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Synthetic Heart, Deus Ex 1

Synthetic Heart Deus Ex 1

Synthetic Heart is a Deus Ex 1 Augmentation in Ion Storm's cRPG of 2000, Deus Ex 1. The synthetic heart is notable as being the only acquirable augmentation that is non-upgradeable.

Synthetic Heart Description

The synthetic heart circulates not only blood but a steady concentration of mechanochemical power cells, smart phagocytes and liposomes containing prefab diamondoid machine parts, resulting in upgraded performance for all installed augmentations.

Occupies Slot: Torso.

Synthetic Heart Ranks

  • Does not enhance augmentations above their max level.
  • No upgrades.
  • Energy rate: 100 Units/Minute.

Synthetic Heart Augmentation Canister Location

Synthetic Heart Augmentation Canister is found on level 2 of the Versalife Lab, Hong Kong.

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