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Fury of the Swarm Brood War: Zerg Mission 6

Fury of the Swarm Brood War

Fury of the Swarm is the sixth mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS expansion of 1998, StarCraft: Brood War. Staged on Tarsonis, Fury of the Swarm sets the Zerg Swarm against the UED Science Corps of the Cronus Wing as well as the Garm and Grendel UED Slave Broods.

Fury of the Swarm Mission Objectives

  • Destroy the Renegade Zerg.
  • Kill all 30 UED Scientists.

You start off with four bases but Zerglings and Hyralisks will overrun all but your central base, which is on an island.

Bring your Overlords back and get some Spore Colonies going to fend off AI Overlord drops on your island. Prioritize Mutalisks and Guardians.

After that, take the north, south and east back. Then head west with swarms of Guardians and Mutalisks, wasting the Terrans.

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