Swordflight Chapter 4 Item Code List
Item code list for Swordflight Chapter 4 for Neverwinter Nights 1.
- DebugMode=1
- dm_spawnitem your item code
- DebugMode=0
- NWN Console Commands
Assassin's Outfit [assassingarb001]
Dark Robes +2 [robedark002]
Dark Warrior's Outfit +4 [eviloutfit004]
Drow Outfit +5 [udrowarmorc005]
Druid's Robe +3 [drdrobe003]
Jester's Outfit +4 [jestersuit004]
Martial Artist's Garb +4 [monkgarb004]
Robe of the Broken Ones [brokenrobe002]
Robes of Sorcery +4 [sorcrobe004]
Robes of the Dark Moon [darkmoonrobe002]
Robes of Wizardry [wizrobe002]
Superior Assassin's Outfit [assassingarb002]
Cleric's Robe +4 [clericrobe004]
Dark Warrior's Armor +5 [evilarmor005]
Drow Full Plate +5 [udrowarmorh005]
Holy Warrior's Armor +4 [holyarmor004]
Masterwork Full Plate +4 [masterplate004]
Anti-Petrification Helm [udrowantipet001]
Cowl of Mental Protection [mindcowl002]
Glorious Helm [helmglory001]
Greater Cap of Eloquence [eloquentcap002]
Greater Helm of Haste [hastehelm002]
Helm of Haste [hastehelm001]
Masterwork Helm +4 [masterhelm004]
Watchman's Helm [guardhelm006]
Armor of Fleetness [fleetarmor001]
Assassin's Leathers [assassinarmor001]
Bard's Armor +4 [bardarmor004]
Dark Warrior's Leathers +4 [evilarmolt004]
Drow Leather Armor +5 [udrowarmorl005]
Elven Chainmail [elvenchain001]
Greater Armor of Fleetness [fleetarmor002]
Masterwork Leather Armor +4 [masterleather004]
Masterwork Studded Leather Armor +4 [masterleather104]
Ranger's Armor +4 [rngarmor004]
Shadow Armor [shadowarmor002]
Superior Assassin's Leathers [assassinarmor002]
Barbaric Armor +4 [brbicarmor004]
Chainmail of Speed [speedchain001]
Drow Chainmail +5 [udrowarmorm005]
Great Druid's Armor [drdarmor002]
Greater Chainmail of Speed [speedchain002]
Masterwork Chainmail +4 [masterchain004]
Masterwork Scale Mail +4 [masterscale004]
NPC Clothing
Large Shields
Bladesinger's Shield [bladesingshld001]
Drow Shield +5 [udrowshield005]
Shield of Strength +3 [strongshield003]
Shield of Strength +4 [strongshield004]
Small Shields
Greater Shield of Stealth [stealthshield003]
Ironwood Small Shield +3 [ironwshld003]
Masterwork Duergar Buckler [duershields004]
Shield of Stealth [stealthshield002]
Tower Shields
Masterwork Duergar Shield [duershield004]
Masterwork Tower Shield [mstrtshield001]
Shield of the Elements [elementshield002]
Aboleths [bookablth001]
Advanced Meditations for Monks [monkbook002]
Ancient Tome of Dwarven Lore [xparcbook011]
Ancient Tome of Elven Lore [xparcbook010]
Book of Cantrips [cantripbook001]
Book of Curses [cursebook001]
Book of Minor Blessings [cantripbook002]
Comprehensive Manual of Arms [xpwarbook002]
Guide to the Flora the Fauna of the Sword Coast [xpnatbook002]
History of Holy Crusades [xpbook005]
Manual of Inquisitorial Procedures [xpholybook002]
Memoirs of Raphanzar the Rogue [xprogbook002]
Sharran's Guide to Backstabbing and Dirty Tricks [xpevilbook001]
Tome of Magical Lore [xparcbook009]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +2 [toughbelt002]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +3 [toughbelt003]
Belt of Strength and Stamina +4 [toughbelt004]
Boots of Speed [speedboot001]
Boots of Strength [strongboot001]
Elven Boots +4 [elfboot004]
Greater Boots of Speed [speedboot002]
Hardiness of the Wild +3 [hardyboot003]
Hardiness of the Wild +4 [hardyboot004]
Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +2 [sunsoulboot002]
Improved Boots of the Sun Soul +4 [sunsoulboot004]
Premonitory Boots +3 [premboots003]
Premonitory Boots +4 [premboots004]
Winter Boots [furboot001]
Bracers of Blinding Strike [speedbracer002]
Bracers of Brain Power +2 [brainbracers002]
Bracers of Brain Power +3 [brainbracers003]
Bracers of Brain Power +4 [brainbracers004]
Greater Bracers of Blinding Strike [speedbracer003]
Cloak of the Bat [batcloak004]
Elven Cloak +4 [elfcloak004]
Mantle of Wisdom +3 [wisemantle003]
Mantle of Wisdom +4 [wisemantle004]
Drow Gauntlet [udrowgloves005]
Fists of Balance [balfist005]
Gloves of the Dexterous Bard +4 [bardgloves004]
Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +3 [roguegloves003]
Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +4 [roguegloves004]
Gloves of the Dexterous Rogue +5 [roguegloves005]
Greater Gauntlets of Combat Skill [gauntcombat002]
Greater Gloves of Magic Handling [magicgloves002]
Greater Gloves of Spellcasting [spellgloves002]
Greater Gloves of the Crafter [craftgloves002]
Spiked Gauntlet +3 [spikegaunt003]
Spiked Gauntlet +4 [spikegaunt004]
Crafting/Tradeskill Material
Rogue Stone [roguestone001]
Amulet of Toughness +2 [toughamulet002]
Amulet of Toughness +3 [toughamulet003]
Amulet of Toughness +4 [toughamulet004]
Glittering Necklace +2 [glitnklace002]
Glittering Necklace +4 [glitnklace004]
Commander's Ring +4 [commandring004]
Purple Dragon Ring [pdkring001]
Ring of the Royal Will +3 [royalwillring003]
Ring of the Royal Will +4 [royalwillring004]
Talisman of Pure Evil [eviltals001]
Talisman of Pure Good [talsgoodring001]
Basilisk's Eye [basiliskeye001]
Beast Totem [beastsummon001]
Blasting Trumpet [blasthorn001]
Blue Quartz Crystal [quartzblue001]
Displacer Beast's Hide [displacehide001]
Dove's Harp [doveharp001]
Dragon Blood [dragonblood001]
Flame Berries [flameberry001]
Gem of True Sight [trueseegem001]
Heavenly Harp [heavenharp001]
Ice Berries [iceberry001]
Instrument of the Winds [bardpipes001]
Intellect Devourer's Brain [devrbrain001]
Lich Lyrics [lichlyric001]
Lute [lute001]
Magical Crystal Shard [crystalmagic001]
Magical Crystal Shard [crystalmagic002]
Scabbard of Enhancement [weapboost001]
Summoning Stick (Air) [airsummon001]
Summoning Stick (Earth) [earthsummon001]
Summoning Stick (Fire) [firesummon001]
Summoning Stick (Water) [watersummon001]
Undead Ward [undeadward001]
Wooden Stake [woodstake001]
Potion of Cure Severe Wounds [curesevpot001]
Potion of Death Ward [dthwardpot001]
Potion of Freedom [freedompot001]
Potion of Lesser Mind Blank [lmndblnkpot001]
Potion of Resist Elements [elemrespot001]
Potion of Speed (Enhanced) [hastepot001]
Potion of Undead Healing [healundead001]
Plot Item
Aboleth Figurine [ablsculpt001]
Aboleth Key [kuokey002]
Abyssal Key [abysskey001]
Abyssal Key [abysskey002]
Abyssal Key [abysskey003]
Abyssal Key [abysskey004]
Acid Activation Rod [darkekey002]
Baatezu Key [planarkey001]
Beholder Key [beholdkey001]
Beholder Key [beholdkey002]
Beholder Key [beholdkey003]
Beholder Key [beholdkey004]
Blue Eye [eyeblue001]
Celestial Key [planarkey002]
Cold Activation Rod [darkekey003]
Dark Orb [lotlthorb001]
Demon's Heart [demonheart001]
Drow Key [drowkey001]
Drow Key [drowkey002]
Drow Key [drowkey003]
Duergar Key [dwarfkey001]
Electric Activation Rod [darkekey004]
Fire Activation Rod [darkekey001]
Golden Urn [goldbox001]
Holy Symbol of Eilistraee [plotsymbol001]
Holy Symbol of Lolth [plotsymbol002]
Illithid Key [mfkey001]
Illusory Key [mfkey002]
Key of Xerxkatun [xerxkey001]
Key of Xerxkatun [xerxkey002]
Key of Xerxkatun [xerxkey003]
Key of Xerxkatun [xerxkey004]
Key of Xerxkatun [xerxkey005]
Knight's Journal [pdkjournal001]
Kuo Toa Key [kuokey001]
Lost Shrine Key [tskey001]
Magical Orb [orbmagic001]
Magical Orb [orbmagic002]
Map to Hidden Stronghold [umap003]
Mask [mask001]
Orb of Xerxkatun [xerxorb001]
Piece of Maghaurezh's Beholder Band [beholdband001]
Piece of Maghaurezh's Beholder Band [beholdband002]
Piece of Maghaurezh's Beholder Band [beholdband003]
Red Eye [eyered001]
Rod of Elemental Air Energy [airkey001]
Rod of Elemental Earth Energy [earthkey001]
Rod of Elemental Fire Energy [firekey001]
Rod of Elemental Water Energy [waterkey]
Rope [rope001]
Schnabar Rockhewer's Arm [schnabarm001]
Shadow Key [shadowkey001]
Torn Map Piece [umap002]
Torn Scrap of Paper [note001]
Underdark Map [umap001]
Xeleza's Bracelet [xerxtoken003]
Xerviela's Earring [xerxtoken001]
Xetria's Necklace [xerxtoken002]
Custom 1
Amulet of Power [mageamulet001]
Bugle of Command [henchbugle001]
Crafting Assistance Belt [ucraftbelt001]
Dwarven Bracers [bracercft001]
Elixir of Regeneration [regenpot001]
Golem Transformer [golemshifter001]
Halfbreed's Rune of Speed [halfrune001]
Hearty Meal [snack001]
Heavy Pouch of Gold [goldpouch003]
Holy Avenger Rune [palrune003]
Holy Symbol +4 [holysymbol004]
Light Pouch of Gold [goldpouch001]
Medium Pouch of Gold [goldpouch002]
Ointment of Stone to Flesh [petrointment001]
Pie [snack002]
Potion Pack [potionpack]
Rune of Reinvigoration [vigrune001]
Sceptre of Air [airsceptre001]
Storm Thrower Grip [hlfbowpart002]
Storm Thrower Shaft [hlfbowpart001]
Storm Thrower String [hlfbowpart003]
Vial of Poison [weaponpoison001]
Vial of Potent Poison [weaponpoison002]
Villain's Pouch of Gold [legittheftgld001]
Weapon Enhancement Rune [wpenhancerune001]
Zemquin's Zapper [zapstick001]
Custom 2
Ale [alcale001]
Amnish Ale [alcale003]
Bloodwine [alcwine003]
Calimshan Wine [alcwine002]
Cormyrian Brandy [alcliq003]
Dragon's Breath Beer [alcale002]
Firewine [alcwine006]
Galhadr Chain [guardarmor001]
Golden Sands Brew [alcale004]
Guard's Helm [guardhelm002]
Jhinrae [alcwine007]
Moonshae Whiskey [alcliq002]
Noble Robes [outfit003]
Noble Robes [outfit004]
Noble Robes [outfit005]
Noble Robes [outfit006]
Saerloonian Topaz Wine [alcwine004]
Servant's Uniform [outfit002]
Spirits [alcliq001]
Westgate Ruby Wine [alcwine005]
Wine [alcwine001]
Custom 3
Black Lotus [stlnlotus001]
Broken Weapon [brokenweapon001]
Ceremonial Armor [cerarmor001]
Ceremonial Armor [stlnarmor001]
Dark Concoction [poisonpot002]
Evil Dagger +1 [stlnblade001]
Fine Silverware [stlnslvrware001]
Fish [fish001]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk001]
Old Miscellaneous Junk [miscjunk002]
Old Potion Bottle [poisonpot001]
Old Rusty Necklace [miscjunk003]
Old Rusty Ring [miscjunk004]
Painting [stlnpaint001]
Ruined Armor [armorwreck002]
Ruined Clothing [armorwreck001]
Ruined Shield [wreckshield001]
Rusted Armor [rustarmor001]
Rusted Bastard Sword [rustsword001]
Rusted Battleaxe [rustaxe001]
Rusted Dagger [rustdagger001]
Rusted Greatsword [rustsword002]
Rusted Mace [rustmace001]
Rusted Morningstar [ruststar001]
Rusted Scimitar [rustsword003]
Rusted Shield [rustshield001]
Rusted Short Sword [rustsword004]
Rusted Spear [rustspear001]
Sculpture [stlnstatue]
Valuable Necklace [stlnnecklace001]
Valuable Ring [stlnring001]
Custom 4
Anti-Mind Spell Ring [antimindring001]
Astral Armor [astralarmor001]
Azghulkar's Properties [agkhide001]
Bard's Armor +3 [bardarmor003]
Celestial Sword [celestblade001]
Cornugon's Flail [devilflail001]
Dark Armor [darknpcarmr001]
Dark Helm [darknpchelm001]
Dark Robe [darknpcarmr002]
Death Star [undeadstar001]
Derro Robe [derrorobe001]
Derro Robe [derrorobe002]
Drider Scimitar [dridersword001]
Drider Spear [driderspear001]
Drider Two-Bladed Sword [dridersword002]
Drow Bolt [drowbolt001]
Drow Dart [drowdart001]
Drow Masterwork Full Plate [drowarmor001]
Drow Masterwork Full Plate [drowarmor003]
Drow Masterwork Leather Armor [drowarmor002]
Drow Masterwork Leather Armor [drowarmor004]
Drow Piwafi Cloak [drowcloak001]
Drow Rapier [drowblade003]
Drow Scimitar [drowblade002]
Drow Short Venomblade [drowblade001]
Drow Spear [drowspear001]
Drow Whip [drowclericwhip00]
Duergar Greataxe +3 [duergaraxe003]
Duergar Handaxe [duergaraxe002]
Duergar Masterwork Full Plate [duergararmor001]
Duergar Masterwork Helm [duergarhelm001]
Duergar Masterwork Leather Armor [duergararmor003]
Duergar Masterwork Scale Armor [duergararmor002]
Duergar Waraxe [duergaraxe001]
Flaming Avenger Bastard Sword [holyvengbst001]
Flaming Avenger Kama [holyvengkama001]
Flaming Avenger Kukri [holyvengkukri001]
Flaming Avenger Lance [holyvengspear001]
Flaming Avenger Longsword [holyvengls001]
Flaming Avenger Mace [holyvengmace001]
Flaming Avenger Morningstar [holyvengstar001]
Flaming Avenger Shortsword [holyvengss001]
Ghost Armor [ghostarmor001]
Ghost Dart [ghostdart002]
Ghost Sword [ghostsword001]
Guard Protector [grdprotect001]
Guardian Armor [drkgrdarmor001]
Hamad's Paladin Armor [hamadarmor001]
Haste Amulet [hasteamulet001]
Holy Avenger Greatsword [holygsword001]
Holy Avenger Scimitar [holyscimitar001]
Ice Greatsword +5 [icesword005]
Kalomas' Staff [kalstaff001]
Kalomas's Robe [zekarrobe001]
Kuo Toa Katana [kuokatana001]
Kuo Toa Sword [kuotoasword001]
Kuo Toa Trident [kuotoatrident001]
Kuo Toa Whip [kuotoawhip001]
Lich Head [lichhelm001]
Lich's Robe [lichrobe001]
Lich's Staff [lichstaff001]
Marilith's Kama A [demonkama001]
Marilith's Kama B [demonkama002]
Mindflayer Robe [illithidrobe001]
Minor Beholder Band [beholdbelt001]
Monster Belt [monsterbelt001]
Monster Bracers [monsterbracer001]
Mysterious Robe [mysteryrobe001]
Mysterious Robe [mysteryrobe002]
Necromancer's Ring [specnpcring003]
Negative Arrows [negarrow001]
Ogrillon Armor +4 [ogrlarmor004]
Protector Item (Air) [immgearair001]
Protector Item (Air2) [immgearair002]
Protector Item (Earth) [immgearearth001]
Protector Item (Fire) [immgearfire001]
Protector Item (Magic & Death) [immgearmagic001]
Protector Item (Water) [immgearwater001]
Protector Ring [specnpcring001]
Ring of Power [specnpcring002]
Schnabar's Armor [armorschnab001]
Semu's Kama [semukama001]
Semu's Outfit [semugarb001]
Servitor Trident [abolethweap001]
Snajagh's Armor [snajarmor001]
Snajagh's Halberd [snajblade001]
Snajagh's Helmet [snajhelm001]
Special Monk Gloves [npcgloves001]
Talu's Bracers [talubrace001]
Talu's Garb [talugarb001]
Talu's Spear [taluspear001]
True Sight Helm [tshelm001]
Underdark Kukri +4 [ukuk001]
Valendur's Properties [devahide002]
Vampire Outfit [vmprarmor001]
Vartakor's Bite [devilbite002]
Vartakor's Claw A [devilclaw004]
Vartakor's Claw B [devilclaw005]
Vartakor's Properties [devilhide004]
Wrecked Armor [rustarmor002]
Zeblip's Armor [armorschnab002]
Custom 5
Elven Boots +3 [elfboot301]
Gloves of the Dexterous Bard +3 [bardgloves103]
Lightning Lute [zarlute001]
Lightning Lute [zarlute002]
Premonitory Boots +3 [premboots301]
Reagent Package [zefadpkg001]
Schnella's Amulet [schnelamulet001]
Schnella's Gloves [schnelgloves001]
Schnella's Kukri [schnelblade001]
Schnella's Outfit [schnelrobe001]
Schnella's Ring of Perceptiveness [schnelring001]
Schnella's Shield [schnelshield001]
Svirfneblin Boots +4 [svirfboot004]
Svirfneblin Boots +4 [svirfboot104]
Swift Wind Boots [windboot001]
Sword of Zefad (Broken) [zefsword002]
Wand of Paralyzation [nw_wmgwn501]
Zarala's Bard Costume [zararm001]
Zarala's Bard Costume (Wrecked) [zararm002]
Zarala's Belt [zarbelt001]
Zarala's Cloak [zarcloak001]
Test Key [testkey001]
Testing Orb [a_testobject001]
Testing Orb [a_testobject002]
Cold Iron Arrows [ironarrow001]
Enhanced Arrow [arrowcft001]
Enhanced Arrow [arrowcft002]
Enhanced Poison Arrow [poisonarrow001]
Holy Arrow [arrowholy001]
Vampiric Arrow [vmprarrow001]
Acid Bolt [acidbolt001]
Bolt of the Vampire [vmprbolt001]
Cold Iron Bolts [ironbolt001]
Enhanced Bolt [boltcft001]
Enhanced Bolt [boltcft002]
Enhanced Poison Bolt [poisonbolt001]
Holy Bolt [boltholy001]
Bullet of Pestilence [pestbullet001]
Cold Iron Bullets [ironbullet001]
Enhanced Bullet [bulletcft001]
Enhanced Bullet [bulletcft002]
Holy Bullet [bullethholy001]
Drow Greataxe +5 [udrowaxeg005]
Duergar Greataxe +4 [dueraxeg005]
Electirc Axe of the Underdark [axecftu004]
Drow Handaxe +5 [udrowaxeh005]
Drow Waraxe +5 [udrowaxew005]
Duergar Handaxe +4 [dueraxeh004]
Duergar Waraxe +4 [dueraxew004]
Electric Axe of the Underdark [axecftu002]
Electric Axe of the Underdark [axecftu003]
Woodcutting Axe [toolweap002]
Drow Battleaxe +5 [udrowaxeb005]
Duergar Battleaxe +4 [dueraxeb004]
Electric Axe of the Underdark [axecftu001]
Bastard Swords
Bloodletter +4 [bloodletter004]
Drow Bastard Sword +5 [udrowswordb005]
Duergar Bastard Sword +4 [duerswordb004]
Nameless Light +4 [namelesslight004]
Cooking Knife [toolweap001]
Drow Dagger +5 [udrowblade005]
Duergar Dagger +4 [duerblade004]
Leech +4 [leech004]
Utility Knife [utilknife001]
Great Swords
Cleave the Darkness [antidarksword003]
Drow Greatsword +5 [udrowswordg005]
Duergar Greatsword +4 [duerswordg004]
Ice Greatsword [iceswordx001]
Cleave the Darkness [antidarksword001]
Drow Longsword +5 [udrowswordl005]
Duergar Longsword +4 [duerswordl004]
Cleave the Darkness [antidarksword004]
Drow Katana +5 [udrowkat005]
Drow Rapier +5 [udrowrapier005]
Drow Scimitar +5 [udrowscim005]
Duergar Katana +4 [duerkat004]
Duergar Rapier +4 [duerrap004]
Duergar Scimitar +4 [duerscim004]
Short Swords
Calishite Short Sword +3 [calsihsword204]
Cleave the Darkness [antidarksword002]
Drow Shortsword +5 [udrowswords005]
Duergar Shortsword +4 [duerswords004]
Feyduster +4 [feyduster004]
Vargoth's Short Sword [varsword001]
Drow Club +5 [udrowclub005]
Duergar Club +4 [duerclub004]
Drow Flail +5 [udrowflails005]
Drow Heavy Flail +5 [udrowflailh005]
Duergar Flail +4 [duerflails004]
Duergar Heavy Flail +4 [duerflailh004]
Threshing Flail [toolweap005]
Drow Light Hammer +5 [udrowhamrl005]
Drow Warhammer +5 [udrowhamrw005]
Duergar Light Hammer +4 [duerhamrl004]
Duergar Warhammer +4 [duerhamrw004]
Hammer [toolweap003]
Hellfire Hammer +4 [hfhamr004]
Sledgehammer [toolweap004]
Smith's Enchanted Hammer [smithhammer001]
Smith's Enchanted Hammer (Light) [smithhammer002]
Drow Mace +5 [udrowmace005]
Duergar Mace +4 [duermace004]
Drow Morningstar +5 [udrowstar005]
Duergar Morningstar +4 [duerstar004]
Drow Dire Mace +5 [udrowmaced005]
Drow Double Axe +5 [udrowaxed005]
Drow Quarterstaff +5 [udrowstaff005]
Drow Two-Bladed Sword +5 [udrowswordtb005]
Duergar Dire Mace +4 [duermaced004]
Duergar Double Axe +4 [dueraxed004]
Duergar Quarterstaff +4 [duerstaff004]
Duergar Two-Bladed Sword +4 [duerswordtb004]
Electric Axe of the Underdark [axecftu005]
Crackling Whip +5 [cracklewhip005]
Drow Kama +5 [udrowkama005]
Drow Kukri +5 [udrowkukri005]
Drow Priestess' Whip +5 [drowwhip005]
Drow Sickle +5 [udrowsickle005]
Drow Whip +4 [drowwhip004]
Drow Whip +5 [udrowwhip005]
Duergar Kama +4 [duerkama004]
Duergar Kukri +4 [duerkuk004]
Duergar Sickle +4 [duersickle004]
Duergar Whip +4 [duerwhip005]
Rod of Acid [acidrod001]
Rod of Restoration [restorerod001]
Rod of the Wilderness [wildwprod002]
Rod of Thievery [thiefrod001]
Rod of Thunder and Lightning [thunderrod001]
Stormcaller's Rod [stormrod001]
Conjurer's Staff +4 [conjstaff002]
Evoker's Staff +4 [evokestaff004]
Illusionist's Staff +4 [illustaff001]
Necromancer's Staff +4 [necstaff002]
Staff of Empowerment [empowerstaff001]
Staff of Fire [firestaff001]
Staff of Ice [icestaff001]
The Sweeper [sweeper001]
Greater Wand of the Heavens [divstrikewand001]
Grim Wand of Battletide [divstrikewand002]
Tide of Battle Wand [tidewand001]
Wand of the Fist [fistwand001]
Drow Halberd +5 [udrowhalberd005]
Drow Scythe +5 [udrowscythe005]
Drow Spear +5 [udrowspear005]
Drow Trident +5 [udrowtrident005]
Duergar Halberd +4 [duerhalberd004]
Duergar Scythe +4 [duerscythe004]
Duergar Spear +4 [duerspear004]
Duergar Trident +4 [duertrident004]
Pitchfork [toolweap006]
Ranged Weapons
Crossbow of Murder +4 [mrdrxbowl004]
Drow Heavy Crossbow +5 [udrowxbowh005]
Drow Light Crossbow +5 [udrowxbowl005]
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow +4 [mstrxbow004]
Masterwork Light Crossbow +4 [mstrxbowl004]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm003]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm004]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm007]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm008]
Drow Longbow +5 [udrowbowl005] Attack Bonus +5, Massive Criticals 1d10 Damage, Mighty +5
Elven Court Bow +4 [elfbowl004] Attack Bonus +4, Massive Criticals 1d8 Damage, Mighty +4, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Elf, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Half-Elf
Heartseeker [hrtseekbow001] Attack Bonus +4, Cast Spell: Barkskin (12) 1 Use/Day, Cast Spell: True Strike (5) 1 Use/Day, Mighty +4
Desert Bow +4 [desertbow004] Attack Bonus +4, Ability Bonus: Constitution +2, Mighty +4
Drow Shortbow +5 [udrowbows005] Attack Bonus +5, Massive Criticals 1d10 Damage, Mighty +5
Elven Court Shortbow +4 [elfbows004] Attack Bonus +4, Massive Criticals 1d8 Damage, Mighty +4, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Elf, Use Limitation: Racial Type: Half-Elf
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm002]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm006]
Drow Sling +5 [udrowsling005]
Masterwork Sling +4 [mstrsling004]
Sling of Arvoreen +4 [arvrnsling004]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm001]
Storm Thrower [hlfstorm005]
Acid Dart +4 [aciddart004]
Enhanced Dart [dartcft001]
Enhanced Dart [dartcft002]
Enhanced Shuriken [shurikencft001]
Enhanced Shuriken [shurikencft002]
Enhanced Throwing Axe [throwaxecft001]
Enhanced Throwing Axe [throwaxecft002]
Fire Axe +4 [firethrowaxe004]
Flaming Star +4 [flamestar004]
Holy Dart +4 [dartholy004]
Holy Shuriken +4 [shurikenholy004]
Holy Throwing Axe +4 [throwaxeholy004]
Ice Dart +4 [icedart004]
Many Talons +4 [manytalon004]
Stars of Ojy-do +4 [ojydostar004]
Thunderbolt Axe +4 [tboltaxe004]
Thunderbolt Dart +4 [tbolddart004]
Thunderbolt Shuriken +4 [tboldshrkn004]
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