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PRISMATIC SPRAY Neverwinter Nights NWN

Prismatic Spray [NW_IT_SPARSCR706]

  • Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
  • Innate Level: 7
  • School: Evocation
  • Descriptor(s): Special
  • Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
  • Range: Short
  • Area of Effect / Target: Spell Cone
  • Duration: Instant
  • Additional Counter Spells:
  • Save: Special
  • Spell Resistance: Yes

All creatures within the area of effect randomly experience 1 or 2 of the following effects:

  • 20 fire damage
  • 40 acid damage
  • 80 electrical damage
  • Struck with Bebilith Venom poison
  • Paralyzed for 10 rounds
  • Confused for 10 rounds
  • Struck dead

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