many spirits of the Slumbering Coven.

Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+ 9], Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+ 9], Ability Bonus: Charisma [+ 9], Cast Spell: True Seeing (9) [1 Use/Day], Cast Spell: Premonition (15) [1 Use/Day], Cast Spell: Weird (17) [1 Use/Day]


• Lesser Eyes of the Coven: nx1_helm01

This mask was constructed using the essences of the Slumbering Coven.

Ability Bonus: Intelligence [+ 4], Ability Bonus: Wisdom [+ 4], Ability Bonus: Charisma [+ 4], Cast Spell: Deep Slumber [1 Use/Day], Cast Spell: Phantasmal Killer (7) [1 Use/Day]

• U'juk's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_ujuk (Wells of Lurue)

This spirit essence was acquired from the uthraki leader, U'juk. Though quite hard and solid, the swirling patterns on its surface create a fluid appearance, as if it were a clump of amorphous ooze. Bringing this churning essence near your metallic items causes them to retain a gummy, malleable texture. You surmise that, in conjunction with this essence, you could possibly mold a metal ingot that is normally very difficult to work with into a very intricate, small piece of jewelry that would be infused with the essence's power.


• Adamantine Ingot: n2_crft_ingadamant

This metal ingot has a dark, lustrous sheen and feels surprisingly heavy for its size. A skilled craftsman could create extraordinary weapons or armor with this material. Adamantine may be used to craft any weapon or armor that requires metal ingots.


• Ring of the Uthraki: nx1_ring01

This ring appears to be made of a soft, malleable clay, and will indeed change size as needed to fit its wearer snuggly. Once in place, however, it becomes as hard as a diamond.

AC Bonus vs. Racial Group: Shapechanger [+ 5], Freedom of Movement, Cast Spell: Eagle's Splendor (15) [1 Use/Day], Cast Spell: Shapechange (17) [1 Use/Day]

• Wood Man's Essence: nx1_cft_ess_woodman

This essence is dark and cold, appearing at first glance to be nothing more than a rock. The spirit within is immensely powerful, however, and you can sense its savage anger emanating from the stone. Yet you sense another emotion still deeper within. Beneath the masking exterior, beneath the wrath... is a solemn compassion for a doomed soul. Harnessing the raw power and intensity emanating from this essence will be difficult, but you feel that combining it with another piece of wronged nature might make it easier to work with. This essence's size and shape would lend itself perfectly for a staff's head.


• Large Charred Branch: nx1_crft_charred_branch

This large branch has been charred most of the way through by a forest fire.


• Staff of Ashenwood: nx1_staff01

This artifact is infused with the ancient spirit of the Wood Man and all of the might of Ashenwood. Holding the staff fills you with great vigor, but also a flood of emotion and power that's challenging to control. The savage anger of the staff is matched in intensity only by its pity for you.

Enhancement Bonus [+ 9], Bonus Hitpoints [+20], Immunity: Miscellaneous: Disease, Immunity: Miscellaneous: Poison, Decreased Saving Throws: Specific: Will [-10], Cast Spell: Storm of Vengeance (17) [1 Use/Day], Cast Spell: Mass Heal (17) [1 Use/Day], Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Beast [3d12], Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Magical Beast [3d12], Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Plant [3d12]

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