Swordflight Chapter 3 Item Code List
Item code list for Swordflight Chapter 3 for Neverwinter Nights 1.
- DebugMode=1
- dm_spawnitem your item code
- DebugMode=0
- NWN Console Commands
Assassin's Outfit [assassingarb001]
Dark Warrior's Outfit +3 [eviloutfit003]
Druid's Robes +3 [drdrobe003]
Jester's Outfit +2 [jestersuit002]
Martial Artist's Garb +3 [monkgarb003]
Robe of the Broken Ones [brokenrobe002]
Robes of Sorcery +3 [sorcrobe003]
Robes of the Dark Moon [darkmoonrobe002]
Robes of Wizardry [wizrobe002]
Sailor's Outfit +3 [sailorarmor001]
Cleric's Robe +3 [clericrobe003]
Cleric's Robe +4 [clericrobe004]
Dark Warrior's Armor +3 [evilarmor003]
Dark Warrior's Armor +4 [evilarmor004]
Dark Warrior's Armor +5 [evilarmor005]
Elven Plate Mail [elvenplate001]
Gilded Defender +4 [dwarfarmor001]
Gnomish Magnetic Armor +4 [gnomearmor004]
Gurgumuk's Armor [orcarmorg001]
Halfling Half Plate [halflingplate001]
Holy Warrior's Armor +3 [holyarmor003]
Holy Warrior's Armor +4 [holyarmor004]
Masterwork Full Plate +3 [masterplate003]
Masterwork Full Plate +4 [masterplate004]
Cowl of Mental Protection [mindcowl002]
Glorious Helm [helmglory001]
Greater Cap of Eloquence [eloquentcap002]
Helm of Haste [hastehelm001]
Masterwork Helm +3 [masterhelm003]
Watchman's Helm [guardhelm006]
Armor of Fleetness [fleetarmor001]
Assassin's Leathers [assassinarmor001]
Bard's Armor +3 [bardarmor003]
Dark Warrior's Leathers +3 [evilarmolt003]
Elven Chainmail [elvenchain001]
Masterwork Leather Armor +3 [masterleather003]
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor +3 [masterleather103]
Ranger's Armor +3 [rngarmor003]
Ranger's Armor +4 [rngarmor004]
Shadow Armor [shadowarmor002]
Barbaric Armor +3 [brbicarmor003]
Barbaric Armor +4 [brbicarmor004]
Chain of the Forest [forestchain001]
Chainmail of Speed [speedchain001]
Druid's Armor [drdarmor001]
Great Druid's Armor [drdarmor002]
Masterwork Chainmail +3 [masterchain003]
Masterwork Scale Mail +3 [masterscale003]
NPC Clothing
Large Shields
Bladesinger's Shield [bladesingshld001]
Fey Shield +4 [dryadshield001]
Fey Shield +5 [dryadshield002]
Shield of Strength +3 [strongshield003]
Shield of Vitality [vitalshield001]
Small Shields
Ironwood Small Shield +3 [ironwshld003]
Shield of Stealth [stealthshield002]
Tower Shields
Masterwork Tower Shield [mstrtshield001]
Shield of the Elements [elementshield002]
Advanced Meditations for Monks [monkbook002]
Book of Cantrips [cantripbook001]
Book of Curses [cursebook001]
Book of Minor Blessings [cantripbook002]
Comprehensive Manual of Arms [xpwarbook002]
Guide to the Flora the Fauna of the Sword Coast [xpnatbook002]
History of Holy Crusades [xpbook005]
Manual of Inquisitorial Procedures [xpholybook002]
Memoirs of Raphanzar the Rogue [xprogbook002]
Shanatar [bookshanatar001]
Sharran's Guide to Backstabbing and Dirty Tricks [xpevilbook001]
The Nelanther Isles [booknelanth001]
Tome of Magical Lore [xparcbook009]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +3 [toughbelt003]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +4 [toughbelt004]
Boots of Speed [speedboot001]
Boots of Strength [strongboot001]
Elven Boots +3 [elfboot003]
Hardiness of the Wild +3 [hardyboot003]
Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +3 [sunsoulboot003]
Premonitory Boots +3 [premboots003]
Winter Boots [furboot001]
Bracers of Blinding Strike [speedbracer002]
Bracers of Brain Power +3 [brainbracers003]
Cloak of the High Forest [forestcloak001]
Elven Cloak +3 [elfcloak003]
Mantle of Wisdom +3 [wisemantle003]
Mantle of Wisdom +4 [wisemantle004]
Frost Fists +4 [frostfist004]
Gloves of the Dexterous Bard +3 [bardgloves003]
Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +3 [roguegloves003]
Greater Gauntlets of Combat Skill [gauntcombat002]
Greater Gloves of Magic Handling [magicgloves002]
Greater Gloves of Spellcasting [spellgloves002]
Greater Gloves of the Crafter [craftgloves002]
Healer's Hands [healhand001]
Spiked Gauntlet +3 [spikegaunt003]
Crafting/Tradeskill Material
Rogue Stone [roguestone001]
Amulet of Protection +1 [protectamulet001]
Amulet of Toughness +3 [toughamulet003]
Amulet of Toughness +4 [toughamulet004]
Ring of Animal & Plant Friendship [dryadring001]
Ring of the Royal Will +3 [royalwillring003]
Ring of the Royal Will +4 [royalwillring004]
Basilisk's Eye [basiliskeye001]
Beast Totem [beastsummon001]
Blasting Trumpet [blasthorn001]
Dove's Harp [doveharp001]
Dragon Blood [dragonblood001]
Flame Berries [flameberry001]
Gem of True Sight [trueseegem001]
Heavenly Harp [heavenharp001]
Ice Berries [iceberry001]
Instrument of the Winds [bardpipes001]
Lich Lyrics [lichlyric001]
Lute [lute001]
Scabbard of Enhancement [weapboost001]
Summoning Stick (Air) [airsummon001]
Summoning Stick (Earth) [earthsummon001]
Summoning Stick (Fire) [firesummon001]
Summoning Stick (Water) [watersummon001]
Undead Ward [undeadward001]
Wooden Stake [woodstake001]
Potion of Cure Severe Wounds [curesevpot001]
Potion of Death Ward [dthwardpot001]
Potion of Freedom [freedompot001]
Potion of Lesser Mind Blank [lmndblnkpot001]
Potion of Resist Elements [elemrespot001]
Potion of Speed (Enhanced) [hastepot001]
Potion of Undead Healing [healundead001]
Plot Item
Ancient Dwarven Key [dwarfkey001]
Assassin's Contract [asnppr001]
Bag of Gold [debtbag001]
Bandit Key [banditkey001]
Bandit Key [banditkey002]
Barun Tharuk's Chronicle of the Kings of Shanatar [candlebook004]
Bone Golem Part [golbonepart001]
Bugbear Head [rndfarmhead001]
Captain Tanendt's Reports [tanendtpaper001]
Celestial Rod [celestialrod001]
Chronicles of Warlord Gurgumuk [candlebook003]
Clay Golem Part [golclaypart001]
Dwarven Bones [dwarfbone001]
Elven Head [elfhead001]
Elven Key [elfkey001]
Fey Wood [feywood001]
Giant Chieftan's Head [gianthead002]
Giant's Head [gianthead001]
Green Book of Eastmarch [candlebook006]
Head of Haryan Krow [pricehead003]
Head of Jacho Kralow [pricehead002]
Historical Memoirs of Sandar Kadathin [candlebook002]
Hobgoblin Head [rndfarmhead002]
Hobgoblin Map [gobmap002]
Hobgoblin Maps & Papers [gobmap003]
Iron Golem Part [golironpart001]
Lab Key [gnomekey001]
Large Key [emarchkey001]
Large Key [emarchkey002]
Large Key [emarchkey003]
Lich Key [keylich001]
Lich Key [keylich002]
Lich Key [keylich003]
Lich Key [keylich004]
Magical Treatise of Seriem Galuren [candlebook001]
Maus Jarlzin's Dark Orb [mausorb001]
Maus Jarlzin's Key [mauskey001]
Mechanical Tubing and Parts [swrtube001]
Nierva's Key [deeptearkey]
Obgron's Head [pricehead001]
Old Map [sewermap001]
Paper [wolfnote001]
Piece of Torn Map [gobmap001]
Red Wizard's Key [redwizkey001]
Roadside Inn Room Key [rsinnkey001]
Stone Golem Part [golstonepart001]
Strange Key [abysskey001]
Teleportation Nullifier [antiteleport001]
Toy [toy003]
Wanted Notice [asnppr002]
Werewolf's Key [wolfkey001]
Winsome Repose Room Key [wrinnkey001]
Zeko Tazoc's Technical Journal [candlebook005]
Custom 1
Amulet of Power [mageamulet001]
Bugle of Command [henchbugle001]
Elixir of Regeneration [regenpot001]
Halfbreed's Rune of Speed [halfrune001]
Hearty Meal [snack001]
Heavy Pouch of Gold [goldpouch003]
Holy Avenger Rune [palrune002]
Holy Avenger Rune [palrune003]
Holy Symbol +3 [holysymbol003]
Holy Symbol +4 [holysymbol004]
Lich-Killer Wand [lichkillwand001]
Light Pouch of Gold [goldpouch001]
Medium Pouch of Gold [goldpouch002]
Ointment of Stone to Flesh [petrointment001]
Orb of Power [halflingorb001]
Pie [snack002]
Potion Pack [potionpack]
Rune of Reinvigoration [vigrune001]
Sandar Kadathin's Bones [sandarbone001]
Sandar Kadathin's Bones [sandarbone002]
Sceptre of Air [airsceptre001]
Vial of Poison [weaponpoison001]
Vial of Potent Poison [weaponpoison002]
Villain's Pouch of Gold [legittheftgld001]
Zemquin's Zapper [zapstick001]
Custom 2
Ale [alcale001]
Amnish Ale [alcale003]
Bloodwine [alcwine003]
Calimshan Wine [alcwine002]
Child's Picture Book [childbook001]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit005]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit006]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit007]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit008]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit009]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit010]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit011]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit013]
Commoner's Outfit [outfit019]
Cook's Uniform [outfit004]
Cormyrian Brandy [alcliq003]
Dragon's Breath Beer [alcale002]
Drunks' Outfit [outfit027]
Firewine [alcwine006]
Golden Sands Brew [alcale004]
Guard's Armor [grdarmor002]
Magistrate's Outfit [outfit020]
Moonshae Whiskey [alcliq002]
Noble's Outfit [outfit017]
Noble's Outfit [outfit023]
Noble's Outfit [outfit024]
Noble's Robe [outfit014]
Noble's Robe [outfit015]
Noble's Robe [outfit016]
Noble's Robe [outfit028]
Saerloonian Topaz Wine [alcwine004]
Sailor's Outfit [outfit018]
Sailor's Outfit [outfit021]
Servant's Uniform [outfit012]
Servant's Uniform [outfit022]
Servant's Uniform [outfit025]
Servant's Uniform [outfit026]
Soldier's Armor [grdarmor001]
Spirits [alcliq001]
Toy [toy001]
Toy [toy002]
Westgate Ruby Wine [alcwine005]
Wine [alcwine001]
Custom 3
Ancient Elven Armor [oldelfarmor001]
Ancient Elven Sword [oldelfsword001]
Black Lotus [stlnlotus001]
Broken Weapon [brokenweapon001]
Ceremonial Armor [stlnarmor001]
Evil Dagger +1 [stlnblade001]
Fine Silverware [stlnslvrware001]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk001]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk002]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk005]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk006]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk007]
Old Potion Bottle [poisonpot001]
Old Rusty Necklace [miscjunk003]
Old Rusty Ring [miscjunk004]
Painting [stlnpaint001]
Rusted Armor [rustarmor001]
Rusted Bastard Sword [rustsword001]
Rusted Battleaxe [rustaxe001]
Rusted Dagger [rustdagger001]
Rusted Greatsword [rustsword002]
Rusted Mace [rustmace001]
Rusted Morningstar [ruststar001]
Rusted Scimitar [rustsword003]
Rusted Shield [rustshield001]
Rusted Short Sword [rustsword004]
Rusted Spear [rustspear001]
Sculpture [stlnstatue]
Valuable Necklace [stlnnecklace001]
Valuable Ring [stlnring001]
Custom 4
Amulet of Toughness +4 [toughamulet101]
Asp's Nest +2 [aspdart002]
Assasin's Armor +3 [asnarmor001]
Astral Armor [astralarmor001]
Azghulkar's Properties [agkhide001]
Beggar's Outfit [begrobe001]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +4 [toughbelt101]
Blade of the Dead [deadblade001]
Boots of Hardiness +6 [it_mboots018]
Celestial Sword [celestblade001]
Chanter's Mace +3 [chantmace003]
Cornugon's Flail [devilflail001]
Dark Priest's Staff [monsterstaff001]
Dark Shield [darkshield001]
Darkblade [negblade003]
Doom Knight's Axe [doomaxe001]
Drow Bolt [drowbolt001]
Drow Dart [drowdart001]
Drow Masterwork Full Plate [drowarmor001]
Drow Masterwork Leather Armor [drowarmor002]
Drow Piwafi Cloak [drowcloak001]
Drow Scimitar [drowblade002]
Drow Short Venomblade [drowblade001]
Drow Spear [drowspear001]
Drow Whip [drowclericwhip00]
Duergar Handaxe [duergaraxe002]
Duergar Masterwork Full Plate [duergararmor001]
Duergar Masterwork Helm [duergarhelm001]
Duergar Masterwork Leather Armor [duergararmor003]
Duergar Masterwork Scale Armor [duergararmor002]
Duergar Waraxe [duergaraxe001]
Eleriwen's Longbow [elerbow001]
Eleriwen's Pendant [elerpendant001]
Elf Blade [elfblade001]
Fasglir's Armor [fasglirarmor001]
Fasglir's Scythe [fasglirscythe001]
Fire Giant Battleaxe [giantweapon004]
Fire Giant Halberd [giantweapon003]
Fire Giant Heavy Flail [giantweapon002]
Fire Giant Sword [giantweapon001]
Flaming Avenger Bastard Sword [holyvengbst001]
Flaming Avenger Kama [holyvengkama001]
Flaming Avenger Kukri [holyvengkukri001]
Flaming Avenger Lance [holyvengspear001]
Flaming Avenger Mace [holyvengmace001]
Flaming Avenger Morningstar [holyvengstar001]
Fletcher's Friend [fletcharmor001]
Fletcher's Friend [fletcharmor002]
Gemarak's Armor [korzarmor001]
Gemarak's Kukri [gemarkuk001]
Gemarak's Whip [korzwhip001]
Ghost Armor [ghostarmor001]
Ghost Axe [ghostaxe001]
Ghost Axe [ghostaxe002]
Ghost Dart [ghostdart001]
Ghost Hammer [ghosthammer001]
Ghost Shield [ghostshield001]
Giant Club [giantclub001]
Goblinsticker Blade [gobsticker001]
Gorav's Armor [goravarmor001]
Gorav's Scimitar [goravscim001]
Gorav's Shield [goravshield001]
Green Dagger +3 [greendagger003]
Guard Protector [grdprotect001]
Halfling Armor [halflingarmor001]
Halfling Armor [halflingarmor002]
Haste Amulet [hasteamulet001]
Hathran Mask [hathranmask001]
Holy Avenger Greatsword [holygsword001]
Kalomas' Staff [kalstaff001]
Kalomas's Robe [zekarrobe001]
Krakach's Medallion [krakneck001]
Krow's Wings [krowblade001]
Lich Head [lichhelm001]
Lich's Robe [lichrobe001]
Magic Robe [npcrobe001]
Marilith's Kama A [demonkama001]
Marilith's Kama B [demonkama002]
Mazara's Malicious Mace [demonmace001]
Mazara's Menacing Mace [demonmace002]
Mercenary Leather +3 [mercleather003]
Mercenary Plate +3 [mercplate003]
Mercenary Scale +4 [mercscale004]
Mighty Giant Club [giantclub002]
Military Pike [milespike001]
Monstrous Heavy Crossbow +2 [mnstrxbow001]
Monstrous Heavy Crossbow +3 [mnstrxbow002]
Necromancer's Ring [specnpcring003]
Ogre Mage's Staff [ogrestaff001]
Ogrillon Armor +3 [ogrlarmor003]
Paladin Helm [palhelmx001]
Protector Ring [specnpcring001]
Red Wizard's Robe [redwizrobe001]
Ring of Lavender [ringlight001]
Ring of Power [specnpcring002]
Ring of the Royal Will +3 [royalwillring101]
Sailor's Outfit (Half) [sailorarmor003]
Sailor's Outfit (Half) [sailorarmor004]
Sailor's Outfit +3 [sailorarmor002]
Sailor's Outfit +3 [sailorarmorx003]
Savage Axe +3 [savageaxe001]
Savage Double Axe +3 [savageaxe303]
Savage Greataxe +3 [savageaxe203]
Savage Mace +3 [savagemace001]
Sylenda's Robe [sylendarobe001]
Thunderbolt Axe +2 [tboltaxe001]
True Sight Helm [tshelm001]
Ulaz's Mage Staff [ulazstaff001]
Undead Orc Armor [deadorcarmor001]
Undead Orc Helm [deadorchelm001]
Undead Shield [doomshield001]
Vampire Dagger [vmprdagger001]
Vampire Half-Plate [vmprarmor001]
Vampire Leather Armor [vmprarmor003]
Vampire Scale Armor [vmprarmor002]
Wrecked Armor [rustarmor002]
Xvart Armor [xvartarmor001]
Xvart Armor (Superior) [xvartarmor002]
Yuan-Ti Armor [ytarmor001]
Yuan-Ti Dagger [ytweapon001]
Yuan-Ti Katana [ytweapon003]
Yuan-Ti Kukri [ytweapon006]
Yuan-Ti Morningstar [ytweapon002]
Yuan-Ti Scimitar [ytweapon007]
Yuan-Ti Spear [ytweapon004]
Yuan-Ti Two-Bladed Sword [ytweapon005]
Custom 5
Ashaler Ring [garadring001]
Brego's Outfit [brfootarmor001]
Brena's Armor [brfootarmor002]
Brena's Cloak [brfootcloak001]
Brena's Dagger [brfootsword003]
Brena's Gloves [brfootarmor003]
Broadfoot's Blaze [brfootsword001]
Broadfoot's Blizzard [brfootsword002]
Elven Boots +3 [elfboot301]
Garad's Scimitar [garsword001]
Jalkesi's Armor [jalkarmor001]
Jalkesi's Elven Bow [jalkbow001]
Korzob's Armor [korzobsuit001]
Korzob's Spellsmasher [korzobflail001]
Lightning Lute [zarlute001]
Lightning Lute [zarlute002]
Nierva's Armor [niervarmor001]
Nierva's Dexterous Rogue Gloves [niervaglove001]
Nierva's Helmet [niervahelm001]
Nierva's Mace [niervamace001]
Premonitory Boots +3 [premboots301]
Quord's Frostaxe [frostaxe401]
Swift Wind Boots [windboot001]
Sword of Zefad [zefsword001]
Sword of Zefad (Broken) [zefsword002]
Tarshal's Useless Ring [tarshalring001]
Wand of Paralyzation [nw_wmgwn501]
Zarala's Bard Costume [zararm001]
Zarala's Belt [zarbelt001]
Zarala's Cloak [zarcloak001]
Brena's Boots [brfootarmor004]
Electric Gauntlet [zapgauntlet001]
Test Key [testkey001]
Testing Orb [a_testobject001]
Testing Orb [a_testobject002]
Cold Iron Arrows [ironarrow001]
Enhanced Poison Arrow [poisonarrow001]
Holy Arrow [arrowholy001]
Vampiric Arrow [vmprarrow001]
Acid Bolt [acidbolt001]
Bolt of the Vampire [vmprbolt001]
Enhanced Poison Bolt [poisonbolt001]
Holy Bolt [boltholy001]
Bullet of Pestilence [pestbullet001]
Holy Bullet [bullethholy001]
Duergar Greataxe +3 [duergaraxe003]
Gurgumuk's Axe [orcaxeg002]
Heavy Frostaxe +4 [frostaxeh004]
Dwarven Frostaxe +4 [frostaxed004]
Dwarven Sentinel +4 [sentaxed004]
Gurgumuk's Axe [orcaxeg003]
Light Frostaxe +4 [frostaxel004]
Woodcutting Axe [woodchopaxe001]
Woodsman's Handaxe [woodaxe002]
Frostaxe +4 [frostaxe004]
Gurgumuk's Axe [orcaxeg001]
Sentinel +3 [sentinelaxe003]
Bastard Swords
Bastard Frostsword +4 [frostswordb004]
Bloodletter +4 [bloodletter004]
Calishite Bastard Sword +3 [calishsword104]
Hamakar's Hammer [bshamr001]
Sting of Death [hlfblade004]
Sword of Sandar Kadathin [sandarsword003]
Calishite Dagger +3 [calishsword404]
Cooking Knife [cookblade001]
Frost Dagger +4 [frostdagger004]
Green Dagger +4 [greendagger004]
Holy Avenger Dagger [holyvngrdg001]
Leech +3 [leech003]
Soulstealer Dagger +4 [evildagger004]
Sting of Death [hlfblade001]
Utility Knife [utilknife001]
Vargoth's Dagger [vardagger001]
Great Swords
Calishite Falchion +3 [calishsword304]
Great Frostsword +4 [frostswordg004]
Soulstealer Greatsword +4 [evilgsword004]
Sword of Sandar Kadathin [sandarsword002]
Blade of Corellon [elfsword001]
Frostsword +4 [frostsword004]
Historic Tethyrian Sword [appraisesword001]
Sting of Death [hlfblade003]
Sword of Sandar Kadathin [sandarsword001]
Blade of Corellon [elfsword003]
Desert Wind +3 [desertscim003]
Frost Katana +4 [frostkatana004]
Frost Rapier +4 [frostrapier004]
Frost Scimitar +4 [frostscim004]
Kaga-To +4 [kagakat001]
Mercykiller Blade [mercyblade001]
Orc Scimitar +4 [orcscim004]
Rapier of the High Road +4 [banditblade004]
Scimitar of Shock [scimoshock003]
Soulstealer Katana +4 [evilkatana004]
Soulstealer Scimitar +4 [evilscim004]
Short Swords
Blade of Corellon [elfsword004]
Calishite Short Sword +3 [calsihsword204]
Feyduster +3 [feyduster003]
Short Frostsword +4 [frostswords004]
Soulstealer Short Sword +4 [evilssword004]
Sting of Death [hlfblade002]
Sword of Sandar Kadathin [sandarsword004]
Vargoth's Short Sword [varsword001]
Fey Club +3 [dryadclub001]
Fey Club +4 [dryadclub002]
Frost Club +4 [frostclub004]
Asp Flail +3 [aspflail003]
Electric Flame Flail +4 [efcraftlflail001]
Electric Flame Heavy Flail +4 [efcrafthflail001]
Frostflail +4 [frostflail004]
Heavy Frostflail +4 [frostflailh004]
Threshing Flail [threshflail001]
Frosthammer +4 [frosthamr004]
Hammer [simplehammer001]
Light Frosthammer +4 [frosthamrl004]
Masterwork Dwarven Light Hammer +4 [dwarfhammer002]
Masterwork Dwarven Warhammer +4 [dwarfhammer001]
Sledgehammer [sledgehammer001]
Smith's Enchanted Hammer [smithhammer001]
Smith's Enchanted Hammer (Light) [smithhammer002]
Vargoth's Hammer [varhammer001]
Electric Flame Mace +4 [efcraftmace001]
Frostmace +4 [frostmace004]
Kiss of Sune +3 [sunemace003]
Vargoth's Mace [varmace001]
Electric Flame Morningstar +4 [efcraftstar001]
Froststar +4 [froststar004]
One of Many [oomstar001]
Blade of Corellon [elfsword002]
Dire Frostmace +4 [frostmaced004]
Double Frostaxe +4 [frostaxedbl004]
Fey Staff +3 [dryadstaff001]
Fey Staff +4 [dryadstaff002]
Froststaff +4 [froststaff004]
Gurgumuk's Double Axe [orcaxeg004]
Two-Bladed Frostsword +4 [frostswordtb004]
Bloody Burning Bounty Blade [bbbblade001]
Crackling Whip +3 [cracklewhip003]
Crackling Whip +4 [cracklewhip004]
Farmer's Sickle [farmsickle001]
Frost Kama +4 [frostkama004]
Frost Kukri +4 [frostkukri004]
Frost Sickle +4 [frostsickle004]
Frostwhip +4 [frostwhip004]
Kama of the Silent One +4 [silentkama004]
Sharpshadow Blade +3 [sskuk003]
Sharpshadow Blade +4 [sskuk004]
Stormwalker +3 [kukstorm001]
Rod of Restoration [restorerod001]
Rod of the Wilderness [wildwprod002]
Rod of Thievery [thiefrod001]
Rod of Thunder and Lightning [thunderrod001]
Stormcaller's Rod [stormrod001]
Conjurer's Staff +3 [conjstaff001]
Illusionist's Staff +4 [illustaff001]
Necromancer's Staff +3 [necstaff001]
Staff of Empowerment [empowerstaff001]
Staff of Fire [firestaff001]
Staff of Ice [icestaff001]
The Sweeper [sweeper001]
Greater Wand of the Heavens [divstrikewand001]
Grim Wand of Battletide [divstrikewand002]
Tide of Battle Wand [tidewand001]
Wand of the Fist [fistwand001]
Death's Handmaiden +4 [dthmaidscythe001]
Frost Halberd +4 [frosthalberd004]
Frost Scythe +4 [frostscythe004]
Frost Spear +4 [frostspear004]
Frost Trident +4 [frosttrident004]
Giantkiller Scythe [giantscythe001]
Nature's Scythe +4 [natscythe001]
Pitchfork [pitchfork001]
Ranged Weapons
Crossbow of Murder +4 [mrdrxbowl004]
Gnomish Heavy Crossbow +4 [gnomexbowh004]
Gnomish Light Crossbow +4 [gnomexbowl004]
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow +4 [mstrxbow004]
Elven Court Bow +4 [elfbowl004] Attack Bonus +4, Massive Criticals 1d8 Damage, Mighty +4, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Elf, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Half-Elf
Heartseeker [hrtseekbow001] Attack Bonus +4, Cast Spell: Barkskin (12) 1 Use/Day, Cast Spell: True Strike (5) 1 Use/Day, Mighty +4
Longarm +3 [longarm003] Attack Bonus +3, Ability Bonus: Strength +2, Mighty +3
Desert Bow +4 [desertbow004] Attack Bonus +4, Ability Bonus: Constitution +2, Mighty +4
Elven Court Shortbow +4 [elfbows004] Attack Bonus +4, Massive Criticals 1d8 Damage, Mighty +4, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Elf, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Half-Elf
Sling of Arvoreen +4 [arvrnsling004]
Acid Dart +3 [aciddart002]
Fire Axe +3 [firethrowaxe002]
Flaming Star +3 [flamestar003]
Holy Dart +1 [dartholy001]
Holy Dart +2 [dartholy002]
Holy Shuriken +1 [shurikenholy001]
Holy Shuriken +2 [shurikenholy002]
Holy Throwing Axe +1 [throwaxeholy001]
Holy Throwing Axe +2 [throwaxeholy002]
Ice Dart +3 [icedart003]
Many Talons +3 [manytalon003]
Stars of Ojy-do +3 [ojydostar003]
Thunderbolt Axe +3 [tboltaxe003]
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