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Swamp Civilization 2

Swamp Civ2

Swamp is one of 32 Terrain types or resources in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2.

  • Move Cost: 2
  • Unit Defense Bonus: 150%
  • Food: 1
  • Shields: 0
  • Trade: 0
  • Effects of Irrigation: Grassland
  • Turns to Irrigate: 15
  • Effects of Mining: Forest
  • Turns to Mine: 15
  • Effects of Engineer Transformation: Plains
  • Effects of Roads: Move cost = ⅓  of a point
  • Possible Resources: Peat and Spice

Swamps are wetlands which are largely uninhabitable by humans. These areas are usually flooded with water, ranging in depth from a few inches to several feet, due to heavy rainfall and overflow from nearby lakes and rivers. Although inhospitable for human life, swamps are teeming with both animal and plant life. Certain spices and useful substances such as peat, which is used as a fertilizer, can be found in abundance in certain swamp areas. Swampland is often drained, and converted into grassland and plains in order to make it more useful for resource and food production. However, environmental groups have been successful in slowing the destruction of wetlands, and setting up sanctuaries for the wildlife that inhabits these regions.

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