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Act 3 of Aielund Saga Walkthrough Guide. The Aielund Saga is a NWN Module for BioWare's Neverwinter Nights 1.

Castle Fairloch & Stoneguard Mountains, Robert Black Returns:

Return of the Ironlord

After an Interlude designed to group together a multi-player party, I'm presented with a second cutscene.

Ethereal Plane

King Seamus (foreground) teleports into the Ethereal Plane.

Greetings, mighty Salinder. I have arrived as was promised. - King.

Hail, King of Aielund. Alas, you have come too late to prevent my passing. My energy is spent, and I can do no more. - Salinder (ancient gold dragon we met with Desmond).

So, the burden has finally fallen upon me. - King.

You knew this day was coming, King Seamus. It is time for... - Salinder.

What is it Lord? - King.

My barrier fails, Seamus. My time... is up. You must go, now! - Salinder.

Is there nothing I can do? - King.

(A minotaur-like construct gates in, wielding an immense blue-glowing blade...)

Thy time is over, wyrm. Die. - Ironlord.

(... and slays Salinder as the King looks on helplessly.)

Noooooooo! - King.

Thy turn will come, King of Aielund. - Ironlord.

(Fade out.)

Castle Fairloch

I awaken in by bedroom across from Criosa's (where I killed the Castellan to conclude Act Two).

From a level 1 peasant in bamboo kimono...

... to a Dame of Aielund clad in golden armor and wielding a holy sword!

According to my journal, about two months have passed since the adventure began. For the last two weeks I've been mostly resting in the castle, but apparently I've also been assisting Criosa and the Duke in regional security matters.

Stepping out of my bedroom I'm shocked into full awakeness by this guy's foppery. Who needs coffee in the morning with councillors dressed like this?

I head down the corridor, through the throne room into the war room where I'm greeted by the Princess, the Duke, Sir William Bryce-Clifton (Act Two Paladin Henchman now promoted to General to replace Sir Godfrey) and the elven wizard, Nawen E'linfalen.

This segment is very heavy with informative and flavorful dialogue so I'll just summarise the important bits.

A message has been received by Nawen from another wizard (Terinus, on the King's frontlines in Tusone) reporting that they've arrived at the Temple of Eternal Resurrection, the place where the Ironlord is destined to return - as foretold by Salinder to the King. We are gathered in the war room to await news on whether the King has been successful. In the meantime Nawen recites a prophecy which states: the lord of iron will return through the gate of Eternity when the rain falls on the plains of the new country for fifty days and nights. (Bracksworth and the surrounding region being rain-drenched signifies this.)

Nawen goes on to tell us that the temple is connected to the realm of the dead and that's where the Ironlord is imprisoned. As Salinder weakens, the Ironlord pushes into our world and a side-effect of the disruption is this unusual weather. Basically, this is just more proof of the Ironlord's return (I already know the Ironlord's return is imminent because I spoke to the golden dragon face-to-face with Desmond, but this was an optional quest). Anyway, Nawen's loremastery is interrupted as he suddenly receives a more complex message from Terinus and then projects an image of King Seamus into the room.

After some initial dialogue about Sir Godfrey's death and my heroic escapades, the King informs us that his forces cut their way through a cult (who had been awaiting the Ironlord's return for a century), after which his siege engines did indeed manage to destroy the temple. But it seems the link between the temple and the realm of the dead isn't just physical, as the Ironlord nevertheless appeared in a "hazy mist" and began marching east into the vast wasteland of the Hocarum desert, annihilating everything in its path.

The King suspects Aielund has three weeks before the Ironlord amasses an army and marches on Fort Highmarch. He asks the Duke to gather up reserves, to swing through Stoneguard and to consider even the barbarian tribes as potential allies. In the meantime the King will attempt to extract any info the cultists may possess on the Ironlord. The projection of the King now begins to weaken but before he fades out he forbids Criosa to leave Fairloch and demands of the Duke a promise that he will take care of her.

Farewell. May God protect us all. - King.

A profound silence echoes around the room as everyone weighs the consequences of what they have just learned. - DM.

So, it seems we have to fight this thing afterall. - PC.

The bright spark General now exhibits his flair for the tactical: he believes exploding ballista bolts could put some dents in the Ironlord (yes, they are awesome against wyverns!), and perhaps a well-placed avalanche up in Fort Highmarch could bring it down. Mmm... yes. This is not so far-fetched - well, for epic fantasy anyway..!

Criosa now goes against her father's wishes (he forgot she's got nine levels of Rogue) and pulls rank on the Duke, politely ordering him to send every man with a sword to Fort Highmarch and have even the Navy abandon their ships and begin a march south to Culdeny. But if you'll remember, that sign on the bridge in the Valley of Silence warned the road to Culdeny is blocked by a dragon. However, Criosa is confident we can enlist the aid of dwarven warriors from Stoneguard on our way to the valley and clear it in time for the marching Aielund armies.

And so it is settled. Criosa now hurries off to grab her gear. There are a few "flavor convos" to be had with the remaining three in the war room, but nothing worth recounting here.

I now head to the castle entryway to meet up with Criosa. Through her I receive my first two quests of Act Three: to slay the blue dragon on the road to Culdeny and to gather allies (Stoneguard dwarves, barb tribes and whoever else of decent moral fiber I can find as our journey progresses).

Criosa is now gladly recruited by me - I love having Rogues along for the ride. However, she's now upgraded to Rogue (9) / Wizard (9). When asked about why she hasn't used magic until now, she responds that her spellbooks were stolen by the mercs when she was kidnapped, then she found herself on The Redoubtable and didn't exactly have time to seek out a replacement. Mmm... I guess that's a plausible enough explanation but it would have been better if her interest in the arcane was foreshadowed somehow (maybe it was in a flavor convo, and I just missed it).

Criosa's arcane buffing spells: Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Mage Armor, Protection From Evil, Endure Elements. Not all that useful, tbh. Nellise from Act One is far superior. With any luck she'll level only as Wizard from now on...

Criosa's default equipment for Act Three: Criosa's Armor (DR 10/+4), Greater Boots of Agility (+4 DEX, Improved Evasion), Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Protection +3, Shortbow +3, Rapier +3, Arrow +3 (198).

No sooner have we left the castle into Fairloch city, a City Watchman approaches to inform us of a prisoner held by Deckard who asked for us by name. Curious as to who it could be, we head over immediately. On the way, I notice some changes to the city: a few fences have been removed, the Docklands are sealed off, the trees are abloom (it is now Spring), everyone addresses me as "Lady" and some even have flavor convos about recent events and whatnot. Attention to detail, ftw.

We head now to the Market district guardhouse to speak with Deckard.

Now there's a familiar face. - Robert Black.

..YOU! - PC.

Behind Deckard and behind bars is Robert Black, the man we first met at the Culdeny Gentleman's Club and who we then killed as the Black Cavalier in the siege of Culdeny. It seems he had insurance: Chen the cleric (whom we also killed) raised him from the dead. Having lost all his possessions and now with no life, Robert asks to join up with us. He promises valuable info and a strong sword arm.

He sells himself as a practical man, one who holds no grudges and is loyal to his employer. Since he offers to help remove the blue dragon on the road to Culdeny (he's the one who hired it to plant it's ass there), I decide to hire him for "the sum of zero gold pieces". Both Deckard and Criosa protest somewhat, but whatevs. I need all the help I can get. And adventuring with a full trio easily outweighs my half-assed role-playing standards.

Robert Black: Human True Neutral Fighter (18)

Robert's default equipment: the shirt on his back.

Now I need to splurge on gear for both Criosa and Robert.

Fairloch Arms & Armor: a second set of Gauntlets of Ogre Power (+2 STR)
Halls of Knowledge: Hood of Clarity (Bonus Feat: Slippery Mind, INT +2, Conc +10), Ring of Wizardry (Bonus spell slot 2/3/4), Bag of Holding (x3)
Fairloch Cathedral: Ring of Regeneration (Regen +4), Ring of Resistance +3 (x2), Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Greater Amulet of Health (Imm: Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Poison, Regen +1).
Fairloch House of Fashions: Greater Gloves of Concentration (Conc +6), Boots of Astounding Grip (+2 AC dodg, Imm: Knockdown), Dragon Slippers (DEX +2, Imm: Fear/Knockdown, SR 10), Nymph Cloak +4 (CHA +4), Greater Belt of Guiding Light (Imm: Death Magic/Fear, +4 Spot, Search, Listen, Lore).

Total outlay = 320,000 GP. Coffers substantially drained (Bal = 130,000 GP).

Lilura: Lightbringer +3 (+1d6 against Evil, Dispel Magic 1/day), Armor of the Gladiator (Haste) or Armor of Command (+3 AC, +2 CHA, Bonus Paladin spell lvl 1/2), Blessed Helm of Command (+2 CHA, Imm: Death Magic/Fear, Discip +4), Heraldic Shield (+4 AC, on-hit Lightning Bolt, Legend Lore 1/day), Nymph's Cloak +4 (CHA +4), Belt of Hill Giant Strength (+3 STR), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (+2 STR), Boots of Hardiness +2 (2 AC dodg, +2 CON), Ring of Resistance +3, Ring of Protection +4.

Criosa: Criosa's Armor (DR 10/+4), Greater Boots of Agility (+4 DEX, Improved Evasion), Cloak of the Bat (+2 AC def, Darkvision, Immunity: Darkness, Hide +5), Ring of Wizardry (Bonus spell slot 2/3/4), Ring of Clear Thought +3 (INT +3), Defender +4 rapier (+2, +2 AC def), Luckbow +3 (Saves +2, Mighty +2), Arrow +3 (198), Hood of Clarity (Bonus Feat: Slippery Mind, INT +2, Conc +10), Greater Gloves of Concentration (Conc +6), Greater Belt of Guiding Light (Imm: Death Magic/Fear, +4 Spot, Search, Listen, Lore).

Robert: Warspite +2 bastard sword (+1d4 Sonic, True Strike 5/day), Bastard Sword +2, his old Full Plate of Fear (Fear 1/day), Belt of Dwarvenkind (+2 CON, -2 CHA, +1 AC def, Darkvision, Bonus Feat: Stonecunning, Poison saves +2), Sir Godfrey's Cloak (+2 AC def, +2 CON, +2 Saves), Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Ring of Resistance +3, Boots of Astounding Grip (+2 AC dodg, Imm: Knockdown), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (STR +2).

Next stop is the Halls of Knowledge basement to check up on Wiliand's teleportation wizardry. The screenshot details the advancements he's made. Since I already have a spare Stone of Recall, I just buy a bundle of five Recall Gems for a pittance and then bind a position on the street outside.

Stepping out of the Residential District gates onto the South Road once again, we're pleased to arrive in this farmland (which was snow-blanketed in Act Two) now come into a full and sweet-scented bloom.

Spring at last. Look how beautiful the land is! - Criosa.

*Sneezes loudly*. Stupid flowers. - Robert.

The Amalis highway to the south (where we fought the orcs) is closed now due to "avalanches" but we're heading west to Stoneguard, anyway.

Slogging up the steep hills we now arrive in Stoneguard village to witness a chaotic scene of refugees fleeing from Stoneguard itself. A Dwarf Captain informs us the place is under attack and refers us to the King who is currently lodged in the Mine's Rest inn (pictured below).

The King is facing a grave situation: the Duergar are back, and in greater numbers. And they're led by a dragon this time. We're told if we can slay the dragon and liberate Stoneguard of the menace, the King will pledge his warriors to help defend Fort Highmarch in return. We might also find a dragon-slaying bastard sword in the Undercity, which would be perfect for Robert.

On the top level of Stoneguard we're assailed at a junction by no less than eight Duergar Warriors (+108 EXP) and two Berserkers (+136 EXP) who to our surprise are beefed up from the mere scouts we faced in the mines, last time.

Stay together. Duergar like to divide up their enemies. - Robert.

Criosa flings out Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm, an utterly useless spell at the best of times and less than worthless against tanky Duergar. Her castings of this and Melf's Acid Arrow (I mean, really?) highlight the issue of leveling two classes evenly. Train wizard only from now on, pls.

Here I am after this grueling fight standing knee-deep in bodies with 46 of 270 HPs left.

Another pack of eight warriors and two berserkers are bested en route to the stairs down.

The battered trio heal up and then descend to the Undercity where corpses of friendly dwarves litter the stone floor of the gaol.

It is terrible to see one of our close allies vanquished like this. - Criosa.

This whole area is compromised. Expect traps, fortifications, the works. - Robert.

Combat difficulty is majorly ramped up here, and this place is a deathtrap.

Skulking around unpredictably are three bands of Duergar composed similarly to the last lot, except for the coven of five Duergar Wizards (+108 EXP, Ring of Protection +2, Dagger or Quarterstaff +1) in the southeast; and one throne room-guarding band being led by a Duergar Captain (+136 EXP, Battleaxe +3, Duergar Large Shield [Imm: Paralysis], Potion of Heal).

Robert's persistent use of Improved Knockdown proves highly effective and indeed life-saving in these battles.

Many of the massacred dwarves can be looted for Full Plate and Dwarven Shield +1 but unless you're really hard-up on cash it probably isn't worth the trouble.

I scope out the coven of grey dwarf wizards while under the effect of Invisibility (potion).

Their Cone of Cold devastates but so does our Knockdown spam.

Here we find and rescue a Dwarf Noble cowering in a corner (+200 EXP). More dwarves can also be rescued for +EXP and flavor convos.

Someone appears to have been searching for something. - PC.

The ironworks in the northeast is now the lair of...

Er.. perhaps I should wait here? No... I'll not stand by while you fight this beast. - Criosa.

... Lightbane (+1346 EXP), unusual for a dragon in that neither parley nor witty banter seems to interest him (ie, Shadow Dragon). Apart from initial invisibility and negative energy breath, he's not all that different to Deathmist. The fight was short but severely damaging (I had 12 HPs left).

Great loot was found here on the corspe of a fallen dwarven knight: Dwarven Full Plate +4 (+7 AC vs. giants, Dwarf only), Arc Draconis (+6/+1d10 vs. Dragon - for Robert), MacTavish Standard (SR 26, Dwarven Defender only).

A final Duergar surrenders after taking a beating, but I mercifully let him leave in peace (+200 EXP, +50 EXP, +1 Good).

The Shadow Dragon's head is lugged back to the Mine's Rest and presented to the King - the third head we've delivered to him (+1000 GP, +4000 EXP, +150 EXP, +5 Lawful). This quest is now capped off with Dwarven support at Fort Highmarch promised. We head outside...

... Three cheers for the heroes! - Dwarven Refugee.

With Stoneguard reclaimed the dwarves now begin trickling back into the Undercity to begin the grim task of gathering up their dead.

We now hike farther westward into the Valley of Silence to acquire the key to the gate from the Grandmaster at the Monastery.

The gate is opened and we precede into The Pass to confront the blue dragon, Azurefang.

Act Three, Part II: The Pass & Azurefang, Spartan, Eastern Highway & Spartan, Culdeny, Nellise Rejoins:

The Pass & the Eastern Highway

Winding our way upward, across the top and down the other side of the snowy pass and eventually to the road, here we confront the blue dragon Azurefang (+1496 EXP) with her ass obnoxiously planted in the middle of it. To Robert's dismay the PC wasn't known for bluffing, failed her persuasion checks and was just too much of a tight-ass to buy off the dragon; therefore we were repeatedly zapped and clawed at, but victory against electro-breath was made somewhat easier with Robert wielding the dragon-slayer alongside me.

We're now on the Eastern highway which gradually descends to the bridge where we fought the Black Cavalier (Robert). Halfway to the bridge a silvery young dragon flutters down to land on the road.

Spartan can be recruited for a fee of 10,000 GP. He can't be equipped with armor, weapon or shield; all else is fine, though.

Before the bridge four Hill Giant Marauders (+136 EXP) and two Mountain Giants (+10 EXP) realised too late that loitering around Culdeny is a capital offence.

Level Up to 19!

Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (10)/ Fighter (4)
Criosa: Rogue (10) / Wizard (9) Spell Focus: Conjuration.
Robert: Fighter (19)

At the Culdeny bridge Robert begins a flavor convo, beginning with: Well... here it is. This is pretty much where you killed me.

The militia officer here refers us to Commander Ariel in Culdeny barracks.

Culdeny Revisited

Damn, look at this place. Who would have thought they could rebuild so quickly. - Robert.

Dwarven stone masons have been working overtime to reverse the destruction wrought by the dragon attack.

The old Culdeny wall as it stood in Act One...

... and the all new and improved, fortified wall! Let's see a badger hurdle that!

The town layout is almost exactly the same and, from what I can see, no other structures have been upgraded. Many of the buildings cannot be entered, their doors are simply jammed fast. The brewery door opens and it looks like you can enter, but then nothing happens when you try...

We enter the Culdeny Church to speak with our Aasimar friend, Nellise Sanneman.

Now I happily ditch Robert Black in favor of Nellise (Cleric [17] / Paladin [2]), mainly because she's more useful to me. Robert is good for DPS but his survivability is questionable due to dual-wielding and just being a plain old fighter (no spellcasting, no versatility). Even if I geared him for sword n shield for +AC, I really just don't need another warrior.

Nellise's default equipment for Act Three: Nellise's Armored Robes (Bonus spells Cleric 4/5/6, Piercing res 5/-), Mighty Crossbow +5 (Mass crits 1d10, Mighty +4), Mace +3, Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Blessed Bolts (+1d6 divine [396]).

Nellise's divine buffing spells: Spell Resistance, Freedom of Movement, Endurance, Bull's Strength, Aid, Bless, Regenerate, Clarity. (On top of that, Criosa can further buff me with Cat's Grace, Mage Armor, Protection From Evil, Endure Elements and Improved Invisibility.) Nice!

We couldn't find much else in the shops here to fit ourselves out with, so just:

Culdeny House of Exotics: Bag of Holding (2) (eight in total now...)
Master Chaplain's Smithy: Shield of Endurance (AB +5, CON +4)

Total outlay = 86,000 GP.

I now equip Nellise with the "best" gear available to her:

Nellise's Armored Robes (Bonus spells Cleric 4/5/6, Piercing res 5/-), Ring of Protection +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Ring of Resistance 3, Boots of Astounding Grip, Belt of Dwarvenkind (+2 CON, -2 CHA, +1 AC def, Darkvision, Bonus Feat: Stonecunning, Poison saves +2), Sir Godfrey's Cloak (+2 AC def, +2 CON, +2 Saves), Gauntlets of Ogre Power (STR +2), Mace +3, Shield of Endurance (AB +5, CON +4).

Nellise can also be geared as a ranged attacker, what with her Zen Archery and heavy crossbow weapon feats. In fact, I'll adjust her to that weapon as she's clearly specced for it.

It's amazing how the town has changed in the past few months. It was truly something to behold. - Nellise.

Skipping across the street we bump into Ragnar the dwarf who has some unwelcome guests in his new aqueducts. We step down behind him into the waterworks and slay two Elder Water Elementals (+340 EXP ea); then return to Ragnar for +1000 GP and +1000 EXP.

Standing in front of the Ocean Voyager is Dockmaster Killian who complains about the dock workers being underpaid by the North Shore Trading Company. We offer to negotiate more suitable terms on the workers' behalf.

However, the owners of the company - one of them Evelyn Bartlett - refuse to increase their pay despite admitting to an increased cash flow, citing their ongoing ship and building repairs as weak excuses.

Returning to Killian, we hatch a plan to pass off the cargo as contaminated and then use my wealth to purchase the company at a steal.

Now I persuade the Count to block the port, so this all seems legit (+500 EXP).

Evelyn now reluctantly sells the company to me for a paltry 50,000 GP, then falls to her knees in defeat.

We return to Killian to inform him of our success (+2500 EXP). With everything now ship-shape, we take our leave of the Docks.

The south gate is locked so we stroll over to the barracks to receive a permission slip from Commander Ariel. She informs us of a mass exodus of monsters from the southwest of Highmarch, currently marauding in the region just to the south, including Bracksworth. No actual quest is given at this stage, but the course we must take is clear.

In here we also meet up with our old friend, Dante (now Commander of the Rangers [!] in Wise's absence), who assigns us two quests: first up, slay a flight of black dragons in the Calespur ranges; second, find Mona.

Our affairs in Culdeny concluded for the moment, we exit the town by the south gate and find ourselves back on the highway that leads south to Bracksworth.

Here a Hobgoblin Shaman (+108 EXP) and his band Elites (+10 EXP ea) yell obscenities at a pack of stealthy wolf-mounted Goblin Cavalry (+54 EXP ea). Having hung back for them to clump together in rage, Nellise now unleashes Earthquake followed by Word of Faith, meaning only a few pokes with the pointy end of my sword were needed to finish the wretches off.

Farther south a repeat of this comedy ensues, this time involving five Bugbear Heroes (+10 EXP ea) versus six Hill Giant Marauders (+108 EXP ea). I tank the giants while my Henchmen take out the trash on right of screen.

A few other packs dot the map including several Goblin Marauders (+10 EXP ea) and more giants, all of which seem to respawn at intervals (meaning if you're under-leveled you could probably farm EXP here quite efficiently).

The situation to the south must be dire indeed to cause all these loathsome creatures to flee. - Nellise.

Calespur Revisited

Venturing west into the Calespur ranges we find the ranger lodge abandoned and the area occupied by a flight of black dragons.

*Sigh* So much for the King's game reserve. We went to a lot of trouble to save this place! - Nellise.

Now buffed, we run around the map slaying the dragons: three Old Blacks (+476 EXP ea, Dragon Blood) and two Adult Blacks (+136 ea).

Fairchild's old Cabin in the far southwest of the map is now where we find Mona has taken refuge. She takes off after we tell her the coast is clear back to Culdeny.

Northwest lies the Calespur caverns where we first met Mona, and wherein we tackled the wyvern menace. Still buffed, we enter the cave and are set upon by a veritable breeding ground of vile acid-breathers, including an Adult (+108 EXP), two Young Adults (+54 EXP ea) and about a one-and-one-half dozen trashy dragonlings (+10 EXP ea).

An unmissable treasure pile here contains Fiendslayer +4 longbow (+8 vs. Outsiders, Mass crits 2d10, Mighty +5, Protection From Alignment 5/day), Arrow of Intense Cold (+1d6 cold, on-hit Freeze [99]), Arrow +5 (99), ~2000 GP.

Back outside the caverns...

Wretch! I will destroy you for what you've done! - Razorfang.

I was sort of expecting to be waylaid stepping out of the caverns, but I forgot to heal up beforehand. Luckily the trio was still mostly buffed and so this dragon was laid to rest without needing to reload (+1453 EXP).

Razorfang's Horn is snapped off and promptly delivered to Dante back at the Culdeny barracks for +1000 EXP (+1000 EXP for rescuing Mona).

In the next update we'll be heading south to Bracksworth, then east into the Southern Foothills and into the Cairnwood Forest.

Act Three, Part III: Bracksworth, Southern Foothills, Cairnwood Forest, Acadia, Forgotten City:

Bracksworth Revisited

The gates to the town are ajar and dead militiamen lie on the ground - this doesn't look good.

Buildings are aflame and bodies of both friend and foe litter the ground.

Damn those infernal creatures! This was a fine little town once. We must search for survivors! - Nellise.

The town has been pillaged by marauders, four copy-pasta packs of which are still at large. Having made it our business to slay them first, we now turn our attention to the barracks wherein the desperate remaining townsfolk have barricaded themselves.

Huddled inside is the mayor, the Patteel couple, three militia and two commoners.

We learn from the mayor that Hasrinaxx the Druid joined the fray against the marauders and probably escaped to the east after they breached the walls and overwhelmed the town.

Having heard the road north to Culdeny is clear, the grateful townsfolk make a run for it (+1000 EXP).

Across from the barracks we see that entry to the Dale's magic shop is blocked by bolts of lightning. Risking electrocution I engage Power Attack to bash through the trapped door.

Relieved to see us, Dale explains that the electrified door is actually an Elder Lightning Elemental summoned by him to help defend the town, but the plan backfired when the elemental raged and trapped him in the shop. Dale now runs to catch up with the rest of the refugees already headed to Culdeny (+500 EXP).

Upon Dale's exit the elemental this time fully manifests. The trio vanquished this foe without too much trouble, thanks to a timely Heal-casting by Nellise (+1632 EXP).

Criosa unlocks Dale's DC 40 chest and inside we find the Four Stars, Circling Heaven +4 katana (+1d6 divine, not usable by Evil), Ring of Elemental Air (Elect resist 25/-, Chain Lightning, Gust of Wind, Improved Invisibility 1/day), spell scrolls (Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Mass Haste, Finger of Death, Premonition), potions and +92 GP.

Dale's diary is found on his desk.

Level Up to 20!

Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (11)/ Fighter (4), +1 WIS
Criosa: Rogue (11) / Wizard (9), +1 DEX, Uncanny Dodge III, Sneak Attack (+6d6)
Nellise: Cleric (18) / Paladin (2), +1 WIS

We now have the option to head south again towards Fort Highmarch, or east into the Southern Foothills. The trio agree that gaining more allies is important, so the latter direction is chosen.

Southern Foothills

The foothills branch off into the Cairnwood Forest in the east and the barb-occupied High Plains in the far south, but first we head just east of our initial position to the graveyard and enter the Tomb of the Exiled Knight - for the second time in our adventure.

The air in this crypt is stale, and dusty cobwebs line the ceiling. - DM.

We hear sinister murmurings in the air...

Sir Augustus Charleston is of course no longer present, but instead we're approached by an ethereal Angel who requests that we cleanse the tomb of a Greater Balor Lord carelessly left behind by Sir Augustus, which has since summoned a second Balor Lord in it's attempt to build an army.

The first Balor Lord (+1156 EXP) is found where the minotaurs dwelt last time, surrounded by several Vrocks (+108 EXP ea).

Another Vrock pack is encountered where we first saw a Balor Lord, a few months ago.

In this corridor we face fire-breathing Greater Hellhounds (+54 EXP ea) which in these numbers are more than just annoying.

Waiting for us at the dead-end is the final encounter with a Succubus-summoning Greater Balor Lord (+1156 EXP) backed up by yet another wretched Vrock pack.

We return to the Angel for +1500 EXP and a choice of reward, any one of these: Angelfyre +5 longsword or scimitar (Holy Avenger, on-hit DC 16 slay Evil) Divine Mace of Disruption +3 (+2d6 divine vs. undead, on-hit DC 14 slay undead), Vestaments of Faith cloak (DR 5/+5), Ring of Elemental Water (Cold res 25/-, Drown, Acid Fog, Ice Storm 1/day).

Yes! Finally a replacement for Lightbringer: the superior Holy Avenger. The Paladin wield, as RPG tradition has it.

Satisfied with the reward, we take our leave of the stuffy tomb and hike to the center of the foothills where a monk is camped. I presume this guy is more important for monk PCs...

Zachariah mentions Hasrinaxx and Sebastian passed through here en route to the Cairnwood Forest, so we head east following in their footsteps.

Cairnwood Forest

Deer frolic, a grizzly grazes. Music is serene. Goblinoid corpses dirty the grass. The 2D tree branches look awful. Light shafts! Thus was our perception upon arrival in Cairnwood.

A lone druid sits under a great oak. This is Hasrinaxx, he who set up shop in Bracksworth and helped us defend the town against mercs (along with his faithful feline, Sebastian, who is not present). Hazzy explains that the elves have deigned to speak with us (me being Salinder's Champion and all) and that he can transport us to the elven city of Acadia by means of linked oak trees. We agree to meet them, and perhaps while there we can gain the support of our pointy-eared friends against the Ironlord?

Hazzy now casts his tree-linking spell on the oak tree under which we stand.


You step into the glowing tree and are whisked away. - DM.

Upon arrival at the corresponding oak tree in Acadia, we're approached and greeted by Leif Aloufin.

Astonishing! An entire city in the middle of my Kingdom, completely hidden... - Criosa.

Such a magnificent city... and yet I sense something dark about this place. - Nellise.

We visit the merchants here, including the smithy, bowyer, priestess and sorcerer.

But only the Tower of High Sorcery stocks what we need, and here Celebrith also offers a weapon enchantment service similar to the one found in Hordes. From her we purchase: Ring of Clear Thought +4 (INT +4), Greater Ring of Wizardry (Bonus wiz spells 4/5/6) and an Amulet of Power (Bonus wiz spells 3/4/5, Bonus feat: Spell Penetration), all for Criosa. I also grab Bag of Holding (3) and the Gem of Seeing (True Sight 1/day).

The final building we enter is the Ruling Chambers to meet with the elven King and Queen, who request I undergo an "extremely challenging" test to prove I'm capable of beating the Ironlord. Basically, kill all the summoned monsters in their test dungeon and close a portal to prove my worthiness; then the elves will consider sending support to Fort Highmarch.

Please speak to my husband, I cannot address you directly. It is our custom, you see. - Queen Amenial Alodel.

We step downstairs into the secret chambers (a copy-pasta of the Well Room in Hordes) where we're again greeted by Leif - who I fail a persuade check on. I like how the mage walks over to activate the portal here, then walks back, as we continue talking with Leif.

The Forgotten City

We enter the cavern and buff ourselves to the max in readiness for an onslaught.

In the northwest several Erinyes zip down from the sky to join two Huge Ash Elementals (+10 EXP ea).

Exploring further reveals this "cavern" as actually the remnants of an elven city, very similar in layout to the surface one. Odd...

Just outside the old sorcery tower we encounter two Cornugons, one of which was handily Banished by Nellise (+612 EXP ea).

Lying in wait inside the tower are four Gelugons (+54 EXP ea) who summon harmless Skeleton Chieftains as decoys.

A chest in a small room nearby contains a Greataxe +3 and the Sunblade +3 bastard sword (+2d6 vs. undead, Sunbeam 1/day).

Upstairs two more Cornugons rally around a Greater Cornugon (+1020). An Eldar bookcase is looted here for Legend Lore, Greater Planar Binding and Issac's Greater Missile Storm spell scrolls.

On the opposite side of this floor is a solid steel door (DR 14/-), unlocked by Criosa (DC 40).

Two imposing Mithril Shield Guardians oversee this treasure room (+612 EXP ea).

Dressers: Silk Robe (CHA +1), Robes of Light (AB +5, Imm: Fear/Paralysis, Saves +2, Conc +6, Spellcraft +2, Good/Sorc/Wiz only), Faithblade +4 short sword (+1d6 vs. Evil, Good/Neutral only, Word of Faith 1/day).

Bookcase: Ancient Elf Journal (?) and spell scrolls (Mass Haste, Delayed Blast Fireball, Cloudkill).

A trapped and locked chest (DC 30/30) contains an Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Lesser Ioun Stone: Pale Blue, various precious stones and +4101 GP.

On the top floor the Wight-summoning Pit Fiends are no match for a demon hunter immune to their tricks (+1632 EXP ea).

A room with a pentagram enscribed on the floor contains a chest with random mid-tier loot.

Indeed, you are formidable. But now you face ME! - Devil.

The last room is occupied by a Devil (+612 EXP), similar to the one fought in the library of Fairloch (down-sized Meph), which opens up with Meteor Swarm followed by Fire Storm; and is buffed with Aura of Hellfire. Several Erinyes then arrive to annoy and distract. The trio were worn out and low on buffs by this stage, but Nellise's life-saving Mass Heal supplied us with renewed vigor to help ensure the Devil's eventual demise.

Hovering above and encircling another floor-enscribed pentagram are five light-emitting summoning crystals which when shattered each spawn one Gelugon (+136 EXP ea). The last crystal is shattered causing a central portal to blink into operation, into which the trio then step to be transported back to the secret chamber in Acadia.

We now confront Leif...

... and the King n Queen about using us to do their dirty work, but they placate us by promising to send Leif along with some archers to Fort Highmarch. No quest EXP was yielded for closing the portal or completing the "test", but I guess the kill EXP was more than adequate. Before leaving I head back over to Celebrith to enchant my Holy Avenger with Keen and Electrical +2d6 (-125,000 GP).

We now teleport back to the known Cairnwood and Hasrinaax who congratulates us and then takes his leave, saying he'll meet us in Fort Highmarch in a few days. Instead of just fading out, though, he actually walks back through the forest, step by step, to the area transition point. I watch him leave with admiration, thankful to have this powerful loner as an ally, since day one of my adventure.

Act Three, Part IV: High Plains, Highmarch Mountains, Road to Fort Highmarch, Highmarch Foothills:

High Plains

The far southwest of the foothills leads to the High Plains, upon which the barb fort stands. The cold no longer inflicts damage as it did in the heart of winter.

Unlike last time, we simply enter through the front gates.

We're greeted by a barb who takes us to the Chief.

This is the yurt of Chief Morik. Enter, and speak with him. - Barb Warrior.

Here in this cozy yurt stands Chief Morik Far-Eagle, flanked by two concubines "of surpassing average beauty". We saved Morik's hide last time we visited, imprisoned as he was by Erag who had usurped him. Now it seems we must save his daughter, Valennia, and take out a flight of white dragons in the mountains before we can expect barb support against the Ironlord.

The spirits of my people cannot be broken by mere dragons! - a defiant Barb Shaman.

We tread lightly past the snoring and resting barbs en route to the treacherous Highmarch Mountains.

They have suffered much in recent times, yet they refuse to give up. I truly admire these people... - Nellise.

On a high ridge overlooking the camp stand three scouts, watching the sky.

The dragon has routed us at every battle. Soon, it will come for us, and we will die. - a Berserker realist.

Highmarch Mountains

The faint roars of dragons can be heard occasionally in the distance...

More dragons! Something must have shaken them up, for so many to attack my land at once. - Criosa.

In the central west an Old White assails us, but flees after taking heavy damage (+180 EXP).

This is not over. - Old White.

In the central south the Old White comes back for round two, joined this time by two Adults whom we easily dispatch (+108 EXP, horn). Again it flees after taking a beating (+180 EXP).

At the summit is a dragon cave wherein the Old White makes it's last stand (+340 EXP, horn).

Deeper in this cave we disturb Hailstorm, an ancient white dragon of epic proportions.

Sort of an anti-climax, as to Hailstorm's dismay he rolled a 1 on the save vs. slay of my Holy Avenger (+884 EXP, horn).

Valennia is found lying in a pool of blood here, dead: Armor of the Warlord (DR 5/+5, Regen +1), Assault Helm (Bonus Feat: Slippery Mind, STR +2, Saves +2, Disc +6, Intim +6, Regen +1), Immense Greatsword +4 (+2d6 bludg, +2d6 Mass crits).

Treasure pile: Ring of Elemental Water, Arrow of Intense Cold (99), Lightning Arrow (99), Piercing Arrow (99), Belt of Agility +3.

I bring the barb back to life using one of my spare Raise Dead scrolls. She's seen better days...

Back at the barb camp...

All glory to the Dragonslayer! - Barbs.

We proudly present four dragon horns to Morik who in turn vows to lead his barbs to Fort Highmarch (+3500 EXP).

I also return the sacred armor found beside Valennia's corpse for +1000 EXP.

Level Up to 21!

(Epic Characters)

Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (11)/ Fighter (4), Epic Weapon Focus/Epic Weapon Specialization: Longsword.
Criosa: Rogue (12) / Wizard (9)
Nellise: Cleric (19) / Paladin (2)

Road to Fort Highmarch

We now backtrack out of the High Plains, through the Southern Foothills, west into Bracksworth, and then south out of Bracksworth onto the highway leading to Fort Highmarch.

I say, are those rangers ahead? We should have a word with them before we continue. - Criosa.

Ahh, visitors. Come say hello to a ragged band of travellers. - Ranger.

Standing vigilantly at the ranger camp is our old friend from the Lodge, Armin Wise. The rangers under his command actively guard the surrounding area, their longbows at the ready. He warns us of organised ogres and giants who have dug themselves in along the highway to the fort.

The daring trio march onward, unfazed.

Kill them, for your King! - Ogre High Mage.

Not far south of the camp we're charged by a pack of four Ogre Warriors (+10 EXP) led by a loud-mouthed Ogre High Mage (+340 EXP). The mage managed to dispel my Freedom status and Mage Armor, but Nellise in turn dispelled his Greater Stoneskin even as I thrust my sword into his belly (64 dmg crit).

These brutes are very hard-hitting and tend to train on Criosa, whom they can turn into paste in a heartbeat. For this reason, both her and Nellise hang back to be brought into the fray only when all aggro is trained on me.

Highmarch Foothills

Things step up a gear on this map due to the powerful roaming ogres and giant packs.

We cannot let any of these beasts survive - we must break them. - Criosa.

I inflict mid 90s crits against our second ogre pack. It sounds obscene to be doing so much damage, but these ogres are no slouches in combat, either.

We begin our ascent of the hills...

A third and forth ogre pack is bested, along with another giant pack.

The hilltop hosts a difficult ogre battle: four warriors, another mage and the maul-wielding Ogrillon, King Kraald.

I stand stealthed behind Kraald, inspecting his maul. Mmm... yes. Swings it like a golf club, most likely of +4 enchantment, and uh... likely a STR buff, too. Note to self: don't get hit.

They waste no time charging, as a few roaming giants also sniff us out.

Nellise unleashes Storm of Vengeance to soften them up.

I incur heavy damage from tanking the ogre onslaught as Criosa sneak attacks Kraald, causing the unholy union of ogre and human to fall into the icy stream and cloud it with blood (+375 EXP).

Nellise saves my life (+225 HPs) as the Ogre High Mage casts Cloudkill just before failing his save against my Holy Avenger on-hit slay. The remaining warrior and giant are then easily disposed of.

Kraald's corpse is fished out of the stream and looted for the Maul of the Titans +4 (+6 STR).

Victorious in fully opening the road to our armies marching south, the heroes now march on to Fort Highmarch.

Fort Highmarch (North)

Looming up hugely in the distance are the stone walls of Fort Highmarch. Truly, it would take a godlike construct to demolish them.

I was somewhat short-tempered after fighting off an ogre horde and wasn't in the mood for formalities. Apologies to this young man who was just doing his job.

We visited this place briefly in Act One, but this is as far as we got.

The actual fort is huge. Huge, I say!

Highmarch hasn't fallen to any enemy yet, and I'll wager we'll hold off this Ironlord thing too! - Commoner.

We're being taxed to the hilt, and with respect to our Princess, it's making things really hard. She needs to give us some room to breath. - Commoner.

This north section consists of many a dwelling, but it seems only the Main Barracks and The Lazy Lion Inn may be entered.

Hm, this place is a lot more livable than I thought a fort would be. - Nellise.

An old lady can take us all the way back to Culdeny from here by means of her ox-drawn wagon (top-right).

Before exploring the rest of the fort (interior, south section etc.) we decide to hit the tavern to unwind. A pianist plays an uplifting piece (see background) as three amusing locals entertain each other with a story or two. I sit on a nearby barstool and swing it around to listen in on a tale about the Ironlord and the epic barb-hero, Reikthor (of whom the armor we returned to Morik was symbolic).

Impressed by their storytelling, I offer to tell them a tall tale (+1000 EXP, +200 GP).

I buy them a round or two of drinks... or was that ten rounds? Anyway, we didn't need our upstairs lodgings that night. We found the floor comfy enough.

Act Three, Part V: Fort Highmarch, Abode of the Damned, Trinity:

Fort Highmarch (north) cont.

The hung-over trio now peel themselves from the tavern floor, step out of the inn and head over to the main barracks, looking for work. The barracks are overseen by Guard Captain Marshald whom we met briefly in Bracksworth Tavern just after Criosa's kidnapping. After some initial light-hearted banter, Marshald informs us that Baron Alistair has been neglecting his duties since the unfortunate passing of his wife. We offer to look into the matter since it's vital the fort is in tip-top shape if it's to withstand the Ironlord's assault.

Here we meet Alistair who just doesn't care about anything anymore, not even the Ironlord. We take it upon ourselves to inspect the defences of Fort Highmarch, he cares not.

Back in the barracks we meet up with Marshald who is happy to assist with our inspection by showing us what needs attention. What do we know about siege warfare, anyway? We follow him outside and around the fort. A crack in the wall here...

... a crack in the wall there, but... what's this? Lady Saffron, the Baron's wife?

Her voice is echoey and her stare is inward. She is undead, she is...

... a vampire. According to Saffron an unknown veiled "priest" had tended to her one night, but that's the limit of her recollection.

Leaving Saffron for now, we head downstairs into the basement where we detect a secret door to another room with a locked door (DC-30) leading to...

... a spiral staircase descending into the Catacombs beneath the fort.

Are you quite certain this is necessary? Not that I'm scared of course.... - Criosa.

We push open and step through a large, squeaky metal gate to reach...

The Abode of the Damned

A haunting choir is heard...

There is evil here, but it is not strong. There's something else, but I can't put my finger on it. - Nellise.

The vampires here are strangely non-hostile.

We are not what you think we are.... do not attack us and we shall not attack you. - Vamp Warrior.

Speak with Carthach, our leader. He will give you the answers you seek. - Vamp Rogue.

Arminus will want to know of your arrival, stranger. Go and meet with him. - Vamp Rogue.

About twenty vamps lurk down here, split into two factions with a leader each. Carthach is the one responsible for Saffron's half-life condition (ie, the "priest"). According to Carthach she was going to die soon, anyway, but his prime motivation in "turning" her was to have her liaise with Baron Alistair as ambassador, thereby creating a secret alliance with Fort Highmarch. However, his plan hit a snag when the leader of the other faction, Arminus - who desires the vamps remain hidden and isolated from humans - took possession of a mythical ring which Carthach intended to give Saffron to allow her to walk freely by day in the sunlight.

At this point we can choose to ally with either leader (or wipe them all out), but I choose Carthach's nonsensical, romantic path because it's more fleshed out. So, since vamp code forbids Carthach to directly fight Arminus, we must do the dirty work if we're to acquire the ring.

Therefore, an inevitable battle ensues with Arminus, supported by two vamp rogues and three vamp warriors. Arminus conjures a brutish Half-Dragon Fiend to wreak havoc, but it unsummons with the vamp leader's quick and absolute death (+1632 EXP).

Being undead, the rogues (+476 EXP ea) and warriors (+340 EXP ea) are immune to crits. Still, my high average damage ensures this fight doesn't drag on long.

The corpse of Arminus is relieved of top-tier stuff: Ring of Midnight's Veil (Divine imm: 100% bonus, Fire imm: 75% bonus, only usable by Undead), Cloak of Fortification +3 (+3 AC def, saves +3), The Wind, & the Rain that Falls +4 katana (Keen, on-hit DC 18 Fear, +1d4 dmg), Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Adamantium key.

En route back to Carthach, the trio dispose of the scraps left over from the Arminus faction, namely two more rogues and four more warriors.

The rogue corpses can be looted for a Dagger +3 and Vampire Whip +4 (Regen +3, Disarm). One rogue wore "provocative and trashy" Female Vampire Armor.

Carthach now rewards us with the Head of the Scepter of the Ages (Lightning Bolt Unlimited/day). So there is an anti-Ironlord scepter, this must have been what Lightbane and the Duergar were searching for in Stoneguard. Carthach explains that the Scepter of the Ages is ancient - older than the Eldar - and that it belonged to the race which created the Ironlord, known as The Ancients. For more info on the scepter we should probably seek out an archmage, possibly Terinus.

Carthach also hands us a written proposal to present to Alistair, hoping that an alliance between himself and the Baron can now be formed. He also seems willing to assist Fort Highmarch against the Ironlord.

Now in possession of the Ring of Midnight Veil and the proposal, we take our leave of the Abode of the Damned and backtrack to Saffron's dwelling.

The ring is presented to Saffron.

We accompany her inside the fort where she's reunited with Alistair (+2500 EXP, Bastion of Power +4 greatsword [+10 magical vs. constructs], permission slip to exit the southern gate).

With the Baron recommitted to the defence of Highmarch and the lovers reunited and committed to making things work out between them, we take our leave.

Suddenly the Royal Archmage to King Seamus, Terinus the Black, teleports into the room. Having reprimanded Criosa for disobeying her father's orders, the terse Terinus then advises us to seek out another wizard by the name of Sahir in order to learn more about the Scepter of the Ages. To find Sahir, we'll have to journey south to the desert village of Trinity.

The interior of the fort hosts an armory and library where weapons, armor and magic items may be purchased. Celebrith has also journeyed here from Acadia, offering her enchantment service to the fort as part of our alliance. We sell off some junk here before exiting the south door (bal = 94,000 GP).

Highmarch South

So this is where the battle shall be fought. History will be made here. - Nellise.

We had a rough time of it against the Iron Legion. I lost a lot of friends... damn good people. - Siege Engineer.

I left my companion out in the wilderness. He wouldn't be much use in a city fight like this. - Ranger.

There is no sign of Armin Wise yet, however.

The only building we can enter in the south is the Cathedral in which a bishop sells clerical wares, but he offers either nothing we need or nothing we can afford.

We now pass by the catapults, exit by means of a draw bridge into the grounds, then head southward with Trinity as our destination.

Southern Slopes

The slopes have slow traps laid down across their breadth and devious Halfling Skirmishers use annoying hit n run tactics (+10 EXP, Longsword +2 ea).

A natural bridge crosses a gorge to a more barren terrain...

Desert north of Trinity

Emerging from a cave we're ambushed by a band of six Halfling mercs headed up by Thorian Lightfoot.

Leaving the squishier henchman behind, I carve my way through four grunts (+10 EXP, Longsword +2, Composite Shortbow +3 ea) to close in on the sorcerer who I smack down just after he summons a Mordenkainen Sword (+10 EXP, Staff of the Magi [on-hit Dispel Magic DC-14, various charge spells], Black Wizard's Robe, Ring of Protection +5).

Thorian Lightfoot is then owned for +640 EXP and looted for the Dagger of Assassination +3 (Vorpal DC-14, evil only), Deathwind +5 (Bonus feat: Crippling Strike, Mass crits 20), Dragon Fang +4 (+2d6 acid, Dragon's Breath: acid 2/day) Armor of the Night (Haste, Imm: Darkness, Hide +12, Move Silent +12), Arrow +5 (198) and Thorian's contract (signed by one Angelique).

I now have Nellise cast Mass Heal, after which we move southward across a chasm and into the village of Trinity, arriving at dusk.


I bid you greetings, stranger from the north. - Desert Warrior.

I have heard many stories from this town - the largest oasis in this arid region. - Criosa.

This place has its own kind of beauty. Different than forest, but still magnificent. - Nellise.

Trinity uses art asset from Shadows of Undrentide. The background music is from Fallout 2 - I believe it's the San Francisco track.

A merchant here by the name of Hakim has a buying cap of 20,000 GP per item, the most so far. Unfortunately, I rolled unfavorably.

Anyway, our first port of call is Sahir's tower. He confirms the headpiece is part of the Scepter of the Ages, a rod which can possibly "deactivate" the Ironlord. Sahir also supplies us with two leads as to the location of the other pieces: first, a desert cave to the west; second, an ancient fortress in the southeast desert buried by a sandstorm and inhabited by a fanatical dragon cult.

Next stop is Trinity Palace wherein Pasha Shakir briefs us on the strained relations between ambassadors Marquis Angevin Villeancourt (of Tusone) and Sir Nigel Reed (of Aielund), foreshadowing our role in getting the comm-lines open between them.

In fact, Sir Nigel's tent is in the south east of the village and it's here we find him in a drunken state, blaming the King for ruining his diplomatic efforts with Tusone, his reputation, his relationship with his wife, his career - everything.

Apparently the King left him in the dark about the Ironlord and used him in his ploy to gain access to the Temple of Eternal Resurrection. However, having been told of the grave threat posed by the Ironlord, Sir Nigel snaps out of his self-pity, realizing that if Aielund does survive the god-construct's assault, Tusone will most likely march on them in their weakened state. Therefore, a prompt peace agreement is paramount. Sir Nigel now requests that we attempt to persuade Marquis Angevin to attend the Palace for negotiations, believing that if we succeed he can seal a peace deal with Tusone.

We now enter the Villeancourt tent, dwelling of Tusonites Marquis Angevin and Marchioness Angelique.

I fail the first two persuasion checks on Angevin before I convince him to attend the negotiations, after which he leaves for the Palace. I can't advance the quest further, at this stage.

Now I confront his wife, Angelique, her name signed at the bottom of the Hobbit hit-man's contract. She denies any wrongdoing, and freely hands me the key to her bedroom trunk to search it.

Inside the trunk I find a contract listing Aielundian nobles (including myself) as targets for some group called The Sand Knives. However, the hand-writing doesn't match Angelique's and it's pretty obviously been planted there - we suspect by a vengeful Ironlord cultist from the west, perhaps not all wiped out by King Seamus as he cut a swathe through them en route to the Temple. Moreover, Angelique saw a strange wanderer from the west arrive just recently, and he's probably still in the tavern waiting to see what happens as a result of his handiwork.

At the Traveler's Rest Inn I confront Drake who stupidly admits he hired Thorian to kill me. A duel bar-room brawl ensues.

Drake's Epic Dodge and cheap Heal-quaffing didn't prevent him from crashing through the bar as a dead man (+0 EXP, Jovial Evil, Dagger +4, Drake's Armor, +55 GP). The death of this last remaining Ironlord cultist caps off the quest (+0 EXP).

From Trinity the trio can either head southeast to Socahreb or west to Tusone. We decide to take on the sandstorm and dragon cult, first, so the former direction is chosen.

Act Three, Part VI: Sandstorm, Desert Fortress, Hall of the Ancients:

Southeast of Trinity

We're heading southeastward now, towards Socahreb and the great sandstorm.

My God, can you hear it? Even miles away that sandstorm is scaring the life out of me. - Criosa.

As if the sweltering heat of the desert wasn't enough, some airborne entity starts scorching us with columns of fire from above.

It is Scar, an unforeshadowed red dragon encounter. Knockdown immunity and major fire resistance is recommended for this battle.

At Near Death and just as darkness falls, the outmatched Scar finally decides to fly off (+2000 EXP).

Curse you! I will have my revenge someday! - Scar.


The sandstorm of Socahreb inflicts about 10 physical damage per round. Criosa has no solid regen items or DR to offset that, so for her sake we dare not dally.

We unsheathe our weapons in readiness for any foes who may call this most inhospitable place home.

Five Elder Air Elementals (+425 EXP ea) are slain en route to our destination...

... the destination being a remote and ancient Desert Fortress in the far southeast, obscured by sand and the darkness of the night. The entrypoint is a lone tower which we now enter to escape the deafening wind.

Desert Fortress

We descend into an elegantly-carved entrance chamber where we lick our wounds and rest up.

Then we head downstairs again and come out to a chasm.

Have I mentioned I'm afraid of heights? Now seems like a good time... - Criosa.

Desert Fortress: Level One

This place is creeping me out. Let's get this over with. - Criosa.

There are torture chambers to the west installed with rack and iron maiden. Encaged skeletons dangle from the ceiling, but there is nothing to do here except morbidly ponder the drawn-out deaths of the victims.

We head eastward.

Spectral Minions! Something terrible must have happened here for these warriors to continue fighting after death. - Nellise.

Seven Mohrgs (+10 EXP ea) suddenly jump out at us, accompanied by two Spectral Warriors (+476 EXP ea).

Before a Wall of Light await seven more Mohrgs, two more Spectral Warriors and a Spectral Warrior Captain (+1156 EXP, Spectral Shield [+5 AC shield, Searing Light 5/day]). Amusingly, their voiced warcry is a Shakespeare quote. I've noticed other references to Hamlet, so it seems the author is a fan. Then again, who isn't?

Level Up to 22!

(Epic Characters)

Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (12)/ Fighter (4), Third-tier pally spells
Criosa: Rogue (13) / Wizard (9), Sneak Attack (+7d6), Spell Focus: Divination
Nellise: Cleric (20) / Paladin (2)

I try to walk through the Wall of Light, but it just knocks me back and I fall to my knees.

A study branches from this room wherein we find a crystal ball with a notch into which a sword's pommel may be inserted. It accepts none of our pommels, though. Stored on a bookshelf are three arcane scrolls: Wail of the Banshee, Mordenkainen's Sword and Bestow Curse.

I bash a boulder to bits that was blocking access to a strong metal gate which I also bash down, behind which a corridor leads to another chamber - the door to which is trapped and locked (DC-40/40).

Inside the chamber is an Elder Radiance Elemental (+1428 EXP) hovering over the corpse of a what looks to be an Aieludian priest. On his badly decomposed body we find a Spectral Talisman, Heavy Crossbow +4, Bolt +5 and journal. According to the journal, the heroic priest and his warriors stormed this place and killed off the dragon cultists, but were subsequently all but wiped out by the dragon in the temple below. In a last ditch effort the priest managed to seal the dragon in the temple by means of the elemental, before he succumbed to his wounds. That elemental was the one we just killed.

A nearby chest contains Darth Maul's lightsaber the Anarchy +4 two-bladed sword (on-hit DC-18 Confusion, Chaotic only).

I use the Spectral Talisman's unique power to disperse the Wall of Light.

A triple-gated passageway leads further downward.

Desert Fortress: Level Two - The Temple of the Dragon Cult

We enter a massive chamber adorned with leering dragon statues. It's obvious from this and the Priest's journal that we're in for the fight of our lives, so I now have Nellise and Criosa buff me to the heavens, after which I self-buff with the long-term Eagle's Splendor, Magical Circle Against Evil, True Sight (Gem of Seeing) followed by the short-term Divine Might, Divine Shield and Divine Wrath clicky feats.

Lilura's stats (buffed):

Attack: 40/35/30/25
Damage: 1-8 +12, +5 slashing, +7/+3 divine, +1d6 divine vs. evil, +2d6 elect (crit 15-20 [x2])
Saves: 38/28/24
AC: 50
HPs: 375

Yep, I like this build. People exaggerate the time it takes to buff. Lrn2 perma-Haste.

We creep deeper into the chamber now, past an altar and across a mosaic towards the dragon's treasure, at which point the Spectral Dragon roars in and circles overhead...

... then plunges down onto the central mosaic with a thunderous boom, shaking the very foundations of the ancient temple and the earth itself...

My holy warrior wails hard upon the incorporeal beast, inflicting damage never before seen as negative energy breath permeates the temple.

The Spectral Dragon projects an ear-piercing scream as it detonates, filling the temple with blinding white light (+1632 EXP).

On the northern temple end Criosa detraps and unlocks a black stone chest (DC-35/40), finding inside the offerings to the dragon from his cult-following, including the Base of the Scepter of the Ages (Negative Energy Burst [5] Unlimited/day), Stormbringer +4 longsword (Elect resist 20/-), Helm of the Red Dragon (Imm: Knockdown, True Seeing), Ring of Immortals (Immortality [1 charge], Regen 1, SR 22), Robes of the Eternal Movement (perma-Haste, Time Stop [17] 1/day).

8000 GP glows upon the floor.

Back upstairs, I now upgrade Stormbringer using the crystal ball, but all it does is add 1d6 electrical.

Disappointed, we begin backtracking out of the fortress.

Round 2 against the Spectral Dragon takes place over the chasm (+1632 EXP). I can't be sure, but I would assume it is now utterly vanquished.

Having backtracked to the village of Trinity with a second scepter piece, we're now heading westward to Tusone without delay.

West of Trinity

In the moonlit Hocarim desert we take on three separate bands of desert raiders made up of Desert Raider, Desert Raider Rogue (Shortbow +4, Arrow +4), Gypsy Sorceress (+10 EXP ea) and Desert Raider Elite (+340 EXP, Scimitar +4).

The elites have weapon master levels, dual-wield scimitars for extra crit range and don't hesitate to use their Ki clicky, meaning they can inflict some serious hurt on soft targets like our Princess.

Bandits are the same everywhere, only the locations change. - Nellise.

(The music here fits the theme perfectly.)

Camped in the far southeast is a beefed up desert band led by a Gypsy Elder (+340 EXP, Elder Dress) with a Death Slaad fetish.

A cave leads east to another chasm...


Creepy crawlies in the form of four Scorpions and a Small Desert Viper (+10 EXP ea) scurry and slither along the ground towards us, and are squished.

Ew, bugs. I hate bugs. - Criosa.

But not snakes as per Indiana Jones? 'k.

It seems this is as far west as we can go. - Nellise.

Well, unless you like abseiling...

Nellise is reaching Maggie-level of Captain Obvious now... this is one criticism I sort of have with Henchman comments: they're at times inane. So much flavor could have been added, but then it isn't like the author had infinite time and resources on his hands, so I digress.

We enter the dragon's lair in the southeast, but there is no dragon. Apparently, this is where Azurefang would be encountered if you didn't kill her on the road south to Culdeny. However, for those who did kill her, there is no indication of this if Robert Black's also not in your party. So just so you know.

Gleaming piles of gold amounting to about 2500 GP rest here along with a Belt of Fire Giant Strength (STR +5) and Hardcleave +4 dwarven waraxe (on-hit DC-14 vorpal) inside a trapped and locked chest (DC-30/40).

We exit the lair and spot on the edge of the chasm stairs leading down into an ancient cave.

Ancient Cave
A few Medium Desert Vipers are squished (+10 EXP ea).

*Screams* Look at the size of those things! - Criosa.

Here we stomp on four Dire Spiders (+10 EXP ea. Yes, indeed. The author just lurves those Dires..) and two wicked-looking Giant Black Scorpions (+884 EXP ea).

At the end of this cave is a platform with a metal panel near to us and a strange metal orb in the far-side corner.

Clicking on the orb shows there's a Lore check, so I cast Legend Lore from Sir Godfrey's old Heraldic Shield and put on the Ring of Scholars to buff from +0 to +20 Lore. Now not so poorly read, the orb is revealed to be an energy conduit that requires a bolt of lightning to recharge it. I use the Lightning Bolt unique power of the Head of the Scepter of the Ages on the orb, after which it hums, elevates and begins to rotate in mid-air (+1000 EXP).

There are four buttons on the metal panel which must be pressed in the order of 2-4-3-1 for a portal to beam into operation upon the central platform. We step into the portal in search of the third and last piece of the Scepter.

Hall of the Ancients

We find ourselves in the portal room on Level One of the Halls, but the portal is now disabled. There is a locked door here with an inoperable door control.

Arcane scrolls are looted from a small nearby library: Greater Spell Mantle, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Premonition, Summon Creature VIII.

So much knowledge must have been lost when this place was abandoned. What might we have learned from this? - Nellise.

In a key chamber we fight off a Monstrous Spider (+1020 ea) and two Electrical Spiders (+340 EXP ea - not the most imaginative names, are they?). The former is a "Bebilith" in appearance with the unique on-hit ruin armor ability of the same, which Criosa actually fell victim to during this scrap. It doesn't actually ruin the armor, though: it just un-equips it and places it into the victim's inventory, leaving her vulnerable to follow up attacks (since armor can't be put on or taken off during battle).

I've only been here but a few minutes and I already hate this place. - Criosa.

Armor of the Warrior-Poet - and a flavor note in which the Ancients are referred to as "Saqaarin" - is found on a corpse here.

There's some dormant power cells in this room along with a second already-rotating orb and a control panel.

The code 2-3-1-4 is fed into the panel at which point the power generator fires up which in turn reactivates the door control in the portal room and the portal itself.

It seems the initialization process has attracted some monstrous vermin to the portal room, consisting of a second "Bebilith" and three more electrical spiders.

Three Blade Spiders (+340 EXP ea) and two more electrical ones are wasted en route to a golem-works installed with an arcane foundry for which we have no metal.

These golems appear to be only partially completed. - PC.

Chest: Thunderstrike +5 longbow (Mass crits 2d12, Mighty +5, Unlimited arrow: 1d6 lightning, Great Thunderclap [13] 1/day).

Four more golems are cocooned on the opposite side of the passageway.

With nothing left to see down here, we head back to the portal room and activate the door control leading to a fancy teleport device which gives us access to Level Two of the Halls (access to Level Three is currently denied).

Hall of the Ancients: Level Two

Eight scrumptious Giant Red Scorpions (+476 EXP ea) lurk in four different rooms.

We enter a central door, it's lintel etched with runes.

Two Huge Black Scorpions (+1496 EXP ea) are hacked up in a circular chamber connecting the two sides of the second level.

Level Up to 23!
(Epic Characters)

Lilura: Champion of Torm (6) / Paladin (12)/ Fighter (4), Spent my 20 saved-up skillpoints on Tumble (10) for +2 AC (I could have had +4 AC if I didn't pump Spellcraft).
Criosa: Rogue (14) / Wizard (9), *sigh*Nellise: Cleric (21) / Paladin (2), Epic Cleric (won't receive Epic cleric feats until Cleric [23]).

A lone Huge Black (+1156 EXP ea) is smacked down in an end-chamber.

Nellise's castings of Firestorm followed by Storm of Vengeance make short work of four Mithril Shield Guardians (+340 EXP ea) defending the armory.

I then undress an armor stand (+500 EXP, Mithil Full Plate [Imm: crits], Mithril Tower Shield [DR 10/+5], Mithril Visored Helm [CHA +3, Disc +4, AC def +5]), triggering a trap.

Three scorpions (two Huge Blacks [+612 EXP ea] and a Huge Slimy Scorpion [+1428 EXP]) now scurry to our location from adjoining rooms but are softened up by Nellise's still-raging Storm of Vengeance.

A passageway now leads to an alternate entry point to the third level of the Halls.

Hall of the Ancients: Level Three
Standing in the water on this flooded level inflicts positive energy damage.

Off the passageway here is an otherwise unremarkable room with a chest containing +2301 GP and the Eye of Time ring (5 charges of Time Stop [17]).

The passageway now opens up into a long, flooded central chamber wherein the water slithers with nine Huge Water Vipers (+476 EXP ea). To our dismay, two Mithril Shield Golems wander in from an open door and join the fray.

Six more water vipers are poised for strike in the southwestern side chamber. Excellent treasures are found here, too:

Dresser: Staff of the Archmagi (perma-Haste, various charge spells), Robes of the Dragon (CHA +6, Conc +8, perma-Haste, Bonus spell slot: sorc level 9, sorc only)

Criosa detraps/unlocks a safe in here (DC-40/40) for the Harp of Nightmares (Weird [17] 5 charges) and Ring of Elemental Earth (Greater Stoneskin, Earthquake 1/day).

Greater Stoneskin for my pally? Yes, please!

In the southernmost chamber stands on alert an Iron Legionnaire (+612 EXP).

There are the same things my father is fighting! He must be in grave peril! - Criosa.

From it's hulking shell I loot the Golem Parts (weight = 100.5) and a shiny Emerald.

The "Golem Parts" are actually the chest section of the golem which has something rattling around inside. We'll need to use the arcane foundry on Level One to find out what it is.

We hurry to the teleporter room down a short passageway in the east.

I appear to have found the cause of the energy... - PC. (ie, the energy damage we've been incurring from the water flooding the floors. This small room has sprung a leak, water lightly cascading down the walls. The teleport control is in the water...)

I prime the teleporter and step into a red pentagram that now glows on the floor. Sparks fly from a conductor and a bolt of lightning strikes me in the chest; then the room crackles with energy and fills with a blinding ball of light.

Halls of the Ancients: Level One Revisited
We find ourselves back on Level One of the Halls.

Yearg! Please God let us never do that again. - Criosa.

That REALLY hurt. - PC.

I was zapped for 500 damage, but somehow managed to "stabilize" (no doubt due to my heroic nature).

Excited to see what's in the chest section, we head back to the golem-works to melt it down by means of the arcane foundry. I place the parts inside the foundry, wait for them to melt, then remove from the molten metal the object that was rattling around inside: the Centerpiece of the Scepter of the Ages (Fireball [5] Unlimited/day).

Awh, yeah! The third and final piece of the Scepter of the Ages has been located!

*High-fives all round*

Now we must travel back to Trinity, hopefully to have the Scepter assembled by Sahir.

Act Three, Part VII: Trinity, Ironlord's Siege of Fort Highmarch:


We take the three pieces of the Scepter of the Ages back to Sahir in Trinity (+2500 EXP), but he doesn't know how to fit them together and suggests we take them to Terinus in Fort Highmarch for assemblage.

This now triggers a surprising encounter just outside...

The Ironlord himself now appears in Trinity!

The Ironlord wants peace and wants us to swear fealty to him, saying he's the first King and founder of Aielund and that he will be again. Submit or die, basically.

We stubbornly refuse to submit or die, telling the Ironlord we'll settle this back at Highmarch (ie, when we have the Scepter to use on him). At this point you're supposed to just run to the exit, but I decided to stick around for a while to fight the Minogon-like immortal and his four Iron Legionnaires (+612 EXP ea).

Here I stand hip-deep in legionnaire scrap metal, tanking the Ironlord and only inflicting divine damage on him...

All shall fall in glorious death! - Ironlord.

You can see my stats here:

We reduced the Ironlord to Near Death status, but he obviously won't die at this stage no matter how much more damage we inflict.

Therefore, we reluctantly take the north exit out of Trinity, leaving the poor village to it's fate.

North of Trinity

In the sandy region north of Trinity, the trio come to the aid of King Seamus and his Knights of the Realm who are engaged in a difficult battle against several Adamantium Shield Guardians (+340 EXP).

I now meet the King for the first time, in person (he's not very likeable, tbqh). We agree on a course of action: the King will retreat to the castle while the heroes attempt to delay the Iron Legion onslaught in the region south of the fort; then we'll all meet up in the fort for the final showdown.

Southern Slopes

On the northern end of the natural bridge stands Captain Gerard Lane along with a contingent of six rangers, two realm knights, one war wizard and two siege engineers manning a ballista each.

The construct horde approaches from the south, as the siege engineers fire their ballistae!

We tank and bottleneck a seemingly endless flow of Iron Legionnaires lumbering over the bridge towards us (+612 EXP ea).

On the slope, the Captain and his knights are flanked by Breachers, a stealthy form of golem used to "breach" walls in siege warfare (+340 EXP ea).

Fall back! Fall back to the fortress NOW! - Captain Gerard Lane.

The trio ignore the order of the Captain, refusing to leave the rangers to fight alone to the death.

On the other side of the natural bridge I tank five more Iron Legionnaires, but they just relentlessly keep coming. Even our gallant heroes are eventually forced to retreat back over the bridge and up the slopes towards Fort Highmarch, pursued by the golems.

This last, lone ranger, on the verge of death, started to run away with us as we passed by. We'd like to think she made it to safety behind the great Highmarch walls, just as we did.

Level Up to 24!
(Epic Characters)

Lilura: Champion of Torm (7) / Paladin (12)/ Fighter (4), +1 STR, Armor Skin, Great Strength I
Criosa: Rogue (15) / Wizard (9), +1 DEX, Epic Weapon Focus: Rapier, Sneak Attack (+8d6)Nellise: Cleric (22) / Paladin (2), +1 WIS, Great Wisdom I

Fort Highmarch (South)
Now that we're back inside the fort, let's take a look at the faithful allies who have turned up to support us against the Ironlord's legion!

.... Valennia Far-Eagle, the headstong human barb whom we first met in Fairloch all those months ago; whose tribe we saved from Erag's usurpation and later from a flock of white dragons; and whom we just recently raised from the dead in Hailstorm's lair... She has come to repay the debt owed to me - and wow, she looks awesome! Welcome Valennia. When the battle begins, rage hard!

I hunger for battle! And food too. I should really go and eat something.

... Hasrinaxx, the loner druid who caused all that rain in Bracksworth holding the portal open for the mighty gold dragon, Salinder; who was instrumental in defending the small town against the mercs; who bravely fought the goblinoid and giant horde with little support; and who gave us access to Acadia and the elves thanks to his wisdom of the oaks... Yep, we're a BIG fan of Hasrinaxx!

It is a rare thing, to see so many, from diverse backgrounds come together in common purpose.

... Carthach, the noble vampire who gave Saffron the gift of half-life. This guy can FIGHT, believe it. His sword glows with the elements and his amulet bestows perma-Haste. You'd better not steal my thunder, bloodsucker..!

I have come, as promised. May fortune favor us all.

... Leif sent two Acadian elf sharpshooters who I now send to perch atop the western turret. I'm sure your bows will sing epically, my pointy-eared friends!

... The rangers of the Calespur, sent by Commander Armin Wise. I send them both to perch atop the eastern turret. I've admired these cats ever since I met them with Dante in the Calespur Lodge - nothing fazes them!

One militiaman I send to the church to defend the front gate; one crossbowman to the top of the watchtower. May your knees not shake at the approach of the Ironlord, muh noobs!

The Stoneguard dwarves whose subterranean city we saved not once, but twice. They will tank at the gate, obviously. That's all I tell them: TANK! They understand.

With the alliance set and their positions assigned, we now retire to the interior of the fort where King Seamus and Terinus await. With the three Scepter pieces handed to Terinus, he now teleports to Culdeny to assemble it using this arcane apparatus:

The fate of Fort Highmarch and greater Aielund is now in our hands.

The Iron Legion has arrived. Let us meet it - HEAD ON.

Siege of Fort Highmarch (Highmarch south)

The first wave is coming! Raise the Drawbridge! Catapults, OPEN FIRE! - Captain Marshald.

Four Adamantium Shield Guardians now march towards the (closed) drawbridge, but the catapults are surprisingly effective against them without my intervention - as are the pepperings from our rangers and elves perched high on the turrets. The golems unleash five volleys of Isaac's Greater Missile Storm and three of Firebrand on the turret defenders before they're all turned to scrap metal by catapult fire.

(You can hit the drawbridge control on the turrets and fight the golems yourself [+ 340 EXP ea], external to the fort).

I now have Nellise Mass Heal us and then have both her and Criosa buff me into a hero of epic proportions.

I then self-buff long-terms Greater Stoneskin, Eagle's Splendor, Magical Circle Against Evil and True Sight (Gem of Seeing).

Catapults, CEASE FIRE! My lady, come over here, quickly! - Captain Marshald.

There is a great rumbling; the earth shakes. We all stand still for a moment, in silence.

Suddenly the walls are bombarded by boulders, and from outside our catapult range!

The excited Marshald thinks they might have fifty catapults, but Corporal Smith reports the source as being one boulder-hurling golem - albeit one that stands a full twenty feet in height. A plan is made to lower the drawbridge to allow the heroic trio to take down this titan before it leaves the proud walls of Fort Highmarch in utter ruin.

We charge headlong through the drawbridge to face off against the strongest enemy of the Saga thus far: the epic Siege Golem, supported by one Adamantium and three Irons (+425 EXP ea).

I self-buff short-terms Divine Might, Divine Shield and Divine Wrath (with Expertise activated my AC is 60)...

... then waste no time smashing into them with all my might! Where are Nellise and Criosa, you ask? They're tucked away, somewhere safe!

The mighty Siege Golem teeters, then falls to the earth with a deafening thud (+1445 EXP).

Good work! Now, get back inside and defend the walls! Captain Marshald.

We do so.

They've destroyed the drawbridge mechanism! We can no longer raise it! - Captain Marshald. ("They" being the Breachers).

Hasrinaxx now buffs up and then starts spamming elemental spells all over the place, as the rest of us either swarm the stealth golems or tank the irons at the drawbridge (Breachers [+240 EXP ea]; Iron Legionnaires [+884 EXP ea]).

I now tank several Irons who have emerged into the courtyard as the badass druid continues his AoE assault, unleashing Bombardment and Storm of Vengeance followed by Firestorm, Inferno and Call Lightning.

Not one to stop fighting with empty spell slots, he now runs to join me in melee. You can see Criosa uselessly casting Isaac's Lesser (and at spell-resistant golems, no less...)

The Ironlord now makes his appearance, cutting through our ranks with his blue beam of death and centering the Epic Spell: Hellball on the watchtower which rapidly expands to consume the whole courtyard, inflicting sonic, fire, electrical, cold, acid and Knockdown.

With the construct horde continuing to spawn, the Ironlord only at Injured status and our resources almost wholly drained, things begin to look hopeless, but then suddenly Terinus and the King teleport into the courtyard!

Terinus auto-joins the party: Human Lawful Neutral Wizard (25). Yes! A pure caster - it doesn't get any better than that.

Lord of Iron, you are UNDONE. - Terinus the Black.

What hast thou done? - Ironlord.

(He used the assembled Scepter of the Ages to strip the Ironlord of "immortality").

The Ironlord now takes a major beating from me, and is zapped by Ball Lightning cast by Terinus.

I... will not... yield. - Ironlord. (+4610 EXP)

The Ironlord slams into the ground and an old man (Alaric Roebec) crawls out from the hulking metal shell, only to fall down and die from his wounds.

So the man was indeed Alaric the First, progenitor of Aielund, who loooong ago had embarked on an expedition deep into the desert where he found a suit of Ironlord armor, in some ancient ruin...

Nellise is now promoted to Knight-Templar to the crown...

... and I'm awarded with a Barony in Aielund.

So concludes the siege of Fort Highmarch.

Act Three: End Cutscene

It is late, Terinus, and I am weary from my long trials. What do you want? King Seamus Roebec.

My reasons will become clear, Majesty. - Terinus the Black.

I don't approve of you fooling around with that thing. It could be dangerous.

I am quite safe, I assure you. Without Alaric to control it, there is no threat. In fact...

I'm too tired for your usual theatrics, Ternius. What is it you want to show me?

Very well. I have concluded that this is quite simply an advanced suit of armor, nothing more. You could, in fact, wear it yourself with no ill effect.

... I could?

Indeed. Try it, there is no danger.

Well... alright, just for a minute.

*The King puts on the armor*

See? I told you there was no cause for concern. How does it feel? - Terinus the Black.

Very strange... but also very good. Imagine what someone of good intentions could do with this power! - King Seamus Roebec.

Truly it is the armor of a King. Perhaps that is why Alaric took possession of it.

I don't feel tired anymore either. I feel... strong!

As I thought. I have some... ideas. Come, let us talk some more.

Yes... lets.

*Fade to black*

And this concludes Act Three of the Aielund Saga: The Return of the Ironlord!

Aielund Saga Act 1: Nature Abhors a Vacuum Aielund Saga Act 3: Return of the Ironlord
Aielund Saga Act 2: Defender of the Crown Aielund Saga Act 4: The Fall of Aielund


  1. "Mmm... I guess that's a plausible enough explanation but it would have been better if her interest in the arcane was foreshadowed somehow (maybe it was in a flavor convo, and I just missed it)."

    To be fair, alerting everyone around you that you're a mage as the princess is probably not the wisest course of action unless it's relevant.

    "Criosa's arcane buffing spells: Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Mage Armor, Protection From Evil, Endure Elements. Not all that useful, tbh. Nellise from Act One is far superior. With any luck she'll level only as Wizard from now on... "

    Nope, rogue/wizard hybrid all the way!

    Also, Bull's Strength/Cat's Grade/Mage Armor is rather nice for those poor non-magical player characters (like Fighters, Rogues, Barbarians, etc).

    "Warspite +2 bastard sword (+1d4 Sonic, True Strike 5/day), Bastard Sword +2,"

    Ugh. You're having Robert Black DUAL-WIELD?

    If you're curious, that actually lowers his damage output versus most enemies and also causes him to lose like 6ish AC at this point. Really bad idea, it's a trap!

    1. It's an obvious AC hit but against the Duergar Robert just flanked the aggro that was fully trained on me (my AC is high 40s, good enough for this stage of the Saga - I failed to buff in those first fights), so he didn't take too much dmg. He does actually have the relevant feats, so I thought what the hell. If I kept him I'd probably switch him to sword n shield when encounters ramped up, but I actually didn't end up keeping him once I got to Culdeny - I ditched him for Nellise, anyway.

      Criosa being a hybrid sort of sucks, but whatevs. At least she actually has some spells and versatility from rogue, unlike Valennia, Sir William, Dante, Robert and Spartan who are all pretty boring, combat-wise. I actually comment on this in my next update, which I'll post in the next day or so.

    2. Yeah, he has the relevant feats, the problem is that dual-wielding is bad in general and dual-wielding non-light weapons is even worse.

      Poor Robert Black, abandoned again!

      Criosa is the only hybrid in the campaign, if it makes you feel any better. I think the author was specifically trying to portray her as more of a jack of all trades -- not a master thief, not an archmage, and certainly not a frontline fighter. But she can disarm traps and pick locks in general while throwing out some spells and some weaker melee attacks.

    3. It's ok, all I need is Nellise. Since I last saw her she's dabbled in Pally for bonuses (2), but since picking her up seems to be wisely leveling Cleric again.

    4. Yes, she was knighted and has paladin level 2, but she's pure cleric beyond that. Honestly forgot she even had those paladin levels!

    5. Good to hear she stays almost pure cleric, it's enough to have Criosa as a hybrid and the Saga certainly doesn't need another warrior.

    6. Once you reach the barbarians, you'll have five more henchmen available.

      One is a fighter who focuses in a greatsword.

      One is a barbarian who focuses in a greataxe.

      One is a fighter/barbarian hybrid who focuses in a heavy flail.

      One is a fighter who has a warhammer and shield!

      The final is a barbarian who dual-wield hand-axes!

      Lots of choice! Lots of diversity!

    7. Where are these guys? I just slew the white dragon in Act Three and saved Valennia and I found nobody in the camp or elsewhere willing to join. Perhaps you're thinking of later in the game?

      Doesn't matter, I wouldn't have recruited one anyway due to EXP leech.

    8. That was sarcasm, given your "The Saga certainly doesn't need another warrior" bit.

    9. Heh, I was thinking they were barb mercs for temp hire, just to help out against the white flock. Yeah, not needed.

  2. The screenshot of the south road is great. I love the atmosphere and the setting of this saga... so varied. would have been a better screen cap with horses! It seems you did not use them. Ok they are useless except fo the low speed boost...and even annoying sometimes! But I couldn't avoid using them when available!

    1. Speaking of annoying I forgot to say that Robert avoids using shields automatically if he has two bastard swords! Since I rushed towards the dragon to give him the Arc Draconis (made combat easy) I didn't noticed immediatly his insane passion for dual wielding...that made him drop the shield ruining my brilliant strategy!! So bad

    2. Well I sorta pride myself on taking screenshots so I'm pleased you appreciate them. I've become much better at taking them since this Aielund Saga run.

      I'm pretty sure Robert favors dual-wielding because he's picked the feats. Just remove from his inventory whatever you don't want him using (it can be a pain, since I like to use him as a mule).

    3. I think Balkoth aka Magical Master intends to remove horses for the player:

    4. Oh no! It's good I am playing the version with the horses still there. Riding is one of the most atmospheric things in Aielund Saga. You know, this is how the knights used to travel in the wilderness in Middle Ages... Why to remove mounts? I understand there must a reason for this,i.e. technical issues, but in my case horses - so far - work perfectly.

      I have an idea: maybe sir Balkoth could just leave two versions (one with/one without) available for download?

    5. I don't mind if they stay or go, but there's lots of comments about it on the Aielund improvements page.

      1) they potentially cause bugs
      2) Because of that, Balkoth has said Savant himself would prefer them gone

    6. Lilura, I might have found the first horse-related bug. I have slain Scar in Act III, now almost finishing the act and there are is no sign of any romance plot with Criosa. She is a mediocre fighter and I was just traveling with her only to see how the plot with her unfolds. I think this might have been due to my mounted travel - I use horses wherever possible and I read they might spoil romance dialogues. Do you have any idea, or maybe Balkoth, if this fact means I have to replay the whole act again to trigger the plot with Criosa? Or maybe there are some areas that would still trigger romance and I just have to walk all the way back back to Fairloch and trigger them in order to have the plot started? Or there is a specific item that acts as a trigger and it suffices to spawn it through a console? Thanks in advance for suggestions.

    7. 1. To clarify -- it's more that they *often* cause bugs (we're not even talking about like a 1% chance or something)...and those bugs are major ones. Like completely breaking/destroying the romances.

      2. Indeed. If Savant wanted them in, I wouldn't touch them besides my dislike of them for many reasons. But...

      "Yes, remove the horses! Seeing the result, I should have tested them before putting them in. The mounted knights and other characters are fine, it's just the PC"s that they screw with. Do it :D

      Take on the project however you see fit mate, you seem to have a grasp of the issues :)"

      Greg, I agree it's a bummer and the idea of horses is cool...but they were shoehorned in at the last minute in NWN and they unfortunately don't work well. I actually suspect they haven't worked perfectly for you (maybe they have, but it's unlikely) but rather that the stuff that bugged out is stuff you don't realize isn't happening, if that makes sense.

    8. "I have slain Scar in Act III, now almost finishing the act and there are is no sign of any romance plot with Criosa."

      Yeah...that would be one of the major ones.

      "Do you have any idea, or maybe Balkoth, if this fact means I have to replay the whole act again to trigger the plot with Criosa?"

      The start of the romance with Criosa should trigger when you enter the Silent Valley (just after the dwarfs and before Azurefang, in the same area as the monastery). If you travel all the way back there (to the eastern entrance) and manage to get it to trigger, then maybe you could avoid replaying it...but it's unlikely, especially since you probably hit other triggers with the romance not active and so they "deactivated."

      There is an item related to the romance as I recall, but I don't think it has anything to do with triggering it. I could probably hunt down some commands to set the romance as active from your current point and have it continue correctly, but you'd miss out on several conversations so far and I don't know how fast I can find the commands. Probably faster to replay Act III unless you won't be touching NWN for at least a few days.

      Welcome to horses!

    9. A FEW days?! Oh no... ;) But seriously, replaying the whole module would be a nightmare... So if there is a command to activate Criosa's subplot, I would be very grateful for your advice. Espacially that I believe the plot would continue in Act 4. Btw. I remember in some other modules there were simple character specific variables like ROMANCE=1/0 that worked in DebugMode.

    10. I guess I remembered the entire module only being like 4-6 hours total, maybe my memories are foggy. I'll look into the commands...but like I said, you'll have missed at least 4 romance specific conversations I think, possibly more. The romance will continue in Act 4.

      Other modules could have those, but it's entirely up to the module author and I'm not sure how Savant handled it.

    11. "The start of the romance with Criosa should trigger when you enter the Silent Valley"

      Ok I did some research because the fabulous Saga is worth it. In short, it seems in many cases it is not horses, but the problematic script triggering process that prevents people from having romance - and possibly other interactions with henchmen - launched.

      I reloaded and entered the triggering area in the valley both on horses and on foot --- and it seems the romance with Criosa was launched in both cases! BUT only thanks to the fact I did not interfere with clicking or moving around in this moment.

      So in retrospect, in my case the script failed NOT due to horses, but due to using keyboard to steer my PC. I checked this: when I run through Criosa-triggering area there was a short moment of script launching and Criosa was teleported right next to me to say her line, yet as I kept my arrow pressed (it is easy to miss, after all, it is a normal algorithm that the game teleports your henchmen next to you from time to time). She was left behind and "forgot" about the script: when I stopped moving next to monastery she did not want to tell me romance-related things anymore. Instead she offered here usual henchman's dialogue.
      Eh, it is a pity as I reckon I am now faced with a choice here: I must either stop using keyboard or come to terms with running high risk of depriving myself of henchmen-specific conversations :(

      I wonder if something can be done with this? I remember some modules have a dialogue option to return to last triggered script (sth. like "What was it you wanted to say earlier?"). Other solution I remember is that the very next conversation with a henchman after failed triggering will be not a regular one, but the one triggered and not concluded. Another thing: the character becomes "paralyzed" to allow the triggering. Probably there are some more options as well. What do you think of my discovery, Balkoth?

    12. I think you're only halfway (or less, really) on your current voyage of discovery. What you "discovered" about force-moving with WASD is a general issue that applies to many modules. Yes, there are a few ways to get around it (and I use them in my own work), but avoiding WASD is generally a good idea in NWN when possible. And most modules are not built by authors with the technical knowledge/ability to avoid the issue.

      But then you get to the actual horse issues -- which are many. One of them is changing the "size" so to speak of the party members...which means due to the terrain the game puts you outside of or past the trigger you were supposed to, well, trigger. Can you try to design every trigger to try to compensate for that? Yes, but it's a pain. Then you also have issues where people can get permanently stuck on a horse or permanently "enlarged" after dismounting in terms of their collision box. Plus pathing issues in terrain due to larger horse size, balance issues from horse feats (which may make people feel cheated if the important/hard stuff is in non-mounted areas), moving horses around issues (say you go through an underground passage -- what happens to your horses? Do they magically appear on the other side? Do they physically follow you through the passage and you pray they don't get killed in combat? Do they physically follow and are set invulnerable to avoid that and thus become invincible tanks for any combat in the passage? Etc), and so on.

      Are these issues unsolvable? No, but most builders (including Savant and myself) just don't think they're worth the hassle -- especially when you're often only riding horses a small percentage of the time anyway. Too many problems for too little reward. Horses were just shoehorned in at the last minute in NWN and it's very obvious.

    13. "avoiding WASD is generally a good idea in NWN when possible"

      I did not know this although I already devoted some time to NWN. Quite the opposite, I really liked using keyboard. So I understand there is no way to correct WASD-bug in Aielund Saga? In any case, thanks for hitherto help and explanation.

    14. I didn't say anything about whether people personally liked WASD, just how the game engine works ;)

      Among other things, holding down WASD makes the game constantly calculate your movement while click to move enables it to do its calculations and then take over (less strain -- irrelevant in single player unless your computer is an iceberg but can be a factor on persistent worlds).

      And using some of my code to try to fix that particular bug in that particular zone would be entirely doable...but having to hunt down every trigger in every zone in every module and adjust the code as needed? That might be a bit much. Perhaps I can adapt some very generic code that I can slap in every trigger, need to look at Savant's code first.

    15. Count me as surprised you use WASD in NWN, Greg. I didn't think anyone did.

      ESDF > WASD :P

  3. what a pity! to tell the truth I had some mentioned issues ("Will leave mounted NPCs alone") also with unmounted characters but I agree, they are not practical to the same time I consider them an additional immersion factor and feature that is unique of this module. Maybe I was lucky since I had no problems using them... but if theyt mess with the game, so it's ok removing them.

    I usually do a lot of screenshot myself and also modify it just for fun. I use to do that especially for Morrowind and Oblivion, I did some contests on Planetelderscrolls long ago.

    Yeah, you're right, Robert favours dual-wielding but I didn't know they would also change weapons settings by themselves. I admit I forgot to look at his character sheet, since he used a bastard sword I was sure he was a two hander or sword and board fighter. My mistake!

    1. Yes, unfortunately they do mess with the game at times and Savant has specifically said that he wishes he never introduced them and would prefer them gone.

      Using Robert as Sword and Board makes the most sense given the default NWN mechanics, which unfortunately means you can't give him one handed weapons to hold or he'll try to equip them.

    2. Well I can live without them since there is a handy teleporting system. I'm not a fan of "fast travel" on the main map (like many recent rpgs) but I also like not spending an eternity just travelling around. I did not miss the lack of horses in the Prophet trilogy, even if it features a lot of travelling (in Morrowind instead I felt I needed a quicker transportation)

      Sometimes I hate Nwn AI: I like having independent npcs (it's more immersive) but they often are suicidal or waste spells. That's why I preferred Robert to Criosa. Also he was the only one able to use the Arc Draconis, this made really easy any dragon encounter.

  4. Gosh I cannot find the last (fourth?) dwarf hiding in the Undercity and I scanned every corner. A bug?

    1. This happened to me, too, but nobody else reported it in the Aielund improvements topic. Thanks for confirming.

      I reloaded... one of the Duergar may have killed the dwarf with an AoE that was meant for me, not sure.

    2. Another remark as to potential improvements... In act 3 you could buy nice wizard/sorcerer robes (in House of Fashion and at the University) which can store spells. However, a sequencer just does not seem to work at all. You cannot store spells (haste, stoneskin, invisibility, bull's strength, whatever) by casting them on the robes. There is no "spell stored" confirmation after casting and the sequencer remains empty when I try to activate it. Pity, I used to like storing "time stop" in order to activate it in the midst of the battle. What's more I paid a lot for a product's featur which is not there:)

    3. I didn't play a caster, so not sure. Hopefully Balkoth can clear it up for you.

    4. Regarding the 4th dwarf -- did you actually count the dwarfs as you found them? I think if you find them in a certain order (that wasn't expected) you can cause the quest to not complete.

      Regarding Sequencer -- they don't work due to the EMS hak. I forget why off-hand. Also, the "Time Stop" in Aielund works a bit differently from the Bioware default -- it lasts a lot longer but enemies are invulnerable during it. Rather than an offensive tool, it's a way to re-position, buff up, heal,rez allies, buff allies, etc. I'll see if I can find and remove all of the sequencers so people don't have that issue and replace them with some other nice properties (like more spell slots or something).

    5. Ah, now I see why this ugly Scar still stood there intact after a solid portion of ice storming, thundering and horrid wilting cast during TimeStop... :) So the spell is less powerful (I imply you thought it was too powerful), but still useful. Anyway, thanks for the remark. Knowing this, I reckon offensive sorcerer build might need other 9lev spells first.

    6. I didn't do any spell adjustments (nor did Savant) -- that's part of the Enhanced Magic System hakpak.

      That said, I do think Time Stop was too powerful by default (in part because you could chain it back to back and unload all your spells "instantly")...but technically this version is just as powerful overall in a different way. If two party members died, you couldn't resurrect both of them with time to spare in the old version, for example. The "problem" is that most modules aren't difficult enough to where you'd ever take full advantage of the new Time Stop -- but I can think of many cases where I'd prefer it, especially in a more rest limited environment.

      I usually go with Meteor Swarm, Wail of the Banshee, and third can vary. PW:K (6 hp per level -- so a level 30 caster can kill anything under 180 HP regardless of saves or damage resistance), Weird (for high fort but low will enemies, default fort save was removed), and Bigby's are all quite solid.

    7. "Regarding the 4th dwarf -- did you actually count the dwarfs as you found them?"

      I replayed this, counting. Here's the result. There are 5 dwarves in total, 4 of which are necessary to complete the subquest: two are located in the corridor leading to the throne room, one in the throne room itself (in the back), and two in the corridors leading to the dragon (I liberated them in this order and the quest was completed). What caused the failure last time? Some of them were missing (?), or the game did not add them to the pool as I was liberating them in different order.

    8. I think it was an order issue, I'll dig through the scripts eventually.

    9. The dwarf rescue quest failed to update for me, too, despite finding 4 of them. Here's the order I used, in case it helps in troubleshooting, Balkoth: After clearing out the left side of the entrance (apothecary, armorer, and jail cells), I'd found no dwarfs to rescue. Then cleared out the corridor to the throne room (found #1 in the first room on the right of the corridor). Rather than fighting the mob of Duegar guarding the throne room at that moment, I instead backtracked and cleared out the corridor where the mages were skulking around (finding #2 in the first room past the yellow light intersection). Then up the corridor to the dragon, (finding #3 in the first room on the left). Then, I turned around without fighting the dragon to return to the throne room hoping to find the bastard sword before reaching the dragon, (finding #4 in the back, who told me there was one dwarf left to find). Searched everywhere with no #5 to be found; went back to the dragon and killed it--no #5 there, either.

      I take it the remaining dwarf was in one of the other rooms in the corridor to the throne room? Guess I shouldn't have lobbed a fire bomb in front of the doors where the Duegar captain was waiting;-) Wish I'd come here sooner, Lilura!

      So can anyone reveal how the quest updates?

    10. Here's a map. Yes, it looks like you missed one on the left side of the corridor to the throne room.

    11. Thanks, Balkoth--I ended up reloading it anyway to complete the quest--lost a few hours but in a game this epic it's a pretty small backtrack, relatively speaking.


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