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Global Warming Sid Meier's Civilization 2

Global Warming Civ2

Global Warming aka climate change is a world-wide emergent scenario in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Sid Meier's Civilization 2. Civ2 global warming emerges as a result of pollution caused by Civ population and industry pressure.

Causes of Pollution Civ2

Civ2 global warming is caused by pollution stemming from population pressure and general Shield Production via mines and factories (smog and industrial pollution).

Nuclear Plant reactor meltdowns and fallout from Nuclear Missiles also cause pollution.

Pollution builds up over time in the squares of city catchments, thereby rendering them unusable until the pollution is cleaned up. The indicators for pollution are the skull smokestack and yellow warning sign.

Eliminating Pollution Civ2

Population-based pollution is eliminated by Mass Transit whereas Shield Production pollution is eliminated by Solar Plant and also reduced by Recycling CenterHydro Plant and Hoover Dam.

Engineers can also be directed to remove pollution from individual squares.

Effects of Global Warming in Civ2

Global warming impacts Civ2 terrain world-wide within one turn; that is, its impact is immediate in game terms.

That said, not all terrain squares are immediately impacted.

The effects of global warming are ongoing and get worse until the cause (pollution) is addressed.

Most notable is the sudden proliferation of coastline Swamps that consume irrigated squares and farmland. The swamps impact coastline city catchments immediately; also spawning Spice and Peat.
In addition, Grasslands become Plains and Plains become Deserts. Thus, farms that were built on grasslands are now built on plains, and farms that were built on plains are now built on deserts.

Most notably, Grassland Shield is replaced by plains (city locations are often chosen based on GS terrain).

Therefore, Food yield is significantly reduced. And since harvests are impacted, so too is population through food shortages and famine. Which means cities can lose levels of growth aka population units due to starvation.

Overall, the impact is on Civ weath and power due to population reduction.

Moreover, armies of Engineers may be needed to retransform, reirrigate and refarm terrain squares, which is both costly and time-consuming.

Before global warming (click image and mouse-wheel up and down to compare):

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