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True Colors Brood War: Zerg Mission 5

True Colors Brood War

True Colors is the fifth mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS expansion of 1998, StarCraft: Brood War. Staged on Korhal, True Colors sets the Zerg Swarm against the Sargas Tribe of Raynor's Raiders and the Elite Guard of the Terran Dominion. In addition, True Colors introduces the Lurker unit of the Zerg as well as Duke of the Terran Confederacy in enhanced Battlecruiser and Praetor Fenix of the Protoss in enhanced Dragoon.

In True Colors Hydralisks can morph into Lurkers just as Mutalisks can morph into Guardians.

True Colors Mission Objectives

  • Destroy the enemy bases.
  • Kill Duke.
  • Kill Fenix.

You have six minutes to cause as much damage as possible to the Protoss in the east while building up your base defenses. Get your drones mining. Take a Drone, Zerglings and Hyralisks east to wipe out the Protoss base and take its resources.

However, it can be tricky to hold two bases in the early going.

When the Protoss and Terran attack after six minutes, you need a strong defense to contend with Zealots, Goliaths, Dragoons and Siege Tanks. You won't be able to get Guardians going within six minutes due to the lack of vespene.

Make sure your Hydras and Mutas don't let any Zealots near your burrowed-in Lurkers. Move out to meet the raiding parties while you advance in tech and build up your forces.

I went with Mutalisks and Guardians backed up by Scourges and Overlords: 100% air force. Next time I will try out ground forces or a combo.

You'll find Fenix as Dragoon in the southeast and Duke as Battlecruiser in the southwest: Guardians to take out Fenix, Mutalisks or Scourges for the Duke.

You also need to contend with several Carriers in the southern Protoss stronghold: Scourges.

I made some big mistakes. One, I underestimated the size of the enemy forces. Two, I left some northern bases undefended, which got raided.

The AI always finds the holes in your plans.

The biggest raiding force I had to defeat was 10x Level 2 Dragoons backed up by 1x Level 2 Carrier with 8x Interceptors, but instead of reloading I pressed on and wiped out basically everything on the map (800+ kills).

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