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Icewind Dale 2, Black Raven Monastery

Part VIII of the Icewind Dale 2 Walkthrough. Continuing from Part VII: Wandering Village.

Black Raven Monastery IWD2

(AR5200). Cross the ancient bridge. You might fall, no biggie.

Slay the white wyrms and loot the nest for the White Wyrm Egg.

Sunfire the yetis that pour out of the cave. Enter the monastery.

Talk with Salisam Harbash. Tell him you come in peace and that you need passage to the Underdark. He will refer you to Aruma Blane, the current leader of the monastery.

Trade with Bered in the library. Be sure to purchase How to be an Adventurer. Buff with Eagle's Splendor. With Cha 27 the book will set you back 99,000 GP. 99,000 GP for 10,000 XP is worth it.

Ok, you will find Aruma in her quarters in the southeast. She will not grant you passage to the Underdark, and is not taking initiates to the monastery at this point. Return to Salisam. He wants you to remove the corrupted Aruma from power.

Cast Knock on the door just to the west of Aruma's quarters. Inside, cast Knock on the chest and loot Dolon's Letters from them. Present the letters to Aruma. She will leave the monastery with Dolon Daemba. Return to Salisman, who will refer you to Morohem in order to face the Eight Chambers (2,925 XP).

But first, cast Knock on the door directly south of Salisam. Inside this treasury, you will spot a thief, Ven. Just tell him to give you the ring and he will leave. Now, give Nonin's Ring to Nonin in the kitchen in the west (3,900 XP)

Now, speak to for Svaltid on behalf Sersa. It is easy to convince the latter to train the former if Aruma has already left (2,925 XP).

SORCERER 20: Charisma +1, New Spell: Mass Dominate.

Eight Chambers IWD2

Ok, it's time to take on the Eight Chambers. Head downstairs and speak Morohem.

Chamber of Stone

Order for the switches is as follows: 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 (2,300 XP). Summon and haste your undead before hitting the first switch. They should take out the spawning monks as you follow the order above.

Chamber of Shadows

Enter the portals in the order depicted below (2,300 XP).

Chamber of Sorcery

All you have to do is slay each Crystalline Monk while they are on a blue circle (2,300 XP). Animate Dead.

Chamber of Clockwork

Simply slay the Clockwork Monks. Mirror Image will protect against their self-detonation, and animate dead will tear them up (2,300 XP).

Chamber of Sand

Lure the sand monks into the beams until they're dead. Recast Mirror Image as needed (2,300 XP).

Chamber of Silk

Just kill the two waves of Poisonweb Spiders (2,300 XP). Mirror Image and DBFB. Free action wards off Web (2,300 XP).

Chamber of Battle

Knock out the Iron Monks on the blue platforms (2,300 XP). Mirror Image, animate dead (2,300 XP).

Chamber of Immolation

Slay Brass Monks with Animate Dead. Recast MI as needed (2,300 XP).

Return to Salisam Harbash; passage to the Underdark is now granted (3,900 XP).

SORCERER 21: Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation, New Spells: Ray of Enfeeblement, Flame Arrow, Shades. At this caster level Shades summons forth Frost Giants, Red Abishai and Greater Werewolves! Frost Giants can inflict 36 bludgeoning dmg in a single blow. They have high ApR, too.

Ok, might as well take out the monastery for the duergar. Summon shades, undead, remember that Horrid Wilting OWNS monks. You will receive a message when you have slain the last of the monks. Don't forget Morohem downstairs.

Return to the Duergar outpost, inform Barud that monks have been slaughtered (2,300 XP), and now slaughter the Duergar, too. You will find this much easier than the monks were.

Raven Tomb IWD2

Return to the monastery, enter the Raven Tomb beneath it, cast Knock on Valas' Tomb, buff with Mordenkainen's Sword, loot the tomb, and take out the four hostile Iron Golems.

On way out, take out the Duergar Commander.

Take me to Part IX: Underdark Icewind Dale 2!

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