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Courthouse Civilization 2

Courthouse Civ2

Courthouse is one of 38 City Improvements in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2. Courthouse descreases corruption by 50% and makes the city more resistant to bribery by enemy diplomats and spies. Under Democracy, the Courthouse makes one content citizen happy.

  • Courthouse Cost: 80
  • Courthouse Upkeep: 1
  • Courthouse Prerequisite: Code of Laws

As kingdoms and empires expanded, it became increasingly difficult for the rulers to maintain control over the more distant regions of their realm. To ensure that the far-flung cities of the empire contributed their expected share of duties and taxes to the government, local magistrates and courts were established. In the courthouse, the ruler's representatives listened to the grievances of the people and defined and enforced the laws that governed social interaction. This reduced crime, and thereby kept the local population productive.

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