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Ulgoth's Beard Store, Baldur's Gate 1

Ulgoth's Beard Store, Baldur's Gate 1

Ulgoth's Beard Store is a store in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 1998-99, Baldur's Gate 1. Ulgoth's Beard Store is notable for selling spell scrolls, Cloak of Displacement and Greenstone Amulet. The area code for Ulgoth's Beard Store is AR1001.

  • 0: AX1H01.ITM (Battle Axe)
  • 1: AX1H04.ITM (Throwing Axe)
  • 2: BLUN01.ITM (Club)
  • 3: BLUN02.ITM (Flail)
  • 4: BLUN04.ITM (Mace)
  • 5: BLUN06.ITM (Morning Star)
  • 6: BOW01.ITM (Composite Long Bow)
  • 7: BOW03.ITM (Long Bow)
  • 8: BOW05.ITM (Short Bow)
  • 9: DAGG01.ITM (Dagger)
  • 10: DART01.ITM (Dart)
  • 11: DART02.ITM (Dart +1)
  • 12: DART03.ITM (Dart of Stunning)
  • 13: HALB01.ITM (Halberd)
  • 14: HAMM01.ITM (War Hammer)
  • 15: SLNG01.ITM (Sling)
  • 16: SPER01.ITM (Spear)
  • 17: STAF01.ITM (Quarterstaff)
  • 18: SW1H01.ITM (Bastard Sword)
  • 19: SW1H04.ITM (Long Sword)
  • 20: SW1H07.ITM (Short Sword)
  • 21: SW2H01.ITM (Two Handed Sword)
  • 22: SW1H20.ITM (Scimitar)
  • 23: XBOW01.ITM (Heavy Crossbow)
  • 24: XBOW04.ITM (Light Crossbow)
  • 25: AROW01.ITM (Arrows)
  • 26: AROW04.ITM (Acid Arrows) (Best Arrows Baldur's Gate.)
  • 27: AROW11.ITM (Arrow +2)
  • 28: BOLT01.ITM (Bolt)
  • 29: BOLT02.ITM (Bolt +1)
  • 30: BOLT03.ITM (Bolt of Lightning)
  • 31: BULL01.ITM (Bullet)
  • 32: BULL03.ITM (Bullet +2)
  • 33: CHAN01.ITM (Chainmail Armor)
  • 34: CHAN04.ITM (Splint Mail)
  • 35: LEAT10.ITM (Hide Armor)
  • 36: LEAT01.ITM (Leather Armor)
  • 37: PLAT01.ITM (Plate Mail Armor)
  • 38: SHLD01.ITM (Small Shield)
  • 39: SHLD03.ITM (Medium Shield)
  • 40: SHLD06.ITM (Large Shield +1)
  • 41: SCRL5A.ITM (Mental Domination)
  • 42: SCRL5B.ITM (Defensive Harmony)
  • 43: SCRL5C.ITM (Protection from Lightning)
  • 44: SCRL5G.ITM (Remove Curse)
  • 45: SCRL5H.ITM (Emotion)
  • 46: SCRL5I.ITM (Greater Malison)
  • 47: SCRL1Y.ITM (Improved Invisibility)
  • 48: POTN08.ITM (Potion of Healing)
  • 49: POTN20.ITM (Antidote)
  • 50: POTN38.ITM (Potion of Mirrored Eyes)
  • 51: CLCK03.ITM (Cloak of Displacement)
  • 52: STAF08.ITM (Quarterstaff +3)
  • 53: MISC2P.ITM (Greagan's Harp)
  • 54: WAND11.ITM (Wand of the Heavens)
  • 55: WAND06.ITM (Wand of Frost)
  • 56: RING05.ITM (Ring of Invisibility)
  • 57: AMUL17.ITM (Greenstone Amulet)

Ulgoth's Beard Store Stats

  • Sell markup: 150
  • Buy markup: 50
  • Depreciation rate: 5
  • Stealing difficulty: 20

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