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Mask of the Betrayer Walkthrough Guide

Mask of the Betrayer Walkthrough

Mask of the Betrayer is 2007 cRPG developed by Obsidian for Neverwinter Nights 2.

Being focused on cRPG Story and cRPG reactivity, Mask of the Betrayer is the spritual successor to Black Isle's Planescape: Torment (1999). 

As it pertains to cRPG Design, MotB is ranked as Well Above Average.

Act 1: Wrath of the Bear God

Bear God's Barrow - Lower

The shard of Gith (see Story So Far, below) has been removed from my chest, which has then been crudely stitched up. I feel great pain, and an insidious presence of... hunger... wells up inside of me.

The Story So Far

I find myself at an ancient Imaskari outpost located in a barrow deep beneath Rasheman - hundreds of miles from the Sword Coast. A red-robed wizard named Safiya has come to rescue me, and now we need to escape the barrow before the earth spirits down here begin to stir; so let's hop to it!

Ancient Imaskari Outpost, older than the barrow itself

Safiya is my first companion, a True Neutral Human starting as Wizard (7) / Red Wizard of Thay (10). She is clinical, but compassionate. Her spell selection is a little silly, so I have her commit to memory Persistent Spell Haste and Persistent Spell Fox's Cunning, as well as Premonition and especially Empower Spell Disintegrate and Extend Spell Slow, along with the usual Delayed Blast Fireball (DBFB), Stoneskin, and Extend Spell Greater Invisibility.

With those spells cast liberally, we can tackle these initial dungeons with more confidence. Safiya is accompanied by her construct, Kaji, whom she assembled from "twigs and clay". Kaji is talkative and quite useful, capable of opening locks and detecting and disabling devices (+17, +15, +15), so he'll go some way to filling the role of Rogue during the adventure.

Safiya, Red Wizard of Thay

Safiya Build

Safiya is our first companion. We get to level her up from 18th to 30th level. Make sure you pump her Intelligence score and have her crank Spellcraft, Concentration and Tumble skills. UMD, Lore and the crafting skills are optional.

  • Female Neutral Human
  • Starting stats: 9-15-14-19-11-14
  • 18. Wizard (8) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Quicken Spell (IGMS and Bigby's Interposing Hand)
  • 20. Wizard (10) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Silent Spell
  • 21. Wizard (11) Red Wizard of Thay (10): [EPIC] Great Intelligence I
  • 23. Wizard (13) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Automatic Silent Spell 0-3
  • 25. Wizard (15) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Automatic Silent Spell 0-6 + 0-9
  • 27. Wizard (17) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Automatic Quicken Spell 0-1
  • 29. Wizard (19) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Automatic Quicken Spell 0-2
  • 30. Wizard (20) Red Wizard of Thay (10): Automatic Quicken Spell 0-3

Safiya finishes with 33 ranks in Spellcraft, Lore and Concentration, as well as 16 in Tumble and UMD.
There are many good spells that Safiya can cast. Spells can be selected at each levelup but are also found or bought in the gameworld as scrolls, which can then be scribed to the spellbook.

Key spells we want Safiya to have, and which she doesn't already have, are as follows: Firebrand, Bigby's Interposing Hand, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Create Greater Undead, Horrid Wilting, Wail of the Banshee etc. When needed to inflict mega-damage, Safiya should employ Empowered spells.

I would have Safiya take Heroism and Greater Heroism as well, since they enhance Kaji's thieving skills by 6 points as well as the social skills for the PC (which help us gain influence with companions).

Starting Gear:

The party is not exactly resting on the poverty line; the default gear supplied is generous.

  • Lilura: Full Plate +3 (AC +3, iron), Ring of Protection +3 (AC def +3), Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (AC nat +3), Nasher's Ring of Strength (Str +3), Cloak of Resistance +3 (all saves +3), Sash of Shimmering belt (SR 12), Bracers of Dexterity +3 (Dex +3), Boots of Striding (Con +3).
  • Safiya: Quarterstaff +3, Safiya's Robes (AC +3, all saves +2, Conc +8, Human and Red Wizard of Thay only), Bracers of Armor +6 (AB +6), Luckstone (all saves +1, assorted skills +1), Ring of Wizardry 4 (Bonus fourth level spell slot for Bard, Sorc, Wiz), Ring of Protection +3 (AC def +3), Potion of Heal (3), Healer's Kit +10, Light Crossbow +3, Composite Shortbow +3, Short Sword +3, Bolt +3 (99), Arrow +3 (99).

Mask of the Betrayer Crafting

Of greater interest is the Shaper's Alembic, Enchanter's Satchel and Brilliant Water Essence carried by Safiya.

MotB Essences vary in type and potency; they are collected (ie, looted from corpses) and can then be combined into greater ones, divided into lesser ones or converted into Power essences - using the Alembic - to ready them for crafting. Weapons and such can then be placed into the Satchel, along with the essences, at which point a spell is cast on the Satchel to craft the desired item. Anyway, more on crafting later.

Starting Status: What's this - stat penalties? How dare they... the removal of the shard of Gith from my chest has caused a "weakened" status, resulting in -10 AC and -4 to physical attributes and saving throws. Nevermind, this will be corrected soon.

I disable Party AI to put Safiya, Kaji and myself in "Puppet Mode". This ensures I won't be annoyed by deselected combat units doing stupid things; they will just stand there, still, scratching their heads like idiots until I tell them to do something - which is better than getting themselves killed. I also turn on "Marquee Select" for both Exploration and Strategy camera modes. This enables me to "drag a box" to select one or more units without having to individually select which ones I want (just like in the Infinity Engine RPGs, actually).


Safiya, Kaji and I are attempting to escape the Bear God's Barrow before the spirits awaken. Before leaving the Imaskari outpost, I reach out and touch one of the runestone pillars to experience a vision (+250 Exp).

A laughing boy. A woman with golden skin. A wall of screaming souls...

No sooner have we begun our ascent of the barrow, the earth violently shakes - an announcement that the subterranean spirits have indeed begun to stir...

I gain Influence (Inf) with Safiya through an interjection with Kaji ("you seem to care for him" [Inf +6]) and then by engaging in direct dialogue with Kaji ("you could be useful" [Inf +6]). I want to build up Inf with companions whenever it's reasonable to do so, as it can lead to feats that grant powerful bonuses. I also equip myself with the basic gear Safiya lugged down for me (eg, the Short Sword +3).

Our first encounter consists of a single Barrow Guardian lumbering around a long-abandoned campfire, which Safiya promptly Disintegrates (+132 Exp, Volatile Earth Essence).

From what I can gather, most barrow spirits drop, upon being vanquished, between one and five of the weakest kind of essence ("volatile"). Volatile essences fall into your lap; they can be farmed through provoking on-rest ambushes and during key events, so I won't be recording such common loot from now on. Suffice it to say that the average player will probably have accumulated about one hundred volatiles, many of the "earth" variety, upon exiting the barrow.

At the campfire I loot a pile of scrolls for a Dagger +3, Premonition scroll and The City of Judgment tome (see right) which opens up the Betrayer's Crusade quest. It seems there may be a connection between the crusade and my presence in the barrow. I'll need to seek out a Kelemvor priest and locate the scrolls of The Lamentations of the Dead; but we lay that aside for now, as we have more pressing, immediate concerns. Anyway, a second hulking Barrow Guardian is Disintegrated by Safiya en route to the exit, before which Kaji also detects and disables a DC-15 Lightning Trap (+75 Exp).

Our first "enemy", a Barrow Guardian

Middle Barrow

Emerging into the middle barrow, the hunger inside me lashes out and consumes the wolf spirit, Nakata (+403 Exp, Brilliant Spirit Essence) - also removing my "weakened" status and beginning the Dark Hunger quest. If I can discover how I arrived in Rasheman and who tore the Gith-shard from my chest, I might learn the secret of this hungry presence within me. Again, we lay this quest aside for now.

This barrow branches off to the west and to the east. Exploring the eastern tunnels first, I tank two incorporeal Telthor Wolves (+205 Exp ea) and two more Barrow Guardians as Safiya warms the tunnel with Empower Spell DBFB; and Kaji looks on, flapping his wings in excitement.

A Telthor Bear is vanquished in the south-eastern burial chamber (+283 Exp), after which we loot the ancient offering chest for the Skin of Shadow armor (AC bonus +5, SR 24, Shadow Shield [13] 3/day).

(In order to identify magical items, you can either employ your own Lore or simply give them to Safiya.)

Backtracking and now exploring north a little, another Barrow Guardian is slain outside a small burial chamber, wherein an ancient wooden box is looted for a Telthori Totem (Mind Affecting saves +5, Will saves +3) and Potion of Greater Heroism. Kaji now deftly disables a DC-20 Strong Electrical Trap (+100 Exp) as we continue northward to the Pool of Offerings chamber in which a mischievous Orglash resides. Safiya and I decide to vanquish it (+205 Exp, Water Essence [2]).

I find two offering piles on the icy floor: one containing a Sacred Pouch, the other a Star Sapphire and Ring of the Frozen Falls (Cold 25% imm bonus, Hypothermia 3/day, Polar Ray 1/day).

Safiya nukes the Orglash from safe distance

We now backtrack to the entrance and wind our way west, reaching a central burial chamber occupied by three Barrow Guardians. I quickly loot the ancient wooden chest for the Frost Harpoon +4 spear (cold +2d6, Keen) and then wield it against the earth spirits as Safiya unleashes Empower Spell ILMS.

Kaji now disables the DC-20 Lightning Trap (+100 Exp) en route to our descent into the Imaskari Forges in the far southwest.

Imaskari Forges

These ruins are no doubt Imaskari in origin. This hill was a city in eons past. - Safiya.

To the immediate east is the Imaskari golemworks, frozen in time. Four inert golems occupy the workshop, one a little taller than the others. I ask Safiya to awaken the construct from its long slumber, and she gladly does so (Inf +6, Total Inf +18). We now welcome a temporary addition to the party, a True Neutral Construct (15). We'll be back to use the alchemy equipment after we find a specific ingredient.

The golemworks

Floating in the northern forge are hostile animated weapons, dispatched by the construct and I. Kaji now unlocks the DC-18 lock box containing the Hellfire Powder ingredient, Adamantine Ingot (3) and Mithral Ingot (2).

The weapon rack is relieved of Arrow of Detonation (on-hit Fireball [10] x5), Bullet +3 (99), Bolts +1 (99), Arrow +1 (99), Bolt of Piercing (Piercing [1d6], x99); the armor rack of Breastplate of Hidden Imasker mithril medium armor (AC bonus +6, acid 10% imm bonus, Immunity: Poison); and another weapon rack of a Longsword +3. That last one is supposed to be tailored to the weapon you have focus in, but in the case of the scimitar it defaults to longsword.

The floor of a small chamber to the side is laced with a DC-36 Spike Trap which Kaji fails to disable, even under the effect of Cat's Grace. I just tripped it, then looted the blacksmith's workbench for a Belt of Frost Giant Strength (Str +4), Elemental's Ruin +3 adamantine rapier (Bonus Feat: Elemental's Ruin, vs. elemental +5, Keen) and Mage Protector tower shield (AC bonus +5, Int -4, Str +6, Mind Affecting saves +4). A statue is also looted for the Imaskari Rod (Greater Dispelling [15] 3/day).

Animated Weapons

Now back at the golemworks' alchemy workbench, I have Safiya mix together a Rejuvenation Salve from the Hellfire Powder and then apply it to the Construct to make it slightly stronger (Str +2). Whoop de doo.. we now take our leave of the forge.

Back at the Middle Barrow and heading north, two more Barrow Guardians are slain; and Kaji disables a DC-20 Lightning Trap (+100 Exp). We descend into our second Imaskari ruin...

Imaskari Library

More Imaskari ruins. This area must have been uncovered by accident, like the other one we saw earlier. - Safiya.

An archive in a side chamber is looted for an Extract Elemental scroll.

Five crossbow-wielding Helmed Horrors lurk in the north, switching to their greatswords when in melee range (+193 Exp ea, Volatile Power Essence [10]).

Two more archives are looted for scrolls of Mass Death Ward, Avasculate and Power Word: Petrify; the other for scrolls of Cacophonic Burst and Avasculate. Safiya adds what she can of these to her spellbook, after which we take our leave of the library.

In the central chamber of the Middle Barrow, the barrier blocking our way to the Upper Barrow can be opened in three ways: use the Sacred Pouch and Offering Bowl, bash the bear skeleton, or strike the barrier with the Imaskari Rod. I use the third method, causing the barrier (and rod) to be destroyed (+1,000 Exp), but also causing "High Artificer Maric Inupras" to manifest. I pick a fight with the Lich, who is then burned to a crisp by Safiya's DBFB castings (+327 Exp, Imaskari Battlemage Armor mithral light armor [AC Bonus +3, Spell Failure -10%]).

I now hit eighteenth level, taking my second level in Weapon Master: Fighter (6) / Bard (1) / Red Dragon Disciple (9) / Weapon Master (2) - Greater Two Weapon Fighting.

Safiya takes Quicken Spell along with Wail of the Banshee and Mind Blank.

Guarding the tunnel that leads to the Upper Barrow are two berserking Telthor Wolverines who don't put up much of a fight (+264 Exp ea).


Upper Barrow

We're now close to the surface of Rasheman, having now reached the third and last barrow. En route to the northeastern chamber, two Telthor Bears made the mistake of ambushing us.

In the chamber itself, Safiya's IGMS and her Vampire Warlock's Eldritch Blasts make short work of the Telthor spirits, including a badger (+205 Exp), three wolverines (+205 Exp ea) and two bears (+283 Exp).

Kaji disables a DC-20 trap on the ancient wooden chest, then picks the DC-20 lock for a Duskwood Longbow, Fire Arrow (99) and Amulet of Unyielding Will (Armor bonus vs. Fey +5 nat, Spell Immunity: Charm & Dominate).

Safiya now also hits eighteenth level: Wizard (8) / Red Wizard of Thay (10) - Maximize Spell, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm (IGMS), Create Greater Undead.

En route to the southeasternmost chamber, we fight through four wolverines and a badger. Kaji picks the DC-20 lock on another ancient wooden chest, yielding us a Sapphire, a Blue Diamond and the Shroud of the Leopard light armor (AC bonus +5, Listen +8, Spot +8, Greater Cat's Grace [11] 3/day).

In the northeastern chamber we dispose of three Telthor wolves. I now buff Kaji with Greater Cat's Grace from the Shroud of the Leopard, but he's still unable to disable the DC-35 Lightning Trap. Kaji does succeed in picking the DC-30 chest, though, from which we gather the Hide Armor +4 and Telthor Leg Bone +4 club (Ethereal Jaunt 1/day).

As we approach the large north-central chamber, I gain +6 Inf with Safiya for asking if she's all right (it seems she's hearing voices in her head).

The Bear-God

We spot a large, colorful bear up ahead - Okku. Before approaching it, I have Safiya summon a Vampire Warrior.

A fight is inevitable. The construct, vampire and I charge to meet the Bear-God head-on as Safiya hangs back to unleash Maximize Spell IGMS and the brittle, twig-like Kaji hides in a corner. 

The mighty Okku calls out to his spirit minions; and suddenly we face off against four Telthor Bears and two flanking Telthor Wolverines in addition. Safiya casts Extend Spell Slow on the pack as the construct and undead grunts hold the Bear-God at bay and I inflict what damage I can.

The Bear-God & Telthor spirits

After taking a beating Okku's spirit disperses (for now, +1,000 Exp), leaving behind a Pristine Power Essence. We mop up the remaining Telthors. An ancient wooden chest is looted for the Axe of the Bear-King +4 iron greataxe (electrical +1d6, Keen).

Ok, so. I've managed to gain a decent amount of Influence with Safiya (Inf +24, Neutral), procure some interesting, powerful and valuable gear, and kick the asses of the spirits in the Bear God's Barrow. My goal now is to find out about the dark hunger festering inside me, and to hook up with the clerics of Kelemvor in order to locate The Lamentations of the Dead scrolls.

Barrow of the Bear-God, Okku

Now free to leave the Bear-God's barrow, we waste no time in doing so. This concludes the Escape the Barrow quest (+2,000 Exp), and the first part of this walkthrough.

Part II: Mulsantir Mask of the Betrayer.


  1. "For this adventure I'll be attempting to "role-play" a newly-created female Neutral Good Air Genasi"


    1. Well, this campaign IS more of a role-playing one, so I'll do my best. :P

  2. Good choice! (for the adventure, it was quite good, and the Character, never played a Red Dragon Disciple).
    I remember having a good time even if I wasn't able to finish a sidequest (blocked... hope you won't experience that...anyway it's a minor quest).

    1. I've experienced a dialogue bug where an NPC wouldn't speak to me if I had Gann in the party, so I just temporarily dropped Gann to continue.

      Otherwise, I think MotB has fewer bugs than the OC. I remember when it first came out they fixed LOTS of bugs and tried to optimize the awful engine a bit (1.10?)

      Looking forward to seeing how my dual-wielder pans out (lots of attacks, both weapons enchanted), and I've never played a good character in MotB. I won't be devouring Okku's soul (or will I? the +10 str belt is attractive, but perhaps I'll get it from One of Many), but I also won't have room for him in the party, since I intend to take Safiya, Kaelyn and Gann. I guess I can swap Okku in and out, for specific quests (like the Shaman's Boon). Not 100% sure yet, but being such a quest-dense campaign, that choice won't be made for two or three more posts. ;)

    2. Well I have the Deluxe Edition so probably they fixed those bugs since I had no problems (maybe few glitches, no broken queests, but I can't remember) in the Nwn2 OC, one of the best game I played.
      I agree the engine was awful! (I recently restarted Storm of Zehir..anyway I stopped since I've found Pillars of Eternity...)

      In my case it was a door/gate than cannot be opened again to reach the quest giver so...I had to leave that quest unfinished.
      Also I hated a lot the "soul-eating" thing... but the rest of MotB was great.

      Well I (almost) always play good characters and even if I seldom used Okku (no need for him) I spared him, I had Safiya, Kaelyn and Gann for most of the game.
      Despite my character wasn't an optimized build (a Barbarian/Neverwinter Nine/Frenzied Berserker Halfling two hander) I found MotB quite easy, but I used him in the OC (final parts was really hard) and it seemed stronger compared to the companions.

    3. I agree most of the show-stopping bugs seem to be fixed, it's pretty much just the unoptimized and glitchy engine that remains, tainting the NWN2 experience in general. Once you get used to the quirks and learn how to minimize issues, mostly it's a painless experience.

      I've played SoZ a few times, loved the final boss battle, the ability to adventure with a party of six, and the overland, trading and crafting mechanics. The OC was amusing at times, but I haven't completed Mysteries of Westgate. My fave mods for NWN2 are Subtlety of Thay and Harp & Chrysanthemum.

      Many people complain about the spirit meter in MotB, but I'm not one of them (also, it acts as a sort of "rest restricter"). I haven't tried it, but apparently this mod stops the meter draining points in dialogue mode or when you're not in battle and just standing still:

    4. I've played SoZ a few times too, but never to the end (only 3/4). Pity. I like a lot the things that adds, especially the new travelling system and the expanded party. The problem is that unfortunately it feels a bit "generic" compared to OC and MotB, regarding plot and companions (well I also hated Kaelyn :D )

      Oddly my version doesn't include Mysteries of Westgate, so I never tried that but I had fun with a couple of mods, the best was Conan Chronicles part 1, quite short but good, with custom races, different choices and not linear. I've to try the part 2 someday, I also hear good reviews of Harp & Chrysanthemum, and I've seen some awesome I'll try that probably next time.

      Well the spirit meter in MotB was the only real "difficulty" my character had to face, even if I survived the experience and never had to restart/use mods to avoid that effect... it's part of the game so I accepted that..the rest was quite easy, apart for a couple of fights but nothing much.

    5. I agree SoZ can feel generic and lacking in character, but I managed to push on because, to me, the pros outweighed the cons. I thought the final dungeon/temple thingy and boss battle were great in SoZ.

      Harp & Chrysanthemum is very pleasing to the eye, yes. A lovingly hand-crafted module. Can't say that for Conan Chronicles, that one put me to sleep - but, it could have been that I was just burned out on NWN2 by that time; I'd already played SoZ, then Harp, then Thay, abandoned Dark Waters and so yeah, Conan didn't stand a chance, I guess. I'd had enough. :P

      Incidentally, Conan is the subject of the month's Custom Content Challenge on the BioWare forums:

      It's always interesting to see what people can come up with. :)

    6. Another thing I liked more the OC is that areas are quite big and this is pretty good for cooperative game, while MotB and Soz have smaller locations.. well at least that's what I felt playing at the time. Still SoZ is good even if I think that MotB story is way better.

      I played Conan Chronicles after Alazander's Nwn trilogy, so it was a nice variation (I also like Conan setting, and there are no single player games based on it) even if now I prefer Nwn1 graphics (don't know, characters animations seems more natural and less stiff), so yes, making a pause and return to a game later sometimes makes you appreciate it more (I think I spent 8-10 years playing Morrowind and its mods alternating it with other games).

      Dark Waters doesn't ispire me...from the videos it seems a big mishmash of mods/minigames but I admit I never tried it. ^^'

      "Conan is the subject of the month's Custom Content Challenge on the BioWare forums"

      Interesting, what I've seen on that topic is very interesting... pity that K.E.Wagner's Kane has no games/mods/movies dedicated since I loved the setting and the villain protagonist. That would be even better than Conan! :D

      Ok now I'll wait for the part II of this recounting, to see if I remember everything about MotB and also to see if you'll encounter the bug I mentioned earlier! :)

  3. oh, so it was str based dual wielder. I for some reason thought about dex based one which start from 8 str and use RDD to get positive score.

    Btw is it only me who feel that Nakata scene was a waste? I think it might have been much better idea to keep weakened status for all first act with hunger only coming out against Okku. Might actually be more terrifying moment, and this penalkty wont feel as if it "Just for show"


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